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@Tredged dumb girl
@NullPoiиteя Thats so true LOL
I didn't understood the matrix too, I simply deleted after downloading, nor the source code movie which was much hyped but I didn't found that much interesting
@Mr.Alien Say that again and I will kill you.
@Mr.Alien it require higher level of imagination :P
@Tredged Miley Cyrus: From cute Disney girl to wierd, awkward, retarded whore..
Letss add up inception to that list
@YogeshSuthar I second this.
@dragon112 I dissagree, she was the cute disney person.
@Gordon Resident Evil series had pretty bad rating on IMDB too ...
@YogeshSuthar I have some big shot contacts, 1 move and you will be ----
@dragon112 She is weird, awkward but not a whore maybe she's just in a hard time. xd
@Mr.Alien you didn't understand Matrix? leave programming.
@Tredged Or the hard time is in her -_-
@YogeshSuthar Nope...
@Mr.Alien I knows matrix moves, you can't kill me
@YogeshSuthar My contacts knows kung fu
@Mr.Alien try like Despicable Me 2 movies its fun
Imma shoot a bazooka on u lets see if u survive xD
@YogeshSuthar I won't kill you, it's like a slow death
@Mr.Alien I care for plot. Even if it's a dumb torture porn movie (not that I'm a fan of those). I mean, I know it's all about the torture scenes, but if they cannot embed that in a logically cohesive story, then don't do a frigging movie.
Yeee despicable me LOL epic, white down also :P
Quote Jamie Fox "Get the F** of my Jordans"
@NullPoiиteя I wanted to see but I missed it... tickets for the multiplex is quiet high on the weekends, so waiting for an hd print
@Tredged shoot @Mr.Alien
@YogeshSuthar He an alien he probably resurect himself
@Gordon I didn't know those existed !
@Mr.Alien I knows kung fu also.
@NullPoiиteя I think I've seen the first part. Cannot really remember but I think it felt like watching a Egoshooter.
@Gordon yea, the same was with prometheus.. strong concept but they just lost the way with the story.. did you saw that btw?
@YogeshSuthar oh come on, I forgive you, you my friend
Yea lol promotheus ;(
@Mr.Alien downloading ... gonna watch tomorrow my friend told me its cool
@Mr.Alien yeah prometheus is not interesting.
LOL KIJK DIT @dragon112 youtube.com/…
@Mr.Alien no. I didn't. I don't care much about action movies nowadays.
@Mr.Alien watch madrasi movies, that suits you. :P
okay. @JoeWatkins is too slow… Fixed the bug myself (...): github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/pull/143
cartoon/ animated movie are way better then other 80% of movie
@Gordon it was no action, story was like that humans thought that they are built by aliens, and not the god, they found a planet where the aliens resided,, humans made a huge space ship to travel there to ask questions about the univ, they reached there after years, but didn't asked the question, instead it was 1 alien multiple human chaos... and the movie ends
@NullPoiиteя Big fan of animated movies, infact I have so many cartoon series too, old school cartoons
@Mr.Alien it's a ridley scott movie, so it's an action movie by definition ;)
@Tredged Poor father:p
can someone help rename "Pre test"?
@dragon112 Haha :D
@bwoebi why change so much in headers and api functions ?
@iroegbu What happens in pre-test?
@Tredged LOLOL haah
Writing code?
@NullPoiиteя XD
@iroegbu requirements gathering?
@Gordon no, requirements gather is in planning before implementation
@bwoebi, failed tests ... I don't see why you changed so much, revise the patch, change as little as possible, don't worry about compiler warnings and that sort of stuff, don't fix what isn't broken then I'll test and consider merging ...
@DaveRandom sure is, most things are.
@iroegbu well, if it follows from the acceptance test there is either something wrong with the requirements or the implementor failed to understand them.
that is a sub of this
all hail the waterfall
@Gordon lol
@rdlowrey please ping me if you still have problems.
@iroegbu let's just hope you are doing that in iterative and incremental phases and not as one linear approach
No it's not linear, it's incremental. That's why I have the problem of linking the 'user requirements test'
@bwoebi, pthreads got my full attention since september last year, it is an exhausting project to work on, another 6 weeks and I'm back at work and will pick up the pace with pthreads and APCu
The spiral model is a software development process combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts. Also known as the spiral lifecycle model (or spiral development), it is a systems development method (SDM) used in information technology (IT). This model of development combines the features of the prototyping and the waterfall model. The spiral model is intended for large, expensive and complicated projects. History This model was defined by Barry Boehm in his 1986 article "A Spiral Model of Software Dev...
or as an alternative
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an iterative software development process framework created by the Rational Software Corporation, a division of IBM since 2003. RUP is not a single concrete prescriptive process, but rather an adaptable process framework, intended to be tailored by the development organizations and software project teams that will select the elements of the process that are appropriate for their needs. RUP is a specific implementation of the Unified Process. History The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software process product, originally developed by Rational ...
@JoeWatkins "don't worry about compiler warnings" óÒ
@tereško these phases are more or less okay. if you develop a software development lifecycle process, there is certain key areas you want to put effort in. the only problem is when (designing and planning === BUFD) and the process is linear, e.g when start really means project stand and end really means project end.
@NikiC that's what real extreme programming is
well yes, because right now pthreads will compile anywhere php does, you start to mess with things like headers, typedefs and the like and something somewhere obscure might break, darwin, freebsd or one of those that I don't spend all my time in ... windows even ...
@JoeWatkins I don't know what specifically you're talking about, but ignoring compiler warnings is a bad idea
Mainly because ignoring them leads to you not noticing new ones ;)
so, if we are addressing a bug, then don't worry about that sort of thing ... by all means if you are willing to invest the time in making sure you haven't broke compilation anywhere then submit a different patch to address the issue, else do not fix what isn't broken ...
Would the statement be correct if I said that: PHP dev community does not care about any database compatibility with PHP except MySQL, with lots of experimental/buggy drivers for other DBMS
@tereško Can you remind me about that comment trick:
///some trick
comment switch 1
comment switch 2
//some trick
?? Thanks in advance
@Gordon i have nothing against the waterfall as such. The problem usually is that clients ask for waterfall, but when developers start to work, they act as if the process was iterative
@Gordon Thanks a million
@iroegbu we might be able to find a better name if you can tell us what happens in pretest. On a pedantic side note: iterative != incremental.
in living memory, I don't think I have compiled php and been free of warnings, they are sometimes insignificant, fixed by compilation anywhere or simply do not matter, these are the kind of warnings we are talking about, not dangerous ones ...
@JoeWatkins are you a human being or a bot?
@JoeWatkins I know PHP throws warnings, and that's damn annoying
//*  << remove / here
    $foo = 1;
    $foo = 2;
@zerkms a bot
Awesome thx !
Quite often that I spent time trying to figure out why something doesn't work and it turns out that the compiler told me exactly what is wrong, the warning just got lost in the two thousand other warnings
trademe.co.nz/property/residential-property-to-rent/… - just to dilute boring compiler warnings and development practices talks
it can be a problem when compiling several hundred units, but when you are compiling 8 or whatever pthreads is not so much of an issue ... I actually did eradicate all warnings and tidy all headers, took me much time to do it, then was informed I broken compilation on darwin ... ever tried to run an osx vm ?? just trying to save myself the headache ..
in principle you should compile without warnings of course, but, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity ...
@JoeWatkins so, usually I turn discussions into a constructive direction by saying "osx sucks" at this point :)
it soooo does, I love the way it looks, but any time I have to use it, it is infuriating ... and so painfully slow even when installed as a host OS, I think laurence fixed me up for osx and I really don't want to have to go back grovelling asking him to do it again ... it is so very very picky, in completely the wrong way ...
@DaveRandom almost positive, but I could be wrong...
Q: php mysql user login show user exists

user2595470I'm going through a vid tutorial on creating a user reg & login form in php and mysql. The following script should echo 'exists' on the login.php form, however just shows a blank (indicating the user does not exist, when it does and s in fact the only username on the DB) <?php function user...

^-- Another victim of those online tutorials :(
god I hate the lack of support of php for other DBMSystems
@Mr.Alien -1 for mystery tea house, they didn't have any tuscani open baguettes, and their iced tea was just lipton stuff
@Terence PDO !
@HamZa if it werent buggy !
@JoeWatkins there are no additional failed tests
@Gordon Pretest is implementation process. What 'user requirements test' returns to on false is a sub of implementation... a sign-off document.
@JoeWatkins these tests failed also in your last commit
make test passes locally :s
will look
I just checked again, I pass all locally for sure, and am in sync with gh
@Terence it hasn't been buggy for 5 years already
please stop relaying on materials that are aimed at PHP 5.1
@JoeWatkins this is the diff:
001+ NULL
which I had also previously
lol, mssql
and sec let me check on the overflow of admins about that subject
@tereško Funny you should say that. The link for the tutorial you provided the OP is also mysql_, and not mysqli ;) — Fred 1 min ago
I think he's confused about the DB "mysql" and the functions "mysql_"
@JoeWatkins look at travis-ci.org/krakjoe/pthreads/builds/8996551, same test failed
@hakre Poetry is used very loosely in that video xD
@iroegbu then call it implementation?
@JoeWatkins (this is your last version)
@Gordon @hakre is posting porn videos. :)
@Gordon ok, thanks. That's the most correct option.
@YogeshSuthar nah, I think @hakre posted it for @ircmaxell so he can improve his videos
@Gordon it's a must-have tutorial for your online success.
@JoeWatkins I don't have a problem with it… was just too slow for me actually because it was a total blocker.
@hakre yeah, cant wait to see @ircmaxell flash his … err … let's not go there mentally
@HamZa I think that guy is mentally retarded
I will found the gay coders bear club. also toady is naked coding day again.
sitting here in my nice swim pants and I'm ready to jump into the pool
but it's too hot outside!
I'll review it properly later on, in future it would be better if a PR addressed one issue and contained as few changes as possible ....
@hakre you got a pool?
@tereško lol I cant stop laughing
@Gordon not saw previous messages. :)
@JoeWatkins the changes in the headers were necessary
@hakre that reminded me about this stand-up fragment: youtube.com/watch?v=6xxiK6Z4eXs
@Gordon well not me personally alone, but the city I pay some taxes it supports getting it run :)
@hakre frei/hallenbad doesn't count :P
@JoeWatkins it are really just casts and parenthesis added which won't affect the program, just the compilers' stderr output, which were needed to fix some warnings
why does pthreads_store_tostring need PTHREAD ?
@Gordon but it isn't fun alone…
@JoeWatkins to be able to pass it finally to pthreads_store_validate_resource
@bwoebi of course it is. you finally get to swim your laps without people getting into your way
@bwoebi what's wrong with PTHREADS_FETCH_FROM(pzval) ?
@Gordon I don't talk about full hallen- and freibäder.
@bwoebi they are always full
@JoeWatkins aaaaargh.
@Gordon no. depends on when you go there. In middle of school holidays there aren't so many
@JoeWatkins didn't think about this
because there's nothing wrong with this…
@Gordon and don't go there when it's too hot.
Q: unable to access object function

BaigI have the following class, which i am including in a view class FieldOptions { public function FldOptions() { $sql = "SELECT query"; $stmt = parent::query($sql); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { while ($ResultFetch = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { ...

it's a bit intrusive to change signatures and headers is all, it should be avoided not least of all because of compilation in so many places, it's just simpler to keep it simple ... if you could rewrite the patch to conform it would be much better (and clearer, and quicker to review/approve/whatever) ... there's nothing wrong with changing signatures if they require changing, but they do not, so I would rather not ...
incomplete code , but it also receives 3 upvotes. lolzzz
@JoeWatkins I'll rewrite it, didn't know that this exists
@bwoebi, cool cool ...
thnx for patch btw, you put time in, I appreciate it, don't misunderstand :D
user has no idea what parent:: does
@tereško lolzzz it receives +4.
anyone knows a nice looking API for an XHR wrapper ?
@bwoebi it's always full here and you don't get to swim the 50m lane because it's reserved for teaching. maybe I should ask how much it costs to rent a lane for an hour.
@Gordon then you're certainly in the wrong country :-D
Guys, I'd like to delete this Q: stackoverflow.com/questions/17695490/…
Mainly because I don't like the answer
That guy just doesn't want to shut the fuck up and remove the b/(binary) stuff
@tereško promises/a
huh ?
@NikiC aaaargh… PHP6 … don't delete the post, delete the guy :o
Good morning
Morning :)
@NikiC Am I at least right what I commented around there?
@bwoebi I was too lazy to read it all
@ircmaxell @hakre wants you to draw blank in your next video so you can be more famous
But if you said that it's needed for other encodings, then that was wrong
@Gordon yeah, no...
@ircmaxell I never said that :)
best material for the chair on a hot naked coding day is leather.
@NikiC I don't say that it's needed, I just say with utf-8 it works. Don't know how it's with other encodings
@hakre did you get sidetracked by the middle of that sentence ?
@DaveRandom when's your b-day?
@hakre i've googled that. it's not a thing. so stop pretending it is.
@Gordon Pretending what?
@igorw i was aiming for something along the lines of this: github.com/Raynos/xhr
@hakre pretending that there is a naked coding day
@Gordon How is that not just every day?
@Gordon Well actually I once announced it last year or so, however, it's always when I feel like so. To be honest, the concept is not very popular in offices.
@JoeWatkins no, doesn't work.
@JoeWatkins the pzval on which I'm working isn't yet usable. So when I use PTHREADS_FETCH_FROM on it, it'll segfault
@Gordon You nave a naked coding day?
@hakre O*ri*ffice
@hakre I don't like the prospect of seeing my colleagues naked..
I hate doing things like this, but
@EliasVanOotegem: Nikic is a core contributor to the language and I think know what he's talking about here (ps: I'm also a contributor and I agree with him 100%). — ircmaxell 17 secs ago
@ircmaxell But, you're having a naked coding day? Oh.
@hakre if you don't do a website for it, it will never become a thing.
@Gordon well, just turns out I didn't invent it either. This is 6 years old or so: macromedia.dreamweaver.narkive.com/ExksQejo/…
@ircmaxell It's like recently on the internals that a long time core contributor like Stas must be right (don't remember it exactly)…?
but a website is perhaps a little bit over the top. everybody should code the way he/she prefers and feels comfortable.
Yeah, don't put naked coding day into google images at work (meant google, but wrong auto-link)
@Ocramius Nov, why?
You know what to take away from this kids. Contribute to core, and ircmaxell has got your back.
@hakre no no. that's CSS Naked Day. It's when you deliver your website without the stylesheet. that is somewhat of a thing. not the same as Coding Naked.
@DaveRandom I'm just being kind and adding some more jQuery =D
@DaveRandom He is sending you a HUGE cake for your birthday
> I'm with MadDog - let's have Naked Coding Day.
@hakre That could end badly, since I'm already at work, and they're not expecting it
haha @Jimbo :-P
@Leigh :D
What if I __declspec(naked) and then __asm my own prologue and epilogue - does that count as naked coding?
@Leigh If you use jQuery, it's even dirtier
@Leigh Well if that avatar of yours is actually a picture of you they won't be surprised about you being naked :)
@ircmaxell It's funny, because "Not Constructive" as a reason to close a question doesn't exist anymore. Therefore, it's already obsolete and it's not even out yet.
@ircmaxell basically an indian co-working space?
/me should probably take that back
@Ocramius Too late - instastar! :P
@Ocramius Too late for that
Cya tomorrow guys, have a nice day :)
@NikiC he fixed it
@ircmaxell cool
no need to delete it then after all ^^
'\0' !== '"\0"' ummm...
the last mail to php-dev is... disturbing
@ircmaxell the latter is probably meant to be "\0"
I know, but still :-P
@Ocramius letter decrementing?
@ircmaxell yes
What language allows that? It's understandable to increment a char, but what he described seems really borked
We support incrementing strings? So why not the reverse?
@NikiC and deleted all his comments…
@ircmaxell nono, I'm talking about the last bit
returning null before a
basically means there's something borked in what he's thinking of that thing
@Ocramius Decrements and increments on "odder" types in PHP is totally fucked up
E.g. null++ == 1, but null-- == null
So nothing new here, really
@NikiC woah
@NikiC yeah, we're all dreaming of a quirk-less PHP…
no language is completely quirk-free...
eih, I meant a PHP with less quirks, not quirk-less, sorry
@Gordon wth O_o
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@Ocramius pfuoooaaaaahhhhhh :D
@ircmaxell i guess this person does not really know what "not constructive" means
Hey, anyone familiar with videostreaming servers? Need help, please invite me to private chatroom
@tereško My prediction: it'll launch and be useful for about 3 to 4 weeks... And then it'll drown in its own trolldom
i give it 4 days , max
@tereško lol
@tereško This can be arranged :D
it doesn't have to , believe me
@tereško I think the mods will be able to stay on top of it for a little while...
@ircmaxell .. which is why i discarded "24 hours, max" as a realistic scenario
Anyone had any experience with: SQLSTATE[IM002] SQLDriverConnect: 0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified

Funny thing is on my WAMP it works, but not on my LAMP.
I wonder how the speeds are nowadays @ NASA.
Some time ago:
Not my speeds, just wanted to throw then up there to say STFU >:P (in a nice way)
WTF @ Drexel Univ
@NiekBergman No idea where that is?
ehh ...
at least my ping is ok
Holy crap ^ 0ms
That's basically, instantaneous
I think that should say <1ms and not 0ms ;-)
also , this is kinda slow since I'm only in the top 20% group
Internet connection at work, really awesome -_-
in Python, 4 mins ago, by ThiefMaster
user image
well ... that's an interesting ISP
At home I have 150/15 most of the time :p
@tereško He works @ CERN
Mine is actually awesome - I beat all yours (wait, we are going for the lowest number right?)
@ircmaxell where are you in NYC?
@Jimbo when someone whats you to send a file , you have to ask "where should i mail you the CD"
@tereško CD? You mean the tape :P
@Jimbo Yep, lowest wins.
Let me put a few torrents on then run it...
@Jimbo does not matter. You won't beat mine anyway. :D
Apparently, it's possible to fake them (while the fake results still will get served from speedtest.net).
@NiekBergman how the?
I don't know how, someone found a way.
Meh, this should be a company synchronous 100Mbps
@cheesemacfly I work in Times Square... And live in Jersey City
@cheesemacfly everyone who is anyone is in NYC :-)
@Jimbo I got you beat on lowest :p
Anyone wanna go for Kosher lunch in NYC today? :-D
@ircmaxell I work downtown and we don't have that speed!
@Neal Where are you in NYC? :)
@cheesemacfly I have a direct pipe to the DC... :-P
@cheesemacfly 55th and madison.
Well that's a bit far for a lunch!
@cheesemacfly haha Where are you? Downtown?
@ircmaxell That's cheating!
yep next to the chase building
(close to wall street)
@cheesemacfly and I am next to the Sony building :-)
What you guys listen to when you're doing some very boring coding?
@cheesemacfly baaah. it is not thaaat far
@Ivan0x32 CAKE on Pandora
@Neal With the heat outside, no way I take the subway more than 2 times a day!
@Neal you're right. He could be in London...
@ircmaxell haha
@cheesemacfly Stupid heat wave.... Take the R train? :-P
or i think u can also take the 6 :-P
@Neal how long is your lunch break? Can't really be out more than 1hour
@igorw Sorry for the insomnia-induced composer freakout this morning. I'm calm now after sleeping for a couple of hours. I'll try again later today and see if I can't solve the problem without bothering you. It may be a packagist issue more than a composer thing, but I can't really parse the difference between the two.
@cheesemacfly haha. We do not really have a "lunch break" We mostly order from seamless and eat by our desks lol
@ircmaxell that would be far for a lunch :D
@cheesemacfly I've done Amsterdam for lunch before...
@Neal ah! so you don't have to get in the heat!
@cheesemacfly haha not usually. Just a hermit in the office lol
@ircmaxell you mean the one in Europe?? :)
@cheesemacfly Do you know any other Amsterdam?
I know New York used to be called New Amsterdam.. :p
@dragon112 There's a city called Amsterdam in NY state! No kidding :)
You stole our city, give it back! :o
@cheesemacfly There's one in California, Missouri, Ohio, Texas and Virginia too :P
Thieves :<
@cspray I guess they ran out of name... :D
Well we have raamprostitutie..
In our Amsterdam
debug_backtrace is really a slow function :o
at least my code is about 10 times slower with a debug_backtrace() on every tick (register_tick_function)
I'm off, goodbye
Hello everyone
@dragon112 bye!
How do I see where I am leaking memory in PHP (example: make an array bigger and bigger and never reduce it)?

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