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@MadaraUchiha lol @webarto pedophant
Shut up tanfag.
something.com/videogallery,page,members,edit is accesed for a file members_area_account_videogallery.tpl.php , what should i name a file and url i am creating as members_area_account_comments.tpl.php
Are the docbook sources only available via svn???
If so that really sucks balls
@DaveRandom Yes Sir. @salathe maybe set up something git-a-like.
Hehehehe pedophant is the funniest most insensitive thing I've heard all day. I'm offended by the programming boys-club atmosphere of this chat.
@DaveRandom I have a git mirror, github.com/salathe/phpdoc-en
14 mins ago, by webarto
user image
it's phpant
that's a nice hip tat.
@salathe Winner. I totally cba setting up svn on my server and I just generally hate it anyway.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)//(.*)$
RewriteRule . %1/%2 [R=301,L]

RewriteRule ^(.*),(.*)$ $2.php?rewrite_params=$1&page_url=$2

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode.*(.*) [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (<|%3C).*script.*(>|%3E) [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]
#RewriteRule .*\.()$ - [F,NC]
what does this say
@Divyanshunegi strange mumbo-jumbo, what language is that?
php pages with htaccess rewrite rule
btw: Joomla SUX
@Divyanshunegi If that's all what you have, I think it may be useless ...
@kaᵠ hey hey, they upgraded from 2.5 to 3 which should support ajax !
no there is lot more , but i need to understand how this rule affects this URL http://www.the-gamefowl-community.com/photogallery,page,editinfo,section,members_area
what actually is this URL ?
@Divyanshunegi Holy crap, where did that abomination come from?
I'm tempted to star that as warning to others
its from one old frnd who needs help in arranging files properly , these were his early days of development
does it really affect it ?
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L] <-- this means match anything and rewrite to index.php, with the L flag, this means that if the rule matches, no further rules will be processed. Since it will always match then what comes after would never be considered
#RewriteRule .*\.()$ - [F,NC] <--- this one is commented out and REALY DOES NOT MAKE SENSE if used
wtf the more I read it the worse it gets
@DaveRandom hahahahhaha
I particularly like the interesting approach to patching register_globals instead of just turning it off
and the base64 business suggests someone was/is evaling user input
RewriteRule ^(.*),(.*)$ $2.php?rewrite_params=$1&page_url=$2 does this affects the URL ?
what really it do ? and how it changes this --> xyz.com/videogallery,page,editinfo,section,members_area
anybody aware of a way of disabling an extension via a flag?
like php -d some-flag=Off ?
this is really some poor regex, drop it here regex101.com and you'll see what it matches ...
Also it seems you don't have the slightest basics of regex, go learn it first and then try to help your friend
@Divyanshunegi The whole comma separated URL business is very wrong. But what that (probably) does is convert that ^^ to xyz.com/members_area.php?rewrite_params=videogallery,page,editinfo,section&page_‌​url=members_area
There's another odd little work around, instead of just using lazy quantifiers you put the leading identifier at the end of the string?? wtf
I have nothing to do with this htaccess file , i want to run a file in that server which does not allow a file to run direclty so i need help for that , i dont want to change anything at all
a php file simple comment.php
Any regex lovers think they may be able to help me with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/17581177/… please.
Found it... php -n does the trick
@Fabien Why can't you just use parse_url? :|
echo "PHP version ".phpversion()."\n";
$running5_5 = version_compare(phpversion(), '5.5.0', '>=');

> PHP version 5.5.0-dev
> $running5_5 = false
//Note that pre-release versions, such as 5.3.0-dev, are considered lower than their final release counterparts (like 5.3.0).

What's the correct way to test for >= 5.5.0-dev ?
@Ocramius That's not a great solution, that just disables everything not enabled by default, and you can't disable stuff that is enabled by default that way
@DaveRandom yeah, but xdebug is not enabled by default :) So eventually I could just use a different php.ini in case some extensions are needed ;)
@Divyanshunegi Nothing in that htaccess should prevent you from accessing a file called comment.php directly
Night all
@DaveRandom to give some context, I'm just running some performance benchmarks in travis (relative between each other) and I forgot to disable XDebug
/me facepalms hard
(?:(?P<subdomain>[\w\.]+)\.)?" .
(?:(?P<subdomain>[\w\.-]+)\.)?" .
im off ....
@Danack Presumably >= 5.5.0-dev?
@Ocramius hmmm... seems like there should be a better solution, but I can't find one
@NikiC ah - yep. thanks.
@DaveRandom works for travis... integration and unit tests would still run through the normal php.ini, so I'm kinda ok
I guess you could use a proxy shell script and some ugly sed/awk action
@DaveRandom my SH sucks, better not do that at all :D
My SH isn't bad but both sed and awk are a bit too satanic ritual-ish for me
yeah, not to mention that I'd rely on what the travis guys are doing
which is not really forseeable
@PeeHaa It needs to be more intelligent to detect subdomains and domains and remove the query strings. Only if subdomains exist
I need them seperated
hello everyone
I need a little help on ajax
can any one help please??
Public Service Announcement: you really need to run your websocket apps on port 443 with a TLS-encrypted connection or there are a ton of proxies that will F--- them up by doing stupid things like removing the Upgrade: websocket header from requests.
@rdlowrey why would a proxy do that? O_o
I mean... what rationale is behind that?
Well, the Upgrade header could conceivably be used to run all sorts of potentially unsafe TCP applications over trusted ports. So you'll see a lot of university and corporate proxies zapping that.
And the websocket spec requires that the request contain an Upgrade: websocket header or the server is supposed to fail the websocket connect attempt.
I just encountered this exact problem in the wild from a user behind a university proxy.
But proxies really ought to be smarter than this and at least check to see if the header value is Upgrade: websocket or something.
And the argument that "oh websockets could use lots of bandwidth" is stupid. For equivalent use-cases ws:// would use data at a fraction of XHR rates. There's really not a good reason for proxies to prevent websocket connections.
It's most likely just old proxy software.
who the fuck aliased to ?
@rdlowrey what effect does using ssl have in terms of speed?
in the case of web sockets?
i guess it was the same retard who thought that aliasing to was a brilliant idea
posted on July 10, 2013 by Christian Weiske

Some of us at work spent the last two months of our 20% open source time to build a solution for selective content delivery in TYPO3: Contexts. The three extensions let you play out different content on your TYPO3 website depending on several factors: Device type (tablet, phone, TV, ...) Device brand and browser Screen size Location: cont

@Ocramius I've just been exploring the PHP source and there's definitely no way to do it from the command line. Which kind of sucks tbh. The only way would be to manipulate php.ini
@DaveRandom was not really necessary, but thanks for the effort =D
@Ocramius I know, you got me interested :-P
Seems like a missing feature, I found quite a few people wanting either that or to be able to disable extensions with secondary ini files
Maybe extension=!ext_name.so
@rdlowrey I was gonna say, it's more likely just a dumb proxy that nukes headers it doesn't understand
what about adding a "fake" proxy header?
You can't really do that, by the time the server gets the request the header is gone and you don't know if it was there in the first place. You risk treating every incoming HTTP request as a websocket connection attempt
And the spec is very clear that you can't upgrade to a websocket connection if that header is missing/incorrect.
ohh well, just a thought
It's just old/crap infrastructure. You can prevent that nonsense by using encryption.
encryption should be almost always mandatory anyway
Not sure about that
I mean, sometimes you just don't need the expense, computational and financial
interesting, why not?
Well I don't necessarily want to fork out a shed load of money for a cert from a trusted CA when my app is small
But I do want my websocket powered stuff to work without cert errors
And, more encryption = more computation = more resources = more cost.
anyway, cleartext is bad
@DaveRandom i was more philosophical about it than applying it in the real world today
> Your server is running PHP version 4.4.9 but WordPress 3.3.1 requires at least 5.2.4.
holy cow!
i'm kinda tempted to vote "approve"
@hakre my condolences
@HamZa not my site :) was just surfing.
haha ok
4.4.9 ? why such a higher version? :P
@hakre woah, wordpress supports PHP 5?
> MS telling us that MIME format is not supported by Office365.
that can be right
That guy clearly has no f*cking clue. I mean, is it even possible to send attachments without using a MIME multipart?
@DaveRandom OLE embed in the body? :P
i'm tempted to refer him to MS customer support for this...
@hakre Sounds a bit too futuristic for me.
why does the tag: even exist on SO ? looks like SU material maybe
> We did not adequately specify how to handle a future MIME version, so if you write something that knows 1.0, what should you do if you encounter 2.0 or 1.1? I sort of thought it was obvious but it turned out everyone implemented that in different ways. And the result is that it would be just about impossible for the Internet to ever define a 2.0 or a 1.1. - Nathaniel Borenstein on the MIME-Version: header
And people wonder why the internet doesn't work properly
@DaveRandom very futuristic it's so oldskool but there is some unicode character for that.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand good night :)
Q: Potential Merge of WebForms to asp.net-webforms

davidsleepsI'm not really sure being an ASP.NET developer, but do non ASP.NET developers (or ASP.NET developers working on other things) use the tag webforms when not talking about ASP.NET web forms? e.g. do PHP developers call their web application pages (or pages with forms) WebForms? I only ask as when ...

That is who, @tereško
you do not look like a moderator
gn8 folks. and thanks for all the horses.
@tereško I am, actually
Hiroto ♦, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
271 12
hmm ... i don't think the rights propagate throughout the stackexchange
@kaᵠ "encryption should be almost always mandatory anyway" you've obviously never had to use a network that has a high packet loss rate. SSL + more than a few percent packet loss = crying. Each lost packet completely halts all transfers on that SSL connection until the packet is retried.
But I agree it should be on for default, and allow people to opt out.
@tereško I did a meta search for that, but I have access to a chatroom for mods
@Danack i actually did, but we're in the 3rd millennia now...
Australia isn't yet.
For anyone who cares ... the offending websocket-header-blaster was Cisco IronPort WSA
Packets to the UK sometimes get routing through the middle-east where apparently pirates take them.
:( give it time
Also, WTF:
> This signature detects the initialization of the WebSocket protocol which may be an indication of an attack.
Oh sure, let's just block the whole websocket protocol.
@rdlowrey talk to Cisco then?
@kaᵠ I'm sure it's a configurable setting and not something that's hard-boiled into the hardware.
@Danack Stack Exchange is well on it's way to SSL, too, last I checked :)
Encryption should be the default, always.
@rdlowrey lulz
Yeah ... giant companies like Cisco make tons of money selling "security" solutions to other big companies. And by "security" they actually mean hacking/crippling the relevant protocols.
"allow_url_fopen" does anyone actually have this enabled on a production server?
I sure hope not :)
lol if you filter twitter streams on ruby you get a metric ass-ton of people talking about the restaurant Ruby Tuesday

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