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@LeviMorrison I still like our current manual best. But if I had to pick between B and C, I'd definitely pick C. It's closer to what we have now and feels more like evolution than redesign. It also looks much more coherent to me. B looks, uhh, fidgety to me. Plus, I cannot stand the logo on a white background.
@LeviMorrison C
The logo on the beta site has long been a sore spot.
I'm not sure what font they used for the logo, either, but it isn't Handel Gothic.
@LeviMorrison yeah, you said so
@LeviMorrison doesn't @salathe know?
That's not such a bad thing, but it makes it hard to know how to recreate it. I have no idea what font it is.
@Gordon He might. I'm not sure who did that bit of work. It's been something like 8 years in the works, after all.
@LeviMorrison googling yielded blog.roshambo.org/a-brief-history-of-php-logos which suggests Colin Viebrock as the creator
Yeah, but the one on the beta site doesn't match.
@LeviMorrison but you could ask Colin whether he remembers which font he used
@LeviMorrison C for me. I like having the breadcrumbs.
@Gordon Yeah, as I made changes from B to C I tried to keep all that was good from A (that I could discern, anyway)
I still need to find a home for previous/next
I'm surprised at how many people use those, because I don't use them at all. Ever. I didn't even realize they were missing.
@LeviMorrison C is actually the first version of the beta that I wouldn't mind having.
Thanks. I've worked hard on it.
@LeviMorrison Why do we need them?
It's in the top 10 of feedback items.
I mean, it's not like people read the manual like a book - if they did, then there would be no need for the tag
Some things are related, though, such as reading the tutorial
(which is garbage, but there are other similar articles)
@LeviMorrison Those belong as links into the head section - it's a meta-element. I would pick those at least.
@NikiC when exploring extensions I don't know I sometimes do use them. They are also quite useful when browsing the OOP section.
@LeviMorrison Anyway, I like C. Only the search field looks a bit odd
@NikiC At least it's there again :)
btw, I found the search to be really shitty recently
@LeviMorrison I like C as well. I have never once clicked the previous/next buttons and was wholly unaware of their disappearance.
@NikiC you are a core developer. You are supposed to like C :P
@NikiC same.
I personally care only about the function results, but recently I get everythin but that.
@Gordon :P
even worse, it jumps around
I first get the functions I want and then it puts the shitty google results in 15 different langauges above it
I typically get the result I want, but the language thing is annoying.
Y'all bunch of noobs.
It seems we do need to check for an exact function match though. The current php.net site does this; I wonder why it's missing on beta?
Handel Gothic.ttf
Just ask your buddy @webarto.
It is Handel Gothic damnit.
No, the one on beta is NOT Handel Gothic.
Perhaps it was, but it's not anymore.
Oh :\
@LeviMorrison But your buddy @webarto says it is, so it must be true!
I am buggy buddy :D
Yes, @webarto is very buggy ^^
Corn thief!
@rdlowrey LOL
Maybe it's custom font and stuff.
oh wait, so the problem is not that the we do not know the original font used but just that the logo in the beta is not using the original font which seems to be Handel Gothic?
It's 90% handel IMHO.
@Gordon Correct.
@LeviMorrison eih, I completely misunderstood you then
@webarto If you pulled that from my latest stuff then that's not what's there. Go pull it from prototype.php.net
I'm not saying it is, but it is :P
a bit distorted...
way too much php in here
@webarto Which is why I attempted to remake it and clean it up.
Yup, yup, make sure it's Retina Ready :P
Bleh, it's not
And I think it looks good enough on my retina display :)
I have no clue what's retina display :P
@ircmaxell That's what I mean, guaranteed rep (from you :D)
@webarto retina display is what apple considers a decent display and what pales in comparison to the display of my nexus 10 ;)
@Gordon We euro boys, we don't like them Apfels! :P
anyone here got photoshop? I'd like to see how PHP would look on niccey.deviantart.com/art/Glossy-Icon-template-part-I-91793432 but I only got GIMP and it has problems with that psd. The hue likely needs to be adjusted to the PHPurple
Some announced screens have higher DPI than the retina and supposedly it looks better than the Retina, despite Apple's "research" at how the human eye can't perceive any differences in higher DPI.
> That feel when doctrine2 doesn't allow a 1:1 when your FK is also your PK :(
@Incognito this?
@Gordon If I wanted to improve my NF rank on the schema, sure.
Kind of, sort of.
@webarto hmm. not bad but not convincing either. thanks for doing it though.
I'm sure I had better glossy icons somewhere.
maybe it also needs some sort of elephpant somehow incorporated
@NikiC nice
@webarto Less gloss and we could use it for a favicon
@MadaraUchiha :-P
@LeviMorrison oh one of the best news eva.
aaaaaaand repcap!
still way to go though: rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes only on 78 days
@Gordon rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 50 days
it seems like there are more users active today
earned at least 200 reputation on 59 days
I just saw two bad questions get -10 :P
it happens
@ircmaxell earned at least 200 reputation on 111 days
it takes too long :P
there's nothing wrong doing include 'somefile.html'; ?
or should it be .php (there would be php inside)
It depends on what type of file you want to include.
It does not matter. As long as you are calling include() from inside a .php file
OK, PHPStorm is back on my IDEs to not recommend list
would be cool if you could do a groupby months in a sql query with a timestamp column
instead of >2013-06-01 AND ?<2013-07-01
@cx You can do that.
:o (mysql I should precise)
> keep in mind that this is a viral marketing script so i know once it's fixed it will be of use to alot of people thanks for all the help. Much aprech
@cx SELECT CONCAT(MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(last_active)), YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(last_active))) month FROM users GROUP BY month ?
let me try that :)
@ircmaxell Why so?
In the grand tradition of PHP awesomeness it rarely gets much cooler than using my asynchronous http client (written in PHP) inside my non-blocking websocket server (written in PHP) to stream live tweets in and push them out via websockets :)
websocketing in the server
@rdlowrey What's missing is "Oh, and did I mention that all this runs on a PHP operating system?" :)
@NikiC I thought you were in charge of the OS branch in the repo? I must've been confused.
When did @phpstorm start adding .idea folders in projects? This is NOT cool. Please stop littering my folders with metadata...
I strongly recommend any tool that forces you to litter your project folders with metadata for something local
@ircmaxell Since always, approximately :)
@ircmaxell They've always done this. I just add it to .gitignore and that way it only litters local copies.
@dannykopping @phpstorm Shows how much I use it ;-)
@LeviMorrison which is ignoring the problem...
@LeviMorrison Things like that are why I can't deal with IDEs
use Sublime =P
I can't even start Zend Studio correctly.
@ircmaxell Only if you consider it a problem, I don't.
@ircmaxell It's ignored (mostly) by my OS and git and PhpStorm -- that's almost like it doesn't exist.
I don't consider that a problem, personally.
@LeviMorrison Or even better, put it in the global ignores :)
But I can understand why you don't want an IDE putting things in your project folders.
> All the settings files in the .idea directory should be put under version control except the workspace.xml, which stores your local preferences. The workspace.xml file should be marked as ignored by VCS.
@ircmaxell @DanDoesCode @jetbrains For that reason e.g. workspace.xml is excluded by default when configure and work with VCS in PhpStorm
@ircmaxell I suppose if you had everyone on your project working on it, then maybe commit it. But yeah, bad advice.
@mikhail_vink @DanDoesCode @jetbrains Example: what if I want to rollback to an earlier revision for debugging? Now project settings change?
so, do you guys don't git add files manually? just use git add --all instead?
I do add them manually
my working directory is usually littered with lots of files I don't want to commit, so whether there is an additional .idea folder I don't really mind
I don't want there to be a folder there I don't need
but I guess many people prefer git add --all, in which case it's probably annoying
When working with the PHP website, you have to be very careful what you add, even manually.
I think PHPstorm automatically adds any metadata file it creates to the ignore list. I've never had to ignore them manually.
@Danack For the project, yes, but not the version control.
@LeviMorrison That's why I always do a cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa . && git add id_rsa when I start a new project!
@NikiC nice!
Q: Automatic mapping from schema to code, database and GUI

qbleThere are different systems (for different environments, languages) which helps to map schema to data structures in code, in databases, and do automatic glue code between them - ORM, etc. Is there any common name/abbreviation (like ORM) for systems that in addition do mapping to user interface (...

@Danack here is a part of the prob that i was facing last night math.stackexchange.com/questions/440283/…
@NokImchen http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=10488303#10488303
Having a table with 1000 columns is *really bad*.
@Danack yes, it is! But that the best solution i've found for easy combination :|
I ate corpus delicti!
@Danack Actually, i've a table with "raw" data of just 3 colums and millions of rows. From that "raw" table, i've created the table with 100 column (which is indeed a bad idea, but that works the fastest so far)
i have a page if ( !defined('INCLUDED') ) { die("Access Denied"); } this is the starting line and it always says Access denied , from where should i bring this INCLUDED ? the URl of other files are like something.com/videogallery,page,editinfo,section,members_area
they work nice but when i run a normal php file it says access denied ?
can anyine guide me or help me here ?
proably no, but is SQL capable to select an aggregation
ex:  time            profit
       2013-06-02    23
       2013-06-21    -6
       2013-07-01    11

select time, AGGR(profit) from table order by time
       2013-06-02    23
       2013-06-21    17
       2013-07-01    28
@Divyanshunegi It should be a constant defined in the including file.
select date(time), sum(profit) from table group by date(time)
const INCLUDED = true;
include "included.only.php";
However, if you don't want people to access the file, the best way is to remove it from the public web directory (usually www or htdocs)
@bizzehdee simply :)) k
but it does not include any file ? the first line of the php file is if ( !defined('INCLUDED') ) { die("Access Denied"); }
i think url brings the INCLUDED , but it is never recieved by file
@Divyanshunegi !defined('INCLUDED') checks whether or not there's a constant named "INCLUDED" which was defined or not. See defined().
@DaveRandom I propose a way to have something linkified without code ing it.
yeah i learned about defined , but from where is this INCLUDED coming ?
@Divyanshunegi It's defined in the file that's supposed to be including this file.
The point of this is to make sure no one directly accesses the file.
So if the constant doesn't exist, it means that the file wasn't included, but accessed directly.
ok , great that solves my ONE pain , another is , i have no idea what is the mod_rewrite of the filesystem , but i have to make a URL , i have a php file but it cant run as i am accessing it direct , now how can i know from where is this file running these things ?
Evening ya all
urlrewrites stuff is a pita is most frameworks
and our survey says... people are stupid: independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/…
@Divyanshunegi Wha?
Could you please explain, from the top, what do you have? What do you want? And what's not working?
Aaaaaaaaand another night goes down the toilet :(
gooooood morning
if (ie4||ns6) {} else if (ns4) { } wow your life sucks — PeeHaa 19 secs ago
hey guys quick question. Can anyone tell me why this is wrong?
'label' => 'Text Input',
'desc' => 'A description for the field.'. $prefixx
@alexdmejias Does a syntax error count?
im getting a syntax error on the line with $prefix
yes it does count, except for the part where I didn't close the array
which syntax err?
"syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ')' in"
I don't understand why it will not let me concatenate a string and a var. as the value of an array
@alexdmejias What do the previous lines do?
What does the full array declaration look like?
What about learning what you are putting up in production instead if copy patsaing something you found somewhere? Do you also put everything you found on the street in your mouth? — PeeHaa 1 min ago
public $custom_meta_fields = array(
'label' => 'Text Input',
'desc' => 'A description for the field.'. $prefix .'',
'id' => $wasd.'text',
'type' => 'text'
'label' => 'Textarea',
'desc' => 'A description for the field.',
// 'id' => $prefix.'textarea',
'type' => 'textarea'
Please remove my name and press ctrl+k :)
Press ctrl+k harder
? I did
No you need to do it harder
push it like you mean it
I did...? Also pressed 'b' for broken and nothing happened
Did you also press b hard?
@alexdmejias property initializer must be a static scalar
@alexdmejias In other words: Put that in the constructor. Using a variable like $prefix in a property declaration makes no sense
@NikiC put what exactly? make the constructor return the array with the concatenation ?
@alexdmejias no to initialize the class member
A constructor does not simply return data
I was going to link to PHP OOP @ php.net, but then I realized it sucks
@PeeHaa any other solid OOP PHP resource or guide?
@alexdmejias Don't think there is that much "solid" stuff about OOP in PHP specific. Let me check php the roight waqy
nope nothing there
Either way what @NikiC said was basically to do something like:
class Foo
    private $custom_meta_fields;

    public function()
        $custom_meta_fields = array(array('your shit here'))
@PeeHaa Can't be that we don't have good OO docs or tutorials
Wait, maybe that's why everybody is writing bad OO class-using code?
I don't think OOP can really be distilled down to a couple of manual pages ...
It's something that's learned through constant application.
Trying. Failing. Refactoring. Repeating.
@rdlowrey True. However that is no reason to put this on php.net
Also, I wish to point out that I've been even more unproductive than normal in the last two days :/
At least don't label the pages oop
@alexdmejias i usually point people to this list : stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/727208
the materials that are there explains different aspects of object oriented paradigm
i feel OOP as a practice should be learned apart from any specific language.
@PeeHaa When PHP developers say OOP what they really mean is "code using -> and ::" :)
@tereško: thanks this seems like a great resource
Especially ::. They don't just look cool, but it is super useful when trying to access shit from fucking everywhere :D
Also... WTF do people keep using print_r
@PeeHaa then 5 comes along, and it's all like "that ain't a static function, why you call it statically?"
@PeeHaa because when you do not have xdebug, the print_r output is easier to follow then var_dump
@tereško Wat!?!?! I don't think print_r is easier to follow.
However array() is also fucking unreadable imho :P
first world problems
well .. we all know that we should be using proper tools for debugging
var_dump ftw
and most of us dont
@tereško what would you consider a proper tool?
we use error_log() and var_dump() and echo 1 and print_r() .. instead of debugging directly with something like XDebug using breakpoints
@Gordon Handel Gothic
@LeviMorrison ^^
@salathe See discussion below that post :P
@tereško i've never had a need for breakpoints in php, stack-trace yes, but no breaks
Someone just gave the feedback on PHP.net:
Well it worked @PeeHaa. Thank you and everyone else
> Needs more Gogos
Anyone know that they are trying to say?
Or should I mark as spam / delete?
They are saying that the dope is shit.
@webarto yeah I read that
@LeviMorrison google.com/…
the PHP needs a white border
@webarto hmm, maybe a bit more stroke and how about a white border around the edges of the icon?
@madara are you available ?
@Divyanshunegi I'm here
What is it?
Stroke, it's called.
@webarto I'm thinking more of an outer glow
Something really subtle, less than that stroke.
White, maybe 50% opacity?
Ok my problem , is
1) Cpanel is not showing the .htaccess files and yet it shows them in search on the filesystem , what could be the reason ?
Never used CPanel, so can't really help you with that.
@Divyanshunegi permissions on file?
Maybe someone else can
@webarto Without the sniper scope? :P
i have logined as a admin
But I like it. Reduce the radius a bit, maybe up the opacity up to 60?
it shows them in searching the cpanel but does not actually in the system
This why I like code, it works or it doesn't.
@Divyanshunegi wait... which one is it?
@webarto YES YES YES!
@webarto can you try to fit lolokai.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/elephpant.png into the background somehow. maybe with some blending?
@Divyanshunegi so cpanel says they are there, but they aren't in the file system? - OR - cpanel say's they aren't there, but you can see them in terminal?
in search it says public_html/.htaccess and public_html/.htaccess.invalid
they are not there but search result shows them
@MadaraUchiha If something is suffixed with () (i.e. function calls) then linkifier will pick it up. But you don't want to check every word because that would be very inefficient, besides which you don't want every valid keyword to be linkified. Think how often you say "for" in normal conversation. Or "while". Or "each"... etc etc
^^ I didn't codify that
@DaveRandom What about !while! (And have the linkifier kill the !)?
@Divyanshunegi can you see what it says the contents of .htaccess are
nothing just the result
@MadaraUchiha you might as well just codify it, it's the same amount of typing
i think its hidden
Unless there's some other reason I'm missing
is there a way to look inside a hidden htaccess
Well, I can do coded while, but it's awkward for stuff like constant
how so?
You know, stuff that has a manual entry, but are not exactly keywords that are worth getting coded
if it's proceded with a dot , ie ".htaccess" it will be hidden in some file systems -- what are you using to check if it's there?
Meh, maybe I'm a little pedantic over this
WTF does this mean? Is it good news or just some random ping to fuck with me???? code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=137692#c106
I'll mull it over, I want to try and improve the resolution mechanism to use a server-side index instead of relying on the search, since it's such a moving target at the moment and it doesn't necessarily work for everything you want it to
i am simply searching it in cpanel search and it shows the result
i am searching ".htaccess"
@Divyanshunegi and what leads you to believe it's not actually there?
i cant see them in the directory
@Divyanshunegi you can't see them in the directory when you're looking in the directory with what?
circusdei :p nice , this is also a great way to have fun :D
@DaveRandom Let me know how it goes.
I'm not good enough at JS at the moment to really help you with the linkifier itself.
But the server side? Can do.
@Divyanshunegi i'm gonna take a wild stab since it's so much "fun" ... try:
@Divyanshunegi ls -la
what and why ?
@webarto Ummmmmm
@webarto hmm. not that bad
@Divyanshunegi again ... what are you using to browse the directory?
but lacks bling now
i found it , it was the hidden htaccess and i unhide them from the panel :p
so thank you guys for your helping hands
php shouldn't be there
see ruby, see mysql
@webarto thought the elephant was Hadoop
@MadaraUchiha tbh the linkifier itself is pretty simple in the way it works, it just uses a few dirty tricks to make Chrome give it the info it wants. There's not lot do to implement any of the stuff mentioned above, the hard work is already done and doesn't need to change. Minor syntax changes/additions and changing the resolution source are a few minutes work. The server side is the complex part, it needs a crawler for the docbook sauces really I think
@webarto That makes me think about postgres :|
@circusdei only if it's yellow
@salathe That looks kind of evil
@DaveRandom it's an elephpant... it is kind of evil.
It has that pedophile look for some reason.
@salathe never forgive, never ..... </elephant joke>
@webarto lulz. You eastern guys
@webarto paedophpant?
@salathe Wait.
I'm pretty sure I don't want to see whatever it is we're waiting for
sure you do. I know I am :)
RewriteRule ^(.*),(.*)$ $2.php?rewrite_params=$1&page_url=$2 what does this rule means , can anybody help ?
that wasn't it :(
@Divyanshunegi two crooked boobs are rewritten to left-boob.php?rewrite_params=right-boob&page_url=left-boob
BTW this is depending on the POV
It doesn't. That's why it 404s
sorry not this this--> the-gamefowl-community.com/…
Make an educated guess :)
Remember it is also PCRE
I knew it
@webarto nice tat
@webarto looks like a Predator elePHant
@webarto that's the new logo, for sure
@kaᵠ pedophpant is a predator ;)
clearly the world is ending
@webarto "Works Perfectly On Any Devices" <- hope it is better than their English. I understand that it's probably not their first language, but it really would stop me from buying it.
@LeviMorrison Sure, my friend, he is (j/k) not really fluent :)
@DaveRandom We could svn the docs source files, and parse them from there
@salathe :D
(That's assuming the link schema is consistent with the docs layout)
@LeviMorrison You'll get one for free to make it up :P
It's sad I made more money on crappy themes than on 1337 code.
Split ways, but still...
@webarto and you'd make the most selling pasta and calling it html(N) where N is a higher number than the other guy.
@circusdei No, we just stole what was selling and that's it.
Stole, I mean borrowed.
Not corn stole.
Aight, I'm off to bed
Later IDF
@DaveRandom let's talk about it tomorrow and see if we can have some progress :)
@webarto Later pedophant.
Well that's not really nice.
@DaveRandom Great minds think alike :P

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