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Morning... i think that i need other avatar...
how can I detect an array being sent via post, when using ModRewrite in htaccess?
basically I'm rewriting the url in htaccess, and via post I sent an array. How do I detect this array in the rewrite regex?
@rogcg , why do you need process array in htaccess instead of php script?
@sectus because I send the array to the pho server from the jquery ajax request.. got it ??
whatever... instead I'm gonna send a json string
and parse it in php
So, you want post json to php?
@sectus yes.. thats what im doing right now..
and im rewriting the url, getting the string json on a parameter.
dont know if it will work..
$foo = file_get_contents("php://input");
var_dump(json_decode($foo, true));
@sectus no this is not what I m doing..
I call a jquery function to send the json as parameter..
like this
type: 'GET',
url: 'controller/TheController/someMethod/'+json,
async: false,
success: function(data)
result = data;
and the htaccess must call the properly method
@rogcg , why are you sure that you really need this? Also json could contains '/'
I need to send some sort of array or json to the server.. how would I do that??
what u sugest me?
this is is what htaccess does.
RewriteRule ^controller/TheController/someMethod/([a-zA-Z0-9+])$ controller/TheController?parameter=$1 [QSA,L]
got it??
url: 'controller/TheController/someMethod/?json='+json,
no.. I want to send the parameter like

not witth the ?=
because this is the pattern I'm doing for all urls requestss.
its the same if I'm passing a json as string
it is recognizing the parameter
the problem is that regex expects a string, and its receiving an array.
I've already stinrigfied this json, but its still as an array
/([a-zA-Z0-9+])$ --> /(.*)$
It calls user-friendly url... but i don't think that json is user-friendly enough
@sectus heheh.. suggest me something. what should I do then..
@rogcg , did you try expression above?
@sectus I dont think this stuff of regex will work..
the json is like
@rogcg , so?
im gonna send separated params
@rogcg , did you try?
o I can try this
Q: Sending JSON to server, using jQuery

oompahloompahI am trying to send simple data to theservre, and I need a "rough and ready" way to do this. This is what I have so far: var emails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]']; var ruff_json = "{ 'emails': ["; for (i in emails) ruff_json += ((i == 0) ? '' : ', ') + '\''+emails[i]+'\''; ruff...

@sectus im gonna try.. but the regex doesnt recognize the json string im sending
@rogcg , are you sure?
well I have this error: unexpected '$URL_ARRAY' (T_VARIABLE), expecting identifier (T_STRING)
@rogcg , this is PHP error. htaccess worked.
@rogcg , it's parse error...
well but its not sending a string, as it looks like..
wait.. now i think it worked
@rogcg , it's all in your code.
@sectus but for some way, when I var_dump(json_decode($myJSON));, it returns NULL
hmmm, debating this as a CFP proposal... Thoughts?
Everything You Know Is Wrong! And That's OK!

From the first day that you wrote a line of code to today, there's one thing that is always constant and true: Everything that you know about programming is wrong. The moment that you forget this fact, is the moment you start to lose any hope of keeping up with this industry.

In this talk, we will explore the evolution of programming and programmers alike. We'll discuss some conventional wisdom, and how it can lead you down the wrong path. We'll talk about continual learning and how to avoid the traps of falling for doctrine instead of understa
feels weak... Needs more subsistence...
@ircmaxell , this thoughts (everything ... is wrong) make me sad. This is not a good motivation point.
@ircmaxell but it kinda makes me depressed.
need to think on this
@ircmaxell what is this text for?? you said CFP.. what is CFP?
call for paper
When i am looking at wordpress(joomla, drupal, ...) code i am want to shout 'Why they wrote this? They do not know anything about DRY, SOLID and etc.!' But then i release that it's a very popular platforms and good code is not necessary of successful project.
And sometime i realise that programming-motherfucker.com is the good paradigm
@sectus Rarely does the best code make for the most popular libraries for many of the same reasons the most popular music is terrible.
Most people just don't know any better.
In the mind of a beginner there are many possibilities. In the mind of an expert there is one: Always strive to be a beginner.
@boden_c @igorwesome "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few" - Sunryu Suzuki
The beginner's mind is unclouded by what's impossible and past experiences of failure. This can make them invaluable resources for problem solving
'There is so many things that you could to know' - is positive. Be positive.
How to size of image in $form->end?
<?php echo $form->end('btn_52.png', array('alt' => '売却'));?>
why does json_decode returns NULL, when the JSON is valid?
@rdlowrey , i like popular music : )
Well there you go.
@rogcg , are you sure that it is valid?
maybe if the json is longer than 127?
@ircmaxell I'm not sure how common this is and if many people feel that way. I definitely sympathise with being humbled by the vast amount of things I don't know. my guess is you will get mixed reactions from conf organizers.
aghh when I stringify the JSON it is full of backslashes
@rdlowrey , : )
@ircmaxell one of the things that often troubles me is that my initial reaction to many questions is "it depends". I would like to give a definite answer, but there's just so many factors that could have an impact. and it's often not as black and white as "common wisdom" dictates.
Yeah, I am less worried about the organizers than the attendees... and the content itself...
whatever.. did a str_replace on it and now its valid.
@rogcg , have you added slashes in JS?
@ircmaxell it's really hard to judge, I don't feel like people often talk about these things. at least not to me... :)
@sectus no.. JSON.stringify added for itself
@rogcg , you can try to use stripslashes
Yeah, which is why it may be interesting... just need to build a good talk around it...
Main target is working product. Patterns and etc. are tools for it only.
@sectus AGHHH it always add this " in the end of the json.. }]"
@rogcg , who?
@sectus trying to figure what.. but the json ends with a "
in the beginning there isnt this "
@sectus look. it solved I guess..
stripslashes(str_replace(']"', ']', $employeeJSON));
@rogcg , it is... a crooked nail... check your code for accidentally added symbol.
@sectus heheheh
Q: Strange issue in PHP for loop

Click UpvoteI have this simple loop: for ($user = 1; $user <= 219; $user++) { echo "Yo <br />"; $pos = 1; echo "Set pos to $pos <br />"; do { echo "Doing user $user , $pos <br />"; $pos++; } while ($pos <= 8); echo "Done user $user , $pos <br /><br "; } ...

if i send an array concatenated to a url, when I var vump it on php it returns me "string(15) "[object Object]"
is there a way to use this array retrieved from URL
no.. there is no way
the url is
"controller/TheController/method[object Object]"
forget about it
Q: CakePhp How to resize image in $form->end?

kongkeain cakephp I can't resize image in submit form <?php echo $form->end('btn_52.png', array('alt' => '売却'));?>. I inspect it, it isn't button. it is <input type="text". How to resize it?

what does %22 means?
in encoding
is it a "
@rogcg "ascii" bing it
bing... =/
you know how to use bing, right?
alternatively, read the manpage of urlencode.
@igorw actually I never used bing.
but its ok.. i found out what is it correspondent to.
hahah lmbtfy .. awesome!
dafuq??? json_decode creates an array with a unique position, with a string inside it.. like this:
array(1) { [0]=> array(25) { ["idEmployee"]=> string(2) "25" ["firstNameEmployee"]=> string(5) "Admin" ["lastNameEmployee"]=> string(4) "User" ....
Wait, huh? What's wrong with this?
well.. its not an array with a lot of positions.. its an array with 1 position, witht this stuff inside..
I try accessing array['idEmployee']
and it returns me Undefined index: idEmployee
there is no other positions.. just the position 0 with a string inside
or is it an array of array?
So $array[0]['idEmployee'] doesn't work?
Could you put some code into a pastebin?
WTF did PHP just did..
I asked it to decode the JSON
and it created an array of array
$employeeJSON = $_GET['employee'];

$employeeArray = json_decode($employeeJSON, true);
var_dump($employeeArray) returns an array of array
@cspray yeah.. it works.. but it shouldnt be like this, right??
@rogcg There is no possible way of knowing that without seeing what you're passing along in $_GET['employee']
@cspray its a json string..
@rogcg So? If the JSON string represents a JSON multidimensional array then I absolutely would expect to see this behavior
Chances are it is not PHP and instead your input isn't what you think it is
I agree.
damn it.. I didnt follow your advice of not writing my own framework, and now im having such problems..
@rogcg :P
I'm kind of starting to like the new php.net ... Am I crazy?
im serious..
@rdlowrey No, I'm liking it a little better
I like the insta search feature actually
@rogcg I believe you. I was serious when I wrote the article saying you probably shouldn't write your own framework
The only thing I wish were different is I'd like to see just a bit of whitespace on either side of the x axis of the content. With a widescreen monitor I can't take it all in without looking from one side to the other. Maybe make the containing div 90% instead of the full 100%
@cspray unfortunately i didnt read that in time.. =/
BTW how is your framework?
@rdlowrey I like it.
@rogcg It is coming along. I'm actually going through a bit of a refactor. The core code won't be changing all that much but the concept of what I want to do with the framework is starting to come together.
@cspray you have already 4 branches.. right?
Also, when I type an exact function name in the search box it doesn't take me directly to the page like it used to do -- it just gives me the list of search results. Does that happen for you guys?
@rogcg Yea. Well, at least 4 branches on GitHub :P
@cspray got it.
I wouldn't suggest looking at or doing anything with it at the moment though. Some things are gonna change and there's no point at the moment
@cspray what do u use for debugging php?
@rogcg Typically I'll use xdebug integrated with my IDE of choice
Now I have to click twice :(
@cspray got it.. im trying to make it work with sublime
When I'm at home...when I'm at work I don't have as many resources and just a var_dump() when necessary :P
@rogcg Never used it. No clue.
@cspray var_dump rules.
Q: What should happen with question with no answer with comments where OP said that he found solution?

sectusThere are so many questions which has no answers but solved. What should happen with them? Why 'nothing' is not good answer: These questions are displayed in unanswered list. These questions cannot be selected as duplicate. Reading such question is a time spending until you realise that questi...

@rogcg Eh, I've found with my own personal code that unit tests are really my debugging tool of choice.
I rarely encounter a situation with my TDD projects where I need to use var_dump to debug
@cspray also!!
@igorw Yeah I wasn't crazy about it at first but now I'm digging it. Definitely better than the early 2000's look it's had.
AGHHH I think Im getting sick..
I think I've got a flu.
@Lusitanian or anyone else who knows about twitter oauth stuff: If I'm POSTing a request with a Content-Type: multipart/form-data, do I need to urlencode "form field" parts of the entity body as part of the OAuth signing like I would if the content type were application/x-www-form-urlencoded?
> OAuth explicitly mentions that only application/x-www-form-urlencoded data has to be in the OAuth base string. When you are uploading an image you send multipart/form-data which does not have to be in the base string.
disassembling VMs written in JS is hard... g'night
@MadaraUchiha I decided to host myself. I have a good server just idling.
But atlantic.net and digital ocean looked good for low cost vms
There were some other good options for more; not sure what you are hoping for
No one has ever used Extension in Symfony2 by any chance?
@igorw have a good one.
Does scaling a PHP-based website and a free shared hosting server have any effect on each other?
If you can function on shared hosting you don't have the issue of scaling. You can't scale anything on shared hosting. Period.
Free hosting is for a front-page and a contact form, not an application.
It's fine to start out there, but if you start getting any sort of consistent traffic volume you need to move to a VPS.
@rdlowrey What advantage would a VPS server me, aside from me having complete control over the server?
Memory and CPU that you don't have on shared hosting.
And while you can still have your performance potentially affected by other people on the same system with a VPS, it's not the same as shared hosting. Not to mention php is horribly crippled in shared environments.
@rdlowrey Well, I actually have been working on a PHP-based website that closely resembles a social-networking website. I have been testing it on a free hosting website. I know that there will be traffic. I initially thought that I will run it free of charge on a free server and then if people are active on it, then move to a paid hosting. I guess I shouldn't do that, right?
If it works on the shared hosting, then it's fine. You were talking about scaling and those two don't go together :)
The first thing you'd do is move to a VPS if you needed to grow.
Is there a limit on how much traffic it can handle? Like a general rule?
the free one?
It's a waste of time to ask a question like that. If you start exceeding your traffic limit your hosting service will let you know. And if that happens, it's a good problem and you need to get a VPS. That's all there is to it.
Good morning.
god my webhost sucks, it's being DoSed by a SEO optimization site because a site crawling another site is enough to bring the server to it's knees.
lol: "Googlebot DoS'd my hosting service"
I backed up everything last night and need to just backup my mailing list and then switching to another host and getting a VPS, this is ridiculous. Just imagine if a site actually got a lot of visitors, the interwebz might just explode.
If googlebot can DoS your hosting, that isnt hosting.
@Hiroto muh site won't load, oh wait I am apparently loading too many CSS files =oP
wait what?
derp derp O_0
so BOT can DoS.
let's just say the crappy $5/month VPS i used to use could handle 10k visitors a month on a site using APC + nginx + php5-fpm
@Rafee on Pair.com web hosting it can
whats running on your machine.
yay they made another ticket for my current ticket, progress...=o\
@crypticツ which host is this?
@Hiroto Pair.com
I'm a sysadmin moreso than a developer, and I've been on dedicated servers for a while now
I'm going to switch to this atlantic.net/vps/linux-vps.html the datacenter is also a 10min drive from me =o)
I have three dedicated servers, one of them with unlimited 100Mbps
ooh, nice
make sure you drive there if there's ever a problem instead of ticketing, and bring a laptop with linux on it.
ask them to mount the VPS to it
let me find the servers i use
ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/kimsufi.xml 2G and 16G are my personal servers, and ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/sp_16g.xml is the unlimited server I use with RAID1 and about 60% load from visitors (and 4 IPs :p)
look good
SP 16G Dedicated server
I have a doubt.
Morning wes
Seriously, twitter? A urlencoded comma (,) is %2C ... it is certainly NOT %252C ... #wtf.
looking for a good cheap server that could efficiently carry a website as large as a social networking website.
@AshKetchum cheap and that big are mutually exclusive
@AshKetchum I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's clear that you don't know enough about what's required to run a large-scale web site to be able to make an informed decision.
@rdlowrey they encoded them twice, just to be sure
That's true. I don't know enough.
Hence I am asking for advice here.
@Wesツ I know ... I guess I'll just do the same thing even though it's ridiculous.
@AshKetchum Exactly, to which I offered:
42 mins ago, by rdlowrey
It's a waste of time to ask a question like that. If you start exceeding your traffic limit your hosting service will let you know. And if that happens, it's a good problem and you need to get a VPS. That's all there is to it.
For something that big you need really good sysadmins who know how to scale a live server cluster when you get a load spike that would normally crash your service
You can move up incrementally.
I am looking for one-time investment (into a company that is.) I don't want to give a company a try, then realize it sucks so move to another and move the website to another host, then realize it sucks then move again.
$30/month isn't that huge of an investment.
Well if I am on a free host and the thing crashes, they will let me know, but before they do, the web host will show its awful "error" page, which will turn away potential customers.
So by the time I move on to a better server and eliminate the chance of that happening again, it will be too late as I would have turned away a lot of people.
If you know what you're doing from a programming standpoint your users will never see an "awful error page" even on shared hosting. The best advice I can offer is to learn more. You're going to need a lot more knowledge than you have at this point to effectively tackle this kind of project.
If you intend to have advertising, let that be the limiting factor for server costs, and make an investment into a decent-sized VPS or dedicated server with redundant backups and high-speed bandwidth
stat.ppy.sh - all of the servers but r-a-d.io are on hostgator here (r-a-d.io is mine; OVH)
Well, I am afraid that no matter how hard I hardcode into the website to show my error page, there would be someway that the host provider would show its ugly "Bandwidth Exceeded page" instead.
I need to get 5 lines in a row :<
I was recommended RamNode by some people here a long time ago, not sure if that is still a good option.
never heard of them
Is there a better option that you know?
they're unmanaged VPS apparently
do you have any experience being a sysadmin?
Well, that poses a significant problem, but these things look pretty nice
Why do I need to be a sysadmin? So I can manage the servers if I take RamNode?
well, unmanaged means you are given a fresh server install and an SSH login
then told "go have fun"
After 7 years of managing my own servers, I don't think I could ever go to a managed service :<
Well then, I should probably choose a managed one?
Although I think it would be fun to manage my own server.
@Hiroto which hosting ?
probably. I've had hostgator recommended to me by dean herbert (creator of osu!), but apart from that i stay away from web hosts :p
@NullPoiиteя we were talking about RamNode just before
@Hiroto hows is that ?
they are eireely like 123systems, though (which have crap routing outside the US)
HostGator VPS is $20/month at minimum
vps is unmanaged
Semi-managed, no cPanel
you probably want web hosting
@Hiroto but ramnode is freaking cheap ...
Uuh, I am not sure, since the guys who recommended me RamNode also told me "you would want VPS hosting for that kind of site."
hello, is there any one to tell me that how to check whether i m logged in facebook or not?
i know, @NullPoiиteя, but they use literally the same interface as 123systems. and i have had very bad experiences with them
@Crazy4Php in a browser, check facebook.com. Or check cookies.
@hiroto: yes in browser, but i want to check it from my application
What should I need. VPS or Shared?
Umm, you want to detect a user's facebook login?
Use their OAuth service.
@AshKetchum what do you want to do ?
how much traffic you assume ?
I am almost finished building a website, which kinda resembles a social networking site. Currently its on a free hosting plan, but I have been told that I should quickly move to a paid one if I see traffic spikes.
@AshKetchum if you want to buy shared then site5.com is also a good option
Well, I am asking for advice from you guys. Which one should I need given the website I have built up?
@AshKetchum it depends on many thing
Free is only really appropriate (if ever) for developing. Any traffic at all is likely too much for it. There's hundreds of thousands of hosting sites, so just pick one that has what you want. You should also check WebHostingTalk for the really bad hosts and stay away from them
@NullPoiиteя such as?
@Hiroto So I should move out of the free one before telling anyone about my website?
if you assume there will be traffic, yes
@AshKetchum like you want to use sphinx search server sphinxsearch.com
@AshKetchum and traffic ...
Well I don't assume that 1000+ people will get on the site at same time. That kinda spike won't happen, at least not until after a couple of months, if at all, after people find out about the website. But, I assume the traffic will be either in mid-double digits or in lower 100's.
@NullPoiиteя what is that?
@AshKetchum why not just start from shared hosting ( if money matters ) then according to need switch to higher
Well, I really don't want to pay from the beginning. I'll pay if I see potential (a lot of people coming and the site getting active users) but I want to see where it goes first.
@AshKetchum well atleast shared hosting is required if you really/seriously want to start your website
Well, I am serious as in I want to see where it goes, but I have really just made it for fun, for experiment purposes. See what happens.
I am making a site using php and css looking for a partner..
@user1853614 What is it about?
@Ash Ketchum its about virtual currency ,youtube views ppd and ppc
I can provide them with yt views 30000 views/10$
@user1853614 how do you accomplish this i mean 30,000 views for just 10$ ?
I got proxy servers running and view the page many times
@user1853614 paying for youtube views? Youtube is very likely to ban source IPs for that.
you can only say i am making site using PHP since css and JavaScript , HTML are understood
@NullPoiиteя yes exactly....
Also the typography is shocking :/ sans serif > serif (never mind the fact the site looks dubious)
lol even this page is dead flamesell.com/Premium
now i can understand ... you can build site using PHP ,CSS only :P
you know what sucks about the twitter streaming API? If you ask it for tweets with "track=php" you get every tweet that has a URL ending in .php ... And that makes retrieving PHP-related tweets impossible.
@NullPoiиteя haha wait ill upload the new site along with the database today..
@user1853614 :D
 $name   = $_POST["name"];
    $address = $_POST["address"];
    $city   = $_POST["city"];

    $q = "INSERT INTO users ( name, address, city) VALUES
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
lollol i have used mysqli and now i am safe from every thing ..
@Mr.Alien hiya
Let me fill that form with quotes and html brackets :p
@NullPoiиteя wait bro ill upload my site , tell me if can sqli it...
@NullPoiиteя so hwz you prep going on
@Mr.Alien going good .. :)
Thankyou ....
how you doing ?
Q: Bug in chat notification bar

NullPoiиteяIn Chat the notification bar shows when someone ping me from other room where i already in

@NullPoiиteя am fyn yaa... was lil sick yest but good that I recovered soon..
I am back.
@YogeshSuthar You shouted like superman returned :p
@YogeshSuthar will reply your mail by eve
@YogeshSuthar wut coll??
@Mr.Alien Because on sunday I watched Man Of Steel. You are not alone. :P
I am a doctor 2nd yr
@YogeshSuthar ohhh.. I am going for despicable me 2.. next week
@user1853614 you mean you are doing MBBS and in second year :P
I'm probably the only only guy doing mbbs and doing php css js
@Mr.Alien I will watch it after 4-5 month.
@YogeshSuthar HD Download haha
@user1853614 No, I am carpanter and working as s/w dev. :P
@Mr.Alien yup
@YogeshSuthar lol ... you are
No, I am carpanter and working as s/w dev. ROFL
Actually its my family business. :P @NullPoiиteя @Mr.Alien
YogeshSuthar Mr.Alien both are Carpenter and working as software engineer
@YogeshSuthar i know that ....:P
It indicates in my surname. :P
@NullPoiиteя Ya ryt, I am carpenter :p haha @YogeshSuthar Oh your dads a carpenter...
@YogeshSuthar I was a carpenter when I was in school
lolzz same story. @Mr.Alien
I opted for Technical... so I had electronics, carpentry, fittings blah blah
@Mr.Alien In school?
I was doing carpentry in school vacation.
I have abused Carpenter by breaking stuff for the sake of new stuff .. while i never made anything like i wanted to make ...
@YogeshSuthar Yap in school
wil brb
@Mr.Alien How can that be, here that kind of schools is not present.
@NullPoiиteя Purchase readymade stuff. :P
@YogeshSuthar well i didnt need stuff .. i just wanted to make at own ... you know about a child's curiosity
@NullPoiиteя Yeah I knows. I and my brother made table tennis bat, aeroplane, etc..
"I knows" "I and my brother"
I am back.
How to merge rows and columns in PHPExcel
i hope he doesnot use only ^^ .... unlike me
@NullPoiиteя One of my favourite to break someones head :P
Anyone in this Room worked on PHPExcel
@Rafee Yeah, I have worked on it but 2 years ago. :( When I have to calculate the time difference present in Excel sheet. I have created that for TCS.
oh cool.
finding a proper documentation on PHPExcel little harder..
@Rafee I think they have it properly. Search it, I also done that thing from that documentation.
I was staying at sion first, we have awesome schools there
I shifted here 5 years ago.. When I was in 12th
@Mr.Alien ohh. never heard that kind of schools.
@YogeshSuthar Ah! in those documentation i couldn get that
@YogeshSuthar I guess I still have those big books, we also had mechanics, drawing sheets etc
@YogeshSuthar and @Mr.Alien whats up with your project.
@Rafee Never done these kind of things with PHPExcel.
@Rafee yet to start, will be mailing the details to @YogeshSuthar tonyt
@Rafee You can join us if you want to

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