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PetterT, nwp, thanks to both of you.
8 hours later…
HI all!
For those of you who do backend c++ programming as a job
How did you get started on multithreading in c++?
I want to get a real job in backend c++ programming, but they mostly require experience with and knowledge of c++ and/or POSIX multithreading. Now this is a chicken and egg case because while I don't have the relevant experience, I don't get the job, and without a job, I can't learn. Or can I?
I know I have to read Tannenbaum, Williams, Meyers, maybe bits of Patterson too. But how can I practice this? Within open source projects?
Thanks! I have no idea where to ask other than quora but that's a lousy place so I'd like to avoid going there. If I asked on stackoverflow proper, I bet the question would get blocked in a minute.
Sure you can learn by doing it in open source projects. That would probably be the quickest way to get some "real world" experience that's fit to print on a resume.

But if it's just about learning then you can also start by just doing all the typical artificial problem sets. Write multiple producer single consumer stuff (i.e. just multi-threaded fractal viewer), write some single producer multiple consumer stuff (just like a typical work-queue/threadpool implementation)
@PeterT "all the typical artificial problem sets" would be great if there was a sort of list available, I mean, that's common sense stuff, so it should be well known?
I think that should've been covered by Tannenbaum, Williams, etc. I never read those books cover to cover, but I'm sure I've seen the typical resource contention stuff mentioned in those
OK, great. I'm reading Tannenbaum already.
I've missed a point somewhere along the career path it seems and changing track isn't easy. Convincing people is the hard part.
I just noticed a C++ specific naming convention.
Is it when you're making a template class, you're suppose to use snake_casing?
the standard always uses snake_case, doesn't mean that you need to use it in your code
I have already noticed it across 4 code bases that practiced those, so I'm assuming it's quite known
probably standardize?
I would say, for your own projects, use whatever style you prefer, but keep it consistent. At work, you're going to have the code style set by the company anyway.
I really want to follow a standardize naming convention.
There is none since C++ is not governed by / does not belong to an ogranization.
I think I could live with this new found knowledge for my next project
C++ doesn't have a standardized naming convention, but snake_case and CamelCase are popular. Also usually types get capitalized and the rest not.
Again, use any style you prefer but teach yourself to be consistent, and be sure to follow the code style rules once employed.
I could have sworn clang-tidy had checks for "incorrect" casing, but apparently not.
Also apparently I typo a lot today.
edit it
#include <iostream>
class foo{
std::cout<<"In foo\n";
foo f;
int main(){
std::cout<<"in main";
so why are we said execution of program starts from main
❯ g++ main.cpp
❯ ./a.out
In foo
in main
because that's where the program conceptually starts. But it is noted that initialization of globals and statics happens before entry to main
> The main function is called at program startup after initialization of the non-local objects with static storage duration.
5 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
2 hours later…
@nwp I just watched the video.. It doesn't contains what I need and it's too advanced... But I like that. It broaden my views.
I've seen this kind of ??? when debug with bt in a core dump file.
One reason might be that gdb can't locate the source file. But what happened in the video is something called "stack smashing". What is this?
When calling a function the return address when returning from the function can be stored on the stack. When you have a stack over/underflow and overwrite that address then the whole call stack is basically gone until you can recover that address.
That's new to me and interesting. Because I used to encouter such core dump files, which is soure files are all available but ??? still appear in the core dump.
That's new to me and interesting. Because I used to encouter such core dump files, which is soure files are all available but ??? still appear in the core dump.
Unfortunately in practice it usually has nothing to do with a stack issue. Instead it's the tools just not working correctly.
@nwp ah I see
@nwp haha, you are probably right.
You can test that. If you set a breakpoint in working code and it fails to give you a stack trace then something is wrong. Sometimes you simply forgot to make the compiler generate debug symbols.
@nwp yes. I know this way. This is exactly how I test if I were actually missing debug symbols or sources files can not be located.
I found a related question stackoverflow.com/questions/8437526/… and I am gonna take a look. I would also like to try the sample program shown in video. ;P
I remember the sample program to be a simple stack overflow. You should be able to catch that with asan.
"I don't envy your task. These are some of the hardest bugs to track down, and can even move or temporarily go away when you make code changes to try and catch them. Your best bet is usually something like git bisect or your VCS equivalent to find the commit that introduced it. Hopefully it isn't too difficult to reproduce." The answer is nice and comforting lol. Feel sad for the OP.
apparently, gdb improves compared to the version shown in that video.
it shows error info like this now:

*** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated
Aborted (core dumped)
The reason for that is probably not that gdb changed but that the return address is at a different location and no longer gets overwritten.
It's very difficult to make such a stack smash on purpose because it depends on the platform and compiler version/flags.
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
void swap(sf::RectangleShape* a,sf::RectangleShape* b){
auto pos=a->getSize();
int partition (sf::RectangleShape arr[], int low, int high)
int pivot = arr[high].getPosition().x;
int i = (low - 1);
for (int j = low; j <= high- 1; j++)
if (arr[j].getPosition().x <= pivot)
swap(&arr[i + 1],&arr[high]);
return (i + 1);
void quickSort(sf::RectangleShape arr[], int low, int high)
yo can someone help me?
getting seg fault
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include "quicksort.h"

sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(512,512),"Agent_A");
sf::Event e;

sf::RectangleShape Bars[20];

void drawBars(){
for(size_t i{};i<20;i++){

int main(){

auto cmp=[=](sf::RectangleShape a,sf::RectangleShape b)->bool{return a.getPosition().x<b.getPosition().x;};


int x=0;
for(size_t i{};i<20;i++){
Why not just use std::sort?
@Agent_A going to need more than that but have you tried -f-sanitize=address yet?
want to sort it acc to coordinnates
the X one specially
-f-sanitize=address what the heck is this?
That's not a reason not to use std::sort. It also works with a comparator like the cmp you have.
idk but it didnt sorted the bars
Also I agree with nwp... you have no reason not to use std::sort
i have tried std::sort first
You can also use ASan with Windows.
thats the reason i have a cmp
but it didnt work
I'd go back to the std::sort version and fix that. It'll be a lot less code and it's a bit tricky to get all the little details correct when implementing a sorting algorithm.
It's strange that your comparison function creates copies and has the [=] capture, but it should work.
I've seen the address sanitizer thing in leetcode
If I'm not wrong
concurring on nwp's statement again
Will try that thing tomorrow
Just gonna have my food and hit the sack all left for today
How to recalculate internal AVL tree's Max? I have recursive insertion function. Now Am I expected to calculate max at the end of insertion function and twice per single rotation(one for each of the two nodes who get rotated)?
is this how it is suppose to be done
void RightRotation(std::unique_ptr<Node<TKey, TValue>>& node)
std::unique_ptr<Node<TKey, TValue>> temp;
temp = std::move(node);
node = std::move((*temp).left);
(*temp).left = std::move((*node).right);
CalcMax(temp.get()); // <-- here
(*temp).left is uncommon, you should use temp->left instead.
Additionally you should consider std::swap(node, *node.left); not sure if that is equivalent to what you have there.
temp.reset() at the end is unnecessary.
To answer your actual question, I forgot about the rotation rules, but I'm fairly sure when you have a right rotation you already know which of the branches is longer so you probably only need to check one of them.
I did the rotation and it works
Also I don't see how CalcMax could be meaningfully implemented.
void CalcMax(Node<TKey, TValue>* node)
if (node == nullptr)
int leftMax = ((*node).left.get() == nullptr) ? -1 : (*(*node).left).max;
int rightMax = ((*node).right.get() == nullptr) ? -1 : (*(*node).right).max;
(*node).max= std::max((*node).key.hi,std::max(
, rightMax));
What's in an L1 instruction cache on x86? Is it program instructions as it would be in the program binary or some altered form (decoded? uops?)?
I will change the pointer notation
I see, you store the depth in every node. I suppose then you have no other choice but to update every node. This means your operations have worse complexity than they are supposed to.
I am implementing an interval search tree with an AVL tree.
in the lecture of interval search tree they said I have to calculate the max
std::max supports an initializer list, so you should be able to do node->max = std::max({node->key.hi, leftMax, rightMax}); instead of the 2 std::max calls.
Though it doesn't look correct. node->left->max is outdated due to the rotation, you can't use it to compute the new depth.
Or at least not just by comparing the 2 branches. One needs to be incremented and the other decremented and it has to be done for all children.
@nwp Damn, I didn't konw this and used to roll out my own template. Why isn't there a variadic std::max?
I don't know. I would guess it's because std::max is older than variadic templates and because making a variadic template where the type gets deduced and all parameters have the same type is a huge pain and because adding such an overload would break some previous code.
Arguable std::max(std::initializer_list<T>) is variadic enough for the purpose. But yeah, the extra {} in the call are unfortunate.
as you can see this is how the max formula is suppose to look like i suppose
Hmm. I guess there is more trickery involved than I'm able to grasp right now.
Thanks nwp, I didnt know I can use max this way,

i found a lecture note that said Fix balance factors and perform rotations as usual but also update Mhi(u) whenever you update the balance factor of a node u. Mhi is the maxHI. still how to calculate the max is confusing and I am struggling with it.

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