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/> because the intel one is apparently CRC-32C
Does Intel provides API for calculating CRC32(i.e polynomial is 0xCBF43926, initial_remainder is 0xFFFFFFFF, final_xor_value is 0xFFFFFFFF, reflect_data is true, reflect_remainder is true, see https://crccalc.com/?crc=123456789&method=crc32&datatype=ascii&outtype=hex). other than CRC32C
@John he wasn't talking about an API, but about the processor instructions software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/IntrinsicsGuide/…
PeterT, I found that I need CRC32 other than CRC32C. But I don't know whether there is a processor instruction which could achieve this goal.
@John looks to me like the intel intrinsic is actually the iSCSI CRC-32C, not the ZIP CRC32 stackoverflow.com/questions/29174349/…
I see.
One note: ZIP CRC32 is different from CRC32.
Algorithm Poly Init RefIn RefOut XorOut
CRC-32 0x04C11DB7 0xFFFFFFFF true true 0xFFFFFFFF
CRC-32/BZIP2 0x04C11DB7 0xFFFFFFFF false false 0xFFFFFFFF
when I say zip I mean deflate/PKZIP, not bzip2
2 hours later…
Hi I want to swap elements in a vector of strings, how can this be done using the swap function? My code snippet:
for (size_t k{}; k < size(names); ++k)
if ((names[k-1] > names[k]) )

However this gives me an error and does not work
Error: 'Debug assertion failed, vector subscript out of range'
It's telling you that either names[k] or names[k-1] doesn't exist.
Probably names[k-1] since you start with k=0 and -1 is not a valid index.
Also generally you should use the non-member version of swap. std::swap(names[k], names[k-1]);.
ok thanks
(not sure how I managed to miss that -1 is not a valid index of a vector[insert facepalm emoji])
1 hour later…
@PeterT I recall stating that multiple times when that came up
2 hours later…
Where should I put the definiation of static variables of template class, in header or cpp?
are they templated and thus change with the isntantiation?
In the header.
Why? If the definitions are in the header, I am afraid that there would be redefinitions when the header is included multiple times.
the make an inline or constexpr static
I believe the standard has wording that tells implementations to just handle this correctly for templates.
You couldn't really put it into a .cpp because then you would need to put it in each .cpp that instantiates the template, but at the same time make sure you have no duplicates. In practice that would be ridiculously difficult.
Q: Static member initialization in a class template

Alexandre C.I'd like to do this: template <typename T> struct S { ... static double something_relevant = 1.5; }; but I can't since something_relevant is not of integral type. It doesn't depend on T, but existing code depends on it being a static member of S. Since S is template, I cannot put the ...

So it's nothing about static members specifically but applies to all template definitions.
1 hour later…
Finally MS visual studio has implemented the C++20 standard lol!
umm it's been leading the charge
it's clang that's lagging right now
1 hour later…
nobody is going to implement codecvt without getting paid/forced to do it. And now most of that stuff was removed from the standard because no one except Microsoft even tried
tbf the only bit anyone really cares about is the unicode conversion stuff anyway IMO
which was sadly removed
6 hours later…
@PeterT Actually, Boost had a fairly close analog of codecvt at one time, and I'm pretty sure it was implemented voluntarily. Apparently some people are just a tad masochistic... :-)

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