@MiroslavCetojevic Looks good. I personally wouldn't take the int by reference. Passing it by value will cause it to be passed through a CPU register, when you take it by reference it needs to be placed in memory, and then a pointer to that int gets passed. Taking the matrix by value makes sense because of copy ellision when you return the new matrix.
There's no definition in the godbolt link, only a declaration. A declaration creates a name for the compiler to see, a definition would also provide the function's implementation
the '-c' creates object files, to create a working program it would need to link those, at that point the linker would point out that it's missing the implementations of those functions.
> The conversion specifiers s and [ always store the null terminator in addition to the matched characters. The size of the destination array must be at least one greater than the specified field width. The use of %s or %[, without specifying the destination array size, is as unsafe as gets
@MiroslavCetojevic In some cases, it makes more sense to just not transpose it. Instead just create a "transposed" class that does something like: T &operator()(size_t x, size_t y) { return array(y, x); }.
yes, it would be much simpler to copy from one array to the other, but that's not what I'm going for
@JerryCoffin but while you are here, could you explain what std::bitset<> does here?
// the original code is taken from geeksforgeeks.org/inplace-m-x-n-size-matrix-transpose
// Note that matrix[0] and matrix[size-1] won't move
std::size_t size = m * n - 1;
const std::size_t HASH_SIZE = 128;
std::bitset<HASH_SIZE> b; // hash to mark moved elements
b[0] = b[size] = 1;
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < size;) {
std::size_t cycleBegin = i; // holds start of cycle
int tmp = matrix[i]; // holds element to be replaced, eventually becomes next element to move
std::size_t next; // location of 'tmp' to be moved
@MiroslavCetojevic He uses the bitset to mark which elements have already been moved, and queries it later to find elements that haven't been moved yet.
Ok I have another shared problem :- ( in old code I had this static_cast<treeNode *>(index.internalPointer() this would return raw pointer from qt modelIndex() of an object but I need a std::shared_ptr<treeNode> instead I tried this std::shared_ptr<treeNode> node = std::make_shared<treeNode>(static_cast<treeNode*>(index.internalPointer())); but that somewhat did not work. How do you think I can get it to work properly? I need to cast a raw pointer/object back in to shared_ptr<> lol o.O he ends up with
This will not work. shared_ptr takes ownership of the pointer you give it. Python like that because it can keep one around which keeps the object valid and it can throw the shared_ptr away to potentially delete the object.
You don't own the object. index does, whatever that is.
I don't know how your python binding works, but I can tell you that randomly converting between pointers will not produce the result you want. You need to understand what shared_ptr does, what ownership is and why python wants a shared_ptr.
for now I need to convert object from raw pointer back to proper shared_ptr
but then I dont want to have 2 different shared_ptr instances of it
how on earth do I solve that one?
say shared_ptr<treeIdem> item treeItem* itmQt = static_cast<treeItem*>(modelIndex.internalPointer()) now *itemQt == *item.get() but if I do shared_ptr<treeItem> it = std::make_shared<treeItem>(*itemQt) would then it == item ?
or would I have 2 separate shared_ptr objects poiting to the same item-object
thus if one shared_ptr dies the object gets deleted and other shared_ptr points to empty void?
so the fact im creating shared ptr from internalPointer is still affecting shared_Ptr count? treeItem* itmQt = static_cast<treeItem*>(modelIndex.internalPointer()) shared_ptr<treeItem> it = std::make_shared<treeItem>(*itemQt)
I dont want to copy object, this should be the same object here
1) p2 decrements its own count (because it pointed somewhere else and now it doesn't, so the count goes down, and if it's zero, it will delete the object)
@Dariusz when you create a QWidget you can pass in a parent, if you do that it automatically manages the memory for you by virtue of the parent's lifetime
You need to use a pointer to a member function, not just a pointer to a function.
class A {
int f() { return 1; }
int (A::*x)();
A() : x(&A::f) {}
int main() {
A a;
std::cout << (a.*a.x)();
return 0;
I'm not at all sure you can print out a value of type pointer to member though.
@MiroslavCetojevic I'd have to look more carefully to be sure of that. I suspect it's just a number big enough of the cases he cares about, but I'm not at all sure of that.