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is floating point so unreadable?
What do you mean by "floating point"
There's no "floating point" text format
yes, that's the issue
There is no "floating point" text format in english
"floating point text format" is nonsensical
okay, it looks like we are misunderstanding each other
I don't see why it requires extra formatting to output floating point values
It doesn't
out << f // output: 1
1 is a floating point value
double d = 1.0000000714790076; std::cout << d;
I would like the output to be 1.0000000714790076
That's a decimal format, It's pretty close to what std::fixed gives you: en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip/fixed
there's setprecision
looks better than fixed
in any case, looking at the output, both memcpy and reinterpret_cast do the exact same thing
The reinterpret_cast is UB because it violates strict-aliasing, whereas the std::memcpy is not UB
did you look that up?
Or at least I'm 95% sure the reinterpret_cast violates strict-aliasing
I've looked it up before. It's in my memory
And I just looked it up to verify
C++20 may give us std::bit_cast which will be the correct way to do it. std::bit_cast<uint64_t>(d)
so, until then you would go with memcpy to do the same job?
Yes, but I'd also spend quite some time double checking that it's actually valid
why? memcpy only copies bytes and the compiler then interprets the new value as double
Why double check? Because this is very close to UB, so I'd want to double check my understanding to reassure myself that it's not UB
by the way, is reinterpret_cast using memcpy to do its work? The assemly output on godbolt is exactly the same
for both
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdint>

double d = 1.0000000714790076;

void foo() {
     std::uint64_t result;
    std::memcpy(&result, &d, sizeof(result));

void bar() {
     std::uint64_t result = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t&>(d);
gives me the following assembly output
 nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
 nop    WORD PTR cs:[rax+rax*1+0x0]
 nop    WORD PTR cs:[rax+rax*1+0x0]
 nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
this looks a little bit more complicated than before
What optimization flags are you passing?
foo and bar should just have a single instruction: ret
ah yes, I checked the binary box, too ^^
Try to make it at least a tiny bit interesting: godbolt.org/z/BYJZ9T
still does the same thing for both
@MiroslavCetojevic Yup.
7 hours later…
which constructors are called when I write this: auto row{std::vector<int>(n)};?
first it's probably a normal constructor to create a vector of size n, but when it's passed to row, will the move constructor be invoked?
std::vector<int>(n) should be a rvalue, right?
2 hours later…
@MiroslavCetojevic I'm pretty sure that in this case the move/copy to row will be elided. en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/copy_elision
@DexterCD thanks
I want to be able to write int * Matrix and vice versa
is this enough?
friend Matrix operator*(Matrix, const int&);
friend Matrix operator*(const int&, Matrix);
@MiroslavCetojevic Looks good. I personally wouldn't take the int by reference. Passing it by value will cause it to be passed through a CPU register, when you take it by reference it needs to be placed in memory, and then a pointer to that int gets passed. Taking the matrix by value makes sense because of copy ellision when you return the new matrix.
@DexterCD all right
Here's a godbolt link which shows the difference between passing by value/passing by reference if you're interested :-) godbolt.org/z/3MWYyU
@DexterCD quite the difference
couldn't the compiler optimize the const int&?
@MiroslavCetojevic Only if it can see the function's definition, then it could inline it and see that it doesn't need a reference.
well, where's the definition?
in another translation unit when you didn't define them inline in the header
There's no definition in the godbolt link, only a declaration. A declaration creates a name for the compiler to see, a definition would also provide the function's implementation
@DexterCD how does it compile, then?
It compiles but won't link, try removing the '-c' compilation flag, you'll see that it fails
Wait, nevermind, godbolt never links the code :p
the '-c' creates object files, to create a working program it would need to link those, at that point the linker would point out that it's missing the implementations of those functions.
@DexterCD you were right, I added empty implementations for each function and both got optimized
Jep, inlining is a very important optimization in compilers!
> Jep, inlining is a very the most important optimization in compilers!
Fair enough :p
4 hours later…
i need help in one of my C programm
Don't ask to ask, just ask
I wrote c program to remove the duplicate from string
i am getting correct out put for first input but second input it is wrong
when i gave second input as first then its printing correct out put but then again for next input it is printing wrong
what are the inputs
geeks for geeks
geks for
input one is geeks for geeks
and second is geeksforgeeks
for first input output is geks for is correct
but for second it is wrong
are you allowed to use the standard library at all?
you mean use of gets and puts
no I mean strstr
that said you do have insecure code
so this is an assignment then, what's the actual requirement?
insecure code mean
no it not assignment
then why can't you use strstr?
if it's personal work you have no restrictions
can you please read it
i want to do it in C only
> The conversion specifiers s and [ always store the null terminator in addition to the matched characters. The size of the destination array must be at least one greater than the specified field width. The use of %s or %[, without specifying the destination array size, is as unsafe as gets
that doesn't specify you can't use strstr
but what is wrong in my approach
sorry if i am bothering you
I'm currently at work, I'm also not the best person at C
someone from the C room would be a better person to ask
others may respond if they are around
ok thanks lot
i got it mad i am
start should be initialise to 0
2 hours later…
damn, who would've thought that implementing a transpose of a matrix could be so difficult
worse, there aren't many examples of transposing a non-square matrix
for every i<j swap A(i,j) with A(j,i)
isn't that for square matrices?
for non square you need to create a new matrix with swapped dimension and fill Res(i,j) with A(j,i)
2 hours later…
@MiroslavCetojevic In some cases, it makes more sense to just not transpose it. Instead just create a "transposed" class that does something like: T &operator()(size_t x, size_t y) { return array(y, x); }.
yes, it would be much simpler to copy from one array to the other, but that's not what I'm going for
@JerryCoffin but while you are here, could you explain what std::bitset<> does here?
// the original code is taken from geeksforgeeks.org/inplace-m-x-n-size-matrix-transpose
// Note that matrix[0] and matrix[size-1] won't move
std::size_t size = m * n - 1;
const std::size_t HASH_SIZE = 128;
std::bitset<HASH_SIZE> b;		// hash to mark moved elements
b[0] = b[size] = 1;
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < size;) {
	std::size_t cycleBegin = i;	// holds start of cycle
	int tmp = matrix[i];		// holds element to be replaced, eventually becomes next element to move
	std::size_t next; 			// location of 'tmp' to be moved
1 hour later…
Im gonna get so much hate for asking this but... how can I delete shared_ptr but keep sharedPtr.get() object itself?
and get a raw pointer to it instead?
You can move the object out.
@Dariusz just copy the object
you can always create a pointer to its address
wont it get deleted when shared_ptr dies?
if I do
obj *ptr = sharedPtr.get()
sharedPtr.reset() < kills object
obj = nullptr now?
auto obj = shared_ptr.get();
and then I got &obj as pointer
auto* ptr = &obj;
hmm thanks!
in case it doesn't work, try auto* ptr = new obj(shared_ptr.get());
thanks!, I also decided to go ahead and rewrite the libr to run as shared_ptr... gonna be goner for like next 3 days T_T
I felt that this cheap fix would not be good long term
but thanks for all the ideas! will definitely get hadny one day
Don't manually use new.
well im moving to shared_ptr, so I probably wont
@Dariusz No, obj is invalid now.
but with this auto obj = shared_ptr.get();
its still valid right?
No, that simply copies the pointer and the pointer will become invalid.
By moving I meant auto my_thing = std::move(*shared_ptr);.
that does look much better
That will also stay valid after the shared_ptrs have deleted the object.
awesome thanks!
so I learned a little bit more about the move option
@MiroslavCetojevic He uses the bitset to mark which elements have already been moved, and queries it later to find elements that haven't been moved yet.
Ok I have another shared problem :- (
in old code I had this
static_cast<treeNode *>(index.internalPointer()
this would return raw pointer from qt modelIndex() of an object
but I need a std::shared_ptr<treeNode> instead
I tried this
std::shared_ptr<treeNode> node = std::make_shared<treeNode>(static_cast<treeNode*>(index.internalPointer()));
but that somewhat did not work. How do you think I can get it to work properly? I need to cast a raw pointer/object back in to shared_ptr<> lol o.O
he ends up with
maybe it does work
The point of shared_ptr is to delete the pointer that you give it. Are you really sure you want to delete index.internalPointer();?
I change it to
std::shared_ptr<treeNode> node = std::make_shared<treeNode>((*static_cast<treeNode*>(index.internalPointer())));
this should create a shared_ptr from object right?
and not from pointer, before it was a shared ptr to a ptr to a ptr I think
So you copy the treeNode and make the shared_ptr responsible for deleting it eventually.
mmm I dont want to copy it
it has to be thesame object
Then you probably want a treeNode *.
I need shared_ptr
Im moving it all to shared ptrs
Why? Don't use shared_ptr unless you absolutely have to.
I have to
pybind11 needs them, and since I want to expose tree content to python I need them in shared_ptr format to share with python
This will not work. shared_ptr takes ownership of the pointer you give it. Python like that because it can keep one around which keeps the object valid and it can throw the shared_ptr away to potentially delete the object.
You don't own the object. index does, whatever that is.
what wont work
So all of the assumptions that the object will live while python has the shared_ptr and that it will be gone once it drops it don't hold.
the python wont be able to hold the object
You can make a shared_ptr that does not delete so that python accepts it, but that means you now have to manually manage the memory.
as it wil be set to eee ref only I think, there was an option for it
pybind11 offered a way to use shared_ptr<> but allow it to become null if data become deleted on c++ side
I recon they used weak_ptr or something like that
I don't know how your python binding works, but I can tell you that randomly converting between pointers will not produce the result you want. You need to understand what shared_ptr does, what ownership is and why python wants a shared_ptr.
@JerryCoffin and what's the rationale for using 128 to initialize the bitset with?
@nwp presumably because python asks for it ^^
return_value_policy::reference < seems like this was the one I wanted to use :
so I think this should be fine, when user just calls the object again in python hell just get a null error or something like that
if the objects gets deleted on C++ side while user uses it
Or it crashes.
its embeded interpreter. hell just start it again
And then it probably just crashes again.
Ill worry about it when I understand it better
for now I need to convert object from raw pointer back to proper shared_ptr
but then I dont want to have 2 different shared_ptr instances of it
how on earth do I solve that one?
shared_ptr<treeIdem> item
treeItem* itmQt = static_cast<treeItem*>(modelIndex.internalPointer())
now *itemQt == *item.get()
but if I do
shared_ptr<treeItem> it = std::make_shared<treeItem>(*itemQt)
would then it == item ?
or would I have 2 separate shared_ptr objects poiting to the same item-object
thus if one shared_ptr dies the object gets deleted and other shared_ptr points to empty void?
you would need to do *it == *item, no matter what
ah yes
but still, does the 2 shared_ptr objects, reference each ot her and know of each other. or are they going to be in conflict?
shared_ptr should manage the reference count regardless of how many shared_ptrs you create
so they are aware of each other
if you want to put it that way
shared_ptr only deletes the object it points to if the count is zero
every time shared_ptr is copied or assigned somewhere, the count will be increased
and when that copy goes out of scope, the count will be decreased
so the fact im creating shared ptr from internalPointer is still affecting shared_Ptr count?
treeItem* itmQt = static_cast<treeItem*>(modelIndex.internalPointer())
shared_ptr<treeItem> it = std::make_shared<treeItem>(*itemQt)
I dont want to copy object, this should be the same object here
it's the same object, since you are only creating a pointer
amazing, so the object is aware of shared_ptrs that uses it and get it properly shared?
no, the object is not aware ^^
the shared_ptr is
none of it make sense XD
when I made it here
shared_ptr<treeItem> it = std::make_shared<treeItem>(*itemQt)
im making shared_ptr from object
so how is that shared_ptr going to know that there is already shared_ptr else in the app to that object?
because of the reference count (inside shared_ptr)
as long as it is NOT zero, the object will NOT get deleted
is there like global SHARED_PTR_MANAGER that he sends requests to and checks if a shared_ptr of that object already exists?
I may need to draw to to explain what I mean o.O
no, it just uses increment or decrement operator on the ref-count
I dont get it
I mean I do, but I dont
I have to learn it, feels like some black magic stuff that I could definitely use somehow
shared_ptr p1 = make_shared(obj) <-- this is new, the count incremented from zero to one
shared_ptr p2 = p1
1) p2 decrements its own count (because it pointed somewhere else and now it doesn't, so the count goes down, and if it's zero, it will delete the object)
shared_ptr p1 = make_shared(obj)
shared_ptr p2 = make_shared(obj)

does p1 sharedPtr is count set to 2 now?
2) p1 increments its count, because p2 points to the same object, too
@Dariusz why would you do that?
because qmodelIndex.internalPointer() returns *object
and I need to return shared_ptr<>
yeah, but you alread made a pointer, why do you create a new pointer in the same scope?
just assign it or pass it
I'm not, Qt holds Raw pointers, and my app (now) holds shared_ptr<>
and Im returning shared_ptr<> in functions etc. So I have to sync it somehow with QT expectations of Raw pointers
so when ever qt needs a pointer, I give it sharedPtr.get(), but else internally I use shared_ptr<>
@Dariusz you probably don't need shared_ptrs
I need them for pybind11...
particularly not if you give your items contexts in Qt
still need it for pybind11
actually I have no idea what this means "items contexts in Qt"
@Dariusz when you create a QWidget you can pass in a parent, if you do that it automatically manages the memory for you by virtue of the parent's lifetime
Ive subscribed entire QtreeView/model system
the onyl thing I didnt replace is modelIndex
so I manage most of the data myself now that I moved to shared_ptrs
uggg, shared_ptr is uuuugly and should be avoided
yes, but pybind11 wants it.
this is fun :- )
why do u say its ugly, isnt it the answer for memory leaks?
how can i send my code by nice format here?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class a1{
    void f1(){
int main(){
    a1 ma;
    cout << &ma.f1;
    return 0;
but do it only on code, no comments
how can i get address of non static method of class?
use the address-of-operator &?
please give me that code
no address of method f1
I guess address operator won't work, especially with streams
you could try reinterpret_cast<void*>(func)
you should get the address from &, though
@Amir You can't get a normal address. You can get a pointer to a member.
A: Function pointer to member function

Jerry CoffinYou need to use a pointer to a member function, not just a pointer to a function. class A { int f() { return 1; } public: int (A::*x)(); A() : x(&A::f) {} }; int main() { A a; std::cout << (a.*a.x)(); return 0; }

I'm not at all sure you can print out a value of type pointer to member though.
@MiroslavCetojevic I'd have to look more carefully to be sure of that. I suspect it's just a number big enough of the cases he cares about, but I'm not at all sure of that.
@JerryCoffin I used vector<bool> instead, since it achieves the same effect, but I can give the size at runtime
@JerryCoffin thanks a lot
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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