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Guys I have a question about the "multi-pass guarantee" of `ForwardIterator`.
I've (read)[en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concept/ForwardIterator] that if a type satisfies `ForwardIterator`'s requirements, if I have an iterator `a`, incrementing a copy of `a` does not change the value read from `a`;
So expression `++It(a), *a`; is equivalent to the expression `*a`;
Also `a == b` implies `++a == ++b`.

But does the sentence "does not change the value read from a" only refers to the **value** read from a?
Oops, the formatting went wrong, sorry for that
3 hours later…
@LanYi Here's my reading: you need to be very careful with what you're doing. "If a and b compare equal (a == b is contextually convertible to true) then either they are both non-dereferenceable or *a and *b are references bound to the same object" (emphasis added)
So if iterator a, b, c; pointing to the beginning of grow_on_demand. *a must always point to the same object barring iterator invalidation.
If we do ++c and it grows the grow_on_demand, then we refresh b = grow_on_demand.begin(), *a and *b might not be referring to the same object
But if a == b, which seems likely, then your iterator is not a ForwardIterator
I guess, from my reading, this isn't valid
1 hour later…
@Justin Yeah, I've noticed that, but for example in my iterator I could just store a pointer to the grow_on_demand object, and an offset value. The grow_on_demand object itself cannot change, the std::vector member itself won't change either, what can be changed (by incrementing my iterator) is only the buffer controlled by vector.
So if my iterators always access bytes through the grow_on_demand* pointer (instead of, for example, caching the pointer obtained from std::vector::data()), then all iterators should always be able to access the same buffer
IIUC, when using Forward Iterators, it's legal to do something like this: auto& element = *a; ++a;. This will fail in your design, because element can become dangling
It looks like I need to find an another way to implement a non-just InputIterator for a grow-on-demand data structure :/
1 hour later…
So I was thinking to make a vector of vectors, and create new vectors instead of resizing existing vectors to prevent reallocations, meanwhile the reallocation of vector<vector> would be ok, because it would use move constructor, so all iterators and references should remain valid, but then I discovered this isn't true either... stackoverflow.com/questions/11021764/…
Looks like I'll have to use vector of unique_ptr of vector
@LanYi That answer surprises me. People complain that std::vector is not allowed to do small object optimization because it says iterators must stay valid after it has been moved.
I am fairly sure the answer is outdated.
it's from 2012 so probably
Microsoft is so bloody damn stupid, I can't take it no more... I'm googling for "how to upgrade a project from vs2015 to vs2017" and the only answer I got so far is, when you open the project, dialog will appear, and upgrade wizard will open, and so on... But I canceled first time, and now, whenever I open the project, the dialog actually DOES NOT appear, and these fools seem not to tell you how to do it manually anywhere, so I can't do anything now... Anyone knows anything about this?
What's the rationale behind putting the \n character in double quotes on cppreference code examples?
When outputting to the standard output.
@MuhamedCicak You can manually set the compiler toolset. It still uses a VS2015 project, but it then uses the VS2017 compiler. Maybe that is good enough.
@nwp Thanks.
1 hour later…
What is meant by the third and fourth code snippet in here? Shouldn't it be =default instead?
@Ron It says // Disallow moving, so it looks like they actually mean =delete.
Ah right. Thanks.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@nwp There are several answers there. I believe mine remains reasonably valid, other than the fact that what was then table 96 is now table 83.
@FerencRozsa That certainly seems more reasonable to me anyway.
2 hours later…
I've googled a bit but didn't find a satisfying answer to this issue:

Clang-tidy gives "thrown exception type is not nothrow copy-constructible" on every "throw std::runtime_error"
What should I do with that? :D Avoid std::runtime_error completely? It doesn't seem to become deprecated to I guess it's not an answer
Well, it doesn't have a noexcept copy-ctor indeed but... how to work around that?
@ledonter This is one of the rare times that it's probably worth considering just editing a nothrow specification into the header.
...do you mean edit std library header? :D
@ledonter Precisely what I mean.
Of course, it's possible it'll actually throw sometime, in which case you'll get a horrible abort and the earth will explode, but keeping clang-tidy happy is more important than a minor detail like that.
arrg for my calculations i need the current vertices of my model which is part of geometry node. its just a transformation with its model matrix.
maybe a method like that...
QVector<QVector3D> getCurrentVertices()
QVector<QVector3D> vertices;

QMatrix4x4 global(getGlobal());

for (const auto& vertex : model->getVertices())
vertices.append(global * vertex);

return vertices;
as member of my geometry node
3 hours later…
i have a somewhat relevante question for a exercise im doing
if i have, for example, a int array
something like int k[3];
and i do i[2] = nullptr;
will i lose that position?
will the lenght of my array lose a position?
@jeyejow k != i but I'm being pedantic
yes i misstype, ill edit
i meant do say: k[2] = nullptr;
im asking this because in other classi have of c# my teacher says it loses a position if i point a List element to null, i know the languages are diferente and Lists arent the same as arrays, but i just got curious about if that is true in c++ for arrays
@jeyejow no your array won't lose that position, in theory the compiler may complain about a narrowing conversion and may require a cast
but in effect you'll just be setting k[2] to zero
Shouldn't that be a compile error?
@jeyejow No. Compiler simply won't accept that. The primary intent of nullptr is that you can assign it to any pointer, but not to non-pointer types.
@Justin Yes.
int main() {
    void * k[3];
    k[1] = nullptr;
this would work tho
i think
@jeyejow Yes: godbolt.org/g/UZv6p3 . But that's an entirely different thing; it's an array of pointers, not an array of ints
how can i point a int k[3]; anny position to a null?
i tried this but i also got error?
int main() {
    int * h = nullptr;

    int k[3];
    k[1] = h;
they say cant point int to int *
but i tought int[] was a pointer
Given int k[3]. k is not an int*, although people often say it is. k is an int[3], but it can decay into an int*
Also k[n] is an int
so i cant do k[2] = h, but i can say k = h?
but i would lose everything that way
maybe my teacher was right, i cant point a certain position of an array to null
You cannot say k = h. k is an int[3], h is an int*, and int[3] = int*; isn't valid
If you want to be able to "null out an array position", use std::optional
Given std::optional<int> k[3];, you could write k[1] = std::nullopt;
Although I'd recommend std::array<std::optional<int>, 3> k;. Raw C-style arrays have quirky semantics
hmmm ok!

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