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Say I have a vector of 10 strings, where the strings are of character length 20. How do I got about comparing each string char by char to each string char by char? For example string 0 gets compared to string 1,2,3,4,5. String 1 to 2,3,4,5, String 2 to 3,4,5...etc. If I hit a difference in the characters I add to the score, if they are the same, they do not affect the score.
1 hour later…
> I have been programming in C++ for 4 years and still have a lot to learn and accomplish.
2 hours later…
@Sailanarmo You write a score function that calculates the difference score of 2 strings. Then you use 2 loops to iterate over all pairs of strings and add the scores together.
struggling with the implementation of my boolean operation functionality. My approach is, to execute only, when one object in the scene is selected (operand one) and over the collision with one other object (operand two) in the scene a valid couple is produced.
2 hours later…
When I use "using std::string" in my header only, I get the errors:

In .h file: "new types may not be defined in a return type"
In .cpp file: "return type specification for constructor invalid"

Which are gone if I do "using std::string" in both header and cpp file. But isn't this somehow redundant? If I wanna use something from a namespace, like string, where and how do i use it best?
Ok, now it works without "using std::string" in the cpp file, as i added in a semicolon after the class declaration in the .h file
Funny how different errors are dependent on each other.
#include means effectively: copy the contents of that head here
there is no attempt to use the eof in any way to constrain the grammar
3 hours later…
const char * coms[20]=
{ "\\\\.\\COM01","\\\\.\\COM02","\\\\.\\COM03",

char ArdCOM[13] = {};
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
		ArdCOM = coms[i];
when i try to do that
i get error
"expression must have modifiable lvalue
when i do ArdCOM = coms[i];
why is that?
ArdCOM is a C array and you cannot assign chars to it.
You probably meant to use ArdCOM[i], although not using C strings is easier.
Wait, maybe that's not what you meant.
I think you meant strcpy(ArdCOM, coms[i]);.
Or maybe you meant const char *ArdCOM;. Hard to tell.
oh god i didnt realise that
i need to wake up
    char template[] = "\\\\.\\COM%2.2d";
    for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
        char ArdCOM[20];
        sprintf(ArdCOM, template, i);
        // ...
for my boolean operation i thought on implementing friend operator functions for my geometry nodes. Friend, because i must have access the vertices over private model pointer. coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/90143f67f9c18c20
@FerencRozsa The friend part seems reasonable enough. Returning a bool rather less so. Using + for a union is probably fine, but it seems like it should return something representing the actual union. For example, auto a = b + c + d; should give a some type that can represent geometry, and a value that's the union of b, c and d. I'd be quite confused by its being a bool though.
3 hours later…
Got a problem while using gdb, code repeating lines multiple time with no reasons, also, assignment such as gcolor = 0 doesn't work (gcolor is equals 255 after this line):
GDB snippet:
86 double day = aTime->tm_mday;
(gdb) n
87 double hour = aTime->tm_hour;
(gdb) n
89 if((time(0)-dT)>=10){
(gdb) n
90 dT = time(0);
(gdb) n
91 printf("day - %s",(aTime->tm_mday<15)?"true":"false");
(gdb) n
86 double day = aTime->tm_mday;
(gdb) n
90 dT = time(0);
(gdb) n
87 double hour = aTime->tm_hour;
(gdb) n
91 printf("day - %s",(aTime->tm_mday<15)?"true":"false");
(gdb) n
86 double day = aTime->tm_mday;
(gdb) n
91 printf("day - %s",(aTime->tm_mday<15)?"true":"false");
(gdb) n
87 double hour = aTime->tm_hour;
Actual function snippet:
double day = aTime->tm_mday;
87 double hour = aTime->tm_hour;
89 if((time(0)-dT)>=10){
90 dT = time(0);
91 printf("day - %s",(aTime->tm_mday<15)?"true":"false");
92 if((aTime->tm_mday<5)){
93 rcolor = 255;
94 bcolor = (255/120)*((day)*24+(hour));
95 }else if(day<10){
96 bcolor = 255;
97 rcolor = (255)*(1-(((day-5)*24+(hour))/120));
98 }else if(day<15){
99 rcolor = 0;
100 bcolor = 255;
101 gcolor = (255/120)*((day-10)*24+(hour));
102 printf("COLOR: %f,%f,%f",rcolor,gcolor,bcolor);
103 }else if(day<20){
its not long just watch the flow of the code... the flow is not correct...
@AsafFisher what optimization level are you using?
here is my makefile:
CFLAGS=-Wall -O3 -g -fvar-tracking

# Where our library resides. You mostly only need to change the
# RGB_LIB_DISTRIBUTION, this is where the library is checked out.
LDFLAGS+=-L$(RGB_LIBDIR) -l$(RGB_LIBRARY_NAME) -lrt -lm -lpthread
E) -lrt -lm -lpthread

all : $(BINARIES)
@AsafFisher Yeah you're compiling -O3 so you have optimization on... change that to -O0 then debug, and change it back when you're done
Yeah with optimization on all bets are off in terms of it debugging the way you expect. The compiler is free to do what it wants insofar "as if" the same thing had happened
sill wierd
86 double day = aTime->tm_mday;
(gdb) n
87 double hour = aTime->tm_hour;
(gdb) n
89 if((time(0)-dT)>=10){
(gdb) n
90 dT = time(0);
(gdb) n
91 printf("day - %s",(aTime->tm_mday<15)?"true":"false");
(gdb) n
86 double day = aTime->tm_mday;
(gdb) n
90 dT = time(0);
(gdb) n
87 double hour = aTime->tm_hour;
line 86 shouldn't have been twice like that
main.cpp:14:33: error: unable to find numeric literal operator 'operator""s'

How can that be?.. I'm including <chrono>
@ledonter using namespace std::chrono_literals;
@AsafFisher Idk if it's this exact case, but gdb does sometime go over a line twice even if you're not executing the line twice.
@AsafFisher Please don't randomly ping me, only cause a notification if you're directly replying (via the little arrow on the right of the post) to something I said
@AsafFisher If you're still seeing odd behavior that's usually a sign of undefined behavior, I'd suggest using ubsan
or valgrind
On easier use of gdb: typing Enter without any text command executes the previous command (so you can type n once, then to keep executing n, just type enter instead). Also, I really like the TUI mode, which you can get by typing CTRL+(X+A).
I've also heard that gdbgui can be nice
@Justin Ik just an old habit of mine (:
@Mgetz sry :P
@Justin btw why do I need to include that namespace explicitly, as it is inline...
I thought inline ones are implicitly "used"...
@ledonter Did you have using namespace std;?
I see it now, I guess
2 hours later…
If i call setter Methods within my constructor, i get a segmentation fault, what could be the problem?

The setter methods do the same thing i would do in the constructor directly. e.g.

this->value = value; //using this expression in the constructor is fine. Calling the setter with that logic not.


Using the set method on an object that was created is fine.
@Strict Can you write some code to show this? When I tried what you described (or at least what I can understand from what you described), I couldn't reproduce it
@Strict is the setter a virtual method? also you should avoid using setters in constructors generally speaking as you should be favoring the initializer list
@Justin in my case i declared the class and functions in a header file and then defined it in a separate cpp file in which i included the headerfile.

SomeClass::SomeClass(int a, int b) {
this->a = a;
this->b = b;

void SomeClass::setA(int a) {
this->a = a;

Now if i called the setMethod in the constructor instead:

SomeClass::SomeClass(int a, int b) {
this->b = b;

Segmentation fault.

@Mgetz ok, I see. Thought might be a good idea since you can put in some conditional code inside the setter (you can do it in the constructor as well theoretically, but that would be redundant).
@Strict you didn't answer the question, are you calling a virtual method?
Also didn't declare the function virtual. Just did a
void setA(int a);
in the header, inside the class.

Could post my whole code if it helps, though as I'm using german i didn't want to cause additional confusion. Lol.
I don't believe the code you shared would cause a segfault.
One moment, gonna trying to run my code on that wandbox editor and send it to you.
It would be awesome if you could reproduce the error on onlinegdb.com
For simplicity i put the source code in the main.cpp file.


Now look, if you run the code, segmentation fault. If you remove the set methods from the constructor and un-comment the previous assignment, no segmentation fault.
@Strict You never return from setBezeichnung
string Artikel::setBezeichnung(string bezeichnung)
	this->bezeichnung = bezeichnung;
But you say it's going to return string
That's Undefined Behavior
Ah...I see. Mistakenly made it return a string instead of being void. How didn't i notice it. Thanks. :)
But you all agree to better use an initializer list than calling setters in the constructor?
@Strict You shouldn't waste attention on noticing such things. Set up your compiler flags to tell you about such things instead.
@Strict Usually, yes. You can extract the duplicated code between setter and constructor, and have something like Artikel::Artikel(string bezeichnung) : bezeichnung(validateAndReturnIfValid(std::move(bezeichnung))) {}

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