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Anyone willing to take a gander at some code? I'm trying to find a graceful way to cleanup a generic/simplified logging method, but my mind is drawing on a blank to what I could do. I don't know how to form it as a proper question on SO, so I figured I'd take a stab at chat first. :P

Link: https://gist.github.com/jdknight/85f473dc206852a4f45145ca05fc2913
@jdknight It's not specific enough for me to understand what you are doing / where you want to go / what could be improved
You could add RAII to it, so that it times the portions and writes the details upon destruction.
2 hours later…
@Justin, sorry. Made the post and had to walk away for a bit. I was trying to have a log template where each log would be prefixed with a value (ex. "mymodule: msg"). In the source files, I know I can have log messages like log("mymodule", "msg"), but I'd rather have it setup so that I could "register" a class file for a module (i.e. REGISTER('mymodule');' at the top (or where ever) and just have simple log methods like log("msg")`.
Try to avoid things like REGISTER("mymodule");. Nobody knows what it is registering and what effect it has. It makes more sense to write log.set_prefix(__FILE__); or something like that.
I tried using a static const char*value to try to make this work but I knew I would have redefinition errors. I just couldn't figure out how I could achieve this, other then maybe making a define at the top before an include and using the define in the log (but I really don't want to do that).
@nwp for sure! I just make a very crude example that would compile and used just very basic names. I tried to minimize the code for simplicity.
I've updated the example to (maybe) be more clear (if anyone has the time).
Hmm... I wonder if I'm looking for an inline variable (based of of N4424; via stackoverflow.com/a/38096735/693291). I'll try one of the mentioned workarounds and see where that gets me. :D
Hey guys: adding static to a lambda expression inside a function - speed increase not significant, right? Are there any specific cons to having static? I don't see that often, but feel like it should be added
@OneRaynyDay, while I'm not an expert, I don't think there is any specific cons to this (other then any normal cons a static may have outside the context of lambdas). You might fine the following interesting:

The end effect of adding static is either harmless (but also useless because it has no benefits) or actively harmful because it doesn't do what you expect it to do
TL;DR: it's a retarded idea
@milleniumbug I think that's overstating the situation (a little bit, anyway).
6 hours later…
Hey @milleniumbug. Back to the question yesterday I think I have a better explaination for it
If you take a look at this framework here: github.com/ybainier/Hypodermic
It's a manager for dependency injection. As you can see in their example they create an instance at the very beginning from the program itself.
Back to yesterday (cause it's more or less the same case). How do I get the instance of the manager in my other classes? Cause only the first instance has all the registered classes.
So do I have to pass the instance down to all the classes which are using the manager?
Or is there a better way?
@OneRaynyDay Could easily be a speed decrease because you have a thread-safe initialization check each time going through
@StephanHofmann passing the instances is what you do. You can make it easier to manage with IoC container (like the one you linked), but that's not necessary
Ah ok. So it's a bit more work in general but thats the correct way right?
Don't work around it by using a "singleton" and making your dependencies implicit
This results in unmaintainable programs
Sound good. But why did you say "not necessary"?
I think I will use the framework from github. Looks great for me :)
You can pass them manually to the constructor of another class
Ah so you mean it's to much work to pass the instance of the container rather than just pass it in the constructor of the target class?
Or the class which use the Interface
interface = abstract class
The thing is that I think the many classes use the same abstract class. So when I want to change the polymorphsm for the abstract class for all classes I have to go through all manually
so you decided that doing this manually is too tedious and you used a IoC container to help you automate it. Good!
Was that ironic? :P
no, I'm 100% honest here
Was that ironic?
Or did I take to much of your time
Making critical judgements is a skill which is very helpful while programming
you looked at the two alternatives, considered their pros and cons, and chose one based on the cost/benefit analysis
I have nothing to say but words of praise
@sehe oh that is true, didn't think about threadsafety :)
@milleniumbug thanks!
By the way quick question. Is there something like a standard way to install such frameworks? Or is it just drop-in?
C++ libraries are PITA to manage. This is unfortunately a sad reality caused by a lot of existing de facto standards a potential dependency manager has to pander to.
Hmmm, this lib is header only so it's likely you only need to add include directory path to the compiler or your build engine, and then you should be good to go
1 hour later…
good evening
1 hour later…
@iksemyonov right back at you
@StephanHofmann conan, biicode, nuget++, vcpkg - they all still suck in various ways, but hey, if you live in the sweet spot, you might like it
I want to avoid the instantiation of an base class, so i declared their destructor as pure virtual. What i dont understand, the common way or purpose for pure virtual function is their overwriting in the derived classes. But how does this behave in the sense of an pure virtual destructor ?
in the sense of? you mean, the case of?
yes...case of
@FerencRozsa Why not make the constructor protected
@FerencRozsa a pure virtual function can have an implementation
not must have
which then can be explicitly called by the derived classes
no, they actually can
virtual int f() = 0 { return 42; } // legal
@milleniumbug that doesn't work for destructors
    struct Base    { virtual ~Base()    = 0; };
    struct Derived { virtual ~Derived() override {  }  };
is not valid
this part of the language is a bit tricky so I won't be surprised if I'm wrong somewhere
famous Chinese proverb about c++
hm..i dont get it
Make a SSCCE - code talks.
Anyhow, the answer to "how do pure virt dtors work" is: well, the derived class will try to call the base one
And since "a pure virt function with an impl" is a thing, that's also a thing
yes but destructor has to be implemented to cut the chain of abstract classes
but how to overwrite it
class LMNode { virtual ~LMNode() = 0;}
class LMTransformNode : public LMNode { virtual ~LMTrnasfornNode(); }
overriding a destructor doesn't replace the base one, virtuality only affects delete
@FerencRozsa Stop the noise. Please.
(up arrow edit. Only use "but" if there's a contradiction, simple stuff :))
@FerencRozsa This is already fine.
yes but is it possible to overwrite a destructor
It's not possible to overwrite anything, actually. Perhaps you mean override
in my example i dont overwrite it....and thats the thing i dont understand. I have to implement the destructor otherwise LMTransformNode will be also abstract
And, no, you cannot override a destructor. That's the first thing I said, I think
@FerencRozsa It is. Compare that example I linked - OOPS if forgot to link it ?(!)
Uhoh. EMBARRASSED. The first one shouldn't work either: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/0c43a2111a11b53f I had forgotten to actually derive.
i add that already and got error
@FerencRozsa of course ^
The Derived dtor tries to call Base dtor but fails because there is no definition
@FerencRozsa This is what I'd do coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/38348469f80582c9
provide one like virtual ~Base() = 0 {} and it should work
26 mins ago, by sehe
@milleniumbug that doesn't work for destructors
you have to implement the base destructor
@FerencRozsa Yes, but it doesn't need to be public
hmmmmmm ok
You can repeat the premise, but it doesn't get you anywhere. The language doesn't change because you wish it so.
@milleniumbug I suppose something something special vtable slots bla bla devirt UB etc.
i dont want to change it i want to understand it
You already do.
no i dont do
What is not to understand. You say it yourself:
2 mins ago, by Ferenc Rozsa
you have to implement the base destructor
So implement it. Have a nice day.
seems to work when you provide a out-of-line def Base::~Base() {}. Dunno if UB or legal
@milleniumbug wow.
so because i cant override the destructor in my derived classes and in general, i have to implement it out of the base class defininiton ?
and that prevents that my derived classes become abstract...
It's way simpler to make a non-dtor virt fun pure
but i havent a other one that i can make pure virtual
that the dtor
Really? None whatsoever? What are you using inheritance for then? :)
because i want to work with baseclass pointer
Feel free to work with the base class pointer.
@FerencRozsa Yes. vtables contain mandatory slots for destructors. Once the typeinfo for any polymorphic type is used, vtable required to be complete (this is to allow language features like stack unwinding)
@FerencRozsa WHAT. ARE. YOU. TRYING. TO. DO?
26 mins ago, by sehe
@FerencRozsa This is what I'd do http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/38348469f80582c9
If that's not enough, simply make the constructor protected as well. What is not ok about that? coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/eadafcdf13a2c99e
my issue was that want to avoid the instantiating of my base class. a possible solution was/is the to make the destructor pure virtual in want of other functions that can be pure virtual. so far so good. the next thing was, not only to implement that but to undertand that too.
> a possible solution was/is the to make the destructor pure virtual
I'd say you have found out the untruth of this "fact" for yourself.
It's simply a lie. Or a misconception. Get over it. Fix your mental model. It was no big deal.
my usage of pure virtual funtions so far was the must of implementation in derived classes
so an only interface inheritance
So, you learned that destructors are special members.
Destructors aren't interface.
10 mins ago, by sehe
@FerencRozsa Yes. vtables contain mandatory slots for destructors. Once the typeinfo for any polymorphic type is used, vtable required to be complete (this is to allow language features like stack unwinding)
what means in that way the vtable has to be complete ?
Can anyone explain why I keep getting a seg fault
As far as I know the implementation of merge sort makes sense
23 mins ago, by Ferenc Rozsa
because i want to work with baseclass pointer
I don't think I can call this XY anymore. I think it's WXYZ.
@MalikBrahimi use valgrind to track memory corruption issues
How do i do that
1. Install Valgrind 2. Use Valgrind 3. Profit?
seriously though, it's all out there
could the actual implementation be wrong
@sehe is the "override" keyword a must ?
@FerencRozsa No. When in doubt, hit the docs: en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/override
@FerencRozsa It means you must have a destructor, in this particular case. You are welcome to read the standard specifications on actual wording.
@MalikBrahimi It is wrong. You already know that
here's the error I'm getting
const ptrdiff_t_Num = __last - __first;
that's in stl_algobase.h
@MalikBrahimi That's not an error. The error you're getting is "segmentation fault"
that's the line the debugger pulled up
The line the debug info thinks triggers it is the one you show. That means you're passing that bad params. Most often you're passing it bad params right in your code.
I'm not surprised, because you're using pointer arguments. In C++. Code smell!
I'm doing it for a class that's the way they made the function signatures which I can't change
Daily reminder that in a group project, if you screw up, it may seem that others have done a bad job even though they actually did it perfectly, and the entire project will fail
"they" is referring to C++ standard library
"group project" is your code
I'm confused. If you guys see a flaw would you be so kind as to point it out
Remove code until it stops crashing
If I remove the recursive calls it doesn't crash
I'm using the eclipse CDT debugger
@MalikBrahimi WTF. Fire your prof
@MalikBrahimi Hint: what may possibly fail in recursive functions
@sehe Yeah ikr
Are you handling a base case properly
@milleniumbug yes
If the size is one
then the entirely list has been recursively split
one being a single child node
then they are merge and sorted from bottom up
@MalikBrahimi but not in split. If the size it 2...
So. Are you handling a base case properly?
@sehe wtf?
this is like exactly what I'm doing! ughghghg
It's not just about the pointer braindamage
6 mins ago, by sehe
So. Are you handling a base case properly?
Yeah you're uding references
which I wish I could
It's not just about that
I added the base case in for split
Fix your problem by reading closely. Read like the compiler does.
@MalikBrahimi Where?
at the top of the function if (input.size() <= 1) return;
in Split
Repeating the question doesn't make you magically get the answer. It's right in front of your nose. The crucial skill you need to learn is "Looking for it"
@MalikBrahimi What even IS the base case (I spelled it out about 10 messages before)
The base case is that there is a lone element of 1
@MalikBrahimi No.
That's for Merge. Again. If you need a hint, simply scroll up.
Something to do with params ik
but i can't put my finger on it
probably passing the vector<int> *input in MergeSort in the 3rd param of Merge
Not at all.
8 mins ago, by sehe
It's not just about that
@MalikBrahimi I'll repeat the hint in 2 minutes. Props if you see it before.
Something about the size being 2?
I don't get it
17 mins ago, by sehe
@MalikBrahimi but not in split. If the size it 2...
@MalikBrahimi Ok! You did find the message.
Lol yeah
Now, simply run through the Split code and check what happens if the input size is 2
And if you need even more hints, look at my code for the difference.
I see
if it's 2
then halfway is index 1
This is what you came here to learn. Not to tell us about your frustration.
which would leave output 1 with 2 elements
and output2 with nothing
a useless pointer
Really. This is top! Thanks for hanging in
@sehe I love u dude no homo
@MalikBrahimi well... forget the pointerness of it. It's just a reference for us, right.
Let me fix up the function and I'll let you know how it goes
@MalikBrahimi Hey. You want to learn, the biggest lesson of all is that programming is 99% persistence. You have to "think like the computer".
If it's happening, it's possible.
If it's not going right, it's _your fault_. Etc.
@MalikBrahimi Gradual improvements just for fun: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/f338337ec6bf0fb7
it works!
thanks sehe
@MalikBrahimi Cheers. Final delivery: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/b778c919142d6117 (C++ favours generalized algorithms over actually copying collections etc.)
Yeah I would have preferred references copies and return values but it was the nature of the assignment
@MalikBrahimi Did you even look at the last version :)
Yeah but quite honestly i don't understand it lol
You should show it to your prof. Maybe the pure delicious abstractness of it will convince him that C++ style is actually better. I mean, prof must LLLLLURVE complexity
@MalikBrahimi Anyhoops: look ma, no refs coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/f2bb4606d5b65a35
7 mins ago, by sehe
@MalikBrahimi Cheers. Final delivery: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/b778c919142d6117 (C++ favours generalized algorithms over actually copying collections etc.)
Actually, that version didn't use references - at all - either, because Split wasn't used anymore.

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