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anybody has any trick to flip bits in this fashion: 00010110 to 00001001
the rule is that the bits which were are not required to represent the number should not be flipped
the excess zeros on the left must be ignored
@Yashas find the most significant digit, create a mask by a left shift (and subtract one), and then xor the input with the mask
AFAIR "find most significant digit" is a common instruction on many CPUs so it should be fast
@milleniumbug that's exactly what I am doing. I have a loop to find the MSB which I don't like.
and I am not allowed to use builtins
Hmm, am I just dumb, or is this compiler warning false?
struct var{
    template <typename T>
    var(T val) : _val(val) {};
    boost::any _val;

var operator+(const var& lhs, const var& rhs){ // warning: all paths through this function will call itself [-Winfinite-recursion]
    return lhs._val + rhs._val;

var operator*(const var& lhs, const var& rhs){ // warning: all paths through this function will call itself [-Winfinite-recursion]
    return lhs._val * rhs._val;
(also please excuse any incorrect usage of ::any, I'm still playing around with it)
You could put an std::reference_wrapper<var> into var to cause an infinite recursion.
I can't find an operator + for boost::any.
@Yashas You can build a binary search with bit masks. This minimizes the number of comparisons to get to a particular bitmask, but in reality it's probably slower due poor branch prediction. If you want to play with it, take a look at: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/7f8f3c8829608e8f
@nwp you're right, hence the excuse incorrect usage. Was looking for a way to hack around it
It seems like whatever you put into boost::any, you can never get out ever again, while you can do something like that for boost::variant.
@nwp yes, I'm aware of that one, but the issue is, putting in any x(10); and then any_cast<double>(x); will throw, since it's doing a reinterpret cast(which makes sense), and thus greatly restricts my ability to interpret similar values
All I want from ::any is the type erasure, so I might just roll my own type erasure class :P
Well yes, you have to know the type of stuff. If you throw away type information it has to come from elsewhere.
@sehe @all Can boost.spirit show multiple errors? Suppose we have multiple syntax errors in our input, can I print them all or just the first one?
@Max You can but only if you resume on some type of errors.
@sehe Ok, how can I resume?
@sehe I'll have a look on retry. Thanks! :)
It's not simple, I guess. But with some cleverness you should be able to get there
Hey @sehe, do you know if the streaming platform you used has people that are experienced enough to do code reviews for $?
I was hoping by the end of my project, I would have made a couple design decisions and someone could look through it and give me their criticism on why I shouldn't have done X
@OneRaynyDay no clue. Ask @Bartek (you can pay me as long as I didn't find a new job :))
@sehe Sounds good :) I thought you were possibly too busy, so didn't ask directly.
@OneRaynyDay any is a mistake
@milleniumbug strong opinion, why exactly? :o or do you mean any is a mistake in my setting?
on a more serious note, any is rarely useful because most often you don't need "any type", but rather "any type that supports operations X, Y and Z"
@milleniumbug it's like you read my mind on the "rather"
What would you "rather" do?
Boost.TypeErasure provides the latter, but it's a bit awkward to use
A proper language support for this would be less awkward to use than that, but you probably won't see this implemented in this decade
I see. So rolling my own type erasure class would be appropriate?
pro: I get to know exactly what I need to customize with my own type erasure class, con: extra code = extra bugs, also might run slower or does not have threadsafe guarrantee
it's one of the options, yes
I see, gotcha
A: How to print boost::any to a stream?

milleniumbugIf you can change boost::any to another type, you can use Boost.TypeErasure. If you ever wanted to create a type that's like any, but only supporting types that support these particular operations at compile time, then this is just for you. #include <boost/type_erasure/operators.hpp> #include <b...

^ a sample of Boost.TypeErasure
This is another con, but not sure if it's 1 I can avoid: I have some kind of templatized constructor + base class inheritance private member pointer in mind for type erasure. I'll have this inside of a PImpl, so I'll have 2 indirections for any class. This might be a little too much, but I don't think I should worry about it for now because "premature opt is root of all evil" or something. (I'm just babbling on here)
@milleniumbug Nice answer, upvoted. I'm gonna look inside that link you added
hmm... I see. If I'm not wrong, at a cursory glance @ the basic docs, type_erasure only allows a couple of predefined concepts to be exposed, no?
seems to allow extending with your own concepts, but I haven't done much with that
I see, it's in here: boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/doc/html/boost_typeerasure/… , ctrl f on bar_concept.
There's even a page called "Defining custom concepts"
oh my geez that example code is almost as ugly as the boost::proto examples
FTR operator+ and operator* are predefined concepts
addable and multipliable
@milleniumbug yep, all unary, binary are predefined :) however I do have to add some functions like exp(x), log(x), poly(x,a) etc
@OneRaynyDay variants are the useful case of any. If you need "any" - make it useful (e.g. Boost TypeErasure)
Oh I see you already were discussing it
@OneRaynyDay All doable. The member functions/free functions are all there. Just a tad tricky with const-qualified member functions as I recall
@sehe yep :) It seems like it would be a good fit, but I just have a phobia of heavily templated interfaces as the error messages hurt my eyes
@OneRaynyDay This should tell you something. If all these libraries that actually doing things right/generically end up being equally ugly...
@OneRaynyDay You'll get the hang of it. And it's widely better than precisely the same errors from your own template hell.
I mean, if you want expression templates, there's no way around it
@sehe Yeah, I have a ton of respect for the people who hacked up boost libraries, it's just as a client I wish I didn't see a glimpse into the hell they had to go through...
Anyways @sehe, im going to sleep :) good night! I'll hopefully be done this project by latest this month, I'll ping you for availability then :)
1 hour later…
@OneRaynyDay Cheers. Sleep well

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