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what how did you do that? even ideone cannot print it well
@Unknown123 I wasn't using an online compiler. But if you must, coliru is more Unicode-friendly: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/7e15c2c430dc1e17 (that's what I ran in both compilers)
16 hours later…
Hello, i have a huge problem with my exlipse c++ environment. Can someone help me>
I installed eclipse and added the MinGW compiler to the windows path. Also i changed the to UTF-8 and UNIX. Furthermore I chose as dialect the c++11. When i try to build my projects the binaries wont get created and to_string is still shown as unresolved.
Hi Everyone.. I was exploring on constructor , copy constructor and assignment overloading concepts of c++.. Came across an really interesting output for the below simple program.. Can anybody explain how it works..???
class foo{
cout<<"I am Constructor"<<endl;
foo(const foo &f){
cout<<"I am copy constructor"<<endl;
foo operator =( const foo &f){
cout<<"I am assignment operator"<<endl;
return *this;
~foo (){
cout<<"I am destructor"<<endl;

int main() {
foo f1;
foo f2 =f1;
f2 = f1;
vector <foo> vect;
return 0;
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
Anybody there ???
@ShivarajBhat that is hard to read, maybe you should use the code formatting
or even better post it on coliru.stacked-crooked.com so people can play with it
@Schbabako Several MinGW versions are outdated and std::to_string doesn't work there, I suggest using MinGW-w64 which is currently maintained.
ok i will try. I already installed many compilers....
@ShivarajBhat which part is unclear?
@nwphow the order of destructor is called..
i see the order for the above code as below..
I am Constructor
I am copy constructor
I am assignment operator
I am copy constructor
I am destructor
I am copy constructor
I am destructor
I am destructor
I am destructor
That's the actual output. What's the expected output?
I am Constructor --- for foo f1;
I am copy constructor --- for f2=f1;
I am assignment operator --- for f2 =f1;
I am copy constructor --- for vect.push_back(f1);
I am destructor ------- >?????
I am copy constructor ------------> ???
I am destructor -------------> ????
I am destructor ----- for destructing f2 object
I am destructor ---- for destucting f1 object
@ShivarajBhat the temporary copied and destroyed when you do push_back, and the destruction of the stored element inside std::vector
@ShivarajBhat foo f2 =f1; may look like assignment, but it's not. It does copy construction. To get assignment, you'd have to do something like foo f2; f2 = f1;
correct.. first 3 lines of output i understand clearly..
after that is a bit confusion ...
@ShivarajBhat Okay. It's just the question marks you're asking about?
@JerryCoffin I think the core question is why push_back requires a temporary
if i remove two lines in main ()
still copy constructor is called twice in the output screen..
Say suppose
int main() {
foo f1;
foo f2 =f1;
f2 = f1;
//vector <foo> vect;
return 0;
output is ---->
I am Constructor
I am copy constructor
I am assignment operator
I am copy constructor
I am destructor
I am destructor
I am destructor
@milleniumbug Very nicely done.
thanks a lot.. it cleared all my doubt...
@milleniumbug thank you so much...
hey, still the binaries wont get created.
I really dont know what else to do
I reinstalled MinGW, exlipse and used also PE windows parser. I added this c++11 into the settings
@JerryCoffin spent too much time wondering why had the spurious temporary appeared, when it turned out that operator= returns by value
@Schbabako have you checked that the std::to_string works when you invoke the compiler outside of IDE?
When I start a new project and use to_string in there it works. I create a new source file with a new header . The header includes string and in the source i use the to_string statement. Bot are included in my main. But i doesnt work anymore
I dont know what to show you. I just try to import an existing project by copy pasting the header and source files into a new c++ project. When i try to build it then it shows me that to_string and stoi cant be resolved
20 mins ago, by milleniumbug
@Schbabako have you checked that the std::to_string works when you invoke the compiler outside of IDE?
how do i do that ?
you take all the files, and run g++ -std=c++11 file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp fileN.cpp -o output_executable_name.exe on them
I dont know how to do that. WHat do you mean by "I take all the files" and where shall i "run" the command?
you run the command prompt
you cd /d C:\directory\path\where\your\project\is\located
and then you run the command above with passing all the source files to it
ok working on it
also include the headers or just the cpp?
only source files
it also says stoi and to_string was not returned in this scope
so it's not a problem with your IDE configuration
it could be a problem with your compiler so you should then compile a simple source file which does nothing but call these functions
#include <string>
int main() { std::to_string(42); std::stoi("42"); }
it doesnt work
it gives me an error
i installed all necessary compiler files.
which one you tried
(post the link to the site you downloaded it from)
also: what error do you get
I guess it's something like "to_string not declared" but I want to be sure
for the second attempt it gave me the error "undefined reference to 'winmain@16'
i will restart my computer
i will be back in a sec
@Schbabako seriously? are you compiling the file with the contents I posted above?
because this suggests you have a different problem altogether
I have a Snake-class which has a dynamic array of BodyPart-objects, I need to initialize each of them, but I don't know how.
Tried this: (in Snake.h, I have "private: BodyPart* body;")
this->body = new BodyPart[this->parts](xStart, yStart);

xStart an yStart are floats passed into the constructor of the Snake-object
I got the error:
"an array cannot be initialized with a parenthesized initializer"
no one likes new
use std::vector
I don't either. But this is a requirement.
Hopefully after January the professors will let us use vectors finally.
uni assignment? oh well, universities being bad at C++, as usual
i redid it. I said just it was not declared in this scope now
@Schbabako run where g++ in your command prompt
is the response
is this your newly downloaded mingw-w64
i can redo it
but shouldnt change to much
oh, and run g++ --version
g++ <GCC> 5.0.3
which version do you have?
but std::to_string should be available in 5.3 too
but it doesnt even work like this in the command prompt..
@JackOfBlades can't do this with new. Usual solution is to use std::vector. Alternatively, if your BodyParts are default constructible, you could use new BodyPart[size] and then assign to the every element in a loop
I'll fiddle around for a bit, see what happens. Thanks.
when i made a new project in eclipse and included all the files into my main it worked.
at some point it stopped creating the binaries when i cleaned the project but to_string could be resolved. when i try to import the project or just import the source and header files from a working project the "to_string" function could not be resolved,.
@milleniumbug The singular form of new isn't entirely bad. It's really only the array form of new that's irredeemably evil and should absolutely never be used.
and even when i have that project which is empty eclipse doesnt create the binaries

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