@Unknown123 I wasn't using an online compiler. But if you must, coliru is more Unicode-friendly: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/7e15c2c430dc1e17 (that's what I ran in both compilers)
Hello, i have a huge problem with my exlipse c++ environment. Can someone help me>
I installed eclipse and added the MinGW compiler to the windows path. Also i changed the to UTF-8 and UNIX. Furthermore I chose as dialect the c++11. When i try to build my projects the binaries wont get created and to_string is still shown as unresolved.
Hi Everyone.. I was exploring on constructor , copy constructor and assignment overloading concepts of c++.. Came across an really interesting output for the below simple program.. Can anybody explain how it works..???
class foo{ public: foo(){ cout<<"I am Constructor"<<endl; } foo(const foo &f){ cout<<"I am copy constructor"<<endl; } foo operator =( const foo &f){ cout<<"I am assignment operator"<<endl; return *this; } ~foo (){ cout<<"I am destructor"<<endl; } };
I am Constructor I am copy constructor I am assignment operator I am copy constructor I am destructor I am copy constructor I am destructor I am destructor I am destructor
I am Constructor --- for foo f1; I am copy constructor --- for f2=f1; I am assignment operator --- for f2 =f1; I am copy constructor --- for vect.push_back(f1); I am destructor ------- >????? I am copy constructor ------------> ??? I am destructor -------------> ???? I am destructor ----- for destructing f2 object I am destructor ---- for destucting f1 object
@ShivarajBhat foo f2 =f1; may look like assignment, but it's not. It does copy construction. To get assignment, you'd have to do something like foo f2; f2 = f1;
When I start a new project and use to_string in there it works. I create a new source file with a new header . The header includes string and in the source i use the to_string statement. Bot are included in my main. But i doesnt work anymore
I dont know what to show you. I just try to import an existing project by copy pasting the header and source files into a new c++ project. When i try to build it then it shows me that to_string and stoi cant be resolved
@JackOfBlades can't do this with new. Usual solution is to use std::vector. Alternatively, if your BodyParts are default constructible, you could use new BodyPart[size] and then assign to the every element in a loop
when i made a new project in eclipse and included all the files into my main it worked.
at some point it stopped creating the binaries when i cleaned the project but to_string could be resolved. when i try to import the project or just import the source and header files from a working project the "to_string" function could not be resolved,.
@milleniumbug The singular form of new isn't entirely bad. It's really only the array form of new that's irredeemably evil and should absolutely never be used.