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12:57 AM
@Danack submitted a PR to RfcCodex, please double check the changes, I altered the wording in one or two places though I'm not exactly sure if it's right
Brain's a bit fuzzy, probably should've done it tomorrow when brain isn't fried
1 hour later…
2:22 AM
Nested 'yield from' duplicate first element ・ *General Issues ・ #79614
Looks like a legit bug to me
/cc @NikiC
2:40 AM
yes it is
interesting that that happens
i mean, it should only delegate
looks like an issue with the array iteration
3v4l.org/vJtpp because this works
3 hours later…
5:49 AM
Nikita already fixed this bug last Friday
6:27 AM
TFW woken up out of a deep sleep by neighbors about two or three hours before I want to wake up and having trouble falling asleep again -_-
yesterday i had an important video conference with a client so i wanted to make sure to get a good sleep before that, but i was so worried about not getting a solid sleep that i ended up not sleeping at all. FML
6:43 AM
My apartment resides in a house which was converted into apartments and is very close to the house next door. Neighbors moved in a couple of months ago and they're the noisiest I've ever had. Most of the time, I can just deal with it, but other times it's annoying. Like a honking car right outside my bedroom window... -_- (not what woke me up)
Need to find something to do to make me sleepy
6:58 AM
woodworking videos on youtube @Tiffany :B
@Ocramius Is there a way with BetterReflection to iterate over all PHP builtin functions and classes? You depend on phpstorm-stubs, so the data for that is there.
7:37 AM
is there a mayor problem to base a programm on a local sqlite database and after testing migrate the db to MS SQL DB ?
@roblox Very likely, yes
All the databases have differences in their SQL dialects, you generally can't expect things to "just work"
@NikiC hm found this on the microsoft website docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/sql-database/… , was a little bit sceptical if it would work with out mayor changes
1 hour later…
8:59 AM
@IMSoP Oh man i really glad read ur msg, even idk what to do with those link.
I can't find the precise word to describe my feeling, but i took those advice to stay away from internet for a while.
It almost 1 weeks and no effect, just like nothing helps.
It've been 3 weeks haunted by corrosive feeling.
9:37 AM
Why PHP ZTS is disabled by default?
9:49 AM
@AdiPrasetyo it has a certain performance penalty
answer it dude, don't let me stole your credit XD
10:15 AM
looks arcane
I'm not sure whether it is a good idea to mess with the floating-point control word at all.
@cmb In the interest of pragmatism, I'd say disable that code under __SSE__
10:53 AM
@AdiPrasetyo I answered it a little bit more elaborately
@AdiPrasetyo It's not stealing credit. Summarising information so that other people can find it is a useful thing to do imo. Which is why I do it for github.com/Danack/RfcCodex/blob/master/rfc_codex.md And although talk about ongoing global calamities is still off-topic, this guy is quite relaxing to listen to, and all he's doing is summarising info.
@Tiffany Did you sort them neighbours out?
11:09 AM
@MarkR @Girgias Did anything happen with the namespaces in core RFCs?
@Danack ah that repo, RCF is req for comment right?
idk where the right start place as my current understanding with PHP, I hope I can contribute something in the future. r u involved on the official php development?
@Derick currently having exams (and hating this degree more and more) but I'm finished on Friday and will send an email that voting will go live on Monday as ther hasn't been any further discussion, @brzuchal said he would try to do it but seems like he didn't have time
@AdiPrasetyo PR php-src, or contribute to docs, those are the best ways to start contributing
@Girgias Which degree was that again?
@NikiC Mathematics, and I just spectacularly failed my "Probability and Statistics 2" exam
@Girgias Well, that's understandable :)
Not a fan of probability theory either :)
11:15 AM
I'm not sure what I hate more now, Mechanics, or Probability (with whatever tiny bit of statistics we did)
mechanics as in kinematics?
Part of, in first year we did Kinematics, but also Free Body Diagrams (don't remember if that's in it) with drag coefficiants and other stuff, orbital equations, rocket equation and change of coordinates to evaluates velocity/accelaration of rotating objects
I know all about the rocket equation from Kerbal Space Program :D
@NikiC Want to chat about Named Arguments and Stable Sorting soonish? I'm just about to email invitations...
@AdiPrasetyo that repo is a summary of why some stuff that is clearly desirable, hasn't been done.
@Girgias No need to do it right now. I'm fine scheduling a call for next week ;-)
11:25 AM
o7 @StatikStasis
@Danack i don't get what you mean by "The aim is to make it possible for interested parties to find each other, rather than a personal desire to be involved in that work myself." after the comma
@AdiPrasetyo some of the things documented there are terrible ideas. If people want to work on them, that's fine, but I don't want people to ask me "Hey, you understand it, why haven't you fixed it yet?".
... do you care if I go through that entire repo and proofread it, @Danack?
no, don't mind - in fact would appreciate that.
how would you prefer I do it, one file per commit, per PR? or all changes in one PR?
11:37 AM
If it's typos, or the thing I apparently do where I forget to end one sentence before finishing it, one PR per file is good. But if it's reordering lines around, then separate those from typo changes.
@Tiffany omg, spellchecking? what OS do you use tif?
and what about you @Danack?
@AdiPrasetyo Windows, but I proofread by sight...
@LeviMorrison just realized another thing why zend_instrumentation API is needed for PHP 8 as an argument is the introduced zend_execute_ex stack depth limit of 1000 (configurable)
though, for dev, I usually spin up a VM in Virtualbox and install ubuntu or debian, or use WSL
@Danack so a change like this should be a separate PR?, and I don't have an example readily available for the other one, making sure I understand correctly
11:56 AM
Can someone explain me what on earth is going on in the last email sent to internals?
why the forwarded email? judging by the fact he's using gmail, and when I sent my first email to internals through gmail, I didn't receive an email in my inbox, I was confused... but that's just a guess
gmail is shite
spam blocker is effective :D
@Girgias I am now blind.
@Danack Good I'm not the only one then
12:03 PM
@Derick TL;DR: gibberish
Something something distinguish type or variable by leading symbol
At least I think that's what he wants to propose
not even an euro symbol.. I'm disappointed
@Tiffany yeah. The main thing is to separate out the changes that I would apply without thinking about, and the ones that I might stop to think about, and then decide to either apply or change the sentence in another way. For that one I'm mixing up current and future tense in one sentence, which is why it is hard to read.
> Although the 'Allow function calls in constant expressions' would clearly make PHP be more powerful, it would do so in a way that dramatically increases the number of edge-cases.
@pmmaga We should use the currency sign of a certain country for a specific type and change $ to ¤ for universal variables
12:06 PM
it's not a constant if you have a function call in it
using the same tense throughout the sentence makes it easier.
@Girgias locale-aware variable symbol
@pmmaga Genius, where do I put my money
@Girgias ಠ_ಠ
12:08 PM
I know want to make a shitposting tweet about this
and while I am getting grumpy about those kids, someone want to explain en.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/gmpuku/… to me?
@Tiffany actually, for some of them, just pointing out the 'this bit is hard to read' is useful info, even if you don't have a proposal of what to change it to.
for php extensions, is there a reason why ./configure requires --with-php-config instead of phpize already setting the dfeault correctly?
@Danack how should I point that out? is there something in github that allows it, or just ping/send you a message?
@Danack Friday works - what time?
@Tiffany I think open new Issue (draft), there you can point out all this bit is hard to read with giving links. But let's wait, maybe Danack have more productive flow
12:19 PM
@Tiffany either just open an issue, with.....the line number from github. Oh, they don't give line numbers for text files like they do for code.....that's annoying. Going to the blame page allows you to grab a link like: github.com/Danack/RfcCodex/blame/master/rfc_attitudes.md#L27
Or make a PR with 'wat'? in the appropriate place...
@Derick late afternoon - I might try to peer pressure someone else to take part also....
@pmmaga ah, finally externals.io/message/105253 would make sense ;)
@Danack 👍
@cmb I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave earlier:
May 13 at 13:15, by Danack
@StatikStasis Thanks. When I ragequit the PHP project, I will go through the chat log of this room and find who it was who said the problem that PHP internals has it "not enough community involvement" and take the piss out of them until I get kicked.
@AdiPrasetyo Do not ask people for personal information like age or where they live. This room is for technical discussions not for personal dating. I know that cultural norms defer, and that in some countries asking for age, blood type are normal and friendly things to do. But they are unacceptable here.
12:29 PM
Ah great I think I did a fuckup while trying to fix [-Wundef] warnings... HAVE_IPV6 is always defined on Windows if I understand https://heap.space/xref/php-src/win32/build/config.w32?r=84854a72#295 correctly.
Which makes https://heap.space/xref/php-src/win32/sendmail.c?r=afdaa911#745 always include the IPv6 struct :| something which I thought made it fine for me to change the #if to #ifdef... because on Linux this is only defined if available :|
@Danack 15:30 / 16:00 ?
@Danack ok
@Derick yup.
15:30 then - I'll follow up with an email with a suggested "script", and you can reply with what you want changed and/or added :-)
sharpens pitchfork
12:37 PM
I have a server (with 8GB Ram) and no specific service is running, but 5GB of Ram is used
how can I detect what's the thing which uses the Ram that much?
@Shafizadeh htop then sort by memory consumption
But that doesn't really belong in this room
I know to use htop, but how to sort?
@IluTov ok
@Shafizadeh Try htop -s PERCENT_MEM
I did
@Girgias could it even make sense to forcefully disable IPv6 support?
12:43 PM
See? 5GB is used but there is no specific service used the Ram
@Shafizadeh see the VIRT column. They do potentially allocate 5 GB
@cmb I don't know, I'm just seeing there are some bogus checks because we don't have a consistent naming policy :( easiest thing to do here I would imagine is to tweak the Windows config that it only defines them when support is available
gimme a sec
@Shafizadeh its a linux thing
12:46 PM
here is the result of VIRT
something is clear for you about that 5GB used? @beberlei
@Girgias yep; I'll do, if you don't beat me to it. :)
@cmb I'll let you do it :p I'm going through some of the extensions currently to fix these warnings
1:08 PM
fyi, there is a new version of reveal.js, and it is nice: revealjs.com/#/4
1:19 PM
@Danack If we now support inline callable definitions would it possibly better to separate typedef and callable types in separate RFCs? (disclaimer I read through the changes in detail)
As typedef could also be useful for union types
short answer, I don't know. Longer answer:
I think many people in PHP still don't grok how useful type systems are, and that focusing an RFC on bringing in a better type system might cause a lot of drama just to it being new. See for example scalar types.
I think that thinking ahead, and making sure any syntax choice made would be usable for other type declarations is a good thing to do. But the current RFC process seems to be bad for laying out roadmaps of stuff.......so in some circumstances, chipping away at the edges is the better choice.
Wrong GIF header written in GD GIFEncode ・ GD related ・ #79615
1:34 PM
@Danack @IluTov I'd actually start even simpler, with type aliases
"Typedef" brings a whole slew of loading baggage with it
While for many purposes, you'd be happy with a local alias.
That is, start with use int|float as number rather than type number = int|float
that seems to be a point of difference. Some people do want them for just local usage.....the usecase for me is passing them around from app level code into a library.
@Danack You don't (typically) need the type name in the app code though
You just want to pass the closure there
Of course there are cases where the name could be useful, e.g. if you want to extend a library method. But it's not the most common case.
I do for factories....where I need to return a callable of a specific type, but the factory is called by other code.
/laters, need air.
@cmb why is AC_DEFINE('HAVE_GETADDRINFO', main_network_has_ipv6); tied to the support of IPv6? (Talking about the windows config file) as this is also always defined on Windows but not on *Nux based
1:51 PM
@Girgias because PHP? ;)
Well good that we cleared that :p
@NikiC I don't think I'd make much use of either but I can understand why other people would. Maybe if we allowed array shapes it would become more useful.
@Girgias I think this is broken, but probably nobody ever builds with --disable-ipv6 (and by default it's enabled as of Win XP, or so)
@cmb I don't see a reason as to why you would want to build without IPv6 support, but the check seems broken for sure, that one is "less" of an issue as no code currently uses and #ifdef check for it, although by being pedantic it should on *Nux
2:12 PM
Dumb question, do we prefer the usage of zend_string_release_ex() over zend_string_release()?
I think yes, if it is known that the string is persistent.
@Girgias Depends on who you ask :P
I only use zend_string_release
It seems like a pretty useless optimization to me...
@NikiC Well I did some cleanup on OCI8, which was doing a conditional between those two depending on the PHP version
Which I'm confused, is the PECL one still active or is the current one just the one in php-src?
2:35 PM
@IluTov Good morning. I have an hour until my next meeting if you have any time to discuss partials. :-) If not, I'm off Friday so we can schedule some time then if you're open to it?
@Crell Hey @Crell :) If you have any questions you can also just @at me. I'm guessing you'll get a response from somebody else if I'm not here.
Fair, just trying to optimize time since we're on separate continents. And since I am still in the "not even sure what questions to ask" stage of larval development. (Not to be confused with laravel development, which is something else.)
Does anybody use Chrome on Windows 10? Mine started to work a little weird. I want to see if it's just me.
@Crell, so the parser is done right? Did that work?
Mornings room
2:45 PM
It compiled, but then all of the tests that made use of a ? argument segfaulted. Whether that's expected or not since ? isn't being handled yet I'm unclear. I figured I should verify that before trying to figure out how to then branch the logic in ZEND_AST_CALL
moin moin
@Crell That's probably because zend_compile.c doesn't know what to do with that AST node. You should add it to zend_compile_expr. Just try to skip it for now, then it should emit the new instruction.
@LeviMorrison Did you get any performance data on the instrumentation API?
@Crell Don't forget --enable-debug
That tends to turn some of those pesky segfaults into assertion failures...
2:52 PM
Good to know. Do I add that to the make tests command?
@Crell ./config.nice --enable-debug
So make clean && ./config.nice --enable-debug && make tests ?
Does anyone know what ICU version does CentOS 7 come with?
I had no idea that the Eliot Lear that submitted that OpenSSL CMS RFC is rather well known: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_Lear
2:56 PM
Oh wow
I love his homepage domain name lol
3:13 PM
@NikiC No, but @beberlei compared hooking all functions to zend_execute_ex and it was comparable. (no worse, right?)
@LeviMorrison @beberlei What would be most important for us, I think, is the overhead unused instrumentation has over the feature not existing
I.e. how much do people pay who don't use it
Right -- haven't measured. JIT making all the tests fail made me forget about that one.
reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/gn8fvw/… This might amuse you @Girgias @MátéKocsis
oh god
nice :-)
3:19 PM
@MarkR :D
3:30 PM
Boy a debug compile takes a long time.
It does?
It should be faster than a release compile...
&& make tests doesnt use parallelization though, ./config.nice --enable-debug && make -j4 && make tests
Over 15 minutes and counting.
Oh! No, wait, it's running all tests, that's what's taking forever. Ooof.
make test TESTS=..., not the other way around. I keep confusing those.
3:34 PM
@Crell don't forget to send the test results to qa.php.net. The QA team is eagerly waiting to evaluate them. :P
after the first time you do ./config.nice --enable-debug, --enable-debug is written in ./config.nice so you don't have to repeat it everytime
@Crell I just use ./sapi/cli/php run-tests.php -j8
@cmb I have done so before, and there were fails even with a vanilla HEAD.
@cmb Haha should I start pressing yes on that? :D
We probably should actually purge some of the reports from qa.php.net
3:39 PM
well, nobody looks at these reports (to my knowledge)
Cause there are way to many to make it useful
You mean they're actually stored? :O I assumed it was just /dev/null
The reports are generated from the email... IIRC
@bwoebi, could you please have a look at this phpdbg fix. Could that break anything?
@MarkR ^
@cmb looks safe to me
3:43 PM
Great. Thanks!
@cmb but technically should be handled by heap.space/xref/php-src/sapi/phpdbg/…
@Crell the very first time I built PHP and ran the tests, and not using multiple cores, I think it took 45 minutes to an hour...
Yeah :P mistakes were made and learned
@bwoebi That's to late for Windows. The watch_*.phpt tests segfault during request shutdown, probably because there is no more SEH in place.
3:49 PM
@cmb then I guess the SEH is just ending too early
no isn't
yeah feel free to purge there
okay, fine (now all phpdbg tests run on Windows; PHP-7.4 for now only, though)
4:01 PM
@Tiffany Discontinuous Integration?
@Machavity it was local, but I guess you could call it that
4:22 PM
@NikiC can you please remind me if you use simple-phpunit in the CI of PHP? If yes, you might like github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/36882
Ah, it's segfaulting because of the missing AST. That's logical.
@NicolasGrekas It's using the ./phpunit script, so I think yeah
Though currently symfony testing is disabled on master
ok nice. ping me when you want to reenable it, I'd happily help of course.
@NicolasGrekas Does symfony do any nightly testing?
The last state was that I couldn't run tests due to fatal errors
not yet, but we're going to asap (that's how I started this Twitter storm today, by trying nightly and failing even before starting)
4:31 PM
@NicolasGrekas ... how does a project like Symfony not have nightly testing? o.O
oh, we can add one for sure, it's just going to be red until someone cares :)
OSS dynamics
5:00 PM
@LeviMorrison nightly testing against what is the question
5:13 PM
@Danack is there a reason you add a new function autoload_register when spl_autoload_register can be amended? Also i think the consensus is that you shouldn't put stuff into PHP\ namespace, as long as the namespace policy RFC has not passed. At least I got a lot of feedback when doing the Attributes RFc :)
@beberlei the second argument for spl_autoload_register() is kinda dumb
@Girgias named params will fix that :)
Meh, it shouldn't be there in the first place, also autoloading doesn't really has anything to do with SPL
5:34 PM
@Danack <3 callable types.
I'm unclear why function overloading is related to that, though. I'm not against it, I just don't see how it's related.
Hello guys! Can you recommend any PHP profilers that would be a good fit for a WP site? The problem I have is that we have a WP site running on 3 servers, (4 core + 24GB ram each) and the PHP-FPM is using 100% of CPU and a tremendous amount of RAM. We have added another VPS (the same params) but it still jumps to 100% in the blink of an eye. After checking a lot of things I started to think that it's something in our Theme (custom) so a good WP PHP profiler would be useful
6:00 PM
Is the second namespace RFC going forward? If not I'll bring mine to the vote. I dare say I probably have less support though because of leaving \PHP open to things like collections and a future SPLv2.
IMO SPL2 should be vec and dict in the root namespace ;)
6:20 PM
@MarkR Give me another week-end and I'll announce a vote, currently busy
@LeviMorrison I think there's probably quite a bit more to go in there than vec and dict :)
@LeviMorrison Primitive types? Why not classes?
(If they support methods it doesn't matter too much to me)
THey should be value types, like array.
That seems unlikely.
and personally, not desirable
@LeviMorrison Do they though? We could just provide immutable interfaces. And you can always copy when necessary.
6:32 PM
No, array semantics are better
What justification do you have for that?
@LeviMorrison 🤷‍♂️ I like value semantics but not if they don't support method calls amongst other things.
@MarkR At the very least, because hack added classes and immutable types and then convereted them to value types ;)
@LeviMorrison Shouldn't we maybe then provide a way to create classes with value semantics instead? Value semantics aren't just useful for arrays. Then you can still make use of interfaces, methods and so forth. (This is just an idea off the top of my head, might be completely silly and unreasonable).
Maybe, but my point is that vec and dict specifically should have value semantics.
6:43 PM
@LeviMorrison That's fair. I think if I could choose between value and reference semantics with no other downsides I'd choose value semantics too.
type classes solve everything. :troll-face:
Value semantics with operators might work? $vec2 = $vec1 + $someval;
Didn't Nikita recently mention that he thinks arrays should've been reference types? Many languages do just fine with reference types (C#, Java, JavaScript). I wonder what the general opinion is on this.
@Crell Yeah, I don't see why not :)
7:25 PM
@IluTov PHP's array semantics are excellent for the most part -- only major issue in my opinion is mixed keys.
having [0 => 1, 1 => 13, "for" => 56] ugh
References and arrays can interact weirdly, but imo that's reference's fault, not array's.
7:52 PM
hello o/
8:03 PM
can any one give me a bit of insight on adding open id to an already existing authentication system

currently i want to add sign up with facebook to my web app. gone through all the process, currently getting the user name and email etc. when logged in through facebook

which is good i can easily sign up the user in to my system but there is the issue of what password do i create for the user? it has to be something that would be consistent (like based on the users facebook id) ? not sure how to proceed at this point :(
@LeviMorrison Same for me and here is still ArrayObject if you need something that will be passed as reference.
I just published my first npm package. What a hassle (compared to Composer/Packagist)
@MátéKocsis re github.com/php/php-src/pull/4829, why are you asking?
8:24 PM
@Girgias touching OCI8 have some extra channels it needs to go though for some things because of the customers that pays Oracle for support or something dumb, so sometimes even the simplest changes can be a burden to get through :(
@Kalle no worries, it's just that going through nearly every file of every extension to check all the #if preprocessor conditions made me think I could do some cleanup
(especially as I just needed something dull to do today to get my mind of my exams)
@Girgias all good, usually Christopher Jones is a chill guy and good with most changes, I have usually notified him in the past of changes to OCI8 due to this
Good to hear :D
At least we don't need a CLA to do changes there unlike the IBM stuff in PECL xd
Oh god, remind me the changes I wanted to propose to FB's PHP-SDK required me to sign a CLA and this repo doesn't have any activity so it's been laying there for what 10 months now lol
Also jeez, I pushed over 50 commits to php-src this week just doing cleanup :|
8:29 PM
Good stuff :D
Back in the day you would do it all in one commit and change some other random things on the fly and the diff would be so big so no-one cared to proof check it
^ exactly
I mean... I did do that in the beginning with my Warning to Error promotion PRs and Nikita made me split them up so they were digestable
Tho I don't really know how to split the Wundef one for ext/standard
@Girgias For ext/standard, just do like 5 or so files at a time, shouldn't be overkill
kinda hard to group them as there is so many niche things
8:32 PM
Well the change is mostly #if to #ifdef and so #if defined(*) to #ifdef * which just feels odd to split up
@Girgias Yeah I agree its odd
lol somebody just pinged me to fix this bug: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=34972
ufff, 34k range of bug numbers
but why start there when you can implement this FR from 2001: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=12802
It's about non-blocking streams which apparently is blocking a friend so
We maybe also should try to fix the Windows compiler warnings :')
8:38 PM
@Girgias I did some pruning over the years, but once we moved into x64 builds, the warnings began really spewing
@Kalle Ouch, I imagine it's something due to 64bits intervals or truncation?
HTTP streams can be set to non blocking on Windows. I have that problem for serial connections (Arduino) on windows.
I did enable -Wconversion and pushed it onto a branch, the compiler log is fat
Hey @beberlei, just saw your new RFC for attributes. What if instead of that target argument would have a new method called validate($target): boolean? This way in userland you could even restrict based on typehints. More than that, it would allow some custom logic in that validate method.
@Girgias I think it was a mix of signedness and possible truncations yeah, I think Anatol did fix many of them with the proper x64 support but to say its a nice and warning free build would be insane xD
8:42 PM
Of course, that validate method would have to be declared into a new built-in interface, something like TargetAttribute
And if that new attribute implements the new interface, it would apply the validate method at runtime
@Kalle I mean IF you enable the same warnings on GCC you get floded by them too lol
@Girgias oh I thought warnings was enabled by default on GCC? (I've only been using MSVC myself)
@Girgias I remember zend_vm_execute.h had a recuring one, it was so bad that we had to put a #pragma once in there for the warning
@Kalle actually no, I did manage to get -Wextra mostly working for master and that required some work over like 3 months lol
I did compile PHP with -Wpedantic once
The VM file, because it uses labels as values, just spit out over 100k lines of warnings
@Girgias Sounds like a good weekend hack to me!
@Kalle I'm not rewriting the VM to use a normal switch table lol, but it did spot some other issues, I really need to figure out autoconf/makefiles to see if I can disable a warning just for a specific file then I'd think -Wpedantic could give some nice info
8:51 PM
@Girgias you should be able to, at least thats possible for Windows
I mean yeah, just need to figure out the trick lol
I'm sure GCC has a similar thing
GCC and Clang do uses pragmas, I just would hope that I wouldn't need to add one to the file :/
Eh, I feel like at some point those warnings are way too much effort for too little profit
@Kalle Why are there bugs listed that are so old. Is it still an issue or something that "should" be fixed or should there be some cleanup based on "not a value added fix" which could be indicated and still searched for but would not appear. Probably trivial... just curious.
8:53 PM
And where Windows is concerned, we should really be disabling all of those warnings so we can build there with Werror as well.
Werror is much more valuable than any particular set of warnings
^ that's true, but I think some warnings are useful to catch potential bugs
Caught at least a couple because of Wundef
@NikiC This. Insignificant value-add.
@StatikStasis because the bug tracker also contains FR and no one has done many attempts to purge them
Ah! gotcha.
Also Doc bugs are in there, and PECL extensions
9:00 PM
I use the three Vs for assessing bugs or for feature implementation; Vital, Valuable, and Very Nice. If it isn't even a "very nice" then it may sit on the list for a long time until it is irrelevant and is removed. But my own stuff is less complicated than php-src.
9:18 PM
@StatikStasis bugs.php.net/…
All green is FR
or rather analyzed, but most old FR is marked as such
@NikiC I'm just digging for possibly lost PRs and was curious if it's still on your plate :)
9:51 PM
Hi there. I'm having trouble understanding why $stmt won't evaluate for true for me in mysql (object-oriented). Will this happen if I run this prepared statement simutaneous with a multi_query insert statement?
@BogdanUngureanu can you explain a use case? it seems complicated to me
You could have an attribute that can be applied only for a class that implements a specific interface, for example. Just a sec to make a small example
10:06 PM
@beberlei something like this: gist.github.com/BogdanUngureanu/…
@BogdanUngureanu hm i can't see that this works. its hard to understand how things fit together, i want to keep it simple, you can always add complex things on top in userland libraries
Oh I see, I was thinking it might be an alternative to the target approach you've mentioned in the RFC. Imho, that one looks a bit magic-ky to me
And it's still not that clear to me. For example, would the argument name "$target" be somehow reserved?
Scratch that, just noticed it's a class. Not really a good idea to read rfcs at night :D
10:25 PM
@BogdanUngureanu what do you mean argument name $target reserved? its just the argument to PhpAttribute constructor
ah agree late at night, didnt read your last message :D
1 hour later…
11:28 PM
@NikiC yes, it's better to only see some warnings, and to eventually fix them, than to see lots of warnings, and to ignore them. Also, some real issues are easily overlooked in Windows builds. I just tried a full build with /W1 (instead of /W3) and got a couple of dozen warnings; needs some work to have /W1 /WX; I'll provide a PR, if nobody [beats me to it].(gist.github.com/cmb69/47b8c7fb392f5d79b245c74ac496632c).

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