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6:04 AM
question on amphp, how can it be used over multiple threads?
found amphp/parallel
3 hours later…
9:23 AM
9:38 AM
Manual page missing for class ReflectionReference ・ Reflection related ・ #79593
@Derick o/
10:33 AM
Christ is Risen
"On Windows, sending os.Interrupt to a process with os.Process.Signal is not implemented" — sigh.
10:52 AM
russia php conference online now - youtube.com/watch?v=cQZBS3u3SeU&feature=emb_title
11:32 AM
@Derick PHP has (limited) support: php.net/sapi_windows_generate_ctrl_event
Yeah, but not Go :-)
go php ?
and someone needs to invent a name for the phenomenon of software people choosing names that are not obvious in context, and so something get attached to make it be easier to read. e.g. golang, hacklang.
12:08 PM
I don't normally do this - upvote please
12:28 PM
My background is still shit :-)
Hello all, i'm looking for a package for image resizing, optimisation and watermarking. anyone know of one that works well with Symfony 5?
and I need a new web cam
@KerrialBeckettNewham probably imagine.readthedocs.io/en/stable - though just the Imagick extension if you need more low-level stuff
@Danack Yeah, I was just looking at the imagick extention, thanks :)
12:37 PM
12:51 PM
one step closer, got the test suite running
1:07 PM
@Danack Done. But it looks like you'll need some more help to overcome the deficit.
@StatikStasis Thanks. When I ragequit the PHP project, I will go through the chat log of this room and find who it was who said the problem that PHP internals has it "not enough community involvement" and take the piss out of them until I get kicked.
"Human interactions are nothing to do with PHP". ffs.
1:36 PM
lazy question, how should I do this? I have a local branch, it is behind master (both local and upstream), I want to update it, but it has a change that is different than master. Do I rebase master onto my branch, or merge master onto my branch?
If you haven't touched your local master, then you would usually "pull" upstream master (reminder pull is just fetch + merge). So in theory you want to merge upstream master into your local master and then rebase your feature branch onto local master
I heavily abuse the chat search (I had to find your instructing me on rebasing to resync local master correctly)
If you have any question about rebase you can ask me xD I frighten some of my friends with my heavy usage of git rebase
1:41 PM
should I wait to fast-forward my local branch until I'm ready to merge it into master?
granted, I guess the only reason I would need to fast-forward is if there are changes to what I'm working on, and I don't believe there are, but I can check github
I usually do it semi regularly to rebase onto master and force push mostly to prevent git checkouts where it needs to modify 600 files to get back to the state of the branch
That's tiny tiny diff :D
I know... I need to fix broken tests
other than the change to PDO's error mode, which has some changes to tests... ... I need to update my branch
How can I donate my wasted cloud space ?
I have a shared hosting service that not in use . :( How can I get use of it ?
1:55 PM
@Girgias not sure if you know of this - fancy command to see visualizations of git log in CLI chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=45764794#45764794
@Tiffany why do you want to change that?
@bwoebi a couple of reasons: for the majority of users, using emulated prepares isn't necessary, and they're not even aware it exists, or that it's enabled. Other reason, granted isn't really an argument for changing it, but it's been asked about a couple other times on internals but MySQL wasn't ready yet for the change
I'm planning to go through the whole RFC process
@Tiffany The main factor in why we should have emulated prepares is a matter of latency (saves an extra roundtrip submitting the prepare and receiving the OK from mysql)
but that can easily be changed for the people who want emulated prepares by re-enabling it
2:02 PM
Can someone tell me if I requested something unreasonable here? github.com/php/php-src/pull/5533
@Tiffany in theory yes, in practice you want to have sane defaults which do are fast without being unreasonable
You cannot just relase PHP 8 and have all apps be 30% slower due to some arcane defaults change
@bwoebi didn't they fix that in the new mysql protocol?
@bwoebi most cases (that I've observed from r11), it's a relatively new programmer learning PDO and only need a query or two executed, so performance isn't a factor for them
@NikiC which specific comment?
@Derick his last comment I guess
2:04 PM
@NikiC Nope, I also felt that the OO API conversion was rushed a little bit. I think it would make sense to do an OO API rewamp including multiple extensions (curl, enchant, etc) in PHP 8.1 :)
@Derick where he criticizes the changes done by remi
ah right, no, I don't think it was unresonable
@Derick but we don't implement it in ext/mysqlnd
I haven't reached out to Johannes yet because I didn't feel comfortable at the time when I first started working on it, but now that I'm in the middle and slightly more informed, probably a good time to ask him his opinion
If there's no major overhead, then disabling it is a no-brainer for me @Tiffany
2:08 PM
@Tiffany Have you had a look how other languages deal with this question? So if they also emulate prepared statements by default or not. Not that we have to blindly follow them, but maybe they can give some more insights in this question
@MátéKocsis I have not, I can do some research into this
@Tiffany Thanks! I'm really curious what they do (and possibly why), so I'll appreciate your research :)
@MátéKocsis Python, C#, Java, JavaScript, Swift, Go?
(googled for "popular programming languages 2020" and picked the first result)
some of those may not have interactions with the MySQL database, in which case, I won't bother researching how they do it, but I wanted to make myself a list of which languages to look at
@Tiffany I think this list is more than enough :) I'd maybe choose Ruby instead of Swift though. But I think looking into 3-4 languages is also enough
2:24 PM
@NikiC you're being reasonable, but Remi is also being reasonable, but maybe expressing it poorly. I think he's just saying he doesn't have the time/energy to do the changes requested, and so someone else will have to.
@Danack But in this case, he wouldn't have reverted the "add myself as enchant maintainer" commit, I think :/
someone might just be in a bad mood due to waves hands in all general directions.
> As Hack frees itself from its PHP past, I’m excited to see it become a first-class language in its own right. While it’s no longer feasible to gradually migrate a PHP codebase to Hack, I expect to see more developers choose Hack for new projects as the language stabilizes, especially if they have familiarity with PHP and are looking for something better.
How big is Hack, really? That is, how many would you say (outside of Facebook and Slack) are using Hack as a primary production language?
@ramsey Us :) (LastPass) But we are really close to migrate to PHP 7.4
@NikiC Not unreasonable. Although he did announce merging it a few days in advance. Maybe people shouldn't merge their own pull requests to avoid conflicts like this.
2:35 PM
@ramsey Almost nobody.
At least that's how we do it at our company.
Where is that quote from?
@MátéKocsis Interesting. I've tried to understand why Slack is sticking with Hack. Since the removal of PHP support and improvements to PHP, it seems somewhat pointless and limiting.
@ramsey i) I don't know. ii) I want to move to the timeline where we had better communication methods in PHP internals, and so facebook didn't think "we can't work with those people, lets go off and make our own PHP". Imagine when current PHP would be like if even 10% of the effort of making hack had been put into PHP core.
@ramsey I wouldn't think many. But that's probably one of their biggest strengths. They don't need to think twice about backwards compatibility.
2:38 PM
@Danack Arguably, because of HHVM, PHP is where it is now.
(not in spite of)
@Derick would it be okay to ask you a question on twitter? (via DM, sorry for second ping)
@ramsey Same. And we had really hard time with the IDE (every other line was red in PHPStorm due to different syntax), and the much-much limited Open Source ecosystem
@ramsey "why Slack is sticking with Hack" - because it works for them....it's not like they are searching for packages to use on packagist ever.
@Tiffany Sure
@Tiffany Not sure if you can though, as I don't think I'm following you )and I don't have your handle)
I use my gaming handle
2:41 PM
You can also just ask the question here :D
I'm embarrassed to... would email work? (wanted you to review an email)
I'm following you on twitter now, so DM is fine
@ramsey Ugh. PHP core needs to do a better job of distributing info. IMHO, saying either that HHVM forced PHP to do better, or that PHP 7 only came about because of zend are both BS, that ignore the huge amount of work that people not at Zend did to make php7 happen. And that work was already going on.
@Danack Sorry. I didn't mean to ignore that other work, but from the outside looking it, HHVM seemed as a competitor to Zend Engine, which appeared to drive innovation in the core.
I think that view has been promoted by people who have their own agendas, and that agenda is not necessarily "say thank-you to the people who actually did the work on PHP 7".
2:49 PM
@Danack People say HHVM being quite a bit faster motivated PHP to work on performance. But I have no clue if that is actually the case.
continuing that conversation here has too high a potential for drama, so I won't.
@Danack How dare you say that?? :P It doesn't really matter anyway. PHP is in a great place now and I'm excited to see where it's going in the future :)
This is a bit like that health account or similar that tweeted out "Hey if you like oranges, why don't you dress up in orange and walk around your city", and then tried to get people to do that in Ireland.......
3:06 PM
@IluTov The issue IMHO is that there is no easy way to just merge someone else's PR, the person merging would need to DL the patch (or use the patch URL), apply it, then push. If php-src was hosted on GitHub (or any other SAAS Git provider) then it would be another story.
@Girgias Ah ok, I'm unaware how exactly PHP handles this.
Uncaught TypeError: preg_split() expects parameter 3 to be int, null given ・ Documentation problem ・ #79594
All of the VCS infra is on git.php.net or svn.php.net
GitHub is just a mirror
if people don't want to give up on self-hosting, maybe git.php.net could host a gitlab instance rather than a read-only gitweb?
would you really like to read [git-status] major service outage all day long? :P
3:20 PM
@cmb sure, but I'm going to ask peehaa to do a search replace s/outage/outrage/ on the notification messages.
something I else I was meaning to mention in the "what tools should we be using" scope: phacility.com/phabricator
@IMSoP nooope
I was going to say we could ask the MediaWiki folks how it's worked out for them
Phabricator has a few pluses (the default diff view is better about whitespace than Github, and it supports dependent revisions), but overall I found it a pretty bad experience
fair enough
the integration between code review and bug tracking seemed sensible (and at a glance more powerful than github issues)
which I believe is why MediaWiki switched to it from a mix of Bugzilla and some tool I forget the name of
3:34 PM
> from a mix of Bugzilla
probably would have made any alternative be a better choice.
and the same wouldn't be true of bugs.php.net?
always feels like a poor-man's clone of bugzilla to me
@IMSoP I avoid using it, and use github for imagick bugs.
github issues is fine for small projects, but I just can't imagine using it at scale
@IMSoP Yes, it is very much true of bugs.php.net :)
the NIH effect is strong in that one
3:39 PM
@IMSoP It's also fine at scale if the alternative is bugs.php.net :) But anyway, this discussion has been had, and it's pretty much impossible to get movement on something like this due to PHP infrastructure NIH
I'd probably support moving it to a self-hosted version of Mantis.
3:58 PM
@DaveRandom Wow, that was much more in-depth than I expected, thank you. I did have someone in chat report the error as "Amp\ByteStream\StreamException: Failed writing to file handle: fwrite(): write of 8192 bytes failed with errno=13 Permission denied in C:\devphp\madelself\vendor\amphp\file\src\BlockingFile.php:74", which makes much more sense.
You're totally right in that it doesn't make sense to error then… it should have when the file was opened.
Handle inheritance, maybe, however the handle is opened in the child process, so I don't see how inheritance should play a role there.
Johannes responded to me
@bwoebi would you be willing to test performance if emulated prepares is disabled? :D
unfortunately, I don't have the means to check if there's a performance difference in MySQL 8.0
based on his response, basically performance with MySQL 8 and emulated prepared statements being disabled needs real-world testing
4:16 PM
@Trowski I don't understand why ::read() errors with "Failed writing to file handle: " after trying to fread().
@cmb So you're able to reproduce it?
no, was just looking at the code and saw the read vs. writing issue; think that may have confused Chris as well.
My understanding is that it was happening on fwrite.
Though that may have been an assumption based on the error message.
@IMSoP God yes, that would be great, but last time I sent an email to the OSS team at GitLab I got someone who didn't seem to understand some of my questions.
@Trowski yep, you're right; I was looking at github.com/amphp/file/blob/master/src/BlockingFile.php#L54 (should probably be ""Failed reading from file handle" there)
4:21 PM
Also code ownership would be huge for php-src IMHO
@cmb Oh yeah, definite copy/paste error there.
4:42 PM
It's probably a question better suited to internals, which I'll send an email when I've gathered my thoughts. You were the first person I thought of, hence the ping. @bwoebi
5:32 PM
@Trowski, just learned that if a file is flocked by another process, it can be fopened, but fwriting fails with EACCESS (PHP-7.3 on Windows).
Hi @cmb... question for you, please...
On one of my recent PRs in GitHub, you commented that CreateTimerQueueTimer is a 'legacy' API function on Windows...
Do you know if there is anything newer which is recommended instead?
@AlexD that would be docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/threadpoolapiset, particularly docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/threadpoolapiset/… (I have no experience with either threadpoollegacyapiset nor threadpoolapiset, though)
@cmb Thanks, will study it
cool, thanks :)
That PS5 demo looks like your playing in a movie.
Yeah, looks really good.
I have been waiting for games to look this good for a long time.
PC modded games do.
Already do?
5:50 PM
I've seen some high textured mods for some games on PCs that are incredible. But this is a definite boost for console games.
I have a Gaming pc with a 3-year-old graphic card.
Time for an upgrade. =)
Nvidia GTX 980 ti
I'm sure PS5 has a better graphics card then that.
6:07 PM
OWASP standards (iirc) recommends that before blocking suspected brute force attacks that you delay your response to them, slowing them down. We've been getting attacked and I want to do this, but I was told that doing that would just keep the apache thread open longer and put even more strain on our servers. I'm thinking there's gotta be a way to do it with apache without putting more strain on our servers. Any suggestions anyone?
How long do you want to block them and how may times do you want to do that before banning them?
Also captcha > trying to slow them down
We do rate-limiting, followed by IP blocking
there's a way to configure rate-limiting at the Apache level
(I don't know what it is off the top of my head)
We're implementing a CAPTCHA we just have other companies who also use our UAA system to authenticate that need to update their front end login sites before we require it
@Alesana I'd rather use captchas instead.
6:11 PM
We are using AWS Cognito so we've added a check before trying to authenticate, it checks if the email even exists in our system. That way if it doesn't exist we don't have to make a request to AWS. The attacker has used so many different IPs that I thought it might be more effective to delay all authentication attempts using emails that don't exisat
So it would have to be application level that delays the response. I was thinking there may be a way to temporarily shut down the apache thread and open a new one 3 or so seconds later to respond to a same request, but I have no idea if that's really realistic at all
Here's a blog post about fine-tuning mod-security to do rate-limiting. Looks more complicated, but also appears to have lot more functionality: johnleach.co.uk/posts/2012/05/15/…
Thanks! I'll take a look
@Alesana there will be a way to do that with varnish or nginx. Both of those will be able to do it far better than PHP can.
@Danack I was afraid nginx would be the answer. I wish I could switch our servers over to Nginx
user image
Da hell is that Error over there
6:19 PM
Nice Bio
I forgot I had that lol
@GabrielCaruso it's a perfectly legible error message.
6:55 PM
evening folks, where's lxr hosted now?
7:15 PM
Tomorrow is last day for UDEMA sale.
@StatikStasis udem_y_?
oh, come on SO chat... ....
udemy (testing to see if this works)
@Wes lxr ?
7:24 PM
LXR Cross Referencer, usually known as LXR, is a general-purpose source code indexer and cross-referencer that provides web-based browsing of source code, with links to the definition and usage of any identifier. == History == LXR was born from a need for a tool to keep a synthetic eye on the Linux kernel during its development (whence its original name: LXR stood for "Linux Cross-Referencer"). Such a tool is all the more necessary as documentation is scarce and contributor number is high. Two Norwegian students, Arne Georg Gleditsch and Per Kristian Gjermshus, curious about Linux architecture...
@Alesana Nice one
never use it tiff, do u?
it's damn useful for keeping track of how code works
how exactly, it's code right?
try digging through php-src through the link
It's a search engine for the code
(sort of... with all symbols linked together)
7:27 PM
you can see where a variable is defined, how it interacts in other files, where a value may be changed, where a class is used, etc
See how it changed across versions. <- a big one for me
rlly? oh man
3 hours later…
10:37 PM
Any opposition to exporting zend_hash_str_find_bucket or a similar function that has the signature:
zval (*)(const HashTable *ht, const char *str, size_t len, zend_ulong h);
I don't think we have one in PHP 7; in PHP 5 there was a quick_find but I can't find anything like that in PHP 7.
Sometimes I have a c-string that gets involved in multiple hash functions, could save a tiny bit of time if I could avoid 1) copying it into a zend_string and 2) calculating the hash twice; this is the motivation.
/cc @NikiC @bwoebi
11:28 PM
/* Data retrieval with pre-computed hash */
ZEND_API zval *zend_hash_str_quick_find(const HashTable *ht, const char *key, size_t len, zend_ulong h);
ZEND_API zval *zend_hash_quick_find(const HashTable *ht, zend_string *key);
// second function appears to be `_zend_hash_find_known_hash`
11:41 PM
On that note, I also don't see why zend_hash_find_bucket and zend_hash_str_find_bucket diverged so much.
Looks like maybe some optimizations on zend_string_equal_content compared to memcmp?
zend_init_fpu() alters FPU precision ・ Math related ・ #79595

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