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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

PDOStatement::errorInfo() gives incorrect output – #78196
@Wes I had a meeting every Tuesday morning. It was scheduled for an hour, but there were a few times it went well beyond that. I did not like them.
@StatikStasis as ok as stepping over a nail
@Wes lego
flat design pretty much killed anything rounded, gradients, shadows
lego hurts too :B
i started learning OOP and i came across with this thing called "Single instace or Singleton", i want to build my db.php this way, and i found this code on github gist.github.com/skhani/5aebd11015881fb3d288 also in other places have similar code. There's a lot of code just to make a simple thing (i guess), so i changed it to this: pastebin.com/KKqnbnQN and i get the desired result (single instance), anyways, the way i did it is correct? From the point of view of OOP.
@DerpDeeDerp Singleton is an Anti-Pattern actually.
Look up "Dependency Injection"
i will take a look
php.net/manual/en/class.weakreference.php both the "not to be confused with" links point to the WeakRef class, and the class is provided by the extension. a) presumably that's unintentional and b) linking to both seems redundant, just linking the class should be OK. Thoughts? @NikiC @bwoebi @salathe
read: I am going to remove the extension link unless someone tells me not to
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