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12:07 AM
I bet marston is blowing a gasket right now... almost a shame we don't get to watch
12:33 AM
@PaulCrovella he'll find something "ridiculous" and open a bug report because he's not feeling superior enough
that's how he gets his attention fix
2 hours later…
3:01 AM
@tereško Has the Steam Summer Sale started for you or is it based on Eastern or Pacific time? Just wondering if it is based on time zone.
3:31 AM
Good morning
4:13 AM
Hey Linus
4:25 AM
2 hours later…
6:31 AM
mornin all
heared great news today
about typed properties v2
6:46 AM
@bwoebi there is a "the" twice in "the the assignment"
@bwoebi shouldn't there be also a note in Supported Types that resource type is dead and should not be used and that's why it's also not supported?
hi all i have issue in installing tokbox library with composer some on can help please in installation
Just to clarify
this is the url
when i run this command it not works
$ ./composer.phar require opentok/opentok 2.3.x
how i can install it
any once can help?
@MuhammadIrfan Try without version constraint
➜  tokbox composer require opentok/opentok
Using version ^4.1 for opentok/opentok
It works when installing new version
@brzuchal can you tell me please in setps
where form i start
i have mac
and i have installed the composer on it.
6:53 AM
Just run composer require opentok/opentok that's all
I gave you my output and it installs new version 4.1
theya are using in doc $ ./composer.phar
use whatever composer your binary is named
It doesn't matter
ok thanks
should i try it in empty folder?
6:55 AM
@MuhammadIrfan whatever you want, if you try in your project and it fails then it jsut won't install
@brzuchal should i try this command in folder
ok thanks let me check it
@MuhammadIrfan Here you've got some basic usage on Composer
composer is installed on my mac
issue in installing the opentok
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
- The requested package opentok/opentok No version set (parsed as 1.0.0) is satisfiable by opentok/opentok[No version set (parsed as 1.0.0)] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
error on run the command
i have tried it project repo
7:18 AM
Try with -vvv that will give you broad output so you can then resolve your dependencies
@bwoebi @NikiC congrats on the superb RFC. Its really detailed. one question, what would var_dump($reflectionProperty->getValue($object)); on an unitialized variable do? if it throws an exception, would it make sense to have another method isInitialized()?
7:35 AM
> batchId - Any sequence of characters which indicate a unique batch. It should be exactly 32 characters long. A possible idea is to generate a unique number and then hash it with the md5 algorithm.
Even if initially unique, then you md5 it, don't you basically ruin it? Or is this just my internal bias against "md5" in anything whatsoever
8:07 AM
8:23 AM
is there any reason why one would use filter_var with FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEX instead of just using preg_match directly?
Mornginins all
@Gordon For consistency's sake perhaps, if he is using filter_var for other values, he might do the same for regex based filtering.
hmm. makes sense. thanks
yw. :)
8:28 AM
hey, just a sql question. How can I get records if one of the fields called externalid doesnt exist in another table?
I mean, imagine, select * from table IF table.externalid IS not in table2.ext
why would you not know the structure of a table in your own database?
@MGE What do you mean? Do you have like dynamic table columns? That you are not sure if one exists in a table or not?
pip is a stupid piece of shit
composer may use gigabytes of memory, but at least it has something that looks like a SAT resolver
I always prefered pep
pip will install dependencies in the order they're defined
8:31 AM
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON table2.id = table1.id
WHERE table2.id IS NULL;`
if you have conflicting versions, it doesn't give a shit
e.g.: libA depends on libB>1.0. App depends on libA and wants libB<1.0. Sure! No problem! I'm pip and I suck!
you end up with libB<1.0 and libA is broken, who knows why?
@jjok thanks
@MGE Is that what you meant?
8:56 AM
thats weird
@Jimbo For 'random' input the chance of collision is 1/2 ^ 128. Which is fine for most things. My understanding is that the problems with MD5 are i) if you know a hash, you can tune the input so that a collision is likely ii) It's fast to calculate so if you know a hash, you can try huge numbers of input to find a valid input. So unless there's a security problem with someone guessing an already existent batch ID, probably not a problem.
This is the thing that I want to try:
SELECT externalpos.* FROM externalpos LEFT JOIN purchaselist ON purchaselist.eventid = externalpos.eventid WHERE EXTERNALPOSTABLE.tmp_purchase IS NOT IN ANY purchaselist.purchaseid ROW
But these days, using sha256 for the same task is safer.
oh, yeah - meant to say those.
9:12 AM
sorry, irrelevant
rainbow tables are relevant for sha256 too
rainbow tables are usually in the context of passwords/passphrases, so the hashing algorithm doesn't matter that much
9:34 AM
SELECT externalpos.* FROM externalpos WHERE tmp_purchase NOT IN(SELECT purchaseid FROM purchaselist) AND externalpos.eventid=:eventid AND timestamp>:limiter
10:00 AM
10:10 AM
@beberlei getValue() has the same behavior as a normal read. So an unset untyped property will throw a notice and an unset typed property a TypeError (in both cases __get may be called)
@NikiC i thought as much, I think meta programming libraries (Doctrine, Symfony Forms) would probably benefit from an isInitialized function to avoid control flow with the TypeError
@beberlei I assume the semantics of isInitialized would be that of has_property?
I.e. equivalent to whatever isset() does, including __isset calls?
I'd probably call it hasValue() in that case
Seems fine to me
someone will complain that unset() does not also remove the type
not sure why but i bet they will
10:19 AM
btw, how would unset work with local type dec?
function test(){
    Foo $foo = new Foo();
    Bar $foo = new Bar(); // can do this?
there is no such problem right now :P
@Wes It wouldn't
Why would that be allowed?
i'm asking how do you imagine it would work
@Wes I'm saying the unset would generate an error
probably a compile-time error even
10:23 AM
ok, makes sense
i think hasValue might be misleading, because you could argue it returns false for null
@beberlei yeah, it would return false for null
i am specifically going for avoiding the TypeError exception when accessing getValue()
although that would work for null as well
if you would think about meta programming wise mapping database rows to typed property classes, this would be helpful to have I think
although for nullable fields, it should really be ?string obviously
but the library doesnt necessarily know that
so that and force people to use garbage collection correctly, with functions. i use unset() sometimes, especially when i avoid functions on purpose, because too many fcalls are slow
@beberlei related: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=72174
10:29 AM
do you think php can do something in future major versions to improve that?
@Wes Improve what?
Garbage collection?
function call speed
@Wes heh
Function calls are already very optimized
@Wes If you are checking function call speed, you need to make sure that you don't use any 3rd party extensions (especially xdebug)
@NikiC hah, issue by marco, his use case is obviously the same i am thinking of :p
simple example i have... function setCallback(Closure $c){} vs function setCallback(?Closure $c){}
if($c !== null){ $c(); } versus a function that does nothing in $c();
repeat that a few thousand times and the difference is massive
setCallaback(null) vs setCallaback(function(){})
10:33 AM
@Wes oh, dynamic call
@NikiC: can u help me for on question for fastroute library?!
i am not sure what it is, i thought it was because checking all the method modifiers but it does that with any "callable". so i'm not sure if it's garbage collection or it's because adding a new frame in the stack. for the trace etc. no clue
class Test {
    public static $x = 0;

class Test2 extends Test {

$x =& Test::$x;
$y = 1;
Test2::$x = &$y;
$x = "foo";
var_dump(Test::$x, Test2::$x);
@NikiC ^ but then the untyped variant is also problematic
@bwoebi Not sure I get it
@bwoebi So you're saying, the way PHP implements static properties is completely broken?
yeah, you can desynchronize static props by overriding their internal refs
@NikiC precisely
10:38 AM
@bwoebi I guess they should be INDIRECT based and not REF based
@NikiC I suppose so.
@bwoebi Are we going to fix this?
I mean, separately from the proposal
^ aren't the conversations between these two just amazing? :B
@NikiC I think we should … very weird that this is even possible to desync these.
@bwoebi okay. then let's report a bug for that, so it can be treated as a bug fix ;)
10:40 AM
@NikiC Will do in a min
10:50 AM
a brand new day for PHP development
I can't say that with a straight face
@NikiC Are you going to fix the bug or shall I?
Otherwise I'm having a look at the clone issue - just that we don't work on the same thing @NikiC
@bwoebi I can fix it, but maybe not today
I really need to get some other work done
Okay, then I'll work on it
11:06 AM
@bwoebi Hrm, I wonder if we should allow changing property types for static properties (in inheritance)
Apart from late static binding that would not violate LSP
i need a stackover flow developer mail id
i need to ask some questions
@NikiC LSB is protected scope, not private scope, so would be still a problematic LSP violation I fear
Yes, for LSB it's a violation
But for everything else it isn't
I wouldn't allow it
11:09 AM
yeah, I guess I agree
I mean, we also enforce LSP checks for static methods
Even though there it's essentially the same
So it makes sense to also do so for properties
@Johnabraham what's a "stackover flow developer mail id"? if you got questions about SO, use MSO
@Gordon Probably just want to complain about downvotes
@PeeHaa MSO then
Or just /dev/null
Also lol he got banned in chat because he said SO sucks...
Must have been Balpha getting offended :P
11:17 AM
@PeeHaa Well, sometimes it indeed does ... like when I don't find a quick answer to my problem :-P
SO always sucks and only getting worse
Just a weird reason to chat ban somebody for it :)
@bwoebi I've added a note regarding static property type invariance in the RFC
@PeeHaa Their chat at least doesn't suck enough for me avoiding it :-P
Barely though :D
Will wiki.php.net/rfc/typed_properties_v2 (typed properties) still work for Anonymous Classes (hopefully)... I know that it should, but would be good to have a confirmation before I start testing it
11:25 AM
I wish PHP's internal webserver was programmable
@Gordon Just change the C source!
@MarkBaker sure
That's good to know
@bwoebi "just"
11:28 AM
summerize to prepare (a house, car, etc.) so as to counteract the hot weather of summer: to summerize a house by adding air conditioning.
i need to summerize my beard
@Wes How bad is it?
not bad. it's good, danack good
11:31 AM
that's a bold claim
i had to trim on the sides because i couldn't walk through doors
@NewCod3r It may store in Cookie
did you check on that
can you please check with try and catch error
or else put error log to find the errors
@Testuser: my code work for another language in $language but not work for empty or not detect/exist language like this: localhost/cms/ OR localhost/cms/users/....
@Testuser In action i need to add language short name when i check localhost/cms OR localhost/cms/userslike. example : i check localhost/cms and output print localhost/cms/en
11:44 AM
@Wes pictures or it didnt happen
it didn't happen. it's not danack good. i had to trim it already because the dentist complained
file_exists() stopped working for phar:// in PHP 7.3 – #76510
11:59 AM
heh, seems as if the simplest way to have a mock http server for testing is to use amp/http-server
I cant believe it
@NewCod3r you should use regexps for routing, kinda like how it's described here: stackoverflow.com/a/19309893/727208
though, you might also consider using a third party library instead of making your own router
I need one help
is there here anyone ?
nope. we are all bots.
only @Jeeves is a real person
12:05 PM
Steam Summer sale should be starting in 5 hours
FastRoute errrr, wrong person
12:16 PM
@tereško: My project work with fastroute library.
my condolences
@littlepootis hmm, why?
They use php
One test from PHPUnit's own test suite currently does not work on PHP 7.3: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=76510. Rolled back the most recent changes to ext/phar but no luck. Maybe streamwrappers in general are b0rked?
@NikiC @bwoebi I hope it was okay for me to fix 1-2 typos in the RFC.
@SebastianBergmann Maybe try reverting github.com/php/php-src/commit/… ?
It does not look related, but it's also the closest thing I see
@SebastianBergmann sure
12:33 PM
array_merge_recursive() treats root indexed array keys differently than sub-arr – #76511
@littlepootis ironic badum tss
@NikiC That did not help, unfortunately.
@SebastianBergmann just to check the obvious, you do have the phar extension enabled?
@NikiC Yes. The output of "php-73 -m" contains "Phar".
a bit cumbersome but maybe git bisect could help out
12:49 PM
@Wes How's that ironic? I don't use php, I use Laravel
Larevil again :/
1:04 PM
@DaveRandom how does [$language, $uri] = $resolver->resolve($test); work? or what's it called?
it's the same as list()
assuming you mean the array syntax on the lhs of an assignment
the [] shorthand syntax was added in, I'm going to guess, 7.1?
recently, anyway
I see
I'm not used to seeing more than one value being returned, even though technically in this case, it is one value since it's an array, except it has two items.
1:17 PM
tbh in reality I'd probably use a struct class there
I tend not to use list returns across API boundaries
actually it should probably have a lookahead assertion for /|$ before the .* as well
Happy Friday Eve!
Happy friday guys
Have a great day
@DaveRandom: Gr8 - Good Work. Thanks But For real Url we Need ParseUrl and separate domain name(localhost or real domain name)-(basename) and Path name and merge language short name with route url name.
@DaveRandom: my mean request url
1:32 PM
modify his code to suit your needs?
1:48 PM
\w no longer includes unicode characters – #76512
@Tiffany: Sure. for request uri we need change straucture
What is this? Does anybody know? It seems to appear on the console when I push to bitbucket i.stack.imgur.com/nNShk.png
@mega6382 lgbt pride with the bitbucket logo? I don't know what the bitbucket logo is though.
Yeah, that's the bitbucket logo.
@Tiffany K, thanks, makes sense.
@Tiffany But why? Did anything important happen for lgbtq recently?
1:55 PM
not that I've read, but I haven't read the news much lately
locale for day of week – #76513
2:08 PM
Is anyone interested in a t-shirt that says:
> I don't use php, I use Laravel
@DaveRandom @Tiffany: whats problem if remove string $uriBase = '' from class and $resolver = new UriLanguageResolver(['en', 'fr', 'de', 'nl'], 'en', '');
@NewCod3r why are you pinging me?
@Sara lots of people don't think for themselves, they see a veteran internals dev say things like "I'm going to vote no because ___" and without thinking, will follow ... we really don't vote on what version a feature is merged into, other processes decide that, of which you are a part, so I really don't understand your position ... but I didn't mean to offend or annoy, I was just pointing out you don't need to and in my opinion shouldn't use your vote like that ....
@JoeWatkins I've just replied on internals regarding that
2:15 PM
tbh, it doesn't even look ready for discussion to me, but then it's a complex topic that's going to make a lot of noise, so maybe bringing it up now while there is still a lot of TODO, and TBD is smart ...
and on a side note, I would never say anything to you intended to be patronising or anything of the sort ... I'm not good at humans, or words, and used the wrong ones clearly ...
@JoeWatkins question: why do you think it isn't ready for discussion?
I was reading through the RFC and there's quite a lot of TODO/TBD, and "implementation doesn't match RFC" notes ...
and it would seem to be better to resolve most of that before you showed the world ...
2:30 PM
Hey guys can someone point me in the right direction here, keywords, techniques etc? I am storing all text for reviews in a text field in the database, if i want to add images at certain points between sections in the reviews how do i go with this? i have to be able to do it dynamically so it wount be at the same spot on each review ?
i still don't understand why backward compatible features cannot be added in a patch version
if there is really a problem, why can't it be added to 7.3.1 or something, rather than waiting for 7.4?
@Wes they can, and it does also happen, just on a small scale
delaying the release seems like a good idea to me ... but I'm not going to say anything on the list, it wouldn't count for much anyway I guess ...
if we're going to delay a release for anything, it should be this sort of thing ... and 7.3 is slim on real features ...
@JoeWatkins that's pretty much what I say, yea
but otoh, maybe we have something worth calling PHP 8 ... maybe PHP 8 comes out next year with typed properties and other type system improvements (u/i types)
2:35 PM
If Sara retorts anything to this, you may reply
@JoeWatkins I don't like to have one single massive patch of typesystem improvements
I'm not gonna, I obviously annoyed her, which is the last thing I want to do ...
@JoeWatkins you did? how?
I don't know
What makes you think she's annoyed by you?
I said "as you know"
2:37 PM
and should have left it off, or shouldn't have said anything ... I used the wrong words ...
Dang. I'm going to have to be a dick and vote against this, aren't I? Because 7.3 code freeze is in 27 days. That's not enough time to get this approved and this is too big to sneak in late. https://twitter.com/nikita_ppv/status/1009574016087191552
@JoeWatkins That may be viable
also delaying 7.3 is not the end of the world. i mean 7.1 or 7.2 were released with no tangible improvements at all for the user... maybe this time you would include something worth a minor version release
I also got the impression that Dmitry wants to have PHP 8 next
PHP 8 already? That's crazy talk!
2:39 PM
Yeah, isn't 8 planned for at least a years time or something?
@NikiC me too
Shouldn't RFCs never target a specifically named version, but always either <next major> or <current major>.<next minor> (where <next ...> is whatever it is when the RFC is accepted)?
I would like it if PHP 8 is released by Jan, 2019
@Sean I somehow guess there will be a drought of 1.5-2 years after 7.3 for PHP 8
Something like Aug 2020 sounds viable for me for PHP 8
well it could be done next year, there's nothing stopping that ...
2:41 PM
can't you just backport it to PHP6?
I think the more I think about it the more it makes sense to do that ... the feature set we could have ready for a major version by next year, just based on stuff that is already around, is quite impressive, and it's much easier to get stuff voted in when there's plenty of time before another release, there's no talk whatever about no votes because of targets ... typed properties, fibers, possibly union/intersections ... that's a pretty cool major version, and a really good reason to upgrade ...
@JoeWatkins I like all these features, but please, not in a single version
I want to be able to evaluate features one by one
especially if they extend each other
@AllenJB no, being explicit is better than having an assumption. Also that would make reading past RFCs be more difficult. e.g. you'd have to remember what version of PHP was to understand what was happening when it was proposed.
well it would be a single version, but it would have basically the entire year to bake, and testers will be plentiful during that time ...
But doesn't it then encourage rushing through potentially major changes, resulting in mistakes or missed issues? It seems backwards to me that RFCs often seem to be announced only when releases are starting to be cut, rather than immediately after a stable release.
2:47 PM
a year is enough time to have two completely different attempts at major features like u/i, and still allow them time to bake/qa etc ...
it won't make me cry if we get typed properties in 7.3, I'm just thinking about it from both sides, out loud ... there are definitely advantages to adopting a slower pace, advantages for you guys as defenders and developers, and advantages for everyone that has to consider whether they want to vote for a feature that honestly, I doubt some of the voters will even understand in it's entirety, it is a complicated beast now ...
@JoeWatkins we have testers, yes. But there will be not so much people who actually use the new features and show us what's being done with them - there are much more which merely ensure that their old codebase still works with the new version
I'm not sure why we care what is being done with them ?
@JoeWatkins to see if the feature has actual limitations, what we can still improve
... I'm hangover. And I have to javascript. me no wantsy.
hmm, okay
can I convince you that, after a year of thinking about this, and writing tests for it ... we are going to discover that for ourselves ?
2:54 PM
weird that i only got 5/10 internals mails on this subject maybe it has been happening for other topics as well but I only noticed now
I mean we don't need to deploy code to see it's technical limitations, we can just have enough time to develop the idea ...
@JoeWatkins no. because we just don't
there are a lot of features introduced early where bugs are still only discovered by the users
I'm willing to bet (the life of @PeeHaa) you haven't checked the test code coverage for this branch, have you ?
oh, it was marked as spam -.-'
I'm willing to bet, albeit less (the life of a nameless worm, perhaps) that if you did, and if you spent some time actually improving it and working on it, you would find the technical limitations of the code, and many of the bugs you are waiting for users to discover ...
that's a lot of work, but it is another way to discover bugs ... one of the best :D
what advantages do you see, if it's delayed until 8, and can you focus on the positive side of that, for an entire year :) ?
3:01 PM
@Wes Trying to figure out software requirements when stuff is included in point releases gets annoying........but it isn't without BC though. Changed need to happen in extensions, right?
I didn't follow the discussion, but I will vote for whatever @JoeWatkins votes for
@NikiC Why?
@Danack dunno about that, probably not?
In my opinion we need to be focusing a lot more on deprecations and BC breaks if 8.0 is next...
@Wes the links to sections are broken - search for "Code like this needs to be replaced by the following:"
Does anyone know if those changes are compatible with how internals works now? Or will they require ifdef version checks?
3:05 PM
This is probably a stupid question. A PDO query will save all results into memory regardless of fetchAll or fetch, right?
@Danack I think they wouldn't as they are brand new macros
the TRY_ASSIGN stuff
@Sean which memory?
@Sean I don't know - but think it would depend on buffering settings - php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.concepts.buffering.php
@FélixGagnon-Grenier internal
@Sean there's still a difference between the results of the query being stored internally by the C library, and the results being copied to PHP variables.
Buffered -> all copied to memory used by library
fetchAll -> all copied from there to PHP vars.
3:09 PM
I mean it's buffered by default isn't it? if you select 1k rows, the library pulls the 1k rows into it's own memory regardless of how you iterate through them. But fetchAll would save it all into php's memory too.
just checked again, because I thought the scalar type hints was "just before 7 feature freeze", but it was actually voted on until march 16th for the november release of 7.0, so much more time.
I wonder what happens at the moment an sql query is executed. Are the results really pulled from the datastores into the sql server's memory?
does that only happen when the results are actually fetched?
@DaveRandom: In your idea you separate language and url. when I merge language with url, Output like this: fr/cms/articles/foo/ Or en/cms/articles/foo. For need to this: cms/fr/articles/foo Or en/cms/articles/foo.
@DaveRandom: 3v4l.org/sCjuT
3:44 PM
so ... the steam sale should start in about an hour
let's ddos them servers down
@tereško are you looking for any game in particular?
3:58 PM
My steam is like an IRL collection. Lots of untouched, still in box (unplayed) games.
what is your favorite video game?

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