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ah right @bwoebi @kelunik @Trowski the current behaviour of Process#kill() is to silently ignore if you call it on a process that's not running. This seems like it's probably not the right behaviour to me.
erm... discuss.
anyway, it's one of those person to whom you could send this image: qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-16b03344e557c02d559cc5fac9724be3
and circle the "80" and add a map marker "you are here"
@Arslan.H Could you act... normal?
@PeeHaa nahhh
@PeeHaa ugh, fine. Hookers and heroin then.
@DaveRandom thats it you know what I'm talking about
I don't care about stuff like that, but if your only last three contributions where just that I am tempted to say good bye chat.stackoverflow.com/users/7940698/arslan-h?tab=recent
tbh I don't even know what my own name is any more
Sorry linking is hard
that too
@PeeHaa say good bye than
I will if you don't listen
Consider it a heads up
@PeeHaa use your powers kick me !!!!
I have just spent the last half hour doing a load of tap-dancing to avoid a malloc()
oops. meant for mods :| Oh well
ok ... who da fuck flagged it?
I did
Wanted to flag for mods, but picked the wrong option
@DaveRandom you are the most clever man!
so .. let's see if Darkest Dungeon works on linux
!!? Darkest Dungeon
Search for "Darkest Dungeon" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Darkest+Dungeon&lr=lang_en)
• Darkest Dungeon® on Steam - Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses o… (http://store.steampowered.com/app/262060/Darkest_Dungeon/)
• Official Darkest Dungeon Wiki - The #1 and Official community generated wiki resource for Darkest Dungeon, the hard-core RPG dungeo… (http://darkestdungeon.gamepedia.com/)
• Darkest Dungeon - Darkest Dungeon®: The Crimson Court is the first expansion for the award-winning grim and gothic RP… (http://www.darkestdu
@DaveRandom but sensei is the smartest here!!I'm sorry @DaveRandom sensei knows who he is!!!
@Arslan.H I'm actually not, mostly what I've done for the last hour is realise that there's a substantial amount about VC++ stack management that I don't understand. Like, at all.
ohai @DavidArenburg o/
@PeeHaa sup
just kick the kids, why waste time?
I want him banned instead of going into the kick / come back and troll cycle
@DaveRandom we are in a similar situation....
@PeeHaa who me?
yes, you
grow up
No i can't grow any more i stoped growing 2 years agoooo........Did you stop growing?
@DavidArenburg Now you see the issue :-)
yeah, whatever
been a year or so since ive been on steam
@PeeHaa yeah, but unlike you, I'm not stuck here :)
I'm not stuck! I can get out anytime I want!
@DavidArenburg @PeeHaa fight fight fight fight !
@PeeHaa nope
you dead stuck
@PeeHaa ooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOO
@Arslan.H btw, I'm going to ingnore you now
there it is
Damnit. I lost my plugin to autobin entire users :(
!!? rlemon gist bin
Search for "rlemon gist bin" (https://www.google.com/search?q=rlemon+gist+bin&lr=lang_en)
• stanlemon's gists · GitHub - Gist · GitHub - Stan Lemon stanlemon …. vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql … command: tar xzf /t… (https://gist.github.com/stanlemon)
• asika32764's gists - Gist · GitHub - #!/usr/bin/env bash. git fetch $1 … @‌rlemon rlemon / gist:1780212. Created 5 years ago. PHP get CPU… (https://gist.github.com/asika32764/starred)
• Install remote_syslog from paper trail with Ansib… - stanlemon/gist:40dfb397e37f85324e25. Created 3 years … command: tar xzf /tmp/remot
@PeeHaa you can just ignore him. It's builtin in chat
@PeeHaa this bann phase has been very dark :OOOOO I'm another person now...
@DavidArenburg I just don't want that shit in the room.
I told you you stuck here
This is why Gallery rooms are the best
This room is too public (wide appeal) to maintain as a gallery
Yeah. I wish SO would just fix it so we can keep specific people out ourselves
@DavidArenburg That argument doesn't hold when you've got a mod here
@MadaraUchiha I saw Hebrew there :)
What happened with the caprica-managed gallery in #17?
@Arslan.H I see the previous suspensions you've gotten haven't gotten through.
So I'm going to give you a longer one, and hope this time you'll catch on
@DaveRandom They still do that right?
I am afraid to open the room's info box because it used to crash my browser :P
And add 30 minutes on top of that
does it work like that?
@PeeHaa dunno
@PeeHaa It does, in fact, work like that.
I was surprised too.
oh wow
we could pretty easily do that, most of the tools are already there
Especially since we don't have a UI option to increase the suspension period manually
But I'm fairly sure that if I craft the request manually, it will increase the suspension
@MadaraUchiha inb4 reddit volume picker/slider/game/clicker :P
😀 or just another chrome extension
Speaking of extensions. Do you have the user bin plugin by any chance?
I think it was @rlemon who gave me it. It allowed to bin an entire user in the viewport
No, I don't, I'm afraid
I really want to make some sort of motherload chat extension, and maybe a motherload moderator's extension
<3 thanks dear
I'm not sure that kind of thing should be open sourced though, the latter.
@rlemon It's been months since you've updated the chat theme extension
PRs are piling up :(
😬 I know
You know what to do right in that case?
I'd ask if you wanted to pass it over to someone who would be able to give it more time
Abandonware ftw \o/
But is transferring control over a chrome extension even possible?
You would have to share keys afaik
@PeeHaa I can always clone it and add a SO Chat++ extension to the store
But that would suck
Yeah. Fragmentation is a bitch
honestly, it's probably mostly due to it being summer
once I wanna be outside less, I'll have nothing else to do :D
but I'll make a note to check it out next week and make a update
sunshine, gardens, pond. you know
Surely you are still cleaning your driveway from snow
That's your summer rite
^ from my pond
nice pond!
lemmy go take a pic
I put it in the summer before last.
so still a work in progress, almost done. I wanna move the filter and power connections into the back in the fall.
Wait, there's green stuff in Canada?
lol that ^
I'm in the part of Canada that is lower than like 25% of the USA
I was under the impression you guys were all buried under several dozen feet of snow.
Also don't you have birds eating the fish out of the pond?
Not if you put piranhas in there >:)
@MadaraUchiha and I'm saying I'm not in that part of Canada. there's a good leg (in ontario) that is much lower than most assume
"lower" as in altitude-wise?
the marker is the city I live in
so in the summer we get 30c+ and in the winter we get -30c
@PeeHaa I lost two turtles, because they sat on top of the plants.
no fish, mostly because I think they hide under the plants until they see me for food
I got bored one day and dug that. got lucky, didn't call the city before I dug so just went slow :D
took about 5 hours to move ~4000L of dirt
Call the city? For a pond?
to know where the power and sewer lines are
Aren't those all so shallow?
usually about 45cm
but I think sewer is deeper
pond is about a meter deep
if you're digging > 30cm they recommend you call.
if you take out a line you're responsible to pay to replace it and I think there is a fine on top of that
(because it's not just you who it affects)
Yeah makes sense
I think it's 40cm here
howdy anyone know anything about Composer?
my next place I wanna find a property with a pond already in it, or a stream I can dam and make my own (I also wanna get like 3 acres or more)
I'm trying to get this plugin to work but I'm confused github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/issues
@rlemon Can always move to alaska and do whatever the fuck you want :P
no thanks
@William Just ask your question and if somebody is here and wants to help they will
dude, Canada. Larger than the USA in landmass, 10% of the population
I don't have to look for land. it's everywhere.
how do I get the php-parse plugin to work
@rlemon also terrible weather
@rlemon true :D
@William highly dependent on where you live in Canada.
we've already went over this.
how is your boat doing? The one you take to work? JK
I've actually been thinking this winter if I can finish my basement I might try to make a canoe
doesn't cost much, there is a tonne of plans online for them.
That's actually pretty cool.
掃除機で危険なテーブルクロス引き https://t.co/OlyAQTNw1z
I am not even going to ask how you end up with that :D
my misses just came upstairs specifically to show me
lol. You are just meant for eachother
it's sunday...
its probably fine although Kendall works on sundays sometimes
in an office with people who will complain about that?
no idea got my php thing to work. Yeah!!
yeh I mean I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong, although tbh if your work will complain about that then you need a new job
you need to fix your website daverandom.com
should just redirect to my SO profile
oh, huh
um... wtf is going on
no it's fine, just the root A is not doing what it should
I transferred it to google in Jan, paid for for 2 years
all the subdomains resolve correctly, at least for me
hang on I will create a new one
D:\Projects\amp-process>ping peehaa-sucks.daverandom.com

Pinging peehaa-sucks.daverandom.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
I literally just created that
the nameservers are set fine
It's me being a dumbass
as you were
the php-parser is awesome
and I jinxed myself no way to convert between JSON and back
@William was thinking to do stuff like that. should be easy
@William Why do you want to convert back?
probably because serialize/unserialize are crap? :B
If it's for caching purposes, use serialization
you can also convert the tree to a string, i.e. the code
@William not that you care probably, but fixed
@DaveRandom thank you dave I do care
@NikiC because I want to modify the ast in something other then php
I opened an issue here if there is simply no I will close it github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/issues/401
> In particular, JSON only supports UTF-8 strings.
(which isn't entirely true, the JSON spec allows for any UTF* encoding, but php's json_encode/decode only support UTF-8... and other encodings would be boned anyway)
Interesting I would think that is why I can't serialize the data back but that would add overhead
hey @Wes, you around?
how much do you charge for web designs, or can you give me some pointers?
need to build my dad's website for his storage unit business, and I'm shit at designing
Guys mind to take a look at this proposed documentation?
Just trying to help a little. Add stuff to it if you have time. There are so many questions about URL parsing ... seen 3 in 2 days.
@PatrickSimard flag them as duplicates
SO's documentation does nothing to help the problem... or any problem really
just copy what others do. that's the secret @Tiffany there's no shame in that :B a good design is 99% trends/common sense + 1% of your own
@WesStark alright. I told him to look at other storage unit sites and pick out what he likes, so I guess I gave him good info
> One of the biggest advantages of the aCMS is that because it’s « closed source » and not « open source » the application comes with a natural security. Hackers do not know how the website was build and ....
Patrick uuuhhhh nooo
also happy belated birthday @JayIsTooCommon and happy birthday @Ekin
not necessarily competitors, just any website. something nice to use or read
he's probably going to want it to look like Apple's website
I just mean it's harder to hack when you don't know how it's build
(hopefully not really)
Not impossible
of course i don't tell client that i copy others.
i tell them i am the michelangelo of UIs
@PatrickSimard that is not a method of security
I know obviously hehe but it's worth mentioning lol
thanks @WesStark
it's true though. conformity is the most important thing. especially because sites are not art
I've seen a site that was basically a work of art. There was no function to it, it was like a visual novel.
content is more important, and readability, usability
@PatrickSimard imo closed source stuff is the worse
When you use an open source you need to keep it updated or risk being hacked by a newbie folowing a stupid tutorial on how to own a website using a certain cms
it was interesting, but beyond looking cool, there was nothing special about it
@PatrickSimard I have never heard of that happening. Script kiddies typically DOS stuff not hack really
i am very much against that, maybe because i mostly did sites with a lot of content, so i avoid adding noise. if i did 5-10 pages websites i would probably have more graphics...
In any case, it makes a good sell point lol
whatever you choose to believe
Yeah but that someone don't need me to build him a website lol
@PatrickSimard stop advocating security by obscurity. and with this argument you're telling people that they don't need to keep their software up to date, which is reckless. you're advice is bad, insecure, and more-over gives people a false sense of security
@WesStark I think the site's intent was to be a visual novel and that was it. It used the concept of scrolling through a website to its advantage.
like the character in the story was falling as you scrolled down
I agree with Paul
@DaveRandom well, a killed process is a killed process. I don't think this should fail.
true, it is idempotent
I am not saying my code is better than wordpress. Actually, to be honest, Wordpress is way better code wise than my aCMS. The power of a community will always win over the coding knowledge on 1 individual. My point is that at the end, there's more chance you can get hacked using a wordpress VS aCMS because there's an interest by the hacker community on that platform. If one finds a 0day, it gives him instant access to hundreds of thousands of website.
Anyway, I don't mean to offend anybody by this lol I can take it off my profile if you want hehe
if wordpress is way better code wise than your cms then you should nuke your code from orbit - wordpress is awful
lol I don't like wordpress but there's a lot of work in it.
this discussion is fun
I think I have to agree with Patrick on the fact that a closed source CMS can provide a little bit more security than an open source CMS, even if it is through obscurity.
you're delusional
I don't know how to enumerate users on a closed source CMS
> a little bit
all day, every day, exploits are found against closed-source software. nothing about something being closed source confers security.
my favorite part is we are in a php room meaning your software is essentially open source unless your are compiling with fb software or something else
it may not be free but anyone who buys the software likely has the source
I am solely talking about SaaS
still obscurity is not a form of security
I am not claiming it's a form of security but it is more secure if your security flaws aren't disclosed to everyone via github
It's not and I agree with that. That's not the point lol
Of course, if software is open source the security flaws are found much faster and fixed much faster, so that could cause it to have better security, but that's not relevant
Yup that's what I was implying
@Alesana it isn't. it's more secure if you find and correct your security flaws rather than try to give people the impression that they are somehow less vulnerable to them because your software is closed source.
Funny storry. in the prime minister of quebec city got his website hacked. It was using joomla lol
It was a 0day
Much easyer to find when you can download a copy of the CMS and read the code
I do disagree with telling people that they are less vulnerable to security flaws because your software is closed source. I also agree that open-source software will end up more secure than close-source software because security flaws will be found and fixed
Much much harder when you can and with very little reward on a CMS used only by a few of my clients lol
Yup that's what I meant when I said earlier "Wordpress is way better code wise than my aCMS"
@PatrickSimard do you understand what the difference is between "I'm an unlikely target" and "I'm secure"?
Of course lol
are you sure?
the biggest problem imho is that cms like wordpress are easily recognizable
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress x.x.x">
That being said, if you have a first release of an open-source CMS and a first release of a closed-source CMS, and updates are out of the question, I don't understand how you could claim that the open and closed source CMS are just as secure.
@WesStark ^^
if html was completely anonymous/standard it would be much harder
Anyway, glad a read of my profile got the chat scrolling hehe
@WesStark no bot bothers looking for that anyway, they just attempt exploits.. check your logs once in a while
@PaulCrovella unrecognizable url scheme too
@PaulCrovella Actually, they do. Knowing the WP version is very important to know which exploits it may have
@Alesana it's irrelevant, they try them anyway
how do you find the list of your possible targets? you search on google for words that appear on all wordpress installation, and that hopefully don't appear on too many other not-wordpress sites
if i search "powered by wordpress" i've already found a monumental list of possible targets, which would be pretty hard to compile without that
Actually in the past few days I have been looking into wordpress penetration testing
exactly like the powered by php version header. why would you do that. too much information
nobody except the attackers care about that
Most of the bots that "penetration test" use wpscan.org to first find possible exploits
You can be more specific in the Dork
did anyone read the question I linked
allinurl: page_id album "photo"
Wordpress Photo album Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability - CVE: 2008-0939
@WesStark which explains why every single website I've ever been involved with, none of which used wordpress, has had entries in the log of attempted wordpress exploits
obscurity does nothing for you whatsoever. it is completely irrelevant.
Paul you said that like 4 times ... We all agree to it hehe
why offer that advantage. if nobody is going to care about the php version i use except possible attackers, then why would i make their life easier on purpose. it's not a very effective wall but it's something...
> every single website I've ever been involved with, none of which used wordpress
@PaulCrovella I think that if you were to be involved with websites that have used wordpress you would see that the amount of attempted wordpress exploits in their logs would be a lot higher
you've missed the point completely
@William Just finished reading the link...

I guess I can't argue that closed-source is more secure but using what @PaulCrovella said it could make you less of a target.
no, using closed source software doesn't make you less of a target
there is nothing inherent about something being open or closed source that determines whether you're more or less likely to be a target
I have 2 VPS on my server server1 has 175 webiste (self hosted) that we did not build. It contains al sorts of website going from Wordpress to plain html and every crap in between like oscomerce and i think even a PHPnuke lol. server 2 contains only aCMS websites about 128. server1 has a lot of problems. and 2 out of 6 events is cause by a wordpress and 3 out of 6 is caused by joomla.
Just saying
server 2 has no events
wow: wiki.php.net/todo/php72 - just seeing this for the first time
@William I don't think they did
Nov 9 2017 PHP 7.2.0 branched
Nov 9 2017 RC 6
why rc6 comes after branching .0?
Reading this, it suggests that...
> according to a paper analyzing two years’ worth of attack data ... Ransbotham found that attacks on vulnerabilities in open-source software occurred three days sooner and with nearly 50 percent greater frequency
shouldn't .0 branching coincide with ga release?
That doesn't mean it's absolute truth but they seem to think so

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