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5:01 PM
@LeviMorrison so I just wanted to whip up a poc for the ==> syntax using parser hacks, but now I noticed that it's even worse than I thought because we also conflict with ternary syntax :(
@NikiC Hmm. How?
$a ? ($b) : int ==> $c : $d
The prefix before the ==> is still a valid ternary
I thought just going '(' expr ')' and doing some fixup would get us there, but no...
We already knew it was nasty ^_^
5:03 PM
What does that mean for us? More hacks of course!
@Trowski @ircmaxell Should this closure from callable syntax be a different class closure so it can be reflected to get for eg. object/class/method/function using reflection?
@kelunik I'm not sure where we want to draw the line at moving things to separate packages. It's tangentially related to byte-streams since it's consuming bytes. Struct should really be in a separate package too since it's not really related to anything else in amphp/amp.
@NikiC Something, something, C++ syntax.
I mean if I do something like this $a = {$foo->getBar}; I would like to get using reflection that it is closure and it's calling object foo, class Foo method getBar so I can use Reflection for something...?
5:06 PM
@brzuchal you can do a subclass of Closure if you wanted to, not sure if it's a big deal or not
@ircmaxell Yeah I was thinking like something like that
I've messed up something with this sentence ^^
aaaaahh about :)
@Trowski It would allow us to share these parsers with React.
@kelunik True, since there's nothing Amp-specific in Parser anymore.
Exactly, that might make it worth it.
Yes, I suppose it could be a separate package then…
So many packages! lol
5:21 PM
@LeviMorrison case ($x): int ==> is another fun case
@NikiC :D
You are really working through all these issues?
hahahahah - I think we've reached peak Tony Marston externals.io/thread/906#email-15390
Thanks for all the pings people <3
@LeviMorrison nope, I don't see a good way to resolve those
I think I could deal with the parameter list, but return types are really killing this
@NikiC Who needs types anyway? :-D
5:26 PM
% (param_list) => expr for yet another random symbol. :P
@AllenJB WHat does it mean OCD sufferer?
@LeviMorrison Does { param_list => expr } work? With a param list instead of your positional args?
!!? obsessive compulsive disorder
Search for "obsessive compulsive disorder" (https://www.google.com/search?q=obsessive+compulsive+disorder&lr=lang_en)
• NIMH » Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Definition. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in w… (https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/index.shtml)
• International OCD Foundation – What is OCD? - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects … at some point in the… (https://iocdf.org/about-ocd/)
@brzuchal ^
5:31 PM
@kelunik I think it works as long as the list is not optional.
@DaveRandom Now I get it, thx
@LeviMorrison Why does an optional list not work? Or do you mean even without => when no params?
{ => $x }
Ask yourself if you really want that syntax to exist.
Could just skip the => if there are no params.
@LeviMorrison Better that than [](){}
Could also add (): { (int $x): int => 2 * $x } + { () => 42 }
But that's stupid to type.
{ int $x: int => 2 * $x }
5:36 PM
@kelunik Really sad that C++14 generic lambdas use auto, otherwise we could have had <>[](){}
@Trowski No.
We cannot.
@LeviMorrison Meh, would be confusing anyway.
You're just not trying hard enough @LeviMorrison :P
The parameter list then conflicts with the body.
I think even with { => 42 } it's my favorite so far.
5:39 PM
@NikiC What do you think?
Could be | => 42 | as well I think.
@PeeHaa Didn't you want to publish your next post in your async series?
@kelunik Just use {} lol
I think I might cover my needs for flatMap using arrow function like ->flatMap(($foo) {$foo->getBar}) but that could be ambigous then
@brzuchal What does that do?
5:47 PM
@JoeWatkins @Sara Why did you vote against wiki.php.net/rfc/load-ext-by-name? What's the downside?
@kelunik I'm looking fore equivalent for Scala .flatMap(_.getBar)
2 days ago, by NikiC
@JoeWatkins Why you no on https://wiki.php.net/rfc/load-ext-by-name?
Jun 2 at 13:19, by PeeHaa
@Sara what's your reason for the no here?
@littlepootis Thanks!
@brzuchal So it should call $item->getBar() on the collection's items? What other use cases do you have in mind for that syntax?
is there any optimization around "else if" vs "elseif" ?
@kelunik Just that
6:02 PM
Oh :( ..! fasting going to kill me :(
@NikiCjust add Kyle to the repo? (since he's got karma, and is engaged)?
@Dereleased I think both are identical
@ircmaxell who's kyle?
crap, capslock
@SammyK is who I am referring to...
What is everyone's strategy to dealing with PHP version management? Specifically when using apache?
6:15 PM
user image
@Allenph PHP version management??
Thanks. I'll look into it.
6:40 PM
Nite all
7:25 PM
MySQL desktop GUIs for Linux?
like MySQL Workbench or something else?
well, workbench works on linux
I've always used PHPMyAdmin. But our development environments are on seperate machines than our workstations here.
7:31 PM
Seems like it would be a pain.
7:45 PM
So im listing trending stuff but sometimes there isnt enough trending topics so what should i do to fill up that area
Should i pick random topics or top topics?
or the day before trending topics
@RonniSkansing can you explain why there's HTML in both convertedEmailLink.php and convertEmailToLink.php? Like, I get that one obviously has the form, but the rest of the HTML is just the same. I guess I'm trying to understand why the HTML is repeated.
Wait, that would make the URL show up below the form, right?
8:03 PM
@Trowski Should I tag v1.0.0 for github.com/amphp/parser?
@Tiffany doesnt have to be (=
could be you have a header, footer etc .. maybe a backend view thingy like twig
@RonniSkansing this is what I ended up doing however when it POSTs it just displays the URL and a 1 for some reason that I haven't figured out yet. Probably because a 1 is getting returned somewhere...
OH I think I know why
@Tiffany have you looked/seen github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial previously?
I even suggested it to someone earlier today. I haven't worked all of the way through it however. I will once I get my dev environment completely set up at home.
It is great for understand the concepts at play
8:11 PM
I've been struggling with setting up my dev environment and I've been putting it off.
@Trowski I've made the methods final instead of the class so it can be simply extended instead of using composition to save the double method call on Parser::push.
I think I'm trying out too many things I don't understand at once and I'm overloading myself. I should just go back and start with something simpler.
Well you did get a front controller'ish thing up
which was the original goal (=
yeah :) it's not perfect but it works
Guys should I just use the day before trending stuff?
8:18 PM
@user7594714 what do you think?
It kinda depends on teh context I think
idk it kinda makes the most sense
What is the content?
posts about anything
like a forum
i.stack.imgur.com/EhIYl.png I can't figure out where the 1 is coming from. Any idea?
You are echoing something that returns true
8:33 PM
I know where now
That's what I was thinking, but couldn't think of where, now I know where
Sigh... people proposing new syntax on list again...
@LeviMorrison It goes round and round...
They arrived back at the point where we started
@kelunik I'd rather v0.1 first.
@LeviMorrison And none of them understand that the symbol isn't the issue. :-D
@Trowski Yeah...
Screw it, let's just do lambda(param_list): expr and vote it in and praise Python.
@LeviMorrison :
8:46 PM
I still think fn() => has a good chance of passing.
Missing range for FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE – #74699
@NikiC We don't need no stinkin' return types!
@LeviMorrison That's correct ^^
Return types on short closues = extremely pointless
Honestly I don't like fn() => expr anymore.
Not sure what changed.
Maybe because I know it can't support other features.
Does it have anything to do with the back and forth that's been going on for I think months?
I remember you guys talking about arrow functions back in February o_o
8:59 PM
@Tiffany Years, technically ^_^
@Tiffany If it were just months...
@NikiC Unless you can infer from expr (which you can't), I don't see why that's so.
I mean, keep them optional, of course
@MadaraUchiha because it's not useful
@kelunik hahahahahaha the name for this is "stabby lambda"
9:01 PM
Sure it's useful, I get to know what I'm getting out of the function
Why is it any less useful than it is on a normal closure, or a normal function?
Return types on normal closures are not terribly useful either
On a normal function, they serve as documentation
but a closure is not API
Without context it sure is.
It's it's a closure you get from DI or parameters or whatever, and you have signature typehints there, sure, I agree with you
But you don't have that
You don't have type inference
not sure I get it
@NikiC If I had this
are you talking about reflection?
9:03 PM
> I think this lambda literal was a classic example of how you shouldn't do language design... (there are some many of those in Ruby)
^ Actual comment from a Ruby programmer about Ruby's lambdas
function someFunc($fn callable(int):int) {
  // ...

someFunc($x ~> 42); // obviously don't need return type
Ah, you're still on the signatures
But seeing that you have neither callable signature typehint, nor type inference, allowing to specify the return type would be very useful for many things
primarily, tooling
Yes, callable signatures are the only possible reason I can think of that would make return types on short closures not pointless
    $x + 2
9:06 PM
(lambda (x) (+ x 2))
{ $0 + 2 }
@LeviMorrison { $_[0] + 2 } or { $_ + 2 }
Nevermind, perl isn't that funny
laughs in french
9:15 PM
9:44 PM
is it correct to use the verb "yield" when referring to iterators in general, not generators (eg "[...] the yielded key() of the Iterator [...]")
10:08 PM
@MadaraUchiha just (+) 2 please as partially applied operator ^^
@bwoebi (+) 2 is not valid lisp.
meh, lisp :-P
soooo ... I am reading a manga about a guy who got reincarnated as slime
gonna give it two more chapter to see whether it's interesting or not
... wow. the new framework you have to work with must be awesome terrible
I don't have to work with any framework
I'm just drinking beer, listening to Vivaldi and reading a manga
10:31 PM
@Wes that's technically correct, but maybe "the key() yielded by the Iterator" ?
yes or that. poor example. was just unsure about the verb... the key isn't actually "produced". it is retrieved from a collection in my case
10:44 PM
@tereško <3
10:55 PM
classical music listeners are so pretentious :B
especially felix
@Wes I plead guilty as charged
nobody is as pretentious as me when listening to classical music, analysing to the comma musical interpretation decisions
@SterlingArcher what have i done? :|
My company has a few different offices. The one 2000 miles (3200 km) from me just hired someone with the same first initial and last name as me. Short version is, I have had my company email account password reset 4 times now.
11:07 PM
cc @MadaraUchiha i managed to get myself flagged... even if i was away?
@Wes yeah, I'm the very embodiment of pretentiousness
@FélixGagnon-Grenier even plays violin. such a pretentious cunt :B
yeah... I only know how to play this thing
11:44 PM
i can play power chords on the electric guitar :B
well, that's already like 75% off all that was ever composed
...using the abundance of even TWO fingers :B
read just the title, already sick of it
11:54 PM
well .. she's pretty
also, she's wrong - postmodernism screwed that generation
movie suggestions anyone? :B

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