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@MadaraUchiha I'm going to mention this on my resume. =oD
4 hours later…
Morning @Linus
morning all
hello kid :P
'tis so quiet
@Saitama all seems busy or may be it's Monday fever :D
htaccess drives me crazy
o/ Yo Joe
I used GET to receive the file name and put it inside input text. After that I used move_uploaded_file(filename,destination) but the file isn't moved. What do I need to do to be able to move it to another location?
@EarvinNillCastillo file upload by GET? o_0
wait wait let me explain.
I output the file name as string in the textfield.
then i wanted to upload a new file so the older file will be moved to another location/folder.
moin o/
@Patrick Surely, with Colour as your aggregate root, you would have Color::convertToHex()?
Ah, you do do that
Still reading ;)
@Patrick you've got a lot of visual debt :P
But seriously nice article :)
@brzuchal lol. thanks
I think I need to prepare a visual debt badger so it can create badges for github repositories :P
I have a crazy idea to support the PHPVisualDebt for some time and then provide micro update which will inform about the negative sides of it...
Some people actually started using it
@brzuchal i think i missed something but what's visual debt? only heard about technical debt..
@FélixGagnon-Grenier youtube.com/watch?v=dpesYL9iNRs
@Linus Jeff Way talks about it in his Laracast tutorial
After that there were lot of tweets with negative comments, also in comments on this site
After that I wanted to put my 0.02€ to this and wrote PHPVisualDebt tool - I just wanted to make it more funny, but then people started to star it, like it, and tweet about it, some of them put issues so I guess they want really to use it.
lol the comments
> duck typing is a perfectly legitimate
omg he is an idiot
@brzuchal nice, i totally missed that ;)
@Wes yeah, the comments are great I had a lot of fun reading them
@brzuchal he has 6 upvotes to this reply nope ,lol
@Linus Yeah, I didn't wanted to argue because I'm not that good in English and there were lot of comments telling him what is wrong.
@brzuchal yeah and btw arguing with laravel people is like banging our head on wall in last we have to cry :P
Moin 11
Reckon £15-20 /hr is a suitable consultancy fee to bill a small company for web work?
Disclaimer: Not London :P
@Wes are they actually trying to loose?
I am kinda serious
@Wes yup. If they get in I may actually leave the country, not even being facetious
@MadaraUchiha oh stop it you! You're embarrassing me.
come here. we have pizza and other stuff
@DaveRandom I'll come with
@tereško It does almost seem that way, but they are still so certain of victory that I think they have just started not-lying about what they are going to do.
Notably I'm pretty certain that they are actively planning to walk away from the EU negotiations with "no deal"
@DaveRandom lemme reminds you that May and majority of Tories were against Brexit
I can't think of any other reason for the nonsense rhetoric about "no deal better than a bad deal"
@tereško tacitly at best
@tereško she actually had a lot of support for her snoopers charter iirc. Many, missing the point, with the view of "If you've got nothing to hide, it doesn't matter". I imagine she'd get the same amount of support.
@DaveRandom that reason would be purely economic. Since UK is the second largest economy in EU (right after Germany)
Tom M is a bit of a prick.
@tereško this does not make sense to me, like, in any way. I am not an economist, but I just cannot see any logic in it, all the arguments put forward seem blatantly untrue to me.
@JayIsTooCommon ...who?
Marston, internals
hi guys i'm having issue loading txt into an array from a txt file any help
it seems to work fine when i specify a static array but the moment i load the array from a text file it all doesnt work
@user3548161 you're going to need to share some code (gist)
@DaveRandom well ... what would be your response, if EU asked you 100B for leaving?
@tereško what do you get in exchange on these 100B?
@FlorianMargaine AFAIK, nothing. It's the amount of money EU would have received for next several yeas as "membership payments"
well ... technically it's 109B
@FlorianMargaine I really can't find any article which would indicate, that there is anything EU is offering for it in exchange
cosmetics question (performance too, maybe) so guys i have a public method in a class that is for use only of "sibling" classes in the same namespace... it's not actually public. however if called by actual consumers nothing would break. should i wrap that class in one that doesn't expose that method or should i leave it there and mark it @internal ?
any help in loading the txt file values into the array would be great .
@Wes I wouldn't document that layer as "published interface"
yes. but looks so overkill wrapping a layer that is pretty much ok
nerd joy is creating a Makefile for a non-C project (i.e. not just .c => .o => bin tasks) and having it actually do what you expect & want.
@tereško trading agreements, maybe?
maybe, but that has not been published
@user3548161 What's the error?
(If any)
@tereško to not leave because it's a dumb idea?
That phrasing implies that I didn't already sign a contract agreeing to pay the 100B
@DaveRandom Do you have time today?
@kelunik yes, I'm just doing about 2hrs of actual work and then planning to spend the rest of the day on amp/dns. I also have a plan that is going to actually work.
@DaveRandom \o/ I might need to pester you about stack chat later, if that's alright.
@JayIsTooCommon sure
hi sean for some reason the output is different when i load hardcoded array out put is great but as soon as i load from txt file , the output is messed up heres the gist ,I 'must be missing something simple but cant figure it out gist.github.com/anonymous/2818b698d08bc49121c9117a58af3b80
@DaveRandom actually, I would take it as sign, that you should have left earlier
the way EU is handling the whole ordeal is actually scaring the new member countries
rightly so
i managed to fix it thanks guys
happy monday peepz
the wife is doing plastic top coat on new furniture ... I'm a little scared ...
apparently it's not useful to stand next to her and point out brush marks ...
so, how is it that internals@ doesn't have an actual code of conduct
surely "if you want consistency you must be illiterate" isn't the first such bullshit to appear on the list?
I want to use queue to parellize a lot of stuff, but this stuff has to be done in a certain order. For example, we have to send up a delete request before a create one. How can I achieve this well?
The producer waiting to put stuff into the queue is going to slow stuff down a hell of a lot and negate all the parallelisation
@Jimbo can you afford to buffer in the consumer?
(expect a specific order on the client, if something is coming after what you expect, keep it, and only execute it after you receive the missing actions)
(i.e. reinvent half of TCP)
Mornin :)
What queue?
@Stephen yeah I wish I could respond to his bullshit. Stating that users suggesting a change must be nerds or suffer with a mental illness has no place in internals.
wait, i'm sure I saw someone reply to a thread without an internals address..
> Seriously, can you explain in words of one syllable the precise benefits of
such a consistency? Can you measure the benefits? Just because some OCD
sufferers like consistency is not a good enough reason. I have been
programming for over 30 years, and in that time I have had to deal with both
snake_case and CamelCase, and while I personally find that snake_case is
more readable, especially with names that contain more than 3 or 4 words, I
have no trouble reading either. Having a mixture of styles does not cause a
he's just a fucking prick.
you can just subscribe to the new list
sorry, who is saying that? #lazyweb
@DaveRandom tony marston.
I recognise that name but not in the context of PHP, who is that?
Hmm. He has his phone number listed on his linked in account.
@DaveRandom twatface radicore guy
Could I do autocomplete to multiple textbox from db without jquery?
@JavaFan yes
Write code
thank u
@Danack wait... is it this guy?
May 19 at 10:36, by Danack
That is why I hate PHP users.
lol it has a counter on it
/me ducks out of this before I accidentally get involved
@DaveRandom Sure looks like he was a developer 30 years ago...
Why a lot of people prefer doing autocomplete to multiple textbox from db with jquery
@JavaFan Depends for what
@JavaFan it's nicer
@DaveRandom externals.io/thread/906#email-15390 it's a frustrating thread if you can be arsed.
@FlorianMargaine I love that the apostrophe key is right next to the return key too.
okay @FlorianMargaine
JavaFan because they need a easy copy paste fix they can leave behind, or they cant code and need to use a jquery plugins for everything
@JayIsTooCommon I mean I happen to agree that retroactively changing things is a bad plan, but there's no need to be a dick about it
It's nicer & easier to do autocomplete for multiple textbox from DB with jquery
@JayIsTooCommon See, at about this point I'd ban them from the discussion.
@DaveRandom yes, he has a good point. I just don't understand why he can't put his point across without referencing 'young nerds', 'OCD sufferers' and having the attitude of a stuck up twat.
I'm guessing it's because he is a stuck-up twat
ugh right, I'm actually not going to discuss this any more because I am also contributing nothing by just hurling abuse back in the opposite direction. Best course of action is to ignore if you possibly can, although I accept that it's really difficult.
i'm going to request an internals address so that I can hurl abuse at people.
Anyone can subscribe to internals, you don't need an @php.net address
@JayIsTooCommon You don't need an internals address
Right - time to make a list of who is coming to PhpSouth coast:
@JavaFan why is that nicer
ooo thanks dave, madara.
- me
- me
- me
- me
@danack @JayIsTooCommon @Leigh @NikiC @DaveRandom - who else?
you don't need to know about anyone else, they are unimportant
@Sara Would you accept an RFC to drop SSL 2 / 3 entirely for PHP 7.2 still? With a minimum discussion of two weeks and another week for the vote, it wouldn't be ready for feature freeze.
@Danack pedro, with the username I can never remember
"feature freeze"
@Danack @pmmaga
@danack @JayIsTooCommon @Leigh @NikiC @DaveRandom @pmmaga - who else?
@Danack What that means depends on the RMs, unfortunately. ;-)
@JoeWatkins can't remember if you're confing or not?
@RonniSkansing I havn't idea but As Florian said it nicer
@bwoebi made your mind up yet :) ?
@JavaFan You didn't answer my question
9 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@JavaFan Depends for what
@JayIsTooCommon I'll come over after for a drink/meal ...
pretty much.
@MadaraUchiha mysql db
@danack @JayIsTooCommon @Leigh @NikiC @DaveRandom @pmmaga @JoeWatkins - who else is coming to PHPSC?
@JayIsTooCommon he might be covfefing
@JavaFan That's... not what I asked.
An autocomplete for what? What are you autocompleting? Text boxes for what purpose?
@DaveRandom Did you hear Spicer defending that tweet btw? Hilarious.
@JayIsTooCommon I've started avoiding Spicer, too painful. The same reason I can't watch The Office.
Like, I get why it's funny but the cringe factor is just too high
I am assuming that one day he will peel back the rubber mask and it will either be Gervais or Chris Morris underneath
How hard is it for devs to remember their private key passphrases..
hello guys
@Sean my what?
@MadaraUchiha well the end user should input a number in pk field (textbox) and the textboxs should be filled according to a query
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
$dummyObject = new Dummy();
I've had to update like 3 different team members' keys on our servers because they can't remember the passwords to their private keys lol
$dummyObject = new Dummy();
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
does anyone knows why the memory usage is exacly the same in the two statms?
@Sean get them to write them down on a post-it and place that on their monitor?
And then sellotape over it, just to make sure it stays.
@NikiC Are generators that don't yield significantly faster / or can be made faster than yielding ones?
@kelunik ...by which I assume you mean generators that return before they reach the first yield?
(just clarifying)
@DaveRandom Yes, or only yield in a certain branch.
Their generator-ness is determined at runtime?
@kelunik my understanding is that those effectively just execute like a regular function and valid() would just return false immediately
@DaveRandom Yes, they do, but maybe they could be optimized somehow?
optimised where? (genuine question, can't see what you are thinking could be optimised)
@DaveRandom Dunno, I don't know about their internal implementation.
fine, maybe niki/bob have something
ugh xpath queries are confusing.
:D Sure are
> Unfortunately most OO programmers do not have the brain power to evaluate DI to see if it would actually provide any benefit in their particular circumstances. Either they are told by a supposed "superior" that they should always implement it, in which case they obey without question just like a bunch of trained monkeys, or they hear about a new 'cool' design pattern and they rush to implement it just to prove to their peers that they are pattern experts.
@DaveRandom halph
Why would you write an article about trying to convince developers using DI is wrong in certain cases, then insult the target audience you're trying to convince.
48 mins ago, by DaveRandom
I'm guessing it's because he is a stuck-up twat
He raises good points past the click baity headline and snark though right?
it's not unhealthy to question when and when not to use something, and if we should use something, then why
@Sean So true!
Google Code Talks has some good arguments about DI and how to use it the right way.
Trying to be a developer is.. difficult when you're not smart :P
Trying to win arguments when you think you're smarter that you actually are, (and a stuck up twat), is even harder.
The talent in R11 is insane, but I have a problem where I take things posted here with big grains of salt, but then don't have the knowledge to understand whether methodologies/concepts are helpful
In fact, in my mind I tend to be naturally sceptical of anything nowadays. SOLID (as an example) could be all the rave but then I see posts like that and find it a lot easier to doubt then I thought
everything question
The bullshit asimmetry: the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.
:P True. Very true. What makes that post bullshit though? That's where I struggle
Skepticism is healthy. But if something is widely accepted and vouched for by many experienced devs, don't throw it away just because of a random blogpost or laracast video.
Without clicking it, the domain is a pretty good indicator
I've been reading for a while now, so far it's all rant and no substance
It should be a lot easier to say/think about why something is useful for yourself, rather than arguing why something is useful universally. Also, there is no point interacting with that guy - no one's going to change his mind.
he constantly refers to his years of experience as if people should be impressed
@Trowski I have now 1.51 vs. 1.95 for non-array resp parsing and 2.04 vs. 2.94 for simple array parsing (old parser vs. generator parser)
@Danack I have a developer friend who does this a lot irl. He'll actively pipe up to say he's leaving a debate because continuing it gets both sides nowhere. I used to think he was an asshole for doing it and refusing to see the other side, but the more I see these types of conversation, especially online, the more I respect him for having the wisdom and self-respect to not want to waste his own time.
@Sean Good for him - but is he an anime character: youtube.com/watch?v=gxW4p2Uuhhs ?
@JayIsTooCommon ?
@Sean that's why I knew that name
@JayIsTooCommon I will be back in like 10 mins for whatever you needed halph with
@DaveRandom hey, as the a element isn't wrapped in anything with a source-specific class (twitter, github), is it even possible to pick up with a query stackoverflow.com/users/508666/peehaa ?
hey @Ekin o
ltns @Ekin
@JayIsTooCommon look for the <svg class="iconGithub"... etc and get the next <a> sibling
actually brb 10 mins
hey @Tiff, indeed
how are you doing? how's your mom?
I'm doing fine, ma got sick first time this past year, it was rough but she's doing better now. How are you doing?
are the treatments going well, I mean?
well, as well as they can
chemotherapy and radiation rarely go "well"
Yeah, she getting a tough flu was bad because the next session is due in 3 days, they will need to reschedule to a latter date if she's not fine by 7th. Apart from that her results are coming out good though :-)
that's good to hear, other than the flu
she can beat it :)
Fingers crossed :-)
missed your morning @tiff sorry. morning o/
no worries \o
I'm doing well, kind of in between projects at work, so dinking around with code
Nice. I'm trying to find out how and why I get a sigsegv from valgrind upon every reboot on ubuntu
It seems to be coming from php-src on my phpstorm but it's not even open
It's weird
@MadaraUchiha yeah...
that does sound odd
could a process/service for it be running somewhere? though I think that would depend on where you use phpstorm
> We were unable to subscribe you due to some technical problems.
Please try again later.
@JoeWatkins is this known?
They don't want your money.
I've not seen it on ps aux but maybe it's segfault killing it already, dunno
nothing else than browser and console is open
odd indeed
do you run phpstorm in ubuntu?
I'm only used to running it on Windows and connecting it to a VM. But running it on the same VM that I have my dev environment built seems more logical.
yeah I do, I only use it on my old laptop with arch or this one
I haven't used phpstorm on Windows more than reading random repo source codes I think so far
now I'm curious how it runs on Linux
well I haven't had any issues with it until this valgrind one
@JayIsTooCommon 3v4l.org/6mlll
Hey, haven't been here for a long while. Jumped in just to say thanks to @Ocramius for this blog post of his. That shit should be dead before birth.
I think I just got flagged for shouting at my bot.
@JayIsTooCommon is that through the web form or an email?
web form
OK you can do it with email only, let me just find the procedure
@JayIsTooCommon send an email to php-internals-subscribe at lists dot php dot net
you should get a reply pretty quickly asking for confirmation, just reply to that and you are subscribed
obviously do that from the address you want to subscribe
the content of the email is irrelevant
in Nothing to see here, 5 mins ago, by Jon Clements
You shouting at your own bot? :-)
this is embarrassing.
@Danack Hahah
mornes 11 o/
@DaveRandom ok, thank you.
All of our sites are down. Fuck.
@Sean get in contact with our sales team ;)
@JayIsTooCommon ".. he started it"
@pmmaga \o
yo pedroyh
I read through the messages you deleted, all I can say is lol. My supervisor probably thought I wasn't working cause I was smiling while reading.
yeah I forgot about the whole public thing.
@JayIsTooCommon reminds me of this :P
@Trowski I think we should move Parser to its own package, as it doesn't have any Amp dependency. That way, many streaming parsers can be reused in ReactPHP for example.

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