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I try to avoid writing systems that require nested transactions.
they are almost useless. it was more a shortcut rather than actual need
what happens is this, the outermost service is invoked, the involved queries are prepared in a first step. then in a second step the data is retrieved using a predefined order, so that i'm not creating deadlocks, then the services do their stuff and data is saved in the database
however i later realized that i can create deadlocks with certain joins
then i ran out of time and left the mess there
it's probably an unsolvable problem
right now when there's a deadlock the page dies... i should do some retry mechanism instead
any advice? :B
Not really - it sounds like a very difficult problem to solve.
the hardest thing was reproducing deadlocks.... i could not understand the exact lock order
it's probably not worth doing it anyway
i think mysql applies locks as they are defined in a query, from left to right
which would complicates things too much... i should figure out how to do the retry instead
@Wes no.....it's far more complicated than that.
so yeah, bad idea :B
@Danack would you happen to have some further reading about FooRepo stuff? I don't think I quite get what/how/why I should think about that, and interact with them. For instance, what more does it have, compared to simply FooRepo, that would be filled with Foos. I understand that it delegates the responsibility of fetching / buildinf Foos entities to the SpecificFooRepo, but how do we interact with it?
why you think it should work differently from specificfoorepo?
the added functionality could be completely transparent
Well, for instance, specific foo repos are filled with foos from the outside, whereas these NullFooRepo or AllFooRepo are tasked with fetching the foos
dat caps lock
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I'm not sure of a good resource - maybe shawnmc.cool/the-repository-pattern
For me, the point of using a 'application' repositories is to really tightly define the verbs that can be used with certain resources, e.g. as opposed to just using a doctrine repository which can be used to do anything. And secondly to make it easy to test application level code.
3 hours later…
good morning
1 hour later…
good morning
guys i want to use a website's database but when i'm importing that to my server's phpmyadmin i'm getting an error " You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1
moornings o/
The hardest part of being a developer isn't the code, it's learning that the entire internet is put together with peanut butter and goblins.
so much this
penut butter and tentacles. FTFY
mmm peanut butter
@DaveRandom It's weird, sometimes I WiFi connect to one of the routers and after a while I get internet, but more often than not I don't.
mornin all
stackoverflow.com/questions/46947922/… is this question good enough?
@Fabor when you have a "no internet" state, I want to know: does the machine have a sensible IP address? (could there be an IP conflict? are there any devices with a static IP in the DHCP range), can you ping google.com? Can you ping
in fact, can you ping the router(s)?
@Fabor in fact, gtalk me when you have 10min and are sitting at a computer with a wired connection
I have a json string, and I check it in online json parser and it returns a valid json structure. If I try json_decode($json_string,true) it returns NULL
you will need a live chicken, a clean bucket, knife, chalk and five candles
!!docs json_last_error
[ json_last_error() ] Returns the last error occurred
Syntax error, malformed JSON
jsonlint.com returns VALID JSON
Array comparison operators unprecise – #75444
finally wifi fixed... maybe
@Fabor what are you doing to it?
in fact, gtalk me if you can
modprobe -r iwlwifi # finally wifi fixed
if I had my way that would be the fix
maybe modprobe -r iwlwifi | fire
I have to use Mac on my next job.. I'm scared
kill --with-fire should be an alias kill -9
more like kill ++raise-zombies
@DaveRandom Nothing when it borked. Wifi was connect no internet. Then I reset everything and the DNS forked up. Couldn't access anything. Went back to the old config (from backup) and wifi works.
wow wtf are you doing to those things
I can teamviewer on a little bit if you want
It's all good, well it's working at least.
Probably still some things I should do, same SSID for one. But for now it's okay.
note to self: do not hire @Fabor as sysadmin
@Fabor you are going to keep having a bad time until you do that
@DaveRandom Okay well, when you've got some time lets teamviewer it.
at the moment the devices are going to be constantly switching between networks, which will trigger DHCP release/renew, which will confuse the network a lot probably
@Gordon Trial and error is my mantra. :) Mostly error though.
or slack
@pmmaga I think I see OPs confusion though on the bug report
@PeeHaa I also understand his confusion but his example is not what the docs are describing, right?
It is
But strict mentions sequence of items
he expects that for the non strict too
Kinda confusion like it currently is imo
Although I don;t feel too strongly either way :)
but the docs explicitly mention key/value pairs, his example doesn't have the same key/value pairs
But that also goes for strict
ah nvm
I see what you are getting at
@Fabor I'm good in about 15 mins (10am here)
@DaveRandom Cool. Just message me on gtalk when ready
does anyone really use gtalk anymore? or does it even exist? I thought gtalk was renamed as hangouts :/
@ToukaXKaneki probably no one :p
@ToukaXKaneki Meh, easier to type for me but yes hangouts
Some of this Larashit makes me consider moving to Java in a year
@Jimbo go for it
@Jimbo Wrong way bro
You want to be moving away from both
Pretty sure if we don't get typed properties in 7.3 I'm going to have to quit for a stricter language, the boilerplate required for approximate sanity is really burning me out lately
@IROEGBU I'd assume he wants to work with something that is ready for production
That I can get a job using :p
Java :p
Java, C, C++, C# tiobe.com/tiobe-index
I like Java. It's really easy for a PHP dev to get into
C or Go
I still consider Go a fad
^ that
I mean it's only 10 years old
I still consider Ruby a fad
less than Go
The real fad was node though
age of the language doesn't say much about it being a fad or not imo. adoption does.
I looked to the golang code. Trying to understand. Then I looked again. Trying to understand. And again. Trying to understand. And again and again. Trying to understand. And then I returned to Java.
and my impression is that people are already moving away from it. though I have no numbers to back it up
If they're moving away from it, what are they moving to?
David Robinson on September 06, 2017

We recently explored how wealthy countries (those defined as high-income by the World Bank) tend to visit a different set of technologies than the rest of the world. Among the largest differences we saw was in the programming language Python. When we focus on high-income countries, the growth of Python is even larger than it might appear from tools like Stack Overflow Trends, or in other rankings that consider global software development.

In this post, we’ll explore the extraordinary growth of the Python programming language in the last five years, as seen by Stack Overflow traffic within …

I like Python, but I think I'd get bored of it pretty quickly if it was my day job
Is that not what jobs are for?
You're right, I should quit and become a marine biologist, that'll make PHP fun again
Java is fine
and if you are looking for job security, it will probably be the number 1 language to pick in a long time
java is ... well .. annoying in the same was as c#: they have become language for writing frameworks of frameworks
@tereško an axis without a label :(
didn't know there was a trending chart in google
I used to think those were made by unemployed people
I am waiting for someone to comment with "Just use Laravel and Eloquent. It's really nice and does all the things for you. All that SOLID stuff is just unneeded fluff"
PHP 7.0.25 released. This is a security release. All PHP 7.0 users are encouraged to upgrade. http://php.net/archive/2017.php#id2017-10-26-1
Hai All
I have a requirement where I need to make a zip file password protected.
Ya Thanks @Leigh
But My Php version is 5.4
So you know what you need to fix
I have gone through php.net/manual/en/ziparchive.setpassword.php It supports in above 5.6 version
I have a live environment which is setup in 5.4 and cannot be upgraded
Of course it can
No I mean My team is not supporting to upgarde the version so I was looking within the 5.4 version
Instead look for another team
Tell your team to stop being lazy and get on a supported version
I mean there's pecl.php.net/package/zip but next you're going to tell me you can't install extensions either
NO no @Lei
@Leigh Its not a problem we will install extension
Also, upgrade to 5.6
or better, 7+
@Gordon Its not password protected right
@Leigh Ya Will talk with my team
@Choco IDK. I just picked the first lib that didnt list the native lib as a requirement
but yeah, doesnt look like it. so nvm
i broke php today
well, fix it.
php breaks me every day
it came here like a wrecking ball…it never showed me any love. All I wanted was to code my part… but I can't with PHP… no, I can't… with PHP
Does anyone here know how to integrate CCAvenue
Oh no, we gonna rock down to CC Avenue
And then we'll take it higher
hi people
i was searching the net for finding out how to use persian language in html code
@parvin W3Schools should not be trusted as a reliable resource. Click here to read why.
do you have any idea how to I can use persian words inside my english html code?
i've seen some codes in english that represent persian alphabet they use in their code
but I have no idea what they are or where they can be found
<span>I like قُرمه‌سبزی</span>
so? does it work?
well at least not in "note pad" editor, do you know any good editor and compiler for html that supports farsi too?
you need an editor that supports utf-8 and you need to serve your html with that encoding.
there is no magic to this.
i see
dear @go
dear @ra
dear @Pe'smo
evenings o/
@gordon i'm implementing CCAvenue , confused with sandbox thing. the doc i have read ,that does not have much information about sandbox.
@Jeeves what do you know about CCAvenue? Can you help @RaviMane?
@Gordon Got you voice in my head saying we just be friends I can't believe the words came out of you mouth yeah.
I take that as a yes
another day of fucking with sharepoint
I'm so excited
@Tiffany you just can't hide it
@Gordon I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
what's sharepoint?
some would call it satan
or someone would call it Eminem
so sharepoint is for losers? (:
@AlmaDo wow you form opinion quickly than a missile
faster than a speed of light for sure
na, you asked first "whats sharepoint" it meant you wasted some time to think and loss to form opinion far less then speed of light
posted on October 26, 2017 by kelunik

- Fixed connection hangs if the process is forked while serving a request. See #182 and #192.

no I asked it way before sharepoint was mentioned because it took negative amount of time for me to process the thing. It's just the restrictions of the universe which made my phrase to appear after the question .. sadly
slow frigging speed of light.
299 792 458 m / s
@Leigh more like "don't steve me" :D
moin o/
slooooow. @Jimbo almost done this on the M55 on the Panigale! 😂

PS. "M55" is a label he give to a private runway a friend has in Spain and is absolutely not related to any other road.
@jeeves you took the words right outta my mouth
@Leigh Have you ever seen the movie law abiding citizen.
@Jeeves And have you ever seen the movie Constipation?
@Gordon Yes.
@Jeeves I doubt so, because it isn't out yet.
@Gordon How do you know that? Maybe I am.
@Jeeves yeah, you came definitely out.
@Gordon I had no idea. For I thought we were all the same.
@Jeeves that would be terrible.
@Gordon What do you want to do.
@Jeeves I want to put a smile on your face
@Gordon How can I be motivated.
@Jeeves Booze and money?
and that was the last we heard of him
@Jeeves You crack me up.
@Fabor Haha.
Can I invoke the power of the CV-faeries to nuke this as "Unsure what you're asking"? stackoverflow.com/questions/46535846/…
I asked it awhile ago, and now I'm unsure what I was asking
And I don't want to straight up delete it because it might still be useful
or you could just leave it?
which is what I will do with you guys now
@Dan you should just flag it for mods and request deletion
good morning
@Dan I would just leave it there.
Why && instead of &?
& is bitwise operator. I have no clue what this means, bit operations completely elude me
whereas && is logical and
A: Difference between & and && in PHP

cletus& is bitwise AND. See Bitwise Operators. Assuming you do 14 & 7: 14 = 1110 7 = 0111 --------- 14 & 7 = 0110 = 6 && is logical AND. See Logical Operators. Consider this truth table: $a $b $a && $b false false false false true false true false false true tr...

oh well, actually it's somewhat comprehensible now. last time I thought about that, I was completely lost.
heh progress
I think it's the reading of a book on the SPARC architecture that helped me overcome an inconscious fear of thinking about bytes as 0 and 1. I even do not want to close my eyes anymore when I see hexadecimal
remember set theory? venn diagrams? bitwise operators are the basic operations
@Tiffany dat first message tho
ugh, not first, but yeah, these random capitalizations...
read Randy King's message, a little ways down
IN ThE hanDs oF a MAd cAsE SwItChER (Or Is tHaT A
swItCh/CaSE) :P
I kind of miss the days of usenet
granted I wasn't old enough to really experience it
@Tiffany strange that google groups doesn't have markdown enabled :D
in 84, i was -2 years old
I was -17 years old :B
@Wes wait, you're young
I thought you were with the skeletons
i feel like i have lived a hundred lives tho.
you must be a neko then
@Ocramius famous guy
@ToukaXKaneki a maneki neko?
@ToukaXKaneki you must be a caprcazz
since you speak japanese hentaiese, i'll speak italian
left testing uncompleted yesterday and now i have no idea what i was doing
caprcazz doesn't even bring up any sane google results :P
of course it is not :P
caprcazz translates to dickhead :B
PG 18!!!111oneoneone
shut up. you know already more than us
@Wes let me guess, you did not write what you were trying to test, nor how?
well, i did write how the function i am testing is supposed to work
i didn't write how i was testing it :B
yeah you know it, anyway
@bwoebi @PeeHaa why not allow trailing comma in function calls? I don't like it because it's optional so doesn't add any value :-)
i usually do that :B
@DejanMarjanovic it's horrible
Yeah it is, not sure why it's being accepted, we've survived all these years without it.
looks like both steam and gog have a Samhain sale
terminators should work the same everywhere
echo $this;
echo $is;
echo $nice;
function calls should be fecking consistent across languages
because($this, $is, $not, $nice ,); :-)
you don't do that, like you don't do [1,2,3,]
I don't, but I can :-)
that's your problem :P
!!> echo @@@@"because i can";;;;;;;
Ok, that's a bit much :-)
@Wes wait, comma isn't a terminator, it's argument/item separator? :B
why can't you just add a comma when you are actually adding something new there :P
it's the same thing
arguments are a data structure too.. tuples... in php it's fundamentally an array... ergo, should work the same as an array :B
if you have two items, you need a single separator for them :P
la la la can't hear you @Wes();
@Wes Just get it right the first time. We write out code in pen not pencil!
Nope. Joke too harsh.
people is voting
if you disagree with the majority then you are wrong (that's how it works these days, right? :B)
@Ocramius Congratulate them on passing their Laravel certification
This is fucking excellent
@Jimbo Such relevant for me.
^ I was searching for "why" in your chat history and found this gem:
Nov 5 '14 at 0:55, by webarto
@ircmaxell It's people like you and comments like that which throw back the world permanently. If you see an issue, create a ticket. That's open-source. Not ranting "piece of crap" to every project that has its issues, with people like you guys Wordpress and Prestashop and every PHP-based forum in the world would probably already been deleted because "it's crap". You will probably also bash Laravel, right ? But anyway, I'll remove the project tomorrow, but I'll be quoting you and write an article about this. Thanks for making open-source such an annoying, unconstructive, bad place. — Panique 6 mins ago
@Danack what am i doing wrong? i.imgur.com/hBVRlz0.png
testing a data provider
@tereško I have already cocked a gun to kill myself, thought it was written by me.
Nice finding, but I need to puke now :-)
hah @webfarto returns.
@AlmaDo unless I am missing something obvious, it should be 4
@tereško that was my answer as well. but I don't know if it's correct
ah, no
it's actually 3
the pipe from 3 to 4 is closed at the top
that's just stupid
I'm just adding drama.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yeah, it has nothing to do with logic
3, and nothing else, because it will overflow 3
@DejanMarjanovic i thought the same

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