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How about a default handler that just rethrows immediately (since it has no other context)?
Amp would just replace that handler with one that forward to the loop handler on bootstrap.
@Trowski Amp or amphp/loop?
@bwoebi Amp
that could work.
Assuming there's only a single promise error handler, which I think should be the case.
@Trowski it should.
I think this is a good solution.
@Trowski Default handler for promises that rethrows? Throwing from the promise error handler doesn't make any sense.
I was thinking in terms of a synchronous context where it would bubble up to the top.
Errors ending up in the promise error handler are always programming errors and are always errors that can't bubble up, because they're thrown at the wrong place. If they were thrown at the right place, there'd be no need for an error handler.
It could also print the error and exit.
@Trowski We can't print it. But we can use trigger_error.
@kelunik Yep, was just typing that.
@Trowski It can only bubble up if thrown into the loop.
The resolution of promises must never throw depending on the consumption of promises. @rdlowrey
Right, otherwise we're violating the spec.
Triggering E_USER_ERROR sounds reasonable to me, as then it's handled like an uncaught exception.
@rdlowrey While I like your attitude regarding rethrowing, it isn't acceptable though. It makes everything easier when we can guarantee that resolve() will never throw.
@bwoebi It's not only easier, it's just plain wrong to let it bubble up. The code where it bubbles up can in no case handle that error nor is it responsible for it. @rdlowrey
@kelunik there is no notion of right and wrong, but I agree with you in general.
Pieter detected … elimination in 3 … 2 …
… uh better not.
Depends on who is getting eliminated :P
You got the issue.
I accidentally choose the nuclear bomb.
Wouldn't have eliminated only you sadly.
Sure, "accidentally"
something something cockroaches something nuclear disaster something
@DaveRandom Oh what does this button do
posted on December 13, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Feeds Thanks for continuing to bring us that positive vibe
@PeeHaa I was so tempted to kick-mute you then
When in doubt. Just act
Well yeh but it alerts the mods and doesn't post anything in the room. Joke doesn't have enough reach to risk angering the Gods mods.
Incoming kick-mute in 3... 2... 1...
I mean they do it for flags
@AhmedDaou you around?
Be responsive will ya. My minutes are precious
@all Does youtube allow me to search things based on duration?
I doubt it
What are you looking for?
New toy.
You can search by "short" and "long" which are <4mins and >20mins respectively, but nothing more fine grained than that that I can see in the UI
Something like a 5 second clip :(
@ABM_Dan @DaveRandom has a name you know
This may be a little xy, but is it possible to split a binary into two parts? E.g. 0b00001111 into 0b0000 and 0b1111?
Sean, binary operators?
looks like a int division and a modulus.
> This may be a little xy
Or, since it's binary, a simple shift.
why? :P
Oh, shift
of course >_>
Shift happens.
@PeeHaa 11 in advent of code, wondering if I can store floor state as a binary
where the first 4 digits are the generators and the last 4 are chips
Oh that thing I still haven't had time for
Sean, are you running php on a piece of stale cardboard?
Is there any other way to run php?
I hear amazon has acquired corrugated technology.
@Sean Those are called "nibbles" (half a byte). $highNibble = ($byte & 0xf0) >> 4; $lowNibble = $byte & 0x0f;
<3 nibbles, I once got a job just because I could identify 4 bits as a nibble.
Want to try out PHP and Symfony but have problems installing it
However @Sean unless you are doing something super high performance or something where memory is at a premium (or implementing some pre-existing binary format), it's almost always simpler, easier and clearer to use an array.
Sounds like you're having the standard experience then. What's the issue Gudin?
i installed phpStorm and php-cgi and server works fine
then i move to install composer, but i didn't have php.ini
can you run php -v fine?
so i copied one from php/src
but composer complained about json, phar and mbstring extensions
reasonable, it kinda needs those.
so i googled and added extension=json.so ...phar.so and apt-get php-mbstring
composer did install after this, but i guess this isn't the right way to do it
It's kinda intensive maybe? Im not sure how intensive it's going to be
Guess I could switch over to arrays
anyway, my symfony is killing me now, it complains about iconv() ctype_alpha() token_get_all() and simplexml_import-dom()
as I understand, i need to recompile php with these extensions or what?
@Sean Well it sounds like what you have is a pair of integers. It's probably easier to express it as a pair of integers [$x, $y]
@Gudin are you running symfony 3?
I'm ruining symfony 3
I'm running this symfony installer thing from download page, as I see I can create 3 and 2.8 projects
@Gudin wait, wut? ctype is missing?
yea, I had a lot of problems with these extensions
i don't understand it
Composer required json, phar and mbstring
What PHP version?
I wouldn't even know what that is in
and i somehow patched that up and it installed
@PeeHaa it's basically stdlib
now Symfony needs 4 more extensions
!!lxr ctype_alpha
[ -MASTER/ext/ctype/ctype.c#191 ] static PHP_FUNCTION(ctype_alpha)
you have to explicitly disabled it and it's always statically compiled
PHP 7.0.8ž
It's enabled by default since 4.2...
@Gudin did you build it yourself?
It seems to have been built with --disable-all
i apt-get install php-cgi
and i didn't get php.ini too
yes, is php-cgi ok?
i made it run server and execute php code
Well I dunno what that will give you, is the CGI SAPI even still a thing? Might give you fpm
@Gudin I don't know. I'll have to ask one of my grandparents :P
@Gudin Try running apt-get install php
I assume that stuff like ctype would be in some php-common like package
But I don't do debian in any way shape or form so I dunno
i read through some things, i find out that php-cgi is exactly what I needed (i dont need apache or anything), but internet is scary deprecated place
See I don't even know what the base OS of ubuntu is without googling it :-P
@Gudin don't you just need cli in that case?
@PeeHaa phpStorm complained i need php-cgi
@DaveRandom lol
@Gudin Oh have see that thing
so, let me just remove all this garbage i've just installed
Oh you are actually on a nix system developing
install windows :P
@Gudin You can probably leave it there, you just need more things as well
and i will then I guess apt-get install php
and hope all the extensions are there
I vaguely remember PHP storm telling me it wanted CGI when I tried to set up the debugging stuff once
thanks for help
@Gudin I'd suggest doing that first and seeing if it works, only remove the cgi thing if it causes you problems
But also you may have to go read the docs for the packages you installed, I only know things about RHEL, and I don't know many of them.
should I get php.ini file from that installation?
I would assume it should come with one
@Gudin no
Generally I would expect to find a php.ini in /etc and extra files in /etc/php.d
But again, RHEL
apt creates an ini
You may have to move it to mods_enabled
or something like that
but IIRC apt does that automagically
@PeeHaa Why do you even know that? Traitor.
Ok, i installed php (not php-cgi) and now i got fpm/ with php.ini
@DaveRandom I have been blessed with two terrible distros. centos and debian :P
@PeeHaa i just got a notif
I also see Loaded Configuration File: (none) when I run php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php/7.0/cli
Loaded Configuration File: (none)
is this ok?
@AhmedDaou Too late. The moment is gone. Be responsive will ya. My minutes are precious
@bwoebi @kelunik @rdlowrey Added some Observable and Observer tests. Coverage is up to 57%.
so I've been legitimately reading cake php's doc (might have to review some existing app in that.) Gawd they sure love static classes. I can't help but wonder why?
I'll add some more tonight/tomorrow.
@Trowski :-)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier because it's super easy to globally have access to everything
@PeeHaa that sounds like a totally legit endeavour
Has anyone here read one of the books from Vaughn Vernon or Greg Young?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ikr!
hey, I installed php and I'm still missing bunch of extensions for composer: json, phar and iconv. Should I just add extensions=json.so and similar to my php.ini?
@Gudin Probably not
locate json.ini
must be in /etc/php/7.0/mods-available
AFAIK debian based distros add an ini for every extension in some directory and you just have to symlink it to mods enabled
So mods available -> mods enabled
it's in /usr/share/php7-json/
What the deuce
not that one
/etc/php/7.0/mods-available is empty
huh wow
Don't tell me this is another thing ubuntu fucked up
i see you are windows fanboy :D
No I am not
I have an ubuntu one in fronta me which works all ok
What makes you think that?
idk, you said install windows before
Yes because that works fine, so does debian
Well debian works "fine"
What repo are you installing from @Gudin?
I guess it's probably related to how you .configure'd
i'm simply using apt-get install php
but dunno. maybe magic. maybe not
because i suck at unix and all the compiling
but i guess i could do that if it is really necessary
Why are you compiling?
am not, i'm using apt-get install
but, i installed php tar.gz from their page and I saw i need to compile it
what? What page? What php?
Just apt-get install php
I did that at the end
and this is what i get
empty /mods-available
and missing extensions or sth
Only thing I can say is start from scratch because that makes no sense
Even Shuttleworth wouldn't screw this up
Well if somebody would do it it would be him, but still
glad I'm special
@Trowski actually, he's testing both icicle and amphp
even though I live in Kentucky, I'm thinking oysters tonight for dinner
@FlorianMargaine Should probably tell him that I'm planning on abandoning Icicle for Amp v2.
At this point I should really update the Icicle repos with that notice.
Hm, my ears are burning. :-)
@Trowski Hi there. We just added support for starting PHP daemons on Platform.sh, so I'm setting up some example repos to make sure 1) It works and 2) We know how to make it work really well.
I already have a React PHP hello-world example, and a websocket example that is almost working. (Found a bug on our end that will be fixed very shortly.) It sounds like I shouldn't bother with icicle, just Amp?
@Crell Right, Icicle will be abandoned in favor of Amp v2.
The APIs are so similar there's no point in developing both.
OK. (It's probably worth sorting that out in FIG at some point, too. :-) )
Yeah, I was wondering how I should approach that.
Maybe the membership could just move to Amp?
Is there an existing Amp 2 Hello World or websocket example, or something? I want to be able to have a basic example without spending too much time on it.
Otherwise Icicle will just have to resign and Amp could eventually apply.
@Trowski It should.
Or I could just coax you into building one. :-)
@Crell You're the Crell?
Having Amp apply and Iclcle then resign immediately would be fine, IMO. That's what we did for AWS-SDK->Guzzle.
Although they were also changing reps. Meh.
so ready for this day to end... my brain is about completely swiss cheese today
@bwoebi I'm the only Crell I know. (There's apparently someone else that uses that name on some sites, but I've never met him/her/it.)
got a lot done, but man, when you use "brain power" for that long in one day, your brain kinda melts
@Trowski as you guessed, done. :-)
Hi, why is this not working:
$to = '[email protected]';
$subject = 'This is a test';
$message = 'Hello, this is a test.';
$headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
@bwoebi I can confirm
@Julian what are you expecting it to do?
I cannot find the mail in any folder.
@rabbitguy I want it to send an email to my own email.
@Crell There's a few very basic examples using Observables that show the basic structure of executing code within the coroutine (that's running in an event loop) github.com/amphp/amp/tree/master/example
do you get any errors when you run the code?
@Trowski The other goal is to determine what else we should do to make Platform.sh a great async PHP host. Eg, what extensions we should also offer. Chris Boden recommended ext/event.
Well this is the only code that I have in my file, and if I open it on my website, I can only see a white page. @rabbitguy
@Crell Aerys is the HTTP application and websocket server, which has some good documentation and getting started examples github.com/amphp/aerys
@Crell ext/ev or ext/uv
I don't think there even is a 7 version of ext/event
@Julian so check what the result is (true or false)... that will tell you if it sent or not
Just with an if statement? @rabbitguy
@Trowski there is since February? (ext/event version 2?)
@Crell @bwoebi would be able to tell you more about the status of ext/uv - not sure if that's production ready.
@Trowski well, it has a pecl release now…
@bwoebi Oh, ok, news to me. We'll have to write a loop adapter for that.
when the last time I entered meta.stack it was towards stackoverfiow and I auto rick-roll myself
libuv > libevent :-D
But we should support libevent anyway.
@Trowski well, if you need file support, definitely.
if (mail($foo, $bar, $foobar, $barfoo)) echo "success";
@Trowski btw. you need to merge uv branch into master? (in amphp/loop)
@bwoebi Yeah, I'm not sure about the differences on socket polling… probably not very significant.
@Trowski not really
@bwoebi I'll have to test with the updated version of ext/uv, as there were some tests that were hanging.
@Trowski yes, please do.
@rabbitguy go home from work
@rabbitguy if I use this, it says mail sent successfully:

$to = '[email protected]';
$subject = 'This is a test';
$message = 'Hello, this is a test.';
$headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

if(@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers))
echo "Mail Sent Successfully";
echo "Mail Not Sent";

@Trowski If necessary I'll dedicate all day tomorrow to fixing bugs if you find some
@Trowski which libuv version is ext/uv using?
@rabbitguy and if I use this it is saying success too:
$to = '[email protected]';
$subject = 'This is a test';
$message = 'Hello, this is a test.';
$headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) echo "success";

@FlorianMargaine v1.x
@bwoebi frequently updated?
@FlorianMargaine libuv or ext/uv?
libuv 1.x has had a stable API so far (since 1.0 I mean)
libuv, yeah
@bwoebi yup, new methods every now and then
still waiting for my PR to be merged...
Need to go now @rabbitguy Thanks for your help, I will try this tomorrow.
MR? you mean PR? ok
I should probably ping
@bwoebi yeah, it's MR in gitlab...
@FlorianMargaine what does the M stand for?
Are the Icicle people involved in Amp, or just via the interop discussions?
@Crell @Trowski is.
Erm. I mean React PHP people.
Obviously Icicle is, that's why I'm here to talk to him. :-)
Ah, only via interop
... for a moment there, I read react as the Javascript react. my mind was going places
@Crell Is there anything particular you're wondering about? Or just asking about FIG state?
@bwoebi Regarding Amp, Icicle, or React?
@Crell yes?
@Crell Hopefully if React implements the async-interop standards, it won't really matter.
Then the event loops and libs will all be interoperable.
heh. Current hat: I want to make sure Platform.sh is an awesome async PHP host. Which means having demos running that we can vet and optimize. Or, better yet, coax one of you folks into maintaining and telling us how to make it better. :-)
Secondary hat: "Oh, a FIG member project is being abandoned, we should sort that out at some point."
@Crell How important are member projects now with FIG 3.0? Do we really need projects still?
@Crell Once we finalize the v2 API (very soon) I think we could put together a demo of Amp and Aerys for Platform.sh.
@Trowski Cool. How soon is soon?
(We don't have a deadline; I just want to know if I should spend time on it myself or wait for you. I can definitely provide guidance on the Platform.sh side.)
@Crell depends on how much time @Trowski and @rdlowrey have
@Crell I'm hoping to start a project with it myself around mid-January.
I can setup a start and hand it over to you to make it actually work.
@Crell tip: you can click on the arrow at the right of a message to "reply" to it
Why must every chat system be different?
because thread-based systems are much better than the bastardized version that slack is
@Crell Because every chat does it better than the previous one, obviously
@JoeWatkins Did Remi happen to reply to you without reply-all regarding pkg-config?
@Crell I wonder, what exactly is special about a platform.sh build? What's the difference to a random server with a few exts installed?
@bwoebi now now, don't get me started
@FlorianMargaine please do
@bwoebi The relevant parts here are that you can heavily customize your nginx config and PHP config, moreso than most hosts. But great power / great responsibility.
So we have project templates that are appropriate for various projects, some more maintained than others.
You can also run multiple app containers out of the same git repository, each with their own configuration. So a Drupal site and an amp queue worker living next to each other in separate is a totally legit configuration.
we're a PaaS, which means that you don't have to care about installing and managing said-server, we provide and maintain it all, with an abstraction layer (namely, some platform.sh-specific files that you put in your git repo) to help you configure everything you need (well, mostly.)
you just git push, and the rest is magic
@FlorianMargaine yeah, I see you provide managed servers, but I was wondering what the difference is. So, autodeployment on push too?
Yep. For every branch if you want it.
(also, we have additional features such as an URL for every git branch, branch-based permissions, fast data copy between branches, etc.)
So every feature branch IS a staging environment, complete with a copy-on-write clone of production data.
I'll stop there anyway, this is becoming a bit too spammy.
you can navigate on platform.sh and docs.platform.sh if you want more info
@FlorianMargaine meh, there's a documentation… Who looks at these footers?
Here's the example file for a websocket-suppoting React PHP configuration, for instance: github.com/platformsh/platformsh-example-reactphp/blob/…
ah, I understand (a little)
hmm.. platform.sh isn't loading for me
@pmmaga it's back
@FlorianMargaine it is! :)
@pmmaga also, just making sure, it didn't actually return an error, right? it was just waiting?
nop, i got a cloudfront error
ah, fun
@bwoebi the footers... eh, not me
@FlorianMargaine yeah, that's why I hadn't looked there until you told me there were docs
I think it's mostly marketing people, or customers looking for contact? dunno
At least one simple docs link should be placed somewhere visible…
I agree. I don't have authority over the main website, though. :-)
I think there's a Jira ticket about it, actually..
@Crell I can hit people, if you want
That's generally the fastest way to close a ticket
(without fix!)
haha :P
Wooo, I'm done with Title IX training
@Crell Do you have what you need for now for platform.sh?
I can ping you when we have the v2 API finalized. Aerys is really the main attraction, and I doubt much will be changing there API-wise.
I got distracted a bit, but I'm working on setting up aerys now.
If I give you access to the repo, would you be able to tidy it up if needed?
(For some definition of tidy.)
@Crell yes
Great. Stand by.
Hm, there's no config file present by default, contrary to what the README claims... :-)
well, the README claims "TODO"
Oh, I see, the README assumes you're git cloning the project rather than composer installing it.
^ That's something that should be fixed.
Hm, and the default config file doesn't respond.
I just invited both of you to the Github repo. Feel free to push to master if you want.
I need to head out for the night, although I don't have it working yet. I'll try again on Thursday if you've not corrected me by then. :-)
@Crell have you enabled the github integration?
No. There's no project for it yet. Plus that doesn't work so well yet for the template repos until we have a way to make the data cloning optional.
Although... that's not really relevant for these kits so maybe we could do that. Hm.
Task for tomorrow. Gotta run. Thanks, folks!

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