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@FélixGagnon-Grenier they are instantiated when they're put into a variable or similar. (that's what used means here, not the call)
Hello! Where are my sql friends at :)
`INSERT INTO lotfi_stats (`force`) VALUES ('1'); SELECT * FROM lotfi_stats WHERE ID = SCOPE_IDENTITY();`
Output: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT * FROM lotfi_stats WHERE ID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()' at line 1
that's pretty nice.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what are you referring to?
your pastebin.
look at how nice this invoice is
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it is part of a framework I just started doing
I am mixing a lot of advises into one modular thing for which I will make a nice UI, so you can do "Development" with your mouse choosing which modules you want installed etc, cause I am more of a visual guy, I like pretty pictures
why use getEnvironmentVar(EnvironmentVariables::DEVELOPMENT_HOST); instead of just putting the variable in EnvironmentVariables::DEVELOPMENT_HOST
cause this expects that your operating system has an environment variable that holds the hostname
this way if you have 3 servers (Development, Staging, Production) for the same variable EnvironmentVariables::DEVELOPMENT_HOST you can have different values based on your setup
This was recommended from Danack
far away from my old config.json files...
you shouldn't put passwords and any custom information in the config
since you commit it and push it to some 3rd party repo so basically all the passwords etc. are there
btw @FélixGagnon-Grenier I also play an instrument for a hobby but it's much simpler -> guitar
well, there's no limit to how much mastery can be achieved of any instruments :)
I mean guitar is a simpler instrument than a violin
to play
other than that you are quite right
same goes for programming
Only difference imo is how easy it is to start
it's kind of limitless
but the problem with programming is that by the time you learn everything, new ideas come along
so you have to adapt
to the fact that people are either A. Idiots or B. Dicks
I really hate programmers that think they are always right and don't listen to you
and the facts you present
people, you know :p
not everyone can be as nice as the Canadians :D
refering to me? I'm from quebec. HUGE difference.
We got some kind of an attitude problem as of late
Haha really?
I have a friend from there, she's a really nice girl. Too bad I haven't seen her for 5 years already :(
Ask her about student movements and police repression in those last years.
in any event, I'll have to be going
Does symfony/yaml not handle yaml files with document delimiters? (---)
I have 100 lines of HTML codes, and I want to echo all of them. they are contained these character ',",/,``
how can I echo all of them easily ?
@Sajad Simple, don't wrap them in <?php tags.
@Sajad simple.. Just use nowdoc.
Or just don't embed HTML into code in a language that allows you to embed code into HTML :)
^ PHP: The Bad Parts.
@rdlowrey Is it bad or great? :-D
@Sherif WOW !!! thanks
Another way of looking at it is: "PHP: The Good Parts"
Now the fact that Facebook took it a step further and decided to make the DOM interpolated by the language is a nice to have, but ideally the principle of not having to embed code in code remains sound in practice.
@rdlowrey what is this symbol ^ ?
@Sajad why echo HTML? who does that still
@Sajadj ^ means (look at the previous line)
I made this about CQRS with my MS Paint Skiallzz
@ziGi sometimes needed !
@ziGi if you got ES, then your aggregates are a stack of events, not entities
@Ocramius true
@bwoebi Not sure what you find awful about it. I think it's brilliant.
@Sherif oh, you meant that seriously? LOOOOL
@Sherif I prefer text and code properly separated. And XHP absolutely defies that.
@Ocramius aren't you referring to Event Store actually not to Aggregates I thought the entities fire the events via an Event Dispatcher
@ziGi the aggregate fires events, and the aggregate is just reconstructed from a repository via events being collected in the store
otherwise, skip the events in the diagram
@Sherif you troll so much, that one doesn't know when you're actually being serious :>
I see, yeah, I have to make a different diagram for CQRS + ES then
@bwoebi The trick is that I'm never trolling and always serious
A serious troll :D
@Sherif yeah, totally :>
It's possible that you confuse trolling with someone who does not share your opinion, however :)
This reminds me of a friend of mine who is "joking" when she tells something that's not appropriate and someone scolds her
@Sherif Just like cows fly.
@Ocramius so just to make clear you have Command -> Command Handler -> Repository -> Aggregate I got confused a bit
@bwoebi They do? You argued something matter-of-factly and supported it with a preference. Why is what I'm saying considered a troll and what you're saying is not? Maybe it's time to reevaluate your position?
@Sherif You realize that I just was joking when I said you'd be trolling here? … I just am a bit honestly surprised that you think it's brilliant.
It seems lately to me that PHP OOP programming is slowly converting to Functional programming
you try avoid keeping state in classes
and just pass dependencies to classes and instances to methods
I just have this itchy feeling
@bwoebi Why does that surprise you? It proves useful in a lot of ways. It's also not like you have to use hack everywhere throughout? Life is filled with choices :)
I propose that you guys read this article. It is kind of marvelous and true:
Oh, well. There was that rise of pure OOP back then when there were no anon funcs… sure, it's not directly related, but now with anon funcs we have much more functional possibilities.
@bwoebi to me it seems that since we try to decouple everything by not keeping state in the objects but just dependencies, and passing the state to the methods of the objects, the idea of encapsulation becomes a bit redundant. It just seems that way to me, maybe I'm wrong
@ziGi are we passing the state to the methods of the objects?
@ziGi think of it this way: what's the difference between an object instance and a closure?
@bwoebi it's not state but some kind of input and you expect either an output (when doing a query) or a persistence (when doing a command)
@KevinMGranger depends whether a closure does something and returns something. Usually closures can be used for deferred instantiation
@ziGi but when doing the query, the operation is on the database which is store in the state of the object we're doing our operation on?
@ziGi what?
Dependency inversion != Stateless
@Sherif I've been mostly annoyed by having two ways of doing the same thing.
@KevinMGranger a closure is a method that has captured the local state when it's being defined
@bwoebi Sounds like an excellent reason to be surprised that I enjoy choice :)
@ziGi and an object?
An object is more or less like a set of closures working on the same state
@Sherif choice to achieve different things, great. choice to achieve the same? why?
@ziGi rather, an object is more or less like a set of functions working on the same state.
@KevinMGranger I remember someone referring to closures as poor objects or something like that, why are you asking though?
@bwoebi ok fine, functions not closures since they're not anonymous
@bwoebi internally when having multiple objects instantiated from the same class, is the code for the functions kept in one place (so the same functions are being called although from different instances)
@KevinMGranger what was your point now?
@ziGi sure, just like with closures.
are all closures instantiated in the beginning?
I'm just saying, there's not really much of a difference between objects and closures, if any.
the difference is basically having a state
you can bind a state (an object) to a Closure.
@bwoebi still when you say $this in the closure/function it knows to which object instance to refer
yes, that's implicit binding.
@bwoebi I suppose that depends on how you view achievement. Certainly things that serve the same purpose don't necessarily come with identical benefits. Why are you using web-based chat if IRC exists? Clearly by your logic they should not both exist, right?
Yeah Closure::bind
@bwoebi is Closure::bind used in traits to bind the methods of the traits to the class?
@Sherif because some people use the one, others the other. I have no choice if I want to talk to both.
@ziGi not sure how's that related to closures??
@bwoebi Right, but you're saying having choices there is bad if they set out to achieve the same thing, no?
So why are you a hypocrite?
@Sherif But when I have a way to avoid both, it should be avoided.
@bwoebi I am just asking, aren't traits using bind?
Stand your ground.
@bwoebi You don't have a way to not use XHP?
I'm just confused about what you're finding necessarily bad about it other than the fact that you don't like it.
@Sherif If it weren't introduced in the first place, I never would have to bother with it.
@Sherif oh, well, what's bad about it is that it's just not properly readable.
I think XHP is like a knife with two blades, it kind of cleans the code, but it makes it nasty and allows for errors if you are not experienced
I have a problem with adding a worse alternative.
Why would you do stuff like that at all?
    <form method="post">
      What is your name?<br />
      <input type="text" name="name" />
      <input type="submit" />
mixing HTML and PHP
and it could be easily rewritten as
echo <<<HTML
    <form method="post">
      What is your name?<br />
      <input type="text" name="name" />
      <input type="submit" />
I was just gonna say that
just that it's an explicit string and we all know that it's intended that way etc.
I can say tomorrow that I do BUTTHOLE as a reserved keyword for hypertext preprocessing and make a BHP
Well, XHP also does more inline DOM manipulation stuff. Never really played with it though, it kinda feels like a gimmick and I doubt my IDE'd like it.
      <form method="post">
      What is your name?<br />
      <input type="text" name="name" />
      <input type="submit" />
so nice, isn't it
@bwoebi I can understand that part, sure. I find the benefits prove to outweigh that con though in a number of specific cases.
@Charles what for stuff exactly?
@Sherif aha?
@bwoebi Well, for one thing, PHP is now aware of context. So you can more easily mitigate things like XSS directly in the language.
You're not longer printing a string. You're printing an expression.
You can build smarter tools that know the difference between code and input.
@bwoebi do you think we can use Closure::bind to implement DCI in PHP?
@ziGi DCI means?
Data, context and interaction
Data, context and interaction (DCI) is a paradigm used in computer software to program systems of communicating objects. Its goals are: To improve the readability of object-oriented code by giving system behavior first-class status; To cleanly separate code for rapidly changing system behavior (what the system does) from code for slowly changing domain knowledge (what the system is), instead of combining both in one class interface; To help software developers reason about system-level state and behavior instead of only object state and behavior; To support an object style of thinking that is close...
@Sherif just that it's not as smart as you might like it to. It yells for security issues, because you trusted the system to escape for you, e.g. in an onclick attribute… oh, wait, javascript isn't appropriately escaped ;-)
@Sherif printing an expression? what do you mean?
@bwoebi Well, that's why facebook doesn't inline javascript ;)
Ever heard of Flux architecture?
@Sherif or CSS.
but it really yells for false expectancies.
@ziGi That's what XHP does. It interprets XML as an expression rather than a string.
And the idea is?
That you mix DOM logic with PHP?
@ziGi that wikipedia article doesn't really tell me what it really is. It tells me what it's goals are, not how it works at the code level.
The idea is to make it more useful to the language, because now yo understand context, whereas with a string the language has no idea what the string means, it just understands it as a set of ordered bytes.
@bwoebi let me find a better one, it's in a way behavioral programming
@Sherif and this is useful because?
@ziGi just try explaining yourself
@bwoebi So, like, you can instantiate a DOM node and then append to it as if it was an array or something. And then iterate over it and manipulate properties, etc. It's been a while.
The idea is that you have Anemic Entities with some general basic behavior (like accessors and mutators) and then to attach domains of behavior based on the use case. That is done dynamically
@Charles If I want that, I just load it into the builtin DOM classes?
@bwoebi Yeah, but this works by using the XML syntax. For reasons.
@ziGi A number of reasons really. For one, you can more easily prevent XSS in the language. Another is that you can prevent malformed XML at the server level. Yet another, is that you can now reuse those expressions in other ways.
@Charles But generally, I very rarely encounter the HTML to be output to be processed a lot.
@Sherif XML, people still use it?
@bwoebi Right, and then ... well ... templates.
@Sherif but yeah, I can kind of get the idea
@Charles what's with templates? there HTML is just pasted in.
@ziGi You understand that by XML I mean X/HTML, right?
As in, the stuff you''re using right now and have been for 25+ years?
@Sherif well, I am not completely used to your lingo, however assuming you are smart, I kind of did, but I am joking
@ziGi What's a domain of behavior?
@bwoebi Well I mean, the case for XHP is pretty well covered by every other template engine out there, all of which operate without an extension or changing the syntax of PHP itself....
@bwoebi it's like grouped behavior (for example 3 methods in a trait)
it's also called Roles
you combine structure and methods in an object
depending on the use case
this is an idea invented by the guy who invented the MVC
@ziGi like runtime trait binding?
@bwoebi yes, exactly
but not complete traits (cause they are mixings) more like dynamic method binding only
Trygve Reenskaug is the guy's name
you mean attaching individual methods to a class?
to an instance of the class
yeah, __call will help you with that
I think I'm beginning to unravel the paradox that is youtube comments.
@Sherif share please
@ziGi Meh, you can read my book when it comes out
@Sherif lolz, ok
the only issue is that there's no runtime interface binding which would be useful here (and interfaces don't understand __call :-()
but if it's more than 10 bucks I am not buying it, cause I am a cheap ass
Oh that wasn't actually a joke. It warrants an entire book.
@bwoebi well it's a feature request for PHP 7.1 I guess :D
@ziGi runtime interface binding for understanding __call?
@bwoebi I am wondering though, why would interfaces need __call, because the idea is runtime attachment of behavior, not contracts saying preliminary what's in there
meaning that you don't know what's gonna happen :D
you actually kind of do if you check the places and cases where the behavior is attached
to attach behavior… how do you know what behavior you can call on an object if not by interface?
@bwoebi the object itself has accessors which can be used by the attached behavior
I am wondering though and I guess when you attach a behavior it knows how to use the class by an interface specifying the name of that behavior
I have to sit down and think about it
traits cannot implement interfaces :(
yeah, I drop the traits idea
@ziGi I have no idea why, though.
Aren't you working on the language development?
I'm one of the most active committers to php-src, yes
However, I guess you haven't worked on traits, I guess
@ziGi nope, traits were added before I started working on php^^
@Fabor because I can't leave stuff alone (and I forgot to take out the ssh access :-S) I've been looking at your DSL profile stats and you really need to get Aquiss to reprofile the line, you're getting a lot of dropped frames which is to be expected when the sync speed changes like that, you'll lose some bandwidth but it will creep back up over a few weeks, right now you're going to be suffering a lot on TCP and UDP with application layer ACKs
Also I just booted myself out of the last way I had to get in to the router
@bwoebi 64,100 ++ very nice
@ziGi though, a lot is phpdbg related and parser/lexer regeneration
@rdlowrey earlier today I sat down and started properly picking apart the inner workings of fpm with a view to rewriting/unfucking it by basing it on libuv. Not going to have time to start actually writing code for ~2-3wks but very much want to follow it through to the end. Was thinking on creating a separate project to house it until it (hopefully) gains some traction. Interested? /cc @AnyoneWhoCares
Yea, number of lines added to code really doesn't say a whole lot about the size of your contribution. The majority of my most valuable contributions have been removing code. Net negative diffs that fix bugs are of my favorite, btw :)
@DaveRandom (I think @rdlowrey is very much busy with Aerys and all the evented I/O …^^)
@bwoebi I'm looking at having something that's at best working with 7.1, there's plenty of time - but yeh, if Mr Lowrey is busy actually finishing something I'd rather not interupt :-P
@DaveRandom "my Lowrey" AHAHAHA
lol epic typo
@bwoebi good good
What's a good way to put your stuff in the src/ folder
I see that with Symfony they have a few major folders and include them in the autoloader part of composer.json
phew… directory structures are a solved problem
what do you mean?
It's 2 in the morning
and I am still at work
I think I have to go home
I am getting up at 7 for work :D
go home and get up at 10.
those are some work ethics right there
@bwoebi Oh you have so many joys yet o experience when someone gives you job :-p
@DaveRandom hmmmm
Shit why do I always forget to make composer update when changing the .json file....
now it works
@bwoebi I fixed my DCI project github.com/zigivicious/DCI
clone it and run it if you are interested
@bwoebi unless you work for a v. large company, you'll end up doing some very long hours and a bunch of shit that's not in your job description. It's usually optional, but you'll keep doing it anyway because it's actually pretty fun in a sadistic kind of way
Why do you think there are so often still people in this room at 3am?
Hahaha true
I work at such a company
@DaveRandom Well, Chris, tell me that you're at work right now!?
When people ask me what I do, I say Full Stack Web + Sys Admini + Project Management + DBA + Tester
see so many nice things
I personally really enjoy Cat5ing places, there's something king of therapeutic about terminating patch panels so they test at optimal impedance first test
@bwoebi Depends how your define work. I'm fiddling with some JS that I technically started writing at work, but what I've done with it is now way beyond the scope of the use case I had at work
ffs this keyboard is very hard to type on, brb going to find some batteries
@DaveRandom well, then it's for fun… so, that's not a reason ^^
> but you'll keep doing it anyway because it's actually pretty fun in a sadistic kind of way
not sure what's sadistic about it?
haha not sleeping
and doing some kind of sadistic stuff that if you tell your mom what you do, she'll look at you as a dug up ore and minerals
@bwoebi please check the repo when you have the time github.com/zigivicious/DCI
I know it uses some reflection tricks, but I am wondering how to do it better
yeah, I've looked at it
But I'm not sure what the advantage here is instead of immediately creating a new Admin() instead of the UserTypes::ADMIN? @ziGi
yeah, it's just a simple example that shows that both have the same behavior
the idea is that I can attach another behavior on the Admin class
@bwoebi I am going home now, I am gonna play with it tomorrow
and ping you when I have something more concrete

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