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@Sherif you are the new room11 Wordpress primary go to guy =]
Notice how the example shows you how to get the category id from the category name and subsequently get the category link from the category id.
It's like someone thought up of this stuff.
@RonniSkansing inorite!
I really need to install this wordpress thing and start learning it
afterwards you can remove with this wordpress.org/plugins/uninstall
Make the $ sigil optional, because nobody trolls on a Monday.
@RonniSkansing Sounds perfect
@DanLugg you mean… SSA?
Thank you @Sherif for your help.
@bwoebi SSA?
Wow, look at that. I actually helped someone with Wordpress. Maybe I really do need to start learning Wordpress.
@DanLugg single static assignment
everything is constants… so you only can assign once.
No, I just meant drop the $ from variable syntax.
I like that.
OK, I've read index.php. I'm done learning about wordpress. I learned that it sucks.
I like that alot.
@DanLugg yes and all uppercase all becomes constants
@RonniSkansing Go home Ruby, you're drunk.
They do that in Ruby?
By convention, yea. I don't think they're immutable.
But I also know Ruby like I know Swedish. Not well
Me neither, always avoided it, got nothing against it
I've tinkered with it because of Sass, to create extensions and such, but that's about it.
oh maybe rails..
I had to use Ruby once when I was dealing with Puppet.
It was not a pleasant experience to be quite frank.
I felt dirty afterwards and had to go take a shower.
Honestly, one of my few hangups with it is syntax.
And I know that's stupid, but if I can't write it pretty, I can't write it well.
So you must write really bad PHP code then?
I'd hate to see your Perl.
who was it that linked their github "how a application" could look, with Auryn, Fast-route ..
@Sherif My brainfuck reads as prose though.
@DanLugg Oh everyone's brainfuck does. That's the point :)
Brainfuck looks pretty no matter how you read it.
It could be riddled with infinite loops and odd bugs, but it's still pretty.
^^ Same with PHP ;-)
Hey now, don't lower Brainfuck's standards.
It's definitely in a class above PHP.
You know I wrote fizzbuzz in brainfuck in an interview one time. The guy had no fucking idea what brainfuck was.
I was like, well don't ask me write fizzbuzz in any language I want next time!
I'll try Malbolge next time I'm in that spot :-P
@sherif whitespace looks cleaner.
@Orangepill Kinda hard to do that on a whiteboard.
Some should write a language called "interview". It would have fizzbuzz as a built-in function.
@Sherif all you have to do is clean the board and stand by the assertion that it is completely valid bug free code
@Orangepill Sure, but how do I prove that?
It's up to them to disprove you :)
Ah, that's a false burden of proof fallacy ;)
The intention wasn't to be a smart ass. It was to show him I found his question boring and unchallenging. So added, what I thought, would be a more challenging twist to par up to my level of expertise.
It's in everyone's best interest to play on a leveled playing field. At least that no one has an excuse of "it wasn't fair" ;)
sounds like something a smart ass would say :)
sorry couldn't resist
I like that, whitespace fizzbuzz ...
and submit the code on paper
/s/paper/many reems of paper/
on white paper. Spaces with green background, tabs with orange background, a bit of space between each line.
That's no fun. Make them write it in base 16 and measure each character to be of exactly the same width.
Fixed size font!
If you're more than a nanometer off you fail.
hello, someone know whats wrong here?
function getSerial(){
	$content = file_get_contents("serial.ini");
	return $content;
I bet nothing.
How much do you bet?
I accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex and bitcoin.
5 Minutes of my time. There is only 1 string in the .ini.
I don't where to cash that check. Sorry.
@Sherif enough trolling^^
@bwoebi Don't flatter me. I'm blushing.
I'm starting to wonder why government operated web sites don't actually carry a bounty program. It's as if their contractors don't know what they're doing or... oh wait... nevermind :)
No seriously, I'm trying to report a timing attack vector I've found and they're acting like I'm insane. I'm trying to fix your mistake stupid!
@Sherif I read that one reason healthcare.gov is horrible is that someone (read political appointee) came in and demanded they use some obscure proprietary database to backend it
Nah, instead if you find a bug in their system, they send you to jail you for hacking into a government site.
That might not be so far off
@Sherif a real timing attack on a remote? what's going wrong?
Yah, tell EVERYONE
@Trowski Well, it certainly feels that way right about now. I'm starting to question whether or not I should press the issue.
@Sherif Yeah, seriously, I wouldn't mess with them because they'll start asking why you were trying to break their system.
I have a short survey with a few questions on it. If you could answer them for me, that would be awesome!
@Trowski Well, for one thing the timing attack allows me to expose people's SSN, and I happen to not want my information exposed that way.
@Sherif That's something to pass along to the news media. I searched for a way to report US government website bugs and the top site was (I kid you not) a website to report bugs in food
I have an actual interest in them fixing it.
@Sherif I'm just trying to point out that someone without an understanding of the situation will quickly jump to concluding that you stole SSNs.
Sure, I get that.
lol whatever I use, it always returns shit
But I mean, if I was smart enough to expose the attack vector, do you really think I'm stupid enough to report it any other way than anonymously?
How does one best handle "preparing" XPath queries with parameters? Gratuitous escaping?
@DanLugg mhm… by not using xpath?
Of course now when they subpoena StackExchange for these chatlogs it's going to be more challenging ;)
But how do you go about reporting that anonymously? That could set you up for more problems if they every traced it back to you
@Sherif They're public anyway, who needs a subpoena ;-)
@Trowski Well, you need a subpoena for the personally identifiable information that ties me to the chat. Otherwise you can't prove it was me.
@Sherif Someone has clearly never heard of the NSA
The NSA doesn't take you to court.
Totally different branch of government there.
Are you a US citizen @Sherif?
return file_get_contents("serial.txt");
If you are, you might try reporting it to your Congress-person
beyond that I'm not sure anyone else in the government will care
Well, a quick question, I have a problem with Medoo, more specifically with PDO.
Everything works ok when I execute a INSERT query but when I execute a SELECT query it returns false, I've already checked $pdo->errorinfo() and prints 0000 and null, the connection to the database is working because insert queries work, I've set PDO to throw exceptions but it doesn't, it just returns false although I've checked and rechecked that query should return something
any ideas?
@Manulaiko turn pdo exception on error on, so that you don't need to check error codes.
@Danack I've already did it but it doesn't throw any exception
oh, weird
...it wasn't turned on?
If I execute the query directly through the PDO instance in Medoo it works, but if I use the select or query function in medoo it doesn't
if($this->debug_mode) {
echo $query;

$this->debug_mode = false;

return false;
here's the problem
as I'm running Medoo in debug mode it just don't execute the queries but print them on screen
>be me
>be silly
I have custom class files in `classes` directory and
with help of composer, i downloaded elasticsearch.

Now, when I use composers autoload.
I cannot call my class files in `classes`
Is there anyway to work with cutom folders.
did you load it directly before loading composers' autloader?
so, you mean, can we use two different autoload methods in single file??
@Manulaiko no, i am using composers autoloader and i have commented by own made autoloader
oh i see.. let me try..
as far as I know (I've never used composers) composers just load its files
@Manulaiko Medoo is too bad, as far I know
@VeeeneX I kinda like it
@Manulaiko And what about something else like Doctrine DBAL
@VeeeneX hmmm I'll take a look
just now, i tried to load my custom autloader first and
composers autoloader at second and
then again, i tried to load my cutom autoloader.

But it gave me an error.

Cannot redeclare __autoload() (previously declared in
@Rafee Why do you want to use 2 autoloaders?
so, why is not giving an error when composers autoloader is loaded.
@Rafee just use one autloader but load your db manually
because, composer autoloader is not loading my custom class files in other directory i created as classes
@NikiC Is there any specific reason why we haven't replaced __isset, __get, __set and __unset yet by a trampoline call?
@VeeeneX I've take a quick look at Doctrine's documentation and I see Medoo more simple and easy to use
(except there are a very few places in code which need changing for that … but that shouldn't present a hurdle.)
@Rafee You need to "tell" composer which autoloader it has to use
@bwoebi Because we don't generate the call opcodes for property accesses?
Also thinking about it some more, I think this finally code is still not right
Some of the additional handling for catch seems like it might be relevant
@VeeeneX by the ways, i need both of them.
@Manulaiko And which problem do you facing with Medoo?
@VeeeneX The queries returned false, as I was running Medoo in Debug mode it doesn't execute the queries, it just print them on screen and returns false. It's already fixed
@Rafee You have your classes, which are loaded by your autoloader, right?
@bwoebi When compilation fails in phpdbg, maybe show the actual error?
@NikiC isn't that happening…?
~/php-src$ sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg -p t143.php
No opcodes could be compiled | No file specified or compilation failed?
@Rafee Why you want to use both of them?
@NikiC [PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /Users/Bob/php-src-X/compilefail.php on line 3]
oh, with -p… yeah.
@bwoebi With the most important phpdbg option!

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    try {
        echo "c\n";
    } finally {
Fatal error: jump out of a finally block is disallowed in /home/nikic/php-src/t143.php on line 3
is that an E_CORE_ERROR?
That's wrong, right?
actually, I installed Elasticsearch from composer and its working good with composer.
and i try to include in code, my custom autloader is destroy and new composer auto loader is taking over.
I don't see the "jump out of a finally block" there
@NikiC also, line 3??
It doesn't happen if I add a statement in the try block
so this is either an off-by-one or some weirdness like the goto label issue
@Rafee Have you tried adding your own autoloader into Composer.json or what about using spl autoload instead of __autoload?
actually, we could compile empty try and their following catch blocks just away… as one away can't jump into a catch block
eh, not worth the hassle
could contain goto labels and stuff like that
(the catch that is)
ah nevermind
@NikiC no, you can't put goto labels into a catch?
didn't know you can't jump into catch
that's the whole point of my suggestion^^
@bwoebi This is all so confusing ...
I think that ZEND_FAST_CALL_FROM_CATCH is dead code
@NikiC hm?
well, going to leave, it's my 18 birthday and I need to code my cake
See you!
Or maybe not ...
I confused prev_exception and fast_call exception backups...
So it's probably not dead, just not tested
Or maybe it's dead after all
I'll just admit that I have no f*ing clue what all this is doing
You mean you just admitted that you want to refactor that all? :-D
There can't be an exception at the start of an opcode
And it there was one, it would be saved and never restored...
yeah, looks bogus to me too
So the question is: What is this supposed to do? lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#7499
What does prev_exception even have to do with anything?
… wtf. I have no idea either.
is that for like a try / finally with a return nested into a catch?
@bwoebi yes
actually, no
The return is in a finally in a try with a catch
that's what I meant.
yeah, good idea to ping Xinchen ^^
@bwoebi but do you get how it's supposed to work and why it checks prev_exception?
prev_exception seems totally unrelated. The exception in fast_call is explicitly discarded on return
@NikiC the discarding is only executed after the final fast_ret?
hm, no it happens first
after my changes it would happen last
hey can my webhost be messing the way composer autoloads classes? my script fails to autoload 'auryn\Injector' but succeeds with 'Auryn\Injector'. Unless some README.md ought to be updated, but I wouldn't really dare ask about that...
Autoloading is case sensitive if the file system is .
So me + my friend who just started web development are creating a text based rpg game to run in the browser, nothing fancy. Do you think it would be best to do everything from scratch or to use some framework? Regarding his learning
@simpe Always do it by hand when learning, so that when it's time to learn a framework, you understand the value of having someone else's code deal with things you're tired of dealing with.
tought some autoloading could work around that
I believe the namespace was changed from Auryn to auryn not too long ago so if you update to a new version auryn should work (but Auryn wont)
oh, that would seem likely, I think I remember seeing this sentence somewhere 'round here. thx
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Auryn appears to be registering a PSR-4 autoloader, meaning the namespace is case-sensitive github.com/rdlowrey/auryn/blob/master/composer.json#L36
PSR-4 specifies that..
> The contiguous sub-namespace names after the "namespace prefix" correspond to a subdirectory within a "base directory", in which the namespace separators represent directory separators. The subdirectory name MUST match the case of the sub-namespace names.
@Orangepill if that be the case, I'd say this composer command 'composer require rdlowrey/auryn "~0.14"' is outdated in the present install notes, considering the rest of the readme loads the lowercase classes. #firstworldproblems
I see. thx guys
@Sherif that's for subdirectories, not vendor dir names though
this might be entertaining, when it comes out on YIFY: youtube.com/watch?v=vTaOpStbD3s
lol. was about to rant on cats and stuff, then saw louis ck name. yeah, gotta be something fun somewhere in that!
In PHP 7 can you use non-object types in instanceof tests as well as type hints? E.g. $msg instanceof string.
What's a non-object type?
probably scalar things like strings, integers and non-scalar things like arrays
we had a hint there $msg instanceof string
I guess that wasn't rhetorical enough. My point was that a typehint isn't exactly a type.
You can typehint Callable in your prototype. You still can't say $func instanceof Callable though.
Big hint: the operator has the word instance in it.
Okay, all phpdbg tests seem to also pass now on travis ^^
...passing just to leave this here ^
@marcio You're not supposed to throw bullshit around. That's how you get pinkeye!
Why is this working like that ?!?!?!?!
@ziGi Because you didn't read the manual.
haha :D
because let's be different than other languages
@ziGi because ((bool) 'Banana') === true ??
yes I understand
I am just a bit surprised
I never nest ternary operators
it's just that :D
yeah, it's good that there are tests
> It is recommended that you avoid "stacking" ternary expressions. PHP's behaviour when using more than one ternary operator within a single statement is non-obvious:

I have no idea what's not obvious there :-P
The other languages just all can't choose a real precedence…
PHP is the first one to do it right.
Depends on our definition of right.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I'm neither.
@Sherif that's some tough philosophical shit you are talking about
What's philosophy got to do with it?
> Depends on our definition of right.
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't?
I'm going to stop reading now.
Night night
@ziGi I actually kind of got used to those... 3v4l.org/bKg2S
@FélixGagnon-Grenier are people willing to hire you when they see those?
I've no idea.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier What's wrong with real if statements? (seriously, this time)
what do you mean @bwoebi ?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I can get used to the programming language Brainfuck (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck) but why should I?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier using if statements instead of ternaries?
I've never really used any other way to program ternary operators. My view would probably be different otherwise.
@bwoebi for 20+ switch values it's better to use an array right? Since switch is O(n) while array is O(1)
@ziGi it's usually always better to use the array
I see
So why don't we put everything in arrays (even closures) and use that instead of if-s ?
would people hire you then?
Instead of why not... why in the first place?
@KevinMGranger cause speed, etc. etc.
@ziGi when we use closures it's definitely slower as closures always need to be instantiated at runtime first
@bwoebi true, I forgot about that
well played sir, well played
I thought closures were kind of parsed but not yet instantiated (is it the same as evaluated?) before being used
but closures are still good for configuration, right
cause they are always initialized anyways

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