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So... MS HoloLens.
@DanLugg Holy shitting cacti does it look good
It does. It does look good.
If anyone wonders what we're talking about, this
When there is a lot of data returned from an XHR request DevTools tells me that it Failed to Load Response Data. WTF?
@FlorianMargaine what's it, @FlorianMargaine? :)
@Jimbo Neat shit, eh?
so without using eval, how would i accomplish this:
the image you shared
"where's wally/waldo" in french
@AaronHarding Did you forget to post the follow up message?
i have templates that look something like <p class="description">{{description}}</p> that I parse with a php handlebars-like templating engine
and there's some functionality that requires some php code in the templates
so now it's a mix of <p class="description"><?php gettext({{description}}); ?></p>
but the template engine returns it all as a string
so is calling eval here .. okay? 😬
You should probably just abandon the templating engine and write pure-PHP templates
^ That * 100
The only templating engine you need is ob_start()
@DaveRandom ahh, yeah, good point
it's just new features came in, one of them being multilanguage, and the template engine was already there
That said, include $file isn't really any different to eval(file_get_contents($file))
@PeeHaa how would you template with ob_start()?
and i would write my own buut the templates are of reasonable complexity:
[code]<h3>{{{parse_newlines bar.title}}}</h3>

{{#each bar.rules}}
<div class="rule">
<div class="rule_number" style="{{random_background_position}}">{{@humanIndex}}</div>
return ob_get_clean();
@FlorianMargaine oh, didn't know it was translated as Charlie ^^ (this name got referenced a lot recently for other reasons).
```<h3>{{{parse_newlines bar.title}}}</h3>

{{#each bar.rules}}
<div class="rule">
<div class="rule_number" style="{{random_background_position}}">{{@humanIndex}}</div>
-______- how to paste code
@marcio that's what I meant
@AaronHarding Indent 4 spaces
@AaronHarding Indent by four spaces or ctrl+k
got it, slooow here.
@AaronHarding You could modify the templating engine's rendered to augment the syntax to support some way to invoke PHP functions (which it seems like is all you need) but I personally would probably just rewrite the templates. If you have a lot of them, you can probably write a script and/or sed command to do most of the leg work for you.
For inline code use `backticks`
thanks all
<h3>{{{parse_newlines bar.title}}}</h3>

{{#each bar.rules}}
<div class="rule">
<div class="rule_number" style="{{random_background_position}}">{{@humanIndex}}</div>
really stackoverflow?
For @DaveRandom's mother just call her and bring money
    <h3>{{{parse_newlines bar.title}}}</h3>

    {{#each bar.rules}}
        <div class="rule">
            <div class="rule_number" style="{{random_background_position}}">{{@humanIndex}}</div>
there it is
@AaronHarding Play with formatting in the sandbox room.
@PeeHaa And crack. Don't forget the crack.
Especially the crack
anyway, that's an example of one of the templates


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
@DaveRandom thanks
@DaveRandom Crack is so 2013. I hear bath salts are making a comeback.
@AaronHarding The first directive looks like it's invoking a function, can't you add user-defined functions to the templating engine?
@DanLugg something also along the lines of programmers.stackexchange.com/a/159531 ?
@AaronHarding Sure.
I'd entirely forgotten that programmers.SE exists
@DaveRandom yes the engine always returns a string
That should really be nuked and merged with SO, no-one really knows what it's for
@AaronHarding What is the templating engine you are using?
@DaveRandom wait actually, you might have a good point here
Good morning
i hook onto the engine to add custom helpers, and there i may be able to run php
something along the lines of
'gettext' => function ($text) {
return gettext($text);
control k, letting me down again
@AaronHarding No I mean that {{{parse_newlines bar.title}}} looks like it's passing bar.title through a function called parse_newlines - can't you define your own functions? i.e. expose gettext() so that it works directly in the templates using some syntax like {{{gettext bar.title}}}?
@DaveRandom yes, that's exactly what i think i'll be able to do!
(which is the function i had just written above)
@FlorianMargaine oh good god, no no no no
okay, here goes..
@AaronHarding Another pro tip. Press up arrow in the textarea to edit previous messages :)
@ircmaxell it landed in ff since 37
@FlorianMargaine well, they are idiots
(enabled by default)
that is literally no better than plaintext, therefore it's worse than plaintext since it at least with plaintext people know they aren't safe.
it stops eavedroppers when using public wifi
actually, it doesn't
it makes you think it does
so the issue is about perception for you?
@PeeHaa thanks
posted on June 16, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by MrNeutro */

I wonder… what's the point about authentication-less TLS?! … It doesn't make things more secure in any way…
@Fabor that dutch word halfway in the article :P 'Niettemin'
there's perhaps 1% of cases where it may help. But devs will say they don't need real TLS because this exists
sprintf <3
@DaveRandom awesome! it is working. thanks Dave. although now gettext isn't working on my machine but that's another issue 😹
@ircmaxell as long as it doesn't help against MITM, it isn't secure.
wouldn't wonder me if that were gov-sponsored ………
@bwoebi well, it does help in the case of drive-by snooping (listening to open wifi traffic)
@ircmaxell as long as wifi is not using encryption and as long as you have ARP spoofing protection…
but when you have ARP spoofing protections, you usually have also encrypted wifi sessions…
@bwoebi This seems like a real waste of time to me
@rdlowrey yeah, definitely not going to add that in Aerys.
I have a better idea: people should just use TLS.
@ircmaxell It did already. This was briefly enabled by Firefox in 37 http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/04/new-firefox-version-says-might-as-well-to-encrypting-all-web-traffic/ and disabled in 37.0.1 http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/04/firefox-disables-opportunistic-encryption-to-fix-https-crippling-bug/
@rdlowrey that
I'm not sure why that's even necessary ... there's starting to be real momentum for sites to go TLS-only anyway.
@mnot Can this please not become a standard: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-encryption-02 and instead work on lowering the bar to true https?
@AaronHarding Yeh it would be a pretty useless templating engine if you couldn't do stuff like that.
> The server certificate, if
one is proffered by the alternative service, is not necessarily
checked for validity, expiration, issuance by a trusted certificate
authority or matched against the name in the URI. Therefore, the
alternative service can provide any certificate, or even select TLS
cipher suites that do not include authentication.
look @Trowski, Tyrael agreed news.php.net/php.internals/86712
@Jimbo is the protected $oauth; property of TwitterAPIExchange needed? Are you aware of anyone who has extended and is using that property? I'm not really sure how to implement it, it will probably need to become public (would need to be done with a magic getter/setter and afaik there's no sane way to implement visibility other than public in that case)
@ircmaxell Presumably this is for people who feel that they just have too many CPU cycles going spare
@bwoebi But most users don't have ARP spoofing protection.
Could somebody on a stable chrome check whether my domain is already landed in the hsts preload list? chrome://net-internals/#hsts -> pieterhordijk.com
static_upgrade_mode: UNKNOWN
dynamic_sts_domain: pieterhordijk.com
dynamic_upgrade_mode: STRICT
dynamic_sts_include_subdomains: true
dynamic_sts_observed: 1434362466.132798
dynamic_pkp_domain: pieterhordijk.com
dynamic_pkp_include_subdomains: true
dynamic_pkp_observed: 1434362466.132808
dynamic_spki_hashes: sha256/MqRIBGp3ha+CsWQmLSUWjt8VNpPUZRZVJel089OJbQM=,sha256/eFBvkQ4t//OSjQE3fiTZIo8tP/UEVw3jJ4kc+ZWBon4=
Someone good with PHP storm?
> 622 - All The Fucks
Server invites you to consider the truly monumental amount of fucks it couldn't give about your request.
@ziGi question?
Ok, when using the Database Tool, when copying SQL data, using the SQL-I Extractor, it doesn't wrap the DB fields which are strings in quotes.
I get INSERT INTO tblES (ESuserID, ESmailServerDesc) VALUES (1, gmail); instead of INSERT INTO tblES (ESuserID, ESmailServerDesc) VALUES (1, 'gmail');
@kelunik yep. And against that this new RFC draft won't help ANYTHING.
@PeeHaa Did you open DevTools for pieterhordijk.com ? A lot of blocked mixed content and missing files. ;-)
@kelunik yes he did
@ziGi Never used that part of it, couldn't possibly comment, sorry
@kelunik I just dumped a theme on it. I have an almost finished real version locally which I seriously need to push
But thanks for the heads up :)
I have been too busy incorporating the pornhub logo so everything else had to wait :D
@DaveRandom apparently nobody did and there is no info about such a problem as far as I searched
3v4l.org/HYSgG is it intentional? :s
Is what intentional?
the absence of Notice: Undefined variable: test in /in/HYSgG on line 3 etc
I imagine those statements are optimised away at compile time because they are no-ops
As indeed they are
@bwoebi The typical off-the-shelf consumer wireless access point just makes ARP poisoning ridiculously easy once you are connected to it and since you likely connect to many different networks from the same device (work, home, local starbucks, etc...) the chances of getting caught in a MITM by way of ARP poisoning are exceedingly high and no HTTP protocol is necessarily going to fix that given that ARP itself has no means of authentication.
@DaveRandom yes, I saw that. I left one statement like this by accident and it blew on HHVM only
That attack vector just takes place at a lower level than what HTTP can negotiate.
@marcio Yeh, it's slightly odd that HHVM doesn't eliminate those but I wouldn't worry about it. It might be nice to get a compile-time warning about dead code but for the time being I'm fine with the current behaviour, it's harmless enough.
@Sherif and heck that's why that RFC is totally useless.
People just need to be educated on this stuff more.
"How to maintain your wireless network 101"
@DaveRandom I'd prefer to have 1=1 relation with HHVM because this little distraction resulted in a broken build here :P anyway, HHVM is wrong (and I'm wrong for running the test suite with PHP only -.-)
static ARP tables FTW
has anyone else managed gettext before?
but the way it is today, it's totally doomed…
i have 3 language files, and what if copy changes for one string. it means recompiling .mo files for every language, right?
@AaronHarding recompile and restart the process that loaded it for the changes to take effect
i'm not the one managing the translations, so the problem is above me
i'm just curious
i think it's managed with Poedit
but it means one string across all 3 language files, for one small change to any copy
@ircmaxell when looking at todays twitter photo … I first wondered if she's running over the water… until I saw the title =D
@marcio Meh, neither are necessarily "wrong", it's just that ZE has an optimisation that HHVM doesn't. Go shout at FB. I'm sure they definitely won't respond with an FOaaS link.
@DaveRandom Not quite
HHVM is just more careful in applying an optimization
It sees that a variable load cannot be elided if it may produce a side-effect
Is there any case where $var; can produce a side effect?
If it's not defined
Oh, so it would effectively be a shorthand way of writing $var = null; is the var didn't exist yet?
"$undefined" <-- as long as this produces a notice, I'm fine with it.
@DaveRandom No, I mean the warning is the side effect
@Sherif what's up!
@DaveRandom Nope, why would it need to be public? There was NO OO in this :P
wrong channel >.>
I'd rather the warning was at compile time, when something is eliminated as dead code you should be told about it. Would also be useful for ctor args to classes without ctors. @NikiC
@DaveRandom You don't want to be told about DCE
@mamdouhalramadan Hey, what's up
Unless it's like really basic DCE
Didn't know you hangout here!!
As soon as it involves constant propagation and inlining getting a warning for DCE would be noise.
You should know by now. I'm everywhere :)
// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
   $str = str_replace(array("\{","\}")," ",$str);
@Sherif Slag
(@DaveRandom's mum is everywhere)
My mistake :)
@Sherif Have fun with a large network.
@kelunik It's called a router
Networks wired to routers can't be ARP poisoned.
Access points, on the other hand, totally different story
Well, routers could just block ARP packages, but they usually don't.
huh? How would the router work if it blocked ARP requests?
That doesn't make any sense.
@NikiC Well, I do in those two specific cases because they are often indicative of bugs. Maybe some kind of verbosity setting.
@LeviMorrison morning
@DaveRandom I don't agree or disagree about this kind of DCE being warned, but having a new setting... no.
@ircmaxell what's up!
@marcio a new declare maybe?
@DaveRandom So you often write $var;?
like, without anything else?
@DaveRandom No, there's absolutely no reason for this to be protected other than so people can extend and grab / altar the oauth signature without having to hack the file. There was no thought put into the API for this, trust me
@NikiC I do
You realize PHP doesn't support variable declarations, right? There's no point in doing that.
@marcio This is the sort of thing that ini settings are actually useful for. I'd also be fine with a CLI-only command line argument if there is enough resistance to an ini setting (I'm normally dead against it but for this I'm not too bothered)
@FlorianMargaine <?php declare(strict_types=1, dce_pEdAnTrY=1)
In fact, you're just slowing down the runtime by emitting an undefined variable notice, because that has to go through the error handler.
@NikiC It's been known, but no, obviously not often. I have been caught out by the ctor thing in the past, but probably wouldn't be any more since I wouldn't write code that has side effects in a ctor arg.
@DaveRandom That bug should just be fixed ^^
@Jimbo I'll ignore it for now and if anyone complains we can implement it as public
@DaveRandom Your biggest issue here is that you're trying to maintain the same bollocks that currently exists. It can be completely re-written but with the single file include staying there for BC, btw... What does need to be there though is a fallback if cURL doesn't exist, so manually do it all, for all the sillies who don't know what a cert is
@DaveRandom it makes env handling a little bit harder
@Jimbo Yeh I'm writing the thing from the ground up, I'm just considering how to provide the BC single-file - wondering whether anyone will have code that actually uses the $oauth prop
@DaveRandom The people who are including the single file are not using composer, so it can still exist as the standalone file in the project root. We'll just add proper code and ignore that file from now on. That's how the BC will work, the file will just stay there with the instructions to grab it if they want it
@marcio Yes and no. This particular thing doesn't affect run time, or how you write your code, in any way. There has to be some ini settings to control stuff like if/how parse errors are reported, this isn't really any different.
@Jimbo No no, don't worry, I have a cunning plan ;-)
@DaveRandom I had a 13-year-old boy moment when reading this message.
/me changes name to Baldrick by deed poll
@rdlowrey I... uhhh... "13-year-old boy moment" definitely sounds like innuendo.
I had the 13-year-old boy moment because I read the message with innuendo.
In your endo
@DaveRandom ok, I don't think it's even worth discussing because the optimization is already there and it's much worse to remove it or adding a new ini setting, unless more analogous situations start to appear with new optimizations.
@marcio agreed (for the most part)
^ poor dog
Minecraft inspired dog.
Is that even a real dog? Looks fake.
@marcio fyi, the hack to get chat to show images like that is to append #.jpg (or png or gif or whatever) to the URL. It looks at the file extension of the URL to determine whether to try and render it as an image, but it only looks at the end of the string, it doesn't parse out the path component
ty :)
@DaveRandom That's silly. It should check the Content-type header of the URI.
@Sherif avoids a round-trip
Functionality over efficiency when possible
In this case it's entirely possible given the low volume of traffic on SO chat. Besides you could cache the URI.
miaou does that :)
@Sherif Agree, go shout at balpha if you want it fixed :-P
balpha ♦, Berlin, Germany
20.9k 8 75 111
he's the developer who wrote SO chat
Ah, SO guy.
I first have to care enough to voice my opinion about it.
Yeh, and SE don't really care very much about chat, so very little ever gets fixed. It works well enough that they don't really want to allocate resources to bugger about with it.
When I was an intern, I had 6 years more experience than the sysadmin did >_>
@MadaraUchiha tcl had that a couple of hrs ago, it's starred --->
@DaveRandom Yes, but it didn't have the awesome caption
/me is showing off
@DanLugg :P
{ uri: 'http://tclhost.com/JKSLshL.gif',
  top: 'i can haz admin access',
  bottom: 'lolnope' }
SHA1: 5d46daf8829c86778e6c7bb1b4e1b93d47e1d6b9
Fetching image
Done. Adding text
Done. Uploading to imgur
Done. Imgur link i.imgur.com/chgTkD0.gif Adding to cache
^^ :-D
Source here
I don't understand why there aren't services out there that do gifs
Just look at that code. It's literally 10 lines to create a caption on a gif
return gm(`${location}/output.${extension}`)
    .drawText(0, (topPtSize * .8) + 20, topText.toUpperCase(), "North") // topPtSize * .8 == Letter height in px
    .drawText(0, 20, bottomText.toUpperCase(), "South")
After client or any user registers an email must be sent with the verification e‌​mail id, username of user. Till then the users flag will be 0. After clicking the verific‌​ation link he must be forced to change the password.
how can i send a email to user ??plz help
Whoever did my pic, there's a known bug with images without extensions in their paths
Try with https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a7a50a9492be737b0c012a839338272a.png?s=512
Scratch that. I just fixed that bug. Should work fine now.
anyone has something to read on php about micro-optimization?
@samaYo Pro or anti?
pro @Charles
why is there even an anti-optimization stance to begin with?
because people micro-optimize instead of profile
thanks ^^
@marcio Sent an email to internals changing the voting dates. Should be able to be merged tomorrow.
nicely done
@Trowski great, ty again for your work :)
@tereško I get a black screen :(
refresh ?
@tereško Nope.
@MadaraUchiha then try twitch.tv/event/e3
@tereško That works, thanks
Who be speaking now?
The host?
@MadaraUchiha in white shirt? Director of Just Cause 3
Does anyone know where it is specified what is valid in a php ini file. In particular I believe that strings are supposed to be enclosed in quotes - is that written down anywhere?
@Danack you better look into the parser, I have no hopes to find such detailed information in specs lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_ini_parser.y
@marcio Do you know why the interpreter uses one method to determine if a variable value is callable, and another when it actually calls the function?
I could conjecture, but... @bwoebi to the rescue ^
@Sherif Of course not all of them, but the malicious ones.
The fuck is going on with modern web page design: domeide.github.io
@kelunik Well, that's kind of the problem with an access point / switch. You don't know what a malicious ARP request is. You have no way of telling when someone lies about their MAC address. With a router, however, you can configure it to only route packets to a designated MAC on a designated port, because it's wired in. So you're not susceptible to poisoning attacks if you configure it properly.
@kelunik Not so trivial to do that on a wireless network unless you maintain a list of trusted devices in a static ARP table.
With that said that still doesn't stop someone with access to the network to try and poison your device specifically by directly send you it bad ARP responses.
posted on June 16, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by warriorNr1 */

You just won't be able to trick it into thinking you're the router because the router will eventually drop the packets you're sending to the wrong MAC.
@Danack They couldn't pick a color, so they just decided on all the colors!
ARP is just not built to be a secure protocol. That's the reality of the situation.
I have no problem with the colours - it's the signal to noise ratio that disturbs me...
> We love whales and editors
> We **beleive** they should meet more often and we are making it happen here!
It's called Docker Pride. Of course, they picked a rainbow.
@Danack That's a good point. The content needed to be presented larger on a desktop (or the extras smaller).
So, I've been using GitBlit because Windows, but the connectors/drivers available for issue/bug tracking are limited. Anyone know of a comparable Git web UI application that talks with Bugzilla outta the box?
^^ Note: still needs Windows.
Looking for as little config time as necessary.
Bah, eff it.
Does anyone have a resource for Origin header browser support for CSRF protection? Anything I can find apart from this is just about CORS.
@BenjaminGruenbaum probably has
@Danack A fellow photographer and Canon user, awesome!
@ircmaxell is that the original ssl strip thing?
but the talk is fascinating
Where he uses null bytes right?
It's really a great talk
Also: it rescued me from having that null byte vulnerability in the 5.6 SAN matching code :)
My first implementation was vulnerable to it. Thank goodness for that video ... I was able to quickly correct it well in advance of the official 5.6 release.
@Trowski can you clarify your question? what exactly does it check twice? Whether a callable is actually callable in case it's a variable?
@ircmaxell Thanks for that link. :)
@bwoebi is_callable(), the callable type hint, and call_user_func*() use one method to determine if a variable value is callable, while the $callable() syntax use another.
The $callable() syntax results in a ZEND_INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL opcode, if I'm understanding it correctly, which is then handled by the VM.
@Trowski because it actually checks for different things… $callable = "Foo::bar"; works with cuf, and callable, but not with the dynamic $callable() call
@bwoebi Actually I fixed that problem, $callable = "Foo::bar" does work with $callable() now.
yeah, but that has it's roots back in PHP 5.6 code where that was the case
But why the separate handling? I would think it would make more sense to have the VM code call the same functions that call_user_func() calls.
I was mostly just curious... it's consistent for PHP 7, so if it's not broke, don't fix it :)
@rdlowrey I checked that ;-)
anyone active in here?
Is this closable? bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60990 outdated php version, and not reproducible...
Wow. phpstorm is a memory leaking piece of shit :(
@PeeHaa but it's java. Java can't leak memory. It has a garbage collector
It just ate 4G ram ...
homeless eat
@PeeHaa I usually have to quit PHPstorm every few days so I can have some of it's memory back.
Every few days O.o I would be more than happy with that
just use Coda 2
@PeeHaa if it's eating that much memory, it would be great if you could report it and pester JetBrains to fix it. There is (imo) some bug in it, that is making it perform terribly for a small percentage of people. PHPstorm is 'only' using 1.2GB for me, despite having 6 projects open.
@Danack Is there some place I can found something like debugging info?
Or do I just have to say OMFG U SUCKORZ SOOOO MUCH RAMZ
@QuinnDaley I already have a text editor thank ou
@PeeHaa are you reading the virtual size or the actual resident size of the process?
If you're seeing 4 gigs all the time you're probably just seeing Java reserve a huge chunk for the stack or whatever black magic it needs.
@PeeHaa yeah... there really was a time when you could call coda a text editor.
@PeeHaa there's a "capture memory snapshot" which I accidentally pressed, and now my phpstorm is locked .... Try doing that before and after doing "invalidate caches".
@QuinnDaley Coda 2 is pretty, but it doesn't do anything for me other than highlight syntax.
@PeeHaa good times
even with a dozen files from my codebase from hell open, I barely see it hit a half gig resident size
Er.....and make sure you have plenty of space available I guess....
@Charles Idunno, I just notice it getting slower and slower during the day up to the point it just freezes
@Trowski it's got everything now. Including local auto indexer and autocomplete
@Danack tnx
It seems to be consistent - PHPStorm is either really fast, but for a few people there is something obviously wrong.
I've been using PHPStorm and I had to switch to Coda 2
Still loving it
@QuinnDaley So Coda 2 will actually examine my PHP code and autocomplete function calls from the installed libs?
I'm thinking about going back to sublime
@Trowski yes. I've been waiting for that feature too
@Trowski it was one of the negative sides of Coda when I had to switch from PHPStorm
@Trowski but now coda's got everything. And it's super fast
@Trowski and doesn't consume much memory at all
lol @ dat pings :P
@QuinnDaley If Coda can do that I'd be tempted to switch. I've always loved Panic.
@Trowski it does. Check their main page panic.com/coda
@Trowski read about "Local Indexing"
@Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski @Trowski
@Danack lol
@PeeHaa there's actually a full page of how to report performance issues - intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/…
Nice. SHould be easy to repro for me. I just have to work for a day
@QuinnDaley Is there something I have to do to enable it or set it up? It doesn't seem to be suggesting anything after indexing the local files.
@Trowski yes, you have to enable it
by mistake, ls'ing my terminal -_-
@Trowski just right-click your project and checkbox "Automatically Index all Local Files" or something like that
@QuinnDaley Yeah, I did that... hmm...
@Trowski did you set up your local root?
@QuinnDaley It works on indexing for a little bit, then when it's done I still don't get any new suggestions.
I probably will need to use a different editor for a while, since PHPstorm falls apart with PHP 7 code.
That's why I gave up IDEs. Last time I tried phpstorm it crashed while indexing the source code of a big project.
Some people are lucky enough and don't get so many issues or get used to it, though.
Is there any other option besides phpstorm? (that compensates moving away from vim or sublime)
The only other real options are Eclipse+PDT / Zend's plugin.
At least as far as "real" IDEs go and not text editors with a billion plugins.
@Charles I tried eclipse. I very much didn't like it
Oh, there's also Netbeans, but I don't know how well it's held up.
@Danack let's ping him again? just for fun? Like that … @Trowski :-)

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