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12:00 AM
@Sara I recall a while ago you (or another FB person) suggested creating a common ext API for PHP and HHVM and potentially other impls that could have provided ABI compat for shared extensions, did that die out or is it still a going concern?
Or did I dream that?
Also @Danack, looks like I'm probably going to be driving to phpsc, if so do you want me to swing by and pick you up? It's basically on the way so I can save you a train ticket if you haven't already bought one
I'll know for definite if I am or not in the next week
@DaveRandom Thanks for the thought - I was planning to get the train (which the conference is paying for). Although it technically might not be too far out of your way, the roads in the south-west are just crammed on Friday.
@Danack No worries. My plan is to be south of bham by 4pm, so hopefully will miss the worst of it, but we'll see how that works out in practice
Do you know if there are any major works on the M5?
Not been down that way for a year or so
No idea - I go most places by train so haven't been on it either...
12:20 AM
I fell out with trains a long time ago, I can tell you the precise date if I go look it up, I had a hellish journey from Man to So'ton going to Homelands 2005, the memory of that is burned into my brain in such a way that I will always avoid the train if possible. Seriously, Manc to Soi'ton via Leeds, Cardiff and Oxford, 4 changes, 6 hrs, a bunch of trains with no air con on a day that was roughly 15trn degrees C
and the longest train was so packed that the guy with the drinks cart couldn't get down the aisle so no drinks
May be the worst day of my entire life
> the guy with the drinks cart couldn't get down the aisle so no drinks
Can someone who knows the PHP source see if PHP ini entries can't be more than 988 chars? If I use more than that in my php-fpm config file I get value is NULL for a ZEND_INI_PARSER_ENTRY
@Sara Howdy. I haven't received a response from that intern about Reflection.
I'm not in a rush, though :)
12:36 AM
@crypticツ That's an issue with php-fpm, and it's a 1024 byte line-length limit. What PHP version are you running? I wrote a patch for it once but I forget whether it actually got merged, looking now
There's no work around afair
Yeh @crypticツ I fixed that in github.com/php/php-src/commit/…, so if you are running into that issue then either you are using an old PHP build (remember that your CLI build could be different to your fpm build) or the fix is broken, so please let me know which
Hello guys
@DaveRandom this is 5.6.10
$ php-fpm -v
PHP 5.6.10 (fpm-fcgi) (built: Jun 13 2015 02:02:09)
I see a silicon valley fan :D
damn, will look at it and try and repro/fix tomorrow. Can you pastebin the fpm conf in question? Or at least the problematic line @crypticツ
hi @PyPiper :D
12:41 AM
I am working with PHP for some time ago and most of my projects are made using pure PHP. Recently many people that I know forces me to use the Marvel Framework instead of Pure/Original PHP and some other the cakePHP my question is why these framework are consider as better?
Ahhahaha exactly hi @Kishor
I started trying out Laravel. Literally started pulling my hair out. Switched to Codeigniter.
@PyPiper In this room you will get a highly biased answer - most of the regulars here are not fans of frameworks (esp cake). It's a highly subjective question. Are there any other languages you work with?
@Kishor I terms of OOD, at least, Cake is at least as bad as Laravel
Hi @DaveRandom I just enjoy listining to other opinions. I am new to web development, my background is native peogramming and mobile apps, but I am thinking to give it a try. I am looking to start with django, I have good knowledge on PHP but I am trying to understand why people enjoy the PHP frameworks
And sorry guys I meant laravel
@DaveRandom - The good bad, or the bad bad? Anyways, I am not into Cake, and I am not into that level yet where I can criticize frameworks's working and stuff. The level I am now, I can only say thats hard, this is easy and so. :)
@PyPiper For me, the big fundamental problem with frameworks is that they force you into a certain way of thinking, a way of thinking that reflects a small number of people's view of the world (often one person). Frameworks are designed to genericise application development, which is fine if you are just turning out the same application again and again, but that's almost never the case (and would make for a very boring job)
If you need to get something done fast then a framework might work well for you. If you want to get something done properly (flexible and maintainable) then that's less likely to be true.
@KevinMGranger thanks for the link, also @DaveRandom really nice opinion, so that means is a way of helping unexpirienced programmers to join PHP? If that the case i think is not worth using it but is worth learning it
@crypticツ No worries, I'll look into it tomorrow (~2am here atm). IIRC the first time I ran into this issue was disable_functions, when @PeeHaa was trying to get viper7's codepad up and running locally. As a work around for the time being, you can set it globally in php.ini and explicitly set it to the empty string in all other pools - it's an fpm-specific problem, so it should work fine in the main php.ini parser.
Unless the problem is in the ini settings themselves - if you try this and it doesn't work then let me know because that will narrow down where I need to look
@PyPiper The problem is actually where less experienced people start using it:
> ...they force you into a certain way of thinking
^ this is only a problem if you haven't arrived at your own way of thinking yet
hello all, when we use GET method to get the form data at that time we have to mention input field name so that using the url like domainname.com/index.php?input_name_of_input_field="user string" we can get data but is it possible to get data using GET method with out mentioning name of input field in the form.
Well, If we do things in an MVC approach, we either need to use a framework, or make one your own. Right?
12:56 AM
I'm certainly not saying "all frameworks are bad", that would be a ridiculous thing to say, but you should understand the lower layers before you start trying to understand layers people have built on top of them
For bigger projects, keeping things sepeartely is a must do. Isnt it? Thats what I always thought how it is.
@Kishor Very much wrong
About the MVC thing? or keeping things seperately for bigger projects?
@DaveRandom php-fpm does not overwrite disable_functions, it appends to it. It's the only ini entry in php-fpm that does that, well according to the comments in conf file. So if I set it globally in php.ini I can't override per site conf. Reason doing it per site was I could remove functions from the list as needed per site. Thanks, look forward to a fix =o)
MVC is a concept (and one that doesn't work very well in the context of the web, but that's another topic), it simply defines an approach to the high-level architectural design, it does not mandate a particular way of designing APIs
@Kishor MVC is an approach to implementing separation of concerns, it's not the approach. ircmaxell has a series of good blog posts on the subject, I'd link them but I really need a wee.
1:01 AM
Yeah never meant its THE approach anyway.
@crypticツ Honestly, it was so long ago that I've totally forgotten how it works. I've sent myself an email, I'll look at it at lunch
Was telling that if the project is a little bit bigger one, everything gets harder 10x if things are mixed up. Maybe its just me.
@NikiC any chance to have this in the core? github.com/qix/php_refcount it's gold for programming immutable interfaces
the debug_zval_dump works too, but you have to get a monumental string only to get the refcount
anyone ever built a real estate website in PHP
I need some advices
@Kishor Separation of concerns is definitely a good thing. MVC is not a bad thing, but it is originally conceived to apply to the design of desktop applications and the stateless nature of HTTP means it doesn't translate very well to the web - elements of still make sense, but when you throw away the bits that don't it's not really MVC any more.
/me goes to do some washing up, bbiab
1:05 AM
That makes sense :)
@Worf Suggestion: add mutability to your interfaces.
I mean… what do you need that refcount function for?
1 sec, writing some code
sorry @bwoebi basically i want to avoid to clone $something; if i'm holding the only reference to $something
if(refcount($something) > 1)
$something = clone $something;
// do stuff
@DaveRandom btw, commenting out the line produces same result. If the line itself is more than 1024 regardless of it being an entry or comment it produces the error.
1:16 AM
@Worf thought so. Are you sure that this will be what you want? It has other implications, like… when you pass a reference to an object (I mean real IS_REFERENCE containg an object) … you'll actually measure the refcount to the reference and not to the object.
I can tell you it won't work always like you expect…
there are good reasons why it's hidden from userland.
@crypticツ what is that result, btw? erro message/segfault/something else?
like sometimes i may expect something to get garbage collected while it is not? @bwoebi can you write me an example?
@DaveRandom same error value is NULL for a ZEND_INI_PARSER_ENTRY
it can't be so bad tho, unless it shows a count lower than it actually is. if it's just greater well, i can live with that. in that case i'd just have an unnecessary clone. it's better than always cloning everything
from what i could test so far (using the debug zval parse) it works fine
@Worf function mutateImmutable($var) { if (refcount($var) > 3) { $var = clone $var } $var->doSecretMutation(); return $var; } … is it that what it'd really look like?
(just to be sure… you're using PHP 7?)
1:22 AM
yes php7
can you show me a real example with the debug_zval_dump() so that I can show you where it will fail? ;-)
ok give me a minute
Something is funny to @ircmaxell … but I have no clue what…
@crypticツ I may have found the issue, will take me a while to work a patch up though (fpm is just generally f*cked). Do you still run some boxes with PHP built from source or are you running all distro versions these days?
For a very long time I've been wanting to do a major overhaul of fpm, reading it just feels like someone wrote it and then fudged stuff around until it mostly worked - I'm quite sure this is not a fair representation of it but that's how it feels
1:26 AM
@DaveRandom I can try locally to run it and use master or whatever branch.
I'll work up a patch based on the PHP-5.6 branch, I haven't looked at what (if anything) has been done to fpm in master yet
/me goes to bed
also @bwoebi go to bed
It's like 3:30am
@DaveRandom seriously just waiting for @Worf before going to bed^^
I'm seriously just randomly browsing the internet now… like accidentally landing on the minecraft wiki… :o
@bwoebi it's everything i say
1:35 AM
@Worf may you add the refcount too?
i don't have it anymore since relying on parsing such a huge string would have been too bad. i can write it again tho
@Worf yeah, it's needed to show you where it fails ;-)
it only returns 2 rather than the expected 1, no?
@Worf well, passing in a variable naturally increments its refcount…
1:39 AM
but it's predictable, is it?
took it from SO
@Worf 3v4l.org/0942s#vphp7@20150601 have fun analyzing that. … you basically here need to do unnecessary clones in case you reference it from another object too…
And also, when you look at the output… you totally see that between versions refcount is nothing guaranteed to be stable.
[which is one major reason why we don't expose refcount]
because we may find the one or other optimization which prevents us from duplicating data if not necessary… and well.
1:55 AM
reading the output. it will require some time :P
gn, ttyl about this! thanks for now
@Worf yeah, good night
So I have a few memory leaks reported by PHP when I built it with --enable-debug. Where do I go from there?
Gives me the place where the memory was allocated, but I'm not sure what to really do with that info...
@Trowski well, yeah, that's the issue with mem leaks… how should a program know where you were supposed to free the memory? ;-)
Yeah, and PHP is a complicated beast.
hi guys
2:02 AM
@Trowski hehe, you now know how I felt 1-1.5 years ago ;-D
you definitely need experience with the codebase if you want to fix them quickly…
[Tue Jun 16 21:02:13 2015]  Script:  '/Users/aaron/Developer/Icicle/examples/http.php'
/Users/aaron/Developer/php-src/Zend/zend_objects.c(145) :  Freeing 0x10DF26300 (216 bytes), script=/Users/aaron/Developer/Icicle/examples/http.php
Last leak repeated 1 time
[Tue Jun 16 21:02:13 2015]  Script:  '/Users/aaron/Developer/Icicle/examples/http.php'
Zend/zend_vm_execute.h(35166) :  Freeing 0x10DF51780 (56 bytes), script=/Users/aaron/Developer/Icicle/examples/http.php
[Tue Jun 16 21:02:13 2015]  Script:  '/Users/aaron/Developer/Icicle/examples/http.php'
especially in weirder cases…
@bwoebi It seems to be failing to free some objects, looks like maybe a closure?
@Trowski I feel like the second one might give some hint…
@Trowski probably it's just one object/array which holds other objects…
looks like an array holding the elements…
@bwoebi Line 35166: ZVAL_NEW_ARR(array);
2:06 AM
so, keep track where the leaked array is passed around
The interesting thing is I don't have this problem with PHP 5.6.
But I can also have a look at it tomorrow when you want me to.
yeah, that looks like one of harder to track down issues
but at the beginning is always tracking down the leaked array first
So is this an issue in my code, or with the interpreter?
mem leaks are always interpreter-issues
@bwoebi Ok, I thought so. Though I did have an issue with a circular reference the GC wouldn't find.
Or rather it seemed like it wouldn't find it...
2:11 AM
@Trowski Just ping me whaen you'd like me to have a look at it…
Alright, headed to bed now?
Ok, gn.
[Btw. I'm going to add coverage to phpdbg… no need for xdebug :> … (AFAIK: it's the only reason why many people use xdebug…, would make it maybe easier for them to not have to set it up)]
@bwoebi Awesome. It's the only reason I use xdebug :)
2:14 AM
(the ultimate reason is simply that someone complained to not have coverage in PHP 7 and phpdbg already has opcode logging … just need a tiny API for fast storing so that it can be used in e.g. phpunit)
3:05 AM
can I ask some help, I have created two varialbes $mydate and $mytime ,I want to concat this two variables so that I can save it to my table.YYYY-mm-dd h:m:s, I tried to use new DateTime($mydate.' '.$mytime); but I get error "Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string"
3:22 AM
hi guys is there a framework for just routing available in php? or some library that does the same task.
3:41 AM
4:14 AM
Does declaring a closure as static outside a class have any effect?
The closure cannot be bound to an object, but does it have any performance impact?
4:38 AM
It was me! I was the one who complained! I've been waiting for a php7-compatible xdebug for weeks so I could generate some code coverage reports!
If phpdbg makes phpunit code coverage possible I'll never install xdebug again ...
5:10 AM
@bwoebi I use it for debugging in tests in PhpStorm and code coverage.
@bwoebi +1 great! :D
2 hours later…
6:52 AM
7:25 AM
7:57 AM
Good morning
what is the best and easiest way to avoid mysql injection?
that is - to think
8:21 AM
i have to create a login system.and if it's good i will be choosed to a work.
and if i use mysqli_real_escape_string() is it fine ?
no security hole??
need a help .i'm new to php
Q: How can I prevent SQL-injection in PHP?

Andrew G. JohnsonIf user input is inserted without modification into an SQL query, then the application becomes vulnerable to SQL injection, like in the following example: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table` (`column`) VALUES ('$unsafe_variable')"); That's because the us...

@PeeHaa yes i read that
but it always encourage to go with pdo
but i can't use it
Why on earth would you ask your question in that case?
You haven't read it
I don't want to help people who don't read anyway sorry
@PeeHaa i'm new to php .but i have to show i'm not new to them by making this login system
so, @PeeHaa need a silver bullet?
8:24 AM
@PeeHaa Could you look at the edit for that? He's added libraries to a top answer - smells of advertising (yeah, easyDB is his lib)
@Jimbo Imho it should be a separate answer. Put a strawpoll up?
2 messages moved to bin
can any expert here tell me ........ ..if i choose prepared statement and mysqli over mysql and mysqli_real_escape_string() then will my system secure .yes or not?plz
@FastSnail You don't get automatic security from that. But it will be more secure
8:36 AM
@Jimbo Now go check your neck for bite markings :P
@Jimbo rollback'd
@Jimbo thanks you.i hope i will be choosed as a worker
hey @ThW
8:50 AM
hi all
hey @Julo0sS
Need some advice...
hello unbelievable error
in a project, user has ability to create files and secure them with password. Meaning that, anyone who knows the pass can download it.
Anyone can SEE the files list (where the secured files are listed), password is asked only if user wants to see file contents or download it
        i have a php code

        $rname = $_POST["xname"];
        echo $rname;

    and when i hit it with url
i got error
Notice: Undefined index: xname
8:53 AM
how would you do the password check?
js prompt? php form? js+ajax?
@FastSnail $_GET not $_POST
also sanitize the value
@Julo0sS You mean password strength meter?
no, just password check before allowing people to "enter" file
this has to be "user friendly" and not pass user through several confirmation pages before giving him (or not) the data he wants
@crypticツ by in my html form

form action="register.php"
isn't it post??
@Julo0sS well how are the passwords being generated? where are they stored? how are they retrieved? You seem to be missing a lot of steps in the process.
8:55 AM
passwords are generated by file owner and stored in database
@FastSnail if sent via the form, if sent via the URL which it is doing it's GET
^ =oD
@Julo0sS EVerything you need is in here php.net/manual/en/function.password-hash.php
8:57 AM
@crypticツ is there anyway i can tell form to do it as post.i followed a tutorial .but in my case it doesn't post data why??
@FastSnail use a form field
@crypticツ , there is this thing I have been meaning to ask you ... emm .. why does your smailie look like a bong ?
@crypticツ with his form, it'll be get
@crypticツ what ?this is my html form

<form action="register.php">
	    <label class="la" for="xname">Name</label><input name="xname" class="in" value="" type="text"><br>
        <label class="la" for="xemail">Email</label><input name="xemail" class="in" value="" type="text"><br>
        <label class="la" for="xpass">password</label><input name="xpass" class="in" value="" type="password"><br>
        <label class="la" for="xpasscon">confirm</label><input name="xpasscon" class="in" value="" type="password"><br>
@crypticツ ooh tnx
i got it
8:59 AM
@FlorianMargaine his example register.php?xname=myname
@crypticツ his form didn't have this ^
so it was a get too
yeah the form fields will be POST, but anything appened to the URL will be GET
9:00 AM
no, the form would do a GET too
@PeeHaa well it's just a hash thing
i wasted about 2 hours messing with this shit
i.e. it'd append the form fields to the url
@FlorianMargaine yeah because he ommits the method
@Julo0sS ?
9:01 AM
@crypticツ yes.
I assumed he was using POST as the method.
he showed you his html ;)
@PeeHaa password-hash
@Julo0sS Yes which is what you are asking about?
9:01 AM
i didn't use method post
@FlorianMargaine I didn't scroll that far up =oP
@PeeHaa no...
WHat did you ask about? You asked how to verify right?
i thought default method is post
@tereško post a pic of your bong, I want to see how it looks like a smiley face =oP
9:03 AM
I don't have a bong anymore
only 3 small pipes
well .. one of those isnt even a pipe .. more like a vaguely tear-shaped piece of wood with some holes
me either, I gave mine to my college roomate to avoid driving across country with it. All I got is a bubbler now.
and a one hitter, but I never use it.
@PeeHaa not really, what I ask is just "how would you do the job", check password with php form + submit ? by js prompt + ajax? ... pw is md5 in db, check validity has to be done by php somehow, my question is more "what would be a secured and user-friendly way (meaning not many pages access / refresh / ...) to ask password to user"
@Julo0sS Have you RTFM? Because that answers your security part pretty much
Whether you are doing it using ajax or not doesn't matter. You would have to do it over TLS either way
now I am wondering if I should make a photo with all my one-hitters
9:07 AM
@Julo0sS for password reset?
Is anyone works with LARAVEL here?
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean?
@PeeHaa that's not what we were talking about
@FlorianMargaine the small version of your new avatar reminds me of some help vampire we had in here somehow
9:09 AM
@PeeHaa well, shucks
i have mvc based application i want to put to static html pages and asset in one folder
my htaccess look like this
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^.+?/((img|css|js|otf|eot|svg|ttf|woff|gif)/.+)$ /$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [PT,L]
What does PT do?
regardless of application it should be static folder
like training
Hey peeps, morning
9:14 AM
Mogguh @ziGi
I found a way to do migrations of the DB that happens automatically with deployment
Maybe there's something better, but that makes my life so easy
@ziGi What does it do / is it? Delta tool?
I don't know what a Delta tool is, but basically if you have to add new column fields in a DB table, or new tables, or changes on the DB in general in Dev and you have to move it to production, so the code is deployed but also the changes to the Database
Yeah that is what delta means :)
Delta in math means difference, so I guess they used that term
I see that you are correct though, I didn't know the term
9:29 AM
Hey, thanks, I learned something new today :)
@PeeHaa Looks like it was removed, good work team
Whoop, throwable RFC passed 25-0
9:39 AM
@Jimbo @FlorianMargaine burninated the thing is a pro
@FlorianMargaine 20k? You've been whoring rep :P
@Jimbo I was at 15k ~a year ago, rep just came by itself
I just hit 2k, and discovered the horrifying pit that is suggested edits
I need to answer more :v
s/is/as btw. God I hate edit windows :(
9:57 AM
Halo may refer to: Halo (religious iconography), a glow or ring of light around a head or person in art == Acronyms == HALO jump, a High Altitude-Low Opening parachute jump HALO Technology Holdings, a parent company of several long established technology sector companies HALO Trust, an organization to remove land mines and other war debris Helium and Lead Observatory, a supernova neutrino detector == Business and organizations == Halo (bar), a gay bar in Washington, D.C., United States Halo Dogs, The largest dog daycare centre in the world, London UK Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, a baseball team...
@Gordon Ahoy~
@Amelia hi
ahoy hoy
says the pirate
10:05 AM
@FlorianMargaine do you know why pirates are called pirates?
Because of global warming?
No, because they AAARRRRRR
/kickmute gordon
Now I wonder whether I can kick mods :P
10:07 AM
You can.
And there will never be anyone consequences for doing so.
what do pirates use telephones for?
booty calls!!!1
find moAARRR jokes at piratejokes.net
Gordon: I think a certain someone is dying to have you write puns/jokes for him :>
10:13 AM
@Amelia am too busy. besides, like any good pirate I just plundered them from the link above
> How does a pirate make his fortune?
> He's an invest-ARRRR!
What a nice website.
10:31 AM
Is there a way when a user clicks on an email confirmation link and he has a tab with the website opened already, to just do the confirmation in a new tab and then somehow make him go back to the first opened tab?
@ziGi Not without a browser plugin installed on the user's machine
Ok, fine, so how do you make it a pleasant experience for the users, since it is a single page app
and having two opened tabs with the application gives a warning to the user currently
Just load everything in the new tab and when the user does something on the old app update it to reflect to status
@PeeHaa yeah, I understand, but the idea was that it is a Single Page Application and doing this is possible but it takes too much time to do it right now
1 hour later…
11:39 AM
@rdlowrey if I remember correctly, you were doing stuff with websockets , right?
@tereško yep
what does the load on the server look like if i have 10k sockets opened?
@tereško We've never tested load with websockets, only ever http.
yeah, well, it's not like I have a habit of asking about routine things :)
But the load isn't so much the issue with just websocket connections open; the issue is rather when you're flooded with packets ;-)
11:45 AM
for some background: I am in the "learning shit" mode and experimenting. I would attempt to run the server side in erlang (because the clients would need to "talk"). What I was wondering is what is the cost of pure websocket
the pure socket isn't that expensive, once established… handling packets is much more expensive.
so, basically I am running a risk of DDoS'ing my server
@tereško in what way?
keep in mind, I don't have a clue about any of this
@tereško then I'd really recommend you building it first and trying to stress test it… own experiences really are the best here.
11:52 AM
I know
I was hoping for shortcuts
A websocket server is pretty easy to build. Took me one or two days to build it in PHP. [yeah, I already had previous experiences with the protocol, so maybe not totally a fair comparison.]
@bwoebi I mostly made it in a couple of days and I'm an idiot
@tereško sometimes the shortcuts don't give you the necessary deep understanding when you already ask such quetsions.
with help from @DaveRandom, but he is also an idiot so
@PeeHaa the server itself is doable in one day… but you may want to have things like heartbeat handling, sending periodic heartbeats to verify if client still alive etc.
rate limiting
11:54 AM
@bwoebi well .. that too easy for me. I intend to write it in a language with which I am only marginally acquainted with
then you end up needing two days^^
@tereško still… point is, websocket server is fairly simple. It handles socket I/O, binary data processing and async… so probably a great learning example for Erlang too.
should be
but first I need to make the front-end part
which is ES6 and canvas
.... as I said, "learning shit" mode
oh, you meant the shit literally :-P
now you're just trolling

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