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Fuck you what is this!?
FWIW it doesn't really cost you anything to implement it server-side either. Your server config should allow you to just specify the URL it needs to periodically request so it can retrieve the updated thing to staple. From there it'll just magically work.
I have seen a couple of config examples yesterday where they used for some reason :|
@Ocramius yay!
@PeeHaa wait wat? For the ocsp uri?
Not sure what directive it was used for. It was late and I just glanced over a couple of examples when researching. Let me find a config
@PeeHaa I don't care ... it just seems strange because that's Google's DNS resolver address
(Optional) Add a DNS resolver for stapling.

Add a DNS resolver for stapling so that the resolver defaults to Google’s DNS.

Heya'll ^^
@PeeHaa oh okay, that makes sense
I don't get. I already can resolve the web just fine?
@PeeHaa lemme explain what's happening there ...
Yes please :)
Any debugging tool for PHP that make my life real easy ? :)
@TheLittleNaruto xdebug?
I am a noob.
I don't know both of 'em :P
which one would be good to go
Do you use an IDE?
No, I use Notepad++
Just a text editor
Now idea if that article is any good
@TheLittleNaruto netbeans.org
Can someone explain the me, why so many people use notepad++? Because that must bet the worst possible options (aside from vanilla-notepad).
Thank you guys :)
I'll check that .
@tereško Small and ubiquitous. Heck, I use it for some things that don't have an IDE
tbh, It looks cool comparing any text editor and has plugin for almost every script.
@Machavity ^
@PeeHaa sorry, got distracted. Anyway, what I was going to say was ...
The server exposes that DNS setting because ...
Yeah but it's not ideal for broad programming. It can only color code
@rdlowrey Stop teasing me!
there are intellisense plugins for .net, though ;P
@TheLittleNaruto compared to Sublime and Atom and Brackets ?
oh, and N++ is awesome for large log file parsing
or are you comparing it with "notepad", because you dont know any others
I am agree with @tereško ST > notepad++
Atom > ST
@PeeHaa It takes the OCSP lookup URI from the certificate file in the chain you specify. So it needs a DNS resolver address to know where to resolve the name from the URI it gets in the cert. Then it periodically updates its copy of the stapled ocsp response via an HTTP request.
I have seen that name a couple of times now
@PeeHaa go, play: atom.io
@tereško Never used them.
@rdlowrey So I don't really need it when I can already resolve just fine?
And well I forgot to mention; Actually I use Eclipse for PHP in general. But this project has got developed by some dev already. I am just adding some more features. :)
Atom crashes/becomes to unresponsive on larger files (don't know if that's still true), sublime isn't free and Brackets is fine for quick html/css/js editing, but never got warm with it beyond that.
So, Notepad++
@TheLittleNaruto so .. you you think that notepad++ is the best because you havent actually tried any editor in past 5 years
@PeeHaa yeah I would expect nginx to just use the google DNS by default if you don't specify one. That's what most people do if they have to resolve DNS names
@Rangad tried couple weeks ago with few MB mysql dump, worked just fine
I was going to try to enable ocsp-stapling support for userland server streams in php7 so I could use it in my server but I just haven't had time.
@Rangad yea it is abit unstable, but for most dev I would use either a IDE or vim.. a editor for me, is just for fun hacking, quick testing and etc
@bwoebi Travis ended up catching two broken tests in the php://stdin patch. Fixed them :)
@rdlowrey But I already have proper nameservers in my resolv.conf why would nginx need a separate one?
@tereško I din't dig up more about text editors as I don't use much any of 'em. Found this one and started working on it.
@Andrea you didn't run make test first?^^
That's it.
Why do I get the feeling I am missing something here? :P
@PeeHaa It may use its own DNS resolver and not go through the OS ... I don't know.
7 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
tbh, It looks cool comparing any text editor and has plugin for almost every script.
@bwoebi Eh, no... I probably should have. But it did catch one test make test would not have :)
Anyway I think I should import it on Eclipse
@Andrea oO?
@TheLittleNaruto then what were you comparing it to ...
@bwoebi I have CGI disabled by default
@Andrea ah ^^
(CGI also does the - thing for stdin, so the patch updates it as well)
ah okay
.. aaargh .. I get too easily frustrated
@rdlowrey hmmm. That may be it. I will configure stapling and see whether I can track it down
@rdlowrey is there a roadmap/master plan for auryn? I wonder when we'll see a 1.0?
master plan is to take over the world obviously
@m6w6 The roadmap is really just I need to find a day or two to sit down, make sure there's test coverage for everything and update the readme.
But the API is "done" as far as I know
@tereško Is it build by github?
@m6w6 I'll try to do that before the end of the weekend. I'll tag 1.0.0-alpha in the coming days. If no one reports issues with it I'll do 1.0.0-rc a week later.
@rdlowrey fyi I am building up energy to take another shot at persuading you on github.com/rdlowrey/Auryn/issues/67 as it's still something that's just a bit annoying.
Would it be possible to inject different dependencies into interface hints depending on the class ?
@Danack TBH I don't care either way at this point. I'm probably fine with it.
Anyone here knows any reasons why
$this->PDF->Cell(0, 20, (string)$child->text, 0, 1);
in FPDF won't output any text in the pdf?
@rdlowrey In that case i'll write some test cases and a PR.
@RonniSkansing I've specifically avoided supporting that in the past. If you want that level of customization for a specific class then specify a delegate callable to create that class.
@Danack suffered from that, too
@RonniSkansing No. That has been thought about and in some ways I still think it would be a good idea. The problem though is that it then adds more and more complexity in to the DIC, which is a path that has no end - everyone would want to add more and more rules.
How about prepares for interfaces? :)
@m6w6 isn't that already supported?
Ok =] Thanks, the delegate will work great, didnt think about that (awesome). I have also been thinking about caching the injector after defining all the alias/delegates for each route
hrm, tried that last with 0.14.*
@PeeHaa yes-ish
@rdlowrey The other side would make more sense, for a delegate function, also pass in the chain of classes that are being made, and allow the delegate to customise which class is instantiated based on that info.
possible talking at cross-purposes detected
@m6w6 seems to be available in master anyway: github.com/rdlowrey/Auryn/blob/master/lib/Injector.php#L509-515
@rdlowrey TIL class_implements
Does anybody know if the former github repo mirroring of help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository automatically propagates changes?
@NikiC He, me too...
That's the only place I've ever used it
@NikiC me too… and I wonder whether this gives you the interfaces a parent implements too or not…
Not sure when else you'd want an array of interface names implemented by an object ... usually you'd just use instanceof to check for a specific interface
class_implements has been around for a while
a reflection-style function from before the days of reflection
> A fast and reliable IP-address resolver can help reduce the time it takes for a verification response to come in:
It seems to be just a alternative for when you are using crap nameservers @rdlowrey ^
hmm, okay… that includes the interfaces parents implement too… I assumed it wouldn't be the case… but well ^^
@ircmaxell docs say ≥5.1, while Reflection exists since 5.0?
I thought reflection wasn't until 5.2?
no, 5.0, weird
@rdlowrey You have time for another quick question? :)
@PeeHaa if I'm able to answer it, sure
I am reading about HPKP. Which tells me it is advised to also create a backup key:
> In case your private key is compromised you might need to revoke your current certificate and request the CA to issue a new one. The old pin however would still be stored in browsers for six months which means they would not be able to connect to your site. By sending two pin-sha256 values the browser will later accept a TLS connection when any of the stored fingerprints match the given certificate.
Does that mean I should just create two signing request files instead of one and pin both?
Also sorry for the stupid questions. Every time I install a new machine I tend to go deep down the rabbit hole of "oh shiny (I think)" :)
Okay; I renamed a function laruence had a problem with: github.com/php/php-src/pull/1292. Travis is clean. Can someone with Zend karma chime in with their thoughts or merge it?
@ircmaxell Reflection still undocumented in 7.0 ;)
@LeviMorrison sigh, functions prefixed with an underscore…
@bwoebi You do realize that something outlined by the C standard itself, right?
(which probably is what Xinchen meant)
The leading single underscore is expressly for functions/identifiers with file scope.
(Which we violate when _zend_type_of_everything)
Oh yeah that's totally not our style
@LeviMorrison someone should do that
@PeeHaa I'm not really familiar with that specific area but it seems like that's what it's saying.
@bwoebi Either way he never actually said what his issue was.
It was a lousy comment.
At least in zend_compile all functions are pretty much zend_, it doesn't matter if it's static or not
It's not an exposed API. It's definitely not a zend_...
@NikiC (that was you…!)
@PeeHaa The obvious solution to that problem is: don't allow your private key to become compromised
@ircmaxell you just like to hurt yourself
@rdlowrey Yeah at least until thenext clusterfuck vuln with a fancy name ;)
@bwoebi Funnily, the bits in there that actually are ZEND_API don't have the prefix :D
Those are leftover do_ functions
@PeeHaa NippleSSLider
@tereško it popped up in a google alert
@PeeHaa Yeah, I think so. You don't need the second CSR, just the key.
@NikiC yay!
@rdlowrey Have a second for another quick Q about auryn?
@ChrisBaker I appreciate the friendly manners to ask before asking but it's really not necessary. Just ping me and I'll get to it whenever I have a chance :)
So do you just want me to pointlessly prefix it with zend or what? @NikiC @bwoebi
@LeviMorrison The merger can do that
@LeviMorrison or just remove the underscore prefix.
No need to waste travis time
Goodness knows you don't want to add any more time to the travis run than is already strictly necessary.
No need for the merger to do it either, imo
@ChrisBaker @Danack You with all your questions about Auryn… Just establish a community around it where you then can ask questions…
@rdlowrey np, thanks! Also, while you're here, thanks a LOT for Auryn. This... is awesome.
The question/statement: I would like to delegate an entire interface to a specific factory, I have a concrete that extends an abstract which implements an interface. If I define a delegate for that interface, it doesn't seem to hit Auryn. Is that possible/should it work?
@LeviMorrison are you planning on squashing your commits?
Oh yeah, to the people saying php://input is bad...
$ php -d allow_url_include=1 -r 'include "php://stdin";'

echo "hi!";
throw new Exception();
hi!PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' in php://stdin:4
Stack trace:
#0 Command line code(1): include()
#1 {main}
  thrown in php://stdin on line 4
@ircmaxell No. They are intentionally separate so the reviewers can clearly see what they do.
You can already do this ;)
ok, np
@bwoebi Is that really necessary? Like... are we trying to preserve the sanctity of room 11 to talk strictly about StackOverflow? It never seemed so to me :p
For new features I like squashing them all because there's no need to have the evolution of the feature spanning 100 commits ^^
@LeviMorrison the only reason I didn't squash the scalar type hints was because of multiple contributors. Tho I should have squashed my contributions...
@ChrisBaker you're saying that as if this were meta-SO^^
Oh, even with multiple contributors I squash sequences from the same author where feasible.
@ChrisBaker Hmm ... let me look at the code ... just a minute
@bwoebi Just send them all to amp-chat. ;-P
Abolish room 11… long live dev.kelunik.com !
@kelunik ^ like that? :-P
@bwoebi Just all those A* questions. ;-P
Is there a version of zend_llist that doesn't copy the elements when they're added, or is the answer to just use a hashtable?
@Andrea funny how the tab is highlighted in the image…
@bwoebi Heh, yes, it aligns quite well with the background
@Andrea Teehee
(OS X takes the prettiest single-window screenshots, doesn't it? Full drop-shadow!)
@ChrisBaker I'm looking at the code trying to figure out why it's not working ... will keep you posted. I would have expected it to work ...
@Andrea indeed
@rdlowrey I guess that's what I was asking -- ought it work. I will file a bug with a min\repro
@ChrisBaker this is working for me:
interface Foo {}
class Bar implements Foo {}
$injector = new Injector;
$injector->delegate("Foo", function() { return new Bar; });
@ChrisBaker So if you can give me a repro case I'll look into it
@Andrea That's nothing special to OS X. :P
@kelunik No, it is special. OS X's screenshot feature does it automatically.
Unlike, say, Windows's
Maybe some Linux distros do the same, but I never learned their shortcut key sequences :p
@kelunik yeah, you can plagiarize everything on Linux…
So uh. Is PHP 7 on track for October?
november ^
...pushed back already?
@Andrea not officially… but I'm sure it'll end up like that
inb4 entire PHP community migrates to hack before PHP 7 is released
oct 2015??
@BilalMaqsood yeah this year ^^
oooh God
what are the new features you are expecting?? in php7
among others: Zend Engine 3 (performance improvements[40] and 64-bit integer support on Windows[59]), uniform variable syntax,[44] AST-based compilation process,[60] added Closure::call(),[61] bitwise shift consistency across platforms,[62] ?? (null coalesce) operator,[63] Unicode codepoint escape syntax,[64] return type declarations,[42] and scalar type (integer, float, string and boolean) declarations.[43]
i have a Question
As ruby has introduced its framework Rails !! Why laravel is not getting to much popularity??
Rails is on peak
why not laravel??
@Andrea wikipedia ftw''
@Andrea with the RM election complete, that's a big hurdle done. Now it's up to them to corall the devs into getting shit done
@BilalMaqsood emm, because PHP community is a bit more resistant to frameworks gaining popularity based on marketing campaigns
besides, I would say that Rails was one of the worst things that happened to web development in last decade
indeed, i also say Rails is crap
also, the structure of PHP community is completely different
but my friend says that there is no language that has functionality that rails has
then you tell your friend to shut up and go learn shit
rails is not a language
yeah rails is a framework
tbh laravel is already way too popular, I don't know how any more popularity it can get.
if rails is crap then why its getting too popular???
its usage has increased !!
> Incoherence (word salad) – Speech that is unintelligible because, though the individual words are real words, the manner in which they are strung together results in incoherent gibberish, e.g. the question "Why do people comb their hair?" elicits a response like "Because it makes a twirl in life, my box is broken help me blue elephant. Isn't lettuce brave? I like electrons, hello please!"
The quality of a thing has nothing to do with the popularity of a thing. See also: TV.
In psychiatry, thought disorder (TD) or formal thought disorder (FTD) refers to disorganized thinking as evidenced by disorganized speech. Specific thought disorders include derailment, poverty of speech, tangentiality, illogicality, perseveration, neologism, and thought blocking. Psychiatrists consider formal thought disorder as being one of two types of disordered thinking, with the other type being delusions. The latter involves "content" while the former involves "form". Although the term "thought disorder" can refer to either type, in common parlance it refers most often to a disorder of thought...
why is miley cyrus popular? @BilalMaqsood
@BilalMaqsood [citation needed]
Ooooh, I hate stupid PHP weak comparison semantics
@samaYo i dont know why
@bwoebi I helped write that list. And just expanded it right now to mention some stuff which I'd missed
I am responsible for a good portion of the PHP article's PHP 7 coverage ^^
oh, Ajfweb … I see.
One of my older aliases.
oh sweet, didn't know about group use declarations
@samaYo you can thank @marcio for that :)
@BilalMaqsood Granted this is just Quantcast but... Ruby on Rails runs 0.3% of the Internet while PHP runs 14.4% (300M site sample)
@marcio ♡
got it
if i ask about framework then what would you suggest to me ??
php framework
which one i should learn??
symfony or silex or both or nothing else
why not both?
@AllenJB Better include 2 or 3 versions of jQuery in there too!
why not laravel or codeigniter??
Or both!
At the same time
@NikiC or @bwoebi can you review this quickly? github.com/php/php-src/pull/1299
Why do you need a framework?
CodeIgniter isn't a good framework to learn good habits from - it's old and uses lots of outdate practices.
i have yet to see laravel in one job offer.
it need because trading of framework development
@ircmaxell LGTM at a first look, does password_hash have it's own handling here?
(aka just returning false)
@samaYo A non-programmer friend was just asking me the other day where he should start learning if he wants to pick up some freelance web work. Someone told him C++! If you don't know how to code and you're over the age of 30, you should just learn to use the Drupal backend and call yourself a "Drupal Developer". I see a lot of positions for that.
@BilalMaqsood what does "trading of framework development" mean?
@ircmaxell master.php.net interface works… it believe something happened to people.php.net which misdetects it as an error on master…
@PeeHaa You paid more than 400 € for that cert?
i dont know what is there but here on our side, one should have to have command on any php framewok to get job
@kelunik Nope. Why?
@BilalMaqsood what are you talking about ?
@PeeHaa That's the price I see on COMODO's homepage for wildcard certs.
I think it is called positivessl. Let me check the name
@PeeHaa there soon should be letsencrypt.org working
Don't go through the SSL vendor directly, find a reseller.
namecheap, for example.
We were able to get a domain-validated wildcard for about $100 US
Yeah I use xolphin. I think they are cheaper than comodo itself
@Charles That's what I pay
@bwoebi I want to see my karma tho
@PeeHaa A+ \o/
@Charles that's a pretty good price for a wildcard
@kelunik yeap PositiveSSL wildcard
E 90.75 p/y
@ChrisBaker very harsh but it seems true, if you are over 30 w/o any clue, then your options are very limited. I began HTMLing at 25 and many times I feel I started too late.
Would be nice if my university would allow students to get (wildcard) certificates from their CA.
@tereško Yeah that would be tits
good thing it's a hobby / a second profession for me.
Are they also going to supply free wildcards? @tereško
no idea
@tereško I'm really wondering how letsencrypt is going to impact the commercial SSL market. Why buy it when you can get it for free?
@bwoebi eih
@ircmaxell yeah, just cmd+f your name
Also, with Mozilla's choice to go all SSL with their UA... how will they handle caching? It is my understanding that there is little or no client-side caching with SSL.
Looks like they will just support SAN at launch
@PeeHaa I think so.
@ChrisBaker not much, because corporative client will opt to pay for 24/7 support
the project will most likely help small users who cannot afford an SSL
@ChrisBaker Insurance perhaps? Although I am fairly sure that is mostly utter BS like the rest of the CA crap
@tereško Fair enough, but from an IT perspective, I would advise that needing support for SSL is relatively rare. Kind of set-it-and-forget-it
@samaYo I started with HTML and C when I was 16. It is like learning a foreign language. It is waaay harder for an adult. Possible, but hard.
@ChrisBaker since when corporative decision have been made by anyone with technical experience
@ChrisBaker Caching doesn't have anything to do with SSL.
@ChrisBaker "Also, with Mozilla's choice to go all SSL with their UA" does that mean a browser finally uses tls by default when navigating to a domain?
@kelunik I may be mistaken, it was always my understanding that client-side caching was minimal on SSL. Could be totally wrong about that.
@bwoebi are you familiar with the pecl distribution mechanism
@ircmaxell no.
My understanding is they are simply not going to load a site that isn't https. Their phrasing is "phasing out access to browser features for non-secure websites, especially features that pose risks to users’ security and privacy.", but that's pretty broad. Like, even an image exposes a user
@PeeHaa I don't think so. I think the handshake still happens as is today, but they just don't enable features if it isn't upgraded to TLS
@ChrisBaker If you're not using HTTPS, you won't be able to access the users camera for example.
This is as opposed to Chrome's long-term plan, which is to begin flagging HTTP sites as insecure directly rather than only highlighting secure sites.
The EU considers cookies a privacy issue. Some countries are even talking about server logs capturing IP addresses. So to my perception, "features that pose risks to users’ security and privacy" could encompass a lot more than the immediately intuitive things like the user's camera.
@ircmaxell :(
@ChrisBaker Not all cookies though :)
@PeeHaa use HSTS
@bwoebi I just extended the PHP 7 section to note all the new backwards-compatibility breaks
I do. But that still means the very first request is "vulnerable" / exposed right? @ircmaxell
The EuroInternet Police are going to run black op on me if I store your IP!
@bwoebi It is a bit excessive
@Andrea Don't worry, someone'll be by shortly to declare all those edits invalid and revert. Such is the way of wikipedia.
Original Research!
@PeeHaa only if routed through HTTP (meaning clicking a HTTP link, or a downgrade attack via a prox). Once you make the primary connection the first time, you're safe from then until the expiry
I have the article on my watchlist ;)
@ChrisBaker The first bit is rather OR, yes
@ChrisBaker Neh. Even google analytics is allowed
@PeeHaa For now :p
@ircmaxell Yeah thought so. The attack surface is a lot smaller. Still would be nice if somehow everything could be https by default instead of http when for example typing in foobar.com in your addressbar
@ChrisBaker Yeah. Always fun to see what they pull out of their asses next
@PeeHaa you can. Pinning. Which chrome has been doing for quite a while with a lot of sites.
@ircmaxell Oh. I thought that was mostly for their own sites
Oh, damn. Our SSL got an F from that tool
@ChrisBaker vulnerable to heartbleed by any chance?
@PeeHaa If you set your HSTS high enough (more then half a year).
No heartbleed, but we've got Poodles! Whatever the f*ck that is.
I sent it to my boss. He's knows as much about security as I do, which is to say "where's my keys again?"
But he will get paid to learn, whereas I would have to learn on my own time
@ChrisBaker You lost your private keys? :)
I meant my car keys
@ChrisBaker Yeah, got that some days ago for a SUSE 9 machine. ^^
Should I just set our whole site to https? Is there really any reason not to?
I've been thinking about it.
@ChrisBaker yes you should
Even though our cert gets an F
@ircmaxell Excellent!
@ChrisBaker better than not
Our SSL is vulnerable to FREAK POODLE attacks. So am I. So am I.
I'm going to be laughing about that all day, I'm like 10 years old.
good mornigs
SSL is my everest. Nothing but a black box for me now. :/
<< 10:55 PM @iroegbu
It's 9:57pm my time

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