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I personally prefer to avoid frameworks when possible and instead assemble the application from composer libs
@PeeHaa I've had issues with SMB to a VM on the local machine (samba doesn't play nice with VirtualBox being the root cause) but I've never had issues with v. large projects on the local FS.
IIRC there's a way you can tell it not to re-index on open and trust the previous index, which is fine as long as you don't modify the codebase outside
oh god. Yes this specific thing is on the network
FYI it still isn't there. I am thinking about rebooting but I am afraid it will start over again
Also FYI2: you are my personal support employee regarding phpstorm, because you said it was great and does all the things :P
Check for recursive symlinks, I had an issue with that once
posted on April 29, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Stichoza */

@PeeHaa I'm not the only person who said that :-P
If you click at the bottom where it tells you that it's indexing you can get it to show you the current path, that can help identify recursions you weren't aware of
I once saw it indexing something like /app/current/current/current/current/current/current/current/current/current/cu‌​rrent/current/current/current/current/current/current/current/current/current/cur‌​rent/current/current/current/current/current/current/src/File.php because someone came up with some insane deployment mechanism involving a recursive symlink at some point
@DaveRandom lol
@DaveRandom The problem being now that the GUI is goneish
lol, GUIs are for suckers.
Ahh, that does sound like something has gone very wrong and needs a task manager -> kill
:( ok here we go...
So..I have a table on an "edit" form that allows the user to remove/add table rows (the table will always have at least 1 row) - what would be the best way to determine what rows were removed/added in regards to updating the DB with any changes? I am struggling as to what the best method of doing this would be...should I remove all the table data from the DB and then iterate through the table and re-insert everything?... or?
When you start up again it will have a hissy fit, just do a "clear indexes and restart" and it should hopefully sort itself out
@BigRabbit O.o
In general the indexing process is pretty quick and reliable though, in my experience
@BigRabbit Look into foreign keys and cascade deletion (with care)
ok restarted. Opening the project again...
I have foreign keys in place, and I can set up cascading my tables - I am just unsure as to what the best method would be for checking what has been removed/added within the table to insert/update the db accordingly
\o/ it haz opened my project
Aaaaand crash/burn
@BigRabbit How are you removing data? ajax? "normal" post?
I am removing table rows with ajax
the user will be able to manipulate the table.. add/remove rows etc, then they will click an "update" button where I will do all of my insert/updating/removing..
@BigRabbit I would just keep track of the data using jabbascript and use that to know what needs to be changed
I'm reluctant to juggle around with call frames… :x
but probably the only thing I can do… :x
so basically when the user removes something, pass the id of the data that has been removed and put it into an array, and use that to determine what I am removing... if a user creates something new..pass the id of the new data into an array...use that to... or would there be a better way? my js skills are weaaaaak
(for shard scope lambdas)
@LeviMorrison Hmm.
$algorithm = compose(
    bind($fqn('map'), function($value) {
        return $value * 2;
    bind($fqn('filter'), function($value): bool {
        return $value % 2 > 0;
@Andrea I'm currently working on $x ~> $a + $x
$algorithm = compose(
    bind($fqn('map'), $value ~> $value * 2),
    bind($fqn('filter'), $value ~> $value % 2 > 0)
@bwoebi I saw.
$algorithm = compose(
    callable(map)->partial($value ~> $value * 2),
    callable(filter)->partial($value ~> $value % 2 > 0)
That'd be better, I think ^^
or maybe even
@Andrea What is $fqn?
@NikiC No idea, but I assume it's something along the lines of callable()
(ask @LeviMorrison)
$algorithm = compose(
    callable(map)->partial(callable(* 2)),
    callable(filter)->partial(compose(callable(% 2), callable(> 0)))
the problem with something like callable() is some operators have both unary and binary versions in PHP, but it's still worth thinking about
@LeviMorrison would you agree that sticking function manipulation methods onto Closure is a good idea?
because I think that'd be the best place to put them
to properly share scope I probably need to share the call frame… And put it back after leaving scope. That's going to be fun as I need to pay attention to stack frame jumping like done in Generators…
@bwoebi See, this is just the wrong approach
Why not just make it a closure with implicitly bound variables?
@LeviMorrison you could prototype new Closure methods using __invoke
@NikiC because we don't know what to bind at compile-time [as long as you don't want CV-only]
@bwoebi But is support for non-cv variables worth a much worse implementation?
And not just from internal pov, but also performance etc
I think that ability to write $x ~> $$x is not really important for the people who are going to use this
from a perf POV, exporting variables will be slower, because binding
@bwoebi slower than what?
class HyperClosure {
    private $closure;
    public function __construct(\Closure $closure) {
        $this->closure = $closure;
    public function __call(string $name, ...$args) {
        if ($name === 'bind' || $name === 'call') {
            return $this->closure->$name(...$args);
        } else {
            throw new Exception();
    public function __callStatic(string $name, ...$args) {
        if ($name === 'bindTo') {
            return Closure::${$name}(...$args);
@bwoebi Slower than building and potentially copying a symtable?
@NikiC I don't want to copy the symtable.
I want to share the call frame
with all CVs etc.
@NikiC PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Label is the "goto" labels, right?
*morning all
@Worf yes
only copy when the closure survives its definition call frame
@bwoebi you need the values at the point the closure is declared
kk thanks :D i'm having great fun with it, i've decided to not use reflection at all, this is just better :D
without any changes that occurred after the declaration
@NikiC no, I want an implicit by-ref
shared scope as said
@bwoebi that is ... such a horrible idea
just like when you eval() or include
@NikiC why?
@bwoebi You don't see how implicit by-reference capture is a horrible idea?
I summon the by-ref police @LeviMorrison
@NikiC It isn't by-ref… it's just sharing scope
lol @bwoebi is forever advocating for references
just like a This-> is shared in a class
// compose f g = f . g = (\arg -> f g arg)
public function compose(self $g) {
    return new self(function (...$args) {
       return $this($g(...$args));
public static function composeTo(self $f, self $g) {
    return $f->compose($g);
@LeviMorrison could then add new methods like so
$x = 42;
$filter = $v ~> $v == $x;
$x = 43;
return $filter;
^-- this would be a horrible WTF with shared scope
...shared scope?!
and contrary to how normal closures work. and contrary to how hack lambdas work
someone suggested shared scope?!
@Andrea I know. Totally.
It's one of the more mentally challenged things I heard ... today :P
Oh no, I'm tempted to write PHP code again. Someone stop me
@Andrea I won't :-P
@NikiC Seems like you missed a lot of things in the chat today :D
It's a nice language…
@NikiC vegan food beats a good steak
do I win?
@bwoebi PHP is horrible
@Andrea what language isn't?
@NikiC if you need by-ref capture then your code probably isn't pure enough :p
@Gordon Nothing like a toasty wad of textured vegetable protein slathered in yogurt.
@Patrick relatively speaking, many languages
@DanLugg just add bacon
@Andrea Asm is a nice language, huh?
@bwoebi depends on which asm
@Andrea I think the PHP 7 tagline is "Now with 30% less suck (compared to PHP 3.0)
@NikiC Aren't the popular asm dialects anyway similar, nothing one couldn't translate with a bit regex?
Hey there, does anyone know how i can reuse an array in a static definition in an other static definition? 3v4l.org/lJXNr
@Machavity PHP7: asymptotically approaching not awful.
Has anyone given c# a try now that it's supposed to be cross platform (on a non-windows environment)?
@bwoebi ... no
@bwoebi similar in some respects, yes
But, I've just not written asm in my life ever… only read... And that always was the same asm… so… I probably just don't know
There's more sane assembly and less sane. arm is on the saner side and x86 is pretty far into the insane
well, depends if you mean the difference between Intel and AT&T asm, or between CPUs
Intel and AT&T I think can be changed with regex?
@Andrea yeah, was referring to that
x86 involves a lot of "magic"
@NikiC you mean like registers which are magically set and read by certain ops?
use asm.js as your universal assembly language
yeah, that's stupid…
(well, at least asm.js is very predictable)
it's like assembly language, but with register allocation done for you! and no jmp. and horrid syntax.
you're not going to tell me that you get predictable performance characteristics out of asm.js?
@NikiC I think I probably could just do it like normal Closures, by analysis of which CV are used. If ever a varvar is used, then just copy everything?
@bwoebi I'd suggest to just not support varvar
I think this should easily cover everything, no?
Otherwise there's also other stuff like compact and whatev.
@NikiC you can, at least on Firefox
no idea on V8
asm.js isn't interpreted or JIT-compiled in Firefox
@Machavity love it.
@Machavity For some of us, it's the first step, and the second, and the third...
@NikiC Oh, it's just a helper:
function fqn($base) {
    return function($identifier) use ($base) {
        return "$base\\$identifier";
$fqn = fqn(__NAMESPACE__);
It's not included in the library; just the example.
@Jimbo The other principle is the more you know the more you realize how much there is you don't know (or rather this is the case if you aren't a pompous jerk).
In which case the less you suck the more you realize how you suck.
@LeviMorrison Is what depresses me - as soon as I think I've reached a new level, one person with their knowledge blows all my past few months of learning out the water. It's like playing battleships and consistently losing
@LeviMorrison "The Expert Beginner"
Or, colloquially, "The Laravel Stage."
@LeviMorrison ::function? :3
@rdlowrey (thanks to you guys, I skipped that stage... could have set me back years)
The lost "Web Artisan" years.
@rdlowrey Never touched that stage… Must have done something wrong…
I don't think I've ever encountered anything using the word, "artisan," that wasn't pretentious and pompous and stupid.
@rdlowrey Agreed, but some people don't think that what we do involves any element of 'craftsmanship', which I think it does (after reading 'the clean coder', anyway)
Dang whippersnappers. I remember when we had to code our frameworks by candlelight.
Yeah, programming is at least as much art as it is science IMO.
@rdlowrey Especially if you are doing software architecture or engineering (essentially, if you are designing how the pieces go together).
@LeviMorrison definitely
I really hate that I have to do server administration and configure stuff so that some botnets don't try to attack me
Anyone going to the Dutch PHP conference this year?
What’s the appropriate PHP version to put in my composer json require? When I do the following it fails using php7 built from the current php-src/master branch:
"php": ">=7.0.0"
@rdlowrey maybe add a -dev or @dev or somethin?
I tried -dev ... will do some googling and report back.
@rdlowrey that should work.... you can add --ignore-platform-reqs to avoid checking for PHP / exts.
What's the error message it gives?
> amphp/amp 1.0.x-dev requires php 7.0.0@dev -> no matching package found.
> amphp/amp 1.0.x-dev requires php 7.0.0-dev -> no matching package found.
^ neither of those worked
I haven't been able to find anything that actually does work for the php require if I want php7 so ...
Looks like the --ignore-platform-reqs may be the only option right now
Oh wait I might be stupid. My php7 symlink is pointing at a php5 build
why get_method/call_method handlers does not work for static methods what should be used instead ?
@Danack yeah I'm just dumb.
@Feeds I felt this way up until the last day of my last job.
@rdlowrey blame the composer error message....
It should say what it found, not just do "Computer says no".
"You asked for php7 but the php version you're using to execute this is 5.x ... you moron"
Forgive me for my ignorance, but if your manifest declares that you need to use PHP 7.0 and you currently have an older one, is composer going to install a newer one?
@CodingInsane why not just use a function?
@ziGi No, Composer doesn't install PHP or extensions - it only checks for their presence.
Allegedly Pickle will allow that.
I see, thank you Danack
can you have two different versions installed at the same time, for compatibility reasons?
@ziGi Of PHP?
@Danack i'm just trying this for an experiment i think i need to fill class_entry->__callStatic with a zend function which has a handler not sure
You can have as many versions at the same time as you want. But your /usr/bin/php is only going to point to one at any given time.
True but is it possible to have both running for port 80 but somehow choose which one processes the request based on the request
for example if you have two apps running on the same machine
but one uses higher version of PHP
@ziGi If you're using PHP-FPM (and if not why not), you can have as many running as you like, just have them running on different ports/sockets.
And then Nginx can connect to each of them individually.
@ziGi php usually doesn't listen on any web port. (If you are not using the built in server) you have nginx/apache in between that would allow you to handle this request based
To be clear: PHP is not running on port 80. A webserver is running and listening on port 80. That webserver is just configured to hand off requests to php.
@Rangad true, true you are right
@Danack and yes, I was talking about FPM
@rdlowrey true
I got confused there for a second
it's the webserver's configuartion which should be edited
Right. You can configure the webserver to hand off requests to any one of many php versions you have built on your system.
Or some library that's built against one of those php versions (like mod_php or however that's done)
By-ref arguments for cases like preg_match, etc.; is there still opposition?
I'm never in favor of by-ref arguments in any new code.
@DanLugg yes
Obviously it should have been $matches = preg_match
We hold these truths to be self-evident.
Which is more ergonomic and ... more everything really
I heard the removal of by-ref parameters lowers the incidence of certain cancers.
"Removing by-ref params cured my case of the flu"
microsoft is really trying to do the roundhouse kick... visual studio code (editor + intellisense) on linux+mac
Which is interesting ... I always thought that people doing dev work on linux machines don't need visual editors ...
MS loves it some point and click.
apparently is available later this day(free), so worth a try
why would I want to use visual studio on linux?
My linux VMs literally exist only so I don't have to use visual studio
what we really need is the reverse, i.e. make make work on windows ;)
NikiC there is Cygwin
okay, on travis I still get errors:
> - This package requires php >=7.0.0@dev but your PHP version does not satisfy that requirement.
aint nobody got time to set up and debug something like that
He said 'work', not 'kind of work when the wind is blowing in the right direction'.
@rdlowrey which project?
@NikiC +∞
what's the current status on reflection support for STH?
@rdlowrey I have "php": ">=7.0-dev", in one of my composer files
And I'm 90% sure that I tested it ^^
okay, I'll try -dev ... this is taking me way too long to get right
@rdlowrey random guess - the travis entry should be just - 7
I tried >= 7.0.0 and that also failed
Brb while I just bagged 2k travel expenses per year.. All the conferences
@Jimbo nice!
Okay, to all those concerned, this definitely works:
"php": ">=7.0.0-dev"
These do not:
"php": ">=7.0.0@dev"
"php": ">=7.0.0"
Travis is having a bad day for speed...
yeah, I noticed that too.
And all my one-line micro-pushes to trigger a new build are like that person who keeps clicking browser refresh when a site is sputtering under a reddit flood lol.
she dropped the bike
also, evening ...
@JoeWatkins What happened?
she was only pulling out of somewhere, so barely moving, said revs dropped too low, engine stalled and she lost her balance, smashed a footpeg off, smashed her hip and elbow into floor ...
she's okay, wants me to order new footpeg ...
accidentally sell the bike instead ?
'allo Joe
she'd notice, since she'd have to walk to work @Danack
Anyone using ValueObjects, and if so, how far do you go? I've seen people advocating for replacing pretty much all primitives with VO. But, I am trying to wrap my head around a collection of 20 objects modelling db rows with 30 columns, 30 x 20 VO and now I'm running out of memory?
@JoeWatkins Secretly replace it with a self-powered variety
I haven't got much choice but to get the footpeg and let her carry on really ...
@ChrisBaker a value object can be a collection of primitives....they don't have to be individual things.
the problem is experience, by the time I had been riding a week, I had covered several hundred miles, maybe even a thousand ... not being allowed to use motorways was a blessing, she's been riding a week now, but is only riding for 40 minutes a day, she rode more with the instructor in training than she has in the week following ...
@ChrisBaker im only using them when they either capture an important concept and/or require special validation
Somebody remind me again, why we have to use webtatic builds? How do we know they are safe, or the person who is managing it won't "embed" any surprises.
I have one going too, light or dark IDE/editor interface strawpoll.me/4229868
Im stuck trying to set up phpunit to install when i run my composer.json.
do i just add this line
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "4.6.*"
@StephenWolfe do you want to install phpunit globally?
@MarcelBurkhard i have never installed it before at all, I would like to follow the best practice of having a version per app
@MarcelBurkhard this is my simplemvc composer file pastie.org/10120644
@MarcelBurkhard I must admit im a little confused about how all this dependency management works.
hello guys, it's not directly a programming question but maybe some of you know about it.
I have a spf record `v=spf1 +a +mx +ip4: include:spf.mandrillapp.com ?all` and now I want to add `v=spf1 mx include:zoho.com ~all` this too to my spf. anybody know how to combine both of these spf records?
@StephenWolfe That should do it, does it not work?
@ShubhamNishad can you not just have two records?
@StephenWolfe did you run composer update? and have you checked vendor/bin folder?
@Danack when i run it says

Command: composer install

Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.jso
n. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
@ShubhamNishad No idea - I'd try using one of the online builders found googling for "spf record builder"
@MarcelBurkhard yeah
@StephenWolfe, I have read somewhere that google recommends not to have multiple spf record as it may cause delivery issues
@StephenWolfe Yeah....you're running the wrong command. Do composer update to get new dependencies. Install is for running on a server.
@Danack ahhh wicked
@Danack thats better
glad its solved :)
@Danack now to learn how to run a test
thanks guys.
@StephenWolfe never stop learning :)
Anyone recommend a folder structure?
I currently have
usually test or tests
should I add in one at that same lvl
@samaYo ah yes that looks good
Sorry but Zend... meh
Learning so much today!
but probably an overkill for small apps
I am using simplemvc
oh no
oh no?
I have seen it before. Not sure if it has changed since then, but it wasn't good.
@StephenWolfe I would recommend putting your source files within an "src" folder if it is an app and into "lib" if it is going to be a library (that others could add to composer.json as dependency) than most people make a "test" or "tests" folder for their unit tests
@StephenWolfe you know what, go ahead and play around with simplemvc for a few days/weeks and then come back here to ask what next
@samaYo well i just wanted something simple to make small apps on nothing to great. Literately just for learning
@StephenWolfe you'll probably find some testability issues with simplemvc for example
@StephenWolfe you could have made worse choices
@MarcelBurkhard why would there be issues does php unit just read clases
@StephenWolfe Slim is small and yet way mature than simplemvc.
@StephenWolfe no just some design issues, coupling and stuff, so you need to "mock" a lot or instantiate the kernel of the framework or something to test the routing. I don't know simplemvc its just an assumption
okay non of that made seance to me
@StephenWolfe slim wouldn't be any better
@samaYo or would it?
@MarcelBurkhard and yet, you guessed correctly.
I have zend2 in mind for an enterprise app later on
even then its not going to have a great deal of functions
just REST and Multi lingual
@MarcelBurkhard It would be better, specially with slim 3.0
It will use DI, PSR-7 ... among other things.
@samaYo alright then
@samaYo whats DI, PSR-7 where can i read up on it
@StephenWolfe don't worry about PSR-7 but 0-4 are "important": http://www.php-fig.org/
However only 0-2 you really "must" know about.
and DI is Dependency Injection, a pattern/principile
@StephenWolfe DI == Dependency Injection. PSR7 is a convention proposed by some PHP guys to build common http library ..
bla bla bla ...
sry I type faster :P
anyway PSR 7 is pointless
we had this discussion before
are any real coding standards that people follow?
PSR-1 ??
@StephenWolfe PSR 0-2 are coding standards that people in fact follow
at least the dev's of popular frameworks
psr 1 and partly 2 and 0/4 appear to be common base right now.
Everyone should follow 0/4 and 1... 2 is optional because it makes bad curly decisions :p
@Charles but it only matters if you're building reusable libraries ?
@MarcelBurkhard The class naming patterns in 4 and 0 are good practice to follow regardless of whether it's an application or library.
@MarcelBurkhard cool most of my code reflects that
I almost never follow any of the psr guidelines. I use what common sense dictates.
ugh ... looks like travis-ci's php7 build doesn't yet reflect anonymous classes :(
Anybody have any idea how frequently that's updated?
@Charles that's true, and I do, but I think he should worry about other things first than autoloading :P
> PHP 7.0.0-dev (cli) (built: Apr 27 2015 14:21:31)
@rdlowrey does it matter?
No, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to see a fancy green button on my github readme lol
Let me casually recommend to folks writing their docs in markdown and hosting them on github a much more visually appealing option than the standard github markdown display ...
You can pass stackedit.io the url to any markdown file like this: stackedit.io/viewer#!url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/…
And get the benefits of things like Table of Contents, etc.
Lately I've been using stackedit.io for all my markdown work.
@rdlowrey let me casually remind you that you wanted to remove the scrutinizer button from the auryn github page ;D
@rdlowrey confirmed. Thanks ^^
Any free Continuous Integration tool for using locally.
I've only used the Linux version but it works well with PHPUnit
hmm, anybody actually had measurable improvements when fine tuning Zend OpCache?
because these stackoverflow.com/a/17224811/208809 sure dont do anything for me
im using ab to measure the request time and whatever I apply will either have no effect or make the response time slower
I was just personally contacted by a recruiter for a particular company. Always feels good to know someone likes your particular skills.
@Gordon They won't have any effect unless you're running out of those resources, and it's quite unlikely that you would be unless on a quite large project.
@Danack hmm, but at least for "The maximum number of files OPcache will cache" I am running out of resources. I have roughly 16000 files including the vendor lib, but when I raise that setting from the default 2000 to 17000, the requests become slower
@Gordon Is this a project you could share access to?
no :)
I predict using strace in your future....
the thing that would be interesting to know is whether fine tuning has some grave impact
or should have some
if its only like tiny improvements to gain from fiddling with those settings, i wont bother investing more time
@Gordon So that does sound like a large project. To be clear - I don't think OPCache is quite as bug free as it ought to be. If you're hitting a file limit, and increasing that setting doesn't make a different (or even worse a negative one) it sounds like something has gone wrong.
I've never had luck tuning any opcache system. Not APC, not eAccellerator, not OpCache. Granted I'm no big fish here, but it's never made a difference
Pretty obviously it sounds like there are more hits to the filesystem that are occuring than there should be. Here is a script for Centos that may help investigate exactly what those filesystem hits are.
What happens when you set max_accelerated_files to something much bigger like 40,000 ?
@Danack i already had it at 100k. the requests become slower then.
it might be I am just not understanding that setting. I should set this to a number higher than the total php files in my project, right?
Weird. And it's not running out of memory?
I guess that's what you want. And I literally mean guess - the documentation is not obvious.
not every requests load all 16k files though, so I guess it doesnt have to be that high
what do I know :D
anyways, it's late. thanks for helping.
If it's noticeably slower at 100k, I would spend an hour with that script I linked above, and just trace through a couple of requests to find where the difference is coming from.
It's pretty hard to debug something with no info.
@Gordon Actually, if there is a noticeable difference between 100k and 20k setting, that would be quite interesting also. If you're sure that the total number of files is less than 20k, a noticeable difference between those two settings would be a clue.
@Gordon It would also be interesting to see if setting it to 16228 max files was different from setting it to 16230. The latter would set the hash size to 32531. It could be entirely possible that the hash table required to cover all your files might not fit in some cache.
@Danack I just checked again with find . -type f -print | grep php | wc -l gives 11185 files
I am throwing 10 requests at it with ab for 2237.744 [ms] (mean) per request
@Gordon That's......not fast.
yeah, well vagrant box with no caches and stuff enabled. it's the dev environment.
now I upped the files to 100k. and get 2227.414 [ms] (mean)
interesting. when I did that before it was at 3s
anyways, it's not getting better
@Gordon Yeah. Strace is definitely in your future. Even running on vagrant, over 2 seconds for a response is messed up. This would be interesting to try:
Mar 5 at 17:02, by Danack
Does anyone have a website that uses the Composer autoloader, and use OPCache on their server and fancy benchmarking a (hopefully) faster clasloader? The only thing needed to do is composer update nothing with this composer.phar and add define('COMPOSER_OPCACHE_OPTIMIZE', true); before require'ing the composer autoloader. Context is here

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