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yeah, will be on the ground exactly 2 weeks
I am trying to preg_match_all('/(\[section-[\w].*\])/ims', $section, $sidebarMatches);
I am trying to get section-content out of [section-content columns="6"]
Anyone know wht i do wrong?
huh? do wrong? 3v4l.org/gNqjo <-- it matches
Are you trying to get the string section-content or the entire contents within those brackets []?
if you want to get the literal string section-content: 3v4l.org/hV7F9
@Danack, I am not expert in socket,I am worried for my socket server, I just want to ask if this code will process 5 clients if they simulataneously write data to stream.
i am trying to get only section-content this can also be section-sidebar, thats why i use \w but it can have attributes after, and thats where i stumble some probblems
why are you making your own markup language?
You solved my problem! Thank you!
Looks like some wordpress shortcode thingy
Well I am still trying to learn regex, and I test my way forward with things I learned from the past :P
Yeah It is ^^
@jemz I'm not going to analyze your code to make sure it's correct, but yes in general stream_socket_select is used to allow multiple clients to connect and interact at the same time.
Without blocking each other.
@Danack, it's okay if you will not analyze my code :) . how do I do this connections polled for data in a round robin ?..I'm just curios
@jemz your code should be doing it. You probably ought to just read the manual for all the functions it is calling - php.net/manual/en/function.socket-select.php
Could you recommend a sync tool to upload a small web site that works on Windows?
ugggh windows. I have tried some rsync windows alternatives in the past not with much luck
Everything I've tried in the last 10 years was terribly difficult to use, except Macromedia Dreamweaver's sync module.
@Danack,Ok thank you
@ÁlvaroG.Vicario What about a simple git hook?
doesn't cygwin ship with a rsync port (not sure, been some time since I needed something specific from cygwin)?
That's be the right approach but I'm stuck with Subversion anyway.
@ÁlvaroG.Vicario Server-side svn hooks are a thing.
But, for whatever the reason, NetBEans and all its plugins assume you want to upload your complete project tree.
I spend 40 horrible hours working in hell. When I get home I just want to upload my personal site with a couple of clicks, not write XML for some sophisticated build tool.
Out of curiosity... How do you upload your sites?
Nobody should be writing XML at home ever :)
@ÁlvaroG.Vicario git pull or just plain ftp
@ÁlvaroG.Vicario Have you looked at winscp? Anyway, writing you own sync client is a good experience ;D
and git all the way
Perhaps it's better to just switch to git
My coworkers seem to enjoy using Filezilla to cherry-pick files but I hate it
@NikiC codejam today ?
@ircmaxell you? or.. can you?
Good job, man.
Thanks! :)
@SammyK Gratz :)
Danke! :)
@CSᵠ I am not participating ;-)
@SammyK detecting German^^
@SammyK But there's one misconception in the RFC: "There should be a user-land API to easily return (...) directly and work on any supported platform."

And as the next thing it says: "An error is thrown in the event that a sufficient source of randomness is unavailable."

I think there should be some kindof fallback when the source of randomness i s notavailable
supported is the keyword here
@ÁlvaroG.Vicario We built a deploy script that runs on the server which updates a checkout of the stable branch server-side then uses rsync in copy-unchanged-files-as-symlinks mode to create a new webroot, then atomically renames the old webroot and new webroot. Simple, brutal, effective.
@Charles: Ježííš.
@Kubo2 what?
@Kubo2 Yeah, the idea is that it's a cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator, so if it can't find a reliable CS source, it can't just fallback to a normal PRNG. Those will be pretty extreme edge cases though.
@Charles Good deploy script, I planned to built something similar.
But without renaming the webroot, it's too drastical :-)
With SammyK on this one...if the CSPRNG doesn't throw an exception, you should be able to trust it
@Charles If I only had the time... :_)
and by throw an exception I mean an EngineExceptin
Well, gotta leave
@iansltx Arrow up on your keyboard to edit messages
@iansltx Indeed! :)
@PeeHaa force of habit. I have the same issue when Slack-ing.
@NikiC @ircmaxell What is the progress on PHP Internals book, if I could ask?
@Kubo2 ~caput
I believe so. But even in its current state, it should be ok.
@Kubo2 phptek2013 is also a good resource, I think.
@PeeHaa Are you familiar with both Docker & Vagrant ?
I have a non-technical question.
i.e. silly question :p
@samaYo Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look at it.
But is there any resource about how PHP core works at all (not just extensions writing)?
@ircmaxell Can I get your thoughts on this: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/php-fig/i7XgEJaSAZk
Basically I'm opposing the idea that StreamableInterface should return false on failure like fopen/ftell etc do
Q: Where can I learn about PHP internals?

Adam RamadhanWhat are good resources to start learning the internals of PHP and the Zend Engine?

And instead rely on exceptions
@samaYo I have heard about both :P
hey everyone... anyone know a quick way to match 2 strings that are "Christopher" and "Chris" to show true match ?
@PeeHaa :) If I have a perfectly setup virtualbox with everything I need in it which one do I need to use, in-order to share this environment with other VPSes/VBoxes?
if (strpos('Chris', 'Christopher') === 0) { /* same same */ }
I don't want to share the actual web content var/www but I would like to share the /etc/* like /etc/nginx/conf.d/
if (strpos('Christopher', 'Chris') === 0) { /* same same */ }
yup i got it from exmple
The problems with PHP is finding haystacks in needles all the time
@SammyK that is true.
@SammyK string funcs vs array funcs?
@SammyK isn't that half the fun? :D
@JaakKütt Yeah... fun... :)
@SammyK a problem that named params would solve
@FlorianMargaine Indeed!
@samaYo depends on whether you need an actual virtualbox or not
@PeeHaa I have vritualbox, but I need to share it's configuration, installed libs .. with a VPS.
I am assuming Docker, but not entirely sure.
get a puppet build
do you need a virtualbox?
or a bash script or w/e
@PeeHaa Yes, for development.
@FlorianMargaine I have tried automating with bash, it's doable, but very ugly process.
@samaYo This is the problem that vagrant solves (and is almost solved by Docker, but that is a pain to use for dev).
I mean an actual machine like vagrant does
then use puppet or ansible
@Danack not VPSes
mounting your virtualbox image on a remote VPS is not really feasible...
what he wants is a reproducible build
basically a bash script installing everything as needed
@FlorianMargaine Have been hearing quite a lot about Ansible. I may give it a try, but it seemed to me docker might also be capable of doing this.
this is commonly done with puppet/ansible when it starts growing
@LeviMorrison great :-) I just wonder why the debugInfo information is prefixed by an underscore… ^^
@samaYo no, docker has nothing to do with that...
@Danack docker is a pain to use for dev?
@SammyK would you have a similar solution for something like "Peter William Post" matches "Peter Post" ? or would this need a preg_match function ?
@rubberchicken Yeah, prolly regex would be best
@rubberchicken explode and array intersect lel :P
3 hours ago, by Andrea
@LeviMorrison Why the _ prefix?
3 hours ago, by Levi Morrison
There will be a method for retrieving it with the unprefixed name: (RenewalAction::Approve)->ordinal()
@bwoebi ^
regex yay...sigh lol
ok thx
@FlorianMargaine allegedly. Because it is so isolated, just editing the files in it is quite difficult, unless you have it configured quite differently to how you would use it in production. As opposed to vagrant which is designed for doing dev in, and still matching your production environment.
@FlorianMargaine What is the learning curve for Ansible?
@Danack I see where you're coming from, but docker compose made all of this much easier
for example, you can simply define the mounts in the conf file: github.com/Ralt/drupal-docker/blob/master/example/…
@FlorianMargaine That's not a reason. you can have properties the same name than methods. Also I'd like the idea of ordinal being a readonly property instead of a method...
in The DMZ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Mar 19 at 10:45, by HamZa
So for a school assignment. I've got to create a security CTF challenges with some classmates. Quite cool and all. I already participated in some CTF's (remember last year secse?) so I know how to play it (jeopardy style). Now I've been figuring out some challenges and got stuck on using a webserver.
Basically, I will need to provide vulnerable websites on hardened servers. The problem? I'm not confident enough to secure a server. So I've been searching and stumbled on this book: https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/kali-linux-ctf-blueprints
^ I thought maybe I could use vagrant. Maybe there's already some super hardened pre-configured webserver?
@samaYo Thanx :-)
why is it that whenever I try to use composer on a windows machine, it is utterly terrible ?
/me is trying to install a damned code sniffer
and it's failing
> "Skipped installation of bin scripts/phpcbf for package squizlabs/php_codesniffer: name conflicts with an existing file"
u wot m8 ?!
@tereško It copies/symlinks stuff in the vendor/bin directory to the package directory...it sometimes fucks up if you have deleted files manually, wind blowing in the wrong directory etc.
And yes, Composer's error messages are just terrible in general.
try just deleting that file in the vendor/bin dir
Is it me, or is Virtualbox only capable of taking one snapshot only ?
<= have not use vBox in almost a year
ascended to VPS master race
<= uses vbox every day...but doesn't use snapshots :/
kvm / libvirt superiority, yo
I should try libvirt...
not sure it'll work with my work's workflow though
yeah it won't... we have a default box
ok, who did this now ?
someone has no fucking clue what stars are for
@wdphd the stars are meant to be used as "community bookmarks", they do not increase ones rep
damn, now I have to squander a great deal of time/effort to try libvirt
and the stuff you stared is useless
or wtf it means.
aka just there are bookmarks for stuff of personal interest.
@tereško eli5 vps master race.
@samaYo It's a virtualization control API mechanism thingie present in modern linuxes, with various bindings for various languages, and a common command line & virtual machine definition syntax.
And on that note, E_FRIDAY.
Later folks
@samaYo I guess you did not catch the reference: i.imgur.com/wscLiCX.png reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace
one of these days, I will have to get brain transplant. :/
/still does not get it
how do you guys go to a newline in a php cli command? php baz.php --very --long --parameters --here
i tried to use ^ as in .bat but it failed - and with this i have exhausted my cli knowledge
can't help
@samaYo well ... if one could transplant the brain it would be called "full body transplant", because you consciousness (at least most of it) resides in your brain
basically: it won't help
Hmm, interesting.
@Worf You join commands with a slash:
php -d foo=bar \
if that's what you mean.
in bash, yes
on windows' cmd too?
..\php\php.exe ^         <--- this works
-c "..\..\php.ini" ^     <--- same here
".\foo\bar\baz.phar" ^   <--- this fails
nope \ fails too
@NikiC What exactly is the get_gc handler supposed to return?
@LeviMorrison values that are referenced by the object that might participate in a circle
not relevant to enum values, as they don't contain anything
Is the handler required?
It didn't appear to segfault.
(without it I mean)
@tereško I'm sorry but what did i do?
I have pushed an updated enum implementation to: github.com/morrisonlevi/php-src/tree/enum. I would appreciate it if you guys would review my object handlers if you get a moment. @bwoebi @NikiC
@LeviMorrison ping
@LeviMorrison This underscore prefixing is absolutely unnecessary :o … but looks good to me. I'm just wondering whether we should make ordinal a true final readonly property or leave it as method?
@bwoebi imo a method is more clear
In which way?
I instantly see I cannot do anything with it
object variables are called properties because they describe the properties of the object.
So, use properties to describe the state of the object, not methods.
How does that invalidate my point?
Because I'm saying that a method isn't more clear. A method could return by reference.
You shouldn't try to use magic stuff for internal classes that isn't available in userland. If you want read-only properties, you would need to introduce them everywhere, not just in one place to be clever.
@bwoebi It really is
@Danack Yeah, a shame that this doesn't work in userland…
Also see @Danack's point
if userland php supported "real" properties would be fine
@Worf what do you mean by real?
recycling-joke time
You mean like floats?
Damn I wanted to be the one doing that bad joke :(
nope, i mean properties as not fields :P
get{} set{}
ah, accessors
i may be wrong but they are called properties, as opposed to fields which are the actual variables
...moving on!
@PeeHaa Real life. Job has kept me busy
hmmm I might try this real life thing out myself at some point
declared properties with getter/setter methods?
@bwoebi The thing is why would you unneedlessly (is that a word) confuse developers
@bwoebi We don't really have such a thing do we?
needlessly* quadruple negative
@LeviMorrison we do… I'm sure we do… wait.
Doesn't some datetime thing do that?
I know DOM does something like that but I assume they just blank out the write handler?
It is horrific
@PeeHaa Date time is not a good example of how to do anything...
@LeviMorrison no, they don't… they have writable and readonly properties
@Danack Bam! Point in case :)
I might be remembering incorrectly but wasnt there some datetime diff or something like thta that did kinda that
A: print_r() adds properties to DateTime objects

DanackThere is some magic occurring but it's pretty simple. The class DateTime doesn't have a public variable 'date' that you're meant to access. However, as a side effect of how PHP works, there is a variable created when you call print_r or var_dump on that class. After that magic happens 'date' is...

probably that.
no no no that something else dumb :)
@LeviMorrison btw. do you have a tiny avatar list?
Q: Is it possible to use PayPal's api to create a web application that does this?

user2278120I'm planning to create a web application that allows a user to track donation amounts to their PayPal account that are posting in real time towards a goal. I need to know... A. If it's possible B. If the path I'm using is the best path c. What is the best path is b isn't. The flow would w...

@Danack BTW what was the reason again that couldn't be fixed?
I hate finding a question with a single unexplained downvote asking what I'm looking for
@PeeHaa I think it was actually?
Result number three for googling 'paypal donation webhook'
@Danack Oh wow. Did it already land in some version? /me opens 3v4l
> 504 Gateway Time-out
Damnit :P

Click on Adaptive Payments

Thanks PayPal :U
@PeeHaa Actually it seem to be like that on "7", so probably not fixed in 5.x
@Danack Fixed on "7" or still full retard even there?
Still magic property appearing out of nowhere.
@LeviMorrison look at the length property github.com/krakjoe/UString
@Charles thanks for having me spend an hour how to do kvm/libvirt instead of fix the easier problem I had :)
@Danack I made my first contribution to the manual today. Can you peer review my commit or approve.?
@samaYo I can tomorrow when sober - what user number/name are you on there?
@Danack ^^ thanks :)

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