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@LeviMorrison yes, it's a digitalocean droplet
Then you are simply wrong, and the others are correct. You need to look elsewhere for speed.
@LeviMorrison he has a site which has a quite high load - the problem he's facing is almost certainly a real one.
@AustinBurk what "slow" means?
linux caches stat calls
But one that needs an algorithm optimization not a low level optimization.
step 1: send an angry message to whoever built this thing. step 2: burn it with fire...
but seriously... don't think anyone can help you if you use some weird code that nobody is familiar with and that doesn't follow good design principles
I have so many files that they're all stored in a single file that I'm pretending is a block device for ZFS
That could be hurting you quite a bit.
eventually it'll have around 45 million files
so FS is slow - let's use 2 instead?
@Patrick what is unclear about that? You get the result row in object including array of fields, there is no difference from actual foreach iteration
you dawg I've put a FS into your FS
@zerkms Eventually I'll be parsing through every single file and extracting metadata from it, which will be stored in a database
@AustinBurk but why don't you store them in your primary FS, why that indirection with ZFS?
@falnyr how can we help you if we don't know what those methods do or what methods are available?
@zerkms inode limits.
create a FS with the right number of inodes
@AustinBurk Honestly, putting them into one file is a mistake. There are other ways to improve/cut down on inode limits.
You probably need chunking of some kind, but putting them into one is not chunking.
@LeviMorrison btw, what is particularly wrong with "one file"?
@LeviMorrison Such as..
apart of linux wasting cache for the same data twice
@Patrick there are no methods available, you get rows with provided data pastebin.com/797zpEra and you need to remake them to singledimensional array, that is all, nothing to do with any drivers or methods for any object
@zerkms Altering a file inside of it blows the whole metadata, instead of just for the one file.
How is that not an issue?
it makes it a lot faster to move the whole load of files to another server
@falnyr then where is the problem?
but still, why not create another partition with the right number of inodes?
@zerkms digitalocean
@DaveRandom Council said they're not part of BDUK and have no initiatives to upgrade cabinets. So end of the line for that.
never used them. does it mean you cannot get more block storage for your VM?
@AustinBurk Have you consulted with someone professionally?
Do you have contracts with any vendors?
there's no real way to customize the filesystem, they create the droplets from images
You really need to talk to an expert.
It's only a temporary problem though, I don't need a permanent solution
I have 45 million files, each a fifth of a kilobyte
*will have once they finish downloading
@LeviMorrison "Altering a file inside of it blows the whole metadata, instead of just for the one file." --- are you sure actually?
it's a statically allocated binary that will only be changed where necessary
It can depend on various things.
like what?
Talk to an expert, or just describe what the system is doing from the start, rather than describing the solution you've attempted. And you're apparently using 9 megabytes of memory - you could just store them in memory.
@Danack *gigabytes
and it's more than that
@zerkms Are you sure about that?
apart of using the memory twice I cannot think of a problem
And you are sure "changed where necessary" means what think it does?
if mount can use memory mapped files - then it would even mitigate this problem (I doubt it's possible though)
I swear the first though that goes in to a building developers mind when making apartments is "What's the minimum amount of space a person needs to live".
@LeviMorrison fs driver treats it as a block storage
@Fabor I've fine with small, smart spaces.
cdn friends suggested using mmap and converting that to a database
why should it work with it differently?
The problem is small dumb ones.
box rooms where you can choose to fit a bed and open one half of your cupboard.

namespace PHP\Collection;

 * @Invariant("count() >= 0")
interface Stack extends \Countable {

    public function count(): int;

     * @Requires(size() >= 1)
     * @Ensures(size() == old(size()) - 1)
     * @Ensures(result == old(peek()))
    public function pop();

     * @Ensures(size() == old(size()) + 1)
     * @Ensures(peek() == old($value))
    public function push($value);

     * @Requires(size() >= 1)
    public function peek();
^ Anyone interested in making those annotations do something in an extension?
you mean like delete the repo?
@Patrick nowhere mate, solved it, thanks for the care tho
@LeviMorrison we need real annotations as a language unit, not as a part of text comment
Lazy thinking
@zerkms I strongly disagree.
(Hence one of the reasons I am looking for collaborators)
what is the reason?
Once I have my fourty-five million objects, I'll be parsing through all of them and storing that data in a database; now I'm a bit concerned about database performance there
@LeviMorrison those should be changed to method calls imho
else ambiguity etc
My old apartment is available and £200 more PCM than I paid for it ~3-4 years ago. That's quite a bit of inflation.
@NikiC Change what into method calls?
@LeviMorrison the content of your assertions
I.e. make them actually runnable as-is ;)
I don't know what you are talking about.
@NikiC in production you don't want to run them
@LeviMorrison Oh actually the whole syntax sucks, never mind
I thought it was close to code with missing $this->
but it's a custom DSL
It's straight out of cofoja
And $this-> is implied anyway -- you can't reference external functions in them
To some degree if you want to do this you have to have a custom DSL anyway.
How do you reference the old size and new size after an operation?
You could say that it's trying too hard to make the contract programmable.
You might be right.
I'm not sure this is reasonable to do in an interpreted language.
In Java the checks are added at bytecode generation time.
In C++ they are often done using template voodoo or macros.
Adding them at bytecode gen time, makes them impossible to debug. Which means as far as I am concerned, they do not exist.
s/impossible/not without stepping through byte code/
@Danack They don't exist... not in production builds. That's the whole point.
And they're just assertions, so the engine would tell you the condition that triggered the failure.
If you want formal contracts that exist at runtime just put the assertions into the code.
@NikiC How would you refer to the returned value if you were designing it?
@LeviMorrison $result
And the value of something before and after the operation?
@NikiC $result is a normal variable name… I wouldn't reference the return with that. Rather something like $0 or so
$old-> and $this-> in keeping with the terminology of the example
though I wouldn't know how to implement the "old" part for the general case (unless you want to depend on reasonable clone behavior)
 * @Requires($old->count() >= 1)
 * @Ensures($this->size() == $old->size() - 1))
 * @Ensures($result == $old->peek())
public function pop();
More like that?
but as said, accessing the old object may be non-trivial to implement
You just call it before the function and store the value.
(That's how cofoja does it anyway)
yeah, sure
just more work than dumping the code in an assert :D
@NikiC I just saw the responses on your email about deprecating mbstring fn overloads without RFC and stopped typing mine about trimming out the mixed variant of group user decl...

You don't like this bit merely because cleanup reasons (like me) or do you think this could impair some planned future RFC later?
@marcio Mainly the former, I don't see any immediate FC problems
And yes, I don't think you need an RFC for that
@NikiC just wondering… these ROPE_ADD and ROPE_INIT are very similar… can't one just do a TMP|UNUSED as OP1 and do an if when fetching the zend_string **…?
@NikiC ok, FYI I decided to do not make any effort in this direction. If there were problems I'd push to trim that out immediately, but since there are no issues, the variant was voted and is actually marginally useful I concluded it's not worth it to go through all the "RFC law" debate to make such a tiny alteration.
@bwoebi yes (i.e. I also think they should be merged)
@marcio Can't blame you, the RFC pedantry is pretty high
It's a sad state that people can't fix minor deficiencies in not-yet-released-features because of that
That tells you something about the quality of the features we land
As it implies that we're incapable of improving features after the initial proposal, for purely procedural reasons. Which is definitely not how it should be
@NikiC yeah, that butt hurt around RFC rules is not fine... we should make better rules and at least point explicitly what's flexible or not.
@NikiC yeah… for example that was the reason why define() only allows arrays with PHP 7…
I don't see all this rigidity regarding implementation process on any other project. I don't know what to suggest for PHP though, because the other projects I know don't have scalar type hints wars like we do.
(And what's especially weird is that the language change in RC (for array syntax) went through… but I was denied the request to add the functionality to define()………)
Hi! Would you think I would be able to host a Drupal website via a 7-year old Mac desktop? Or would that not be powerful enough?
@VincentVerheyen It depends how many visitors you have to the site. But for small sites up to a few visitors per second, aka 7200 visitors per hour, it would probably be fine.
That's great! Compared to that, my site is not existing (very small). That would probably be much better than the free hosting I am using now. If you are right, this is very good news!
Yet, it can't "create" a domain name on its own, right? =)
You can't create domain names - only domain name registrars can do that. It's worth registering names separately from your hosting company, so that it's easy to point the name at the server you want, rather than the server the hosting provider wants to sell you.
@Danack | I am trying to think this over. I will start hosting my website locally tomorrow. --- So, I'll guess I install XAMPP & then install Drupal as well. I imagine no problems up untill there. But then ... how would I get it to point to the registered domain name (imagine with Freenom e.g.)? Something with DNS, right? But what / how / where? Could you give me a hint?
On the side: I imagine if you don't point to a registered domain name, the website is still reachable via the www, via the hosting pc's IP-address or something? That could be interesting too :).
You would need to get a static IP address for your internet connection, and then update the domain name to point at that IP address. You would also need to do some stuff with your router to make it forward any requests that come in from the outside world on ports 80 and 443 to be forwarded to to the machine that is doing the hosting.
O boy, that's where the hassle comes in hé. Now I remember looking this up once, I vaguely remember my router is dynamic instead. Hmm ... Will try to figure this out tomorrow, probably by contacting the internet distributor or something. =) Thanks.
Yeah....and your home connection is likely to have more downtime than a hosting company.
@Danack true… but it's like the difference between 99.95% from hoster and 99.85% at home…
Today was another day shitting away in finding a better hosting, probably in a couple of decades, every baby will get a website from a world government.
@bwoebi I doubt you have 99.85% at home. ;-)
Stats from my VPS from hetzner: down -128 days, -03:-47 | since Sat Aug 20 19:07:21 2011
40 days a year does not look right though
seems like uprecords went crazy
Today, I rented a VPS at RamNode, but the first thing they ask is "server name" ... I can't figure this out. Should I just invent something there? I have trouble in understanding how to link VPS with domain name ...
"I have trouble in understanding how to link VPS with domain name" --- you DO NEED basic linux and relevant experience to run VPS
@zerkms | I noticed this today, acknowledged. =) My linux is 1%, my VPS is 0%.
@kelunik Eih, I usually have 99.8-99.9%… except when there's no power. which is eih… an exceptional circumstance.
@bwoebi The downtime we count here is always exceptional.
Another try to end the endless quest: anyone here to offer me a quick and cheap relief of looking for simple host which is good enough to run Drupal?
Naming a server… such a difficult task.
@bwoebi With 60 seconds for reconnecting daily, you're at 99,931% at home
@kelunik I usually have reconnects every 5 weeks on average
Just saying, I didn't have 99.85% using your server. ;-P
Keep getting the too-much-request-error: (General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away.) | I really need an upgrade somehow.
@NikiC I think Rowan is going to force RFC on anything that deprecates anything.
This saddens me :/
In not too long it will be "RFC ALL THE THINGS".
I'd be okay with that if we took RFCs more seriously than we do.
But forcing everything to be an RFC probably won't increase the quality of our RFCs and will probably hurt the overall quality.
Decision by consensus is largely enough on simple issues…
@bwoebi you would have thought so
@Danack well…I'm not sure if I'd classify this under simple issues
If I don't get some good hosting soon, I might just start hosting analogous ... e.g. by screaming on the market place. | It's cheap and has no lag. ||| Anyway, cheers guys, thanks for the help so far & good-night / good-day.
@bwoebi If that's not a simple issue, how's that mbstring thing a simple issue then?
@kelunik mbstring is a precise, single, self-contained change.
RFCs are when multiple things are changed and in specific ways.
I don't think we need an RFC for removing mbstring overloads because I don't know anyone who thinks in hindsight that was a good idea.

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