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wouldn't that be up to her?
I'm replying
Arg… things get political again :s
but I branched it into a new thread, so with any luck the proposal can stay "unharmed"
I just tried to imagine when two different proposals about the same thing were successful at the same time… lol.
> v0.5, on the
other hand, is, for the most part, v0.3 with opinionated, discussionless
explanations of why it's absolutely fine to keep as-is.
Ha! I lolled
Oh wait. I mistyped cried
It's the same when it's really funny
@bwoebi in which case we can have a vote to choose between them
@PeeHaa "discussionless". It says why directly in the RFC. And I explicitly said, if you disagree with the rationale the RFC uses, please, let's discuss that.
@ircmaxell which end with exactly same results on both sides? =P
@ircmaxell hehe
@ircmaxell Yeah that is really full retard imo
@PeeHaa I won't point that out tho. IMHO it's useless to continue that line of discussion.
Yeah agreed. Still we are allowed to think "WTF dude..."
@PeeHaa you're free to point it out :-P
Hey, I have a problem with Cloudfront, it's sending an Accept-Ranges: bytes header but refuses to honor my Range header
beat it with a stick
wait a second, did I miss something?
Anyone have experience with that?
@ircmaxell :-)
@Andrea yes, yes you did
I was like, alright, Anthony revived STH
but... wait, Anthony?!
You're back on internals?!
@Andrea I decided I'm not going to sit back and let strongarming continue
chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/61037/orphan-gifs <- holy moly this is the best room ever
that is the best room ever
@Andrea for this proposal only. If things go well, I may consider staying. If they don't, it'll be it...
@tereško interestingly enough, I'm forced into mortals time-schedules as of lately :X
and by go well, I don't mean "my RFC passes"
I preferred the ameba sleep schedules
@AustinBurk That room crashes ever computer I have ever used
@DaveRandom Are you using a terrible browser like Chrome?
I will hunt you down and kill you, don't think I won't
no problems here in Firefox
I had some luck with it. I've scrolled through twenty GIFs so far.
Chrome users
So we have to thank @Andrea for leaving to have led @ircmaxell to go back to internals? :-D
.<. I'm using Chrome
@AustinBurk wait... you have 2GB of RAM?
I have 8 and I think I need the double...
oh wow
Chrome becomes instantly unresponsive
What an awful browser.
@FlorianMargaine I will say that I'm using VMWare View Horizons.
A bit like loading the coding love.
I have no idea why they don't convert all the incoming gifs
@FlorianMargaine The only system on which I think I have enough RAM is my iMac with 32 GB…
even 16 aren't enough…
@m6w6 Your output buffering RFC could really do with an example of how it would be useful - aka what scenario people have encountered that needs it. I think I can imagine one....but it should be in the RFC imo.
    complicated issue
    $pagination=$this->user->with(array('emails'=>function($query) use ($user){
 I want to use pagination function over collection but that's not working..!
blah blah function
It's like a test of strength. Whose computer can handle the most GIFs?
@bwoebi I can believe that.
GIF is a great file format, it's just abused for something it does not work well for
I like how the chats have a little memory management built in themselves, the images disappear when I switch away from the tab
It's designed for pixel art and such, hand-drawn things. They compress well. And so when extending it for animation, it worked well for little pixel art animations
But now people are trying to stuff multi-second 24fps full colour video into GIFs
It's a miracle it works at all
I've seen some amazing 720p smooth gifs tbf
fast loading and all
@user2736704 "it's not working" is really helpful
@Patrick WYM?
Alternatively there's always webm... Example
w/ sound.
I have hundreds of thousands of large GIFs on the site
I still haven't figured out how to get sox to mix in sound at exactly the right spot yet though, or truncate it to the proper length
@ircmaxell your list of arguments aginst the new syntaxes for declaring strict types is very good. you might want to update the RFC with it (if you havent already)
@bwoebi don't thank me/her yet...
@beberlei yeah, I will when I get some time

(This one is excellent).

But the audio loads way quicker than the GIF most of the time
Anyone used Symfony 'voters' before?
@Danack e.g. caching away dynamically created images
seeya later, I'm going to figure out why Amazon Cloudfront isn't doing the right thing
I'll try to put something up
Seriously though. The webm format is awesome. Another example warning. FMA - Brotherhood spoilers.
@ircmaxell I hope you get that I didn't mean that seriously. It's nothing I thank @Andrea for. I only can thank her for caring about herself. That you came in now is just a coincidence.
@bwoebi not how I meant it
I meant it more as a joke that I may be making things worse :-P
ah okay :-P
But I seriously doubt that you will make these things worse
I don't know, I may wind up burning the whole thing down by accident :-X
@m6w6 That's what I imagined. The obvious (slightly stupid) thing people might say is that "image processing shouldn't be done in a HTTP request; it should be done by a background task". It might be worth saying something like "You can't predict which functions that need their output caching are going to take a long time to process, so you can't always predict which ones should be moved to a background worker".
@Danack I have a cron job that runs every few minutes in the background that runs conversions for my site, it just marks it as converted = true before it shows up on the website
		$pagination=$this->user->with(array('emails'=>function($query) use ($user){

@AustinBurk context
@user2736704 Have you tried debugging it?
@Danack sudomemo.net I extract all the frames from Flipnote animations then put them together in a GIF.
Hello fellow ponies)
@Danack I debugged it but that's also returning 2 for the getTotal
Have any of you guys ever used htis:
which minor version of php5?
php 5.1 and 5.6 are very different...
whats a quick solution to remove duplicate ID's in a database table?
What are you using for your primary key?
You can set a column to UNIQUE when you make the table in the first place
looks like they are pretty selective in terms of features
but they do have namespaces
@Jay you need something unique in your table, otherwise you are out of luck and have to do it manually.
@Danack there we go ....!select email.*, users_email.Uid as pivot_Uid, users_email.email_id as pivot_email_id, users_email.sender_UID as pivot_sender_UID from email inner join users_email on email.Id = users_email.email_id where users_email.Uid in (?, ?) and users_email.sender_UID = ? 78,79 and 78
@user2736704 I don't care. This is a problem that is best solved by sitting down with your debugger, stepping through the code and finding out where your code is behaving differently to what you expect.
@Jay to find the dupliates SELECT id FROM table GROUP BY id HAVING count(id) > 1; - depending on size thit takes long
"there we go ..." No one asked for a code dump.
@JoeWatkins What's the advantage of option 0 for the expectation switch? Generating code but jumping around it?
@beberlei will give it a go
@beberlei so that will bring back the dups and its ok to dfelete them?
@Jay that brings all ids back that are duplicates, you have to manually decide which ones to delete.
@Jay deleting them with WHERE id = ? will also delete the original. so thats not possible
I don't get why Pierre hijacks that internals thread :x
How do I pass the param to my function in this statement? `call_user_func([ucfirst($matches[0]), 'find'])`
@bwoebi Pierre is the guy developing Pickle in 'secret' right?
@Danack I have no goddamn idea what pickle is except that it has something to do with replacing pecl??
The ECMAScript spec is totally foobar. You can't view it in HTML. You have no choice but to download a ~15mb PDF or word document. Welcome to the 1990s, JavaScript.
@Danack secret? look for FriendsOfPHP on github...
Yes.......which probably ought to have a few more people looking at it...
@Danack Went through the docs but couldn't figure out, is this correct? call_user_func([ucfirst($matches[0]), 'find', $param])
@m6w6 s/secret/not being discussed on internals despite one attempt to disable PECL having to be reverted/
@Danack disable pecl?
doesn't seem to work
@NikiC pecl depends on pear....as you wrote: "As far as I understand we still need PEAR because it also provides the PECL installer. So it would be good if the installer is fixed."
call_user_func([ucfirst($matches[0]), 'find'], $param)
Pierre wrote:
I am waiting for the discussions+RFC about how to deal with 5 and 7 extensions support. Once we have a decision we will implement what is necessary for that in pickle.
posted on February 19, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Frankie */

@Danack There have been several messages about pickle, just to be fair. I'm in no way affiliated with Pierre.
@m6w6 yeah yeah - it's just that when he's complaining about people discussing stuff off-list, and at the same time developing something very important and having the discussions about it off-list, is not totally coherent.
@JoeWatkins btw, I kinda agree with Pierre ... three days of discussion for an RFC is stretching the two-weeks rule a tad bit :)
@Danack I think Pierre is relatively open about most of the development he or Anatol do. The primary "openness" issue they have are the windows.php.net boxes
Which are totally closed off from our infrastructure and nobody but them can make any changes
And Pierre regularly promises that they'll implement this or that change soon and then five years later it's likely that it still hasn't happened
Am I a bad person because I kind of enjoy watching Pierre and Zeev lob grenades back and forth at one another?
@rdlowrey It depends....do you go like this:
Clock radio? He cannot afford. Great success.
@NikiC well, it was proposed in November… and there didn't change a lot since then wiki.php.net/rfc/expectations?rev=1383729717&do=diff … so, the recent mail 3 days ago was enough, IMO.
All what really changed is assert.exceptions ini setting being added
@rdlowrey You can view the draft ES6 spec in HTML here: people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html
@bwoebi This is resubmission of an RFC with an entirely new discussion phase.
@rdlowrey It's sad and enjoyable at the same time…
> Since this has been in discussion for quite some time, Dmitry and I
propose that the patch is rewritten for PHP7 and we get to voting as
quickly as we are able.
@NikiC he explicitly said, it's just a pre-vote announcement, not a new discussion phase. Rather a chance for last-minute objections.
At this point it looks like the only way the RFC will ever get resolved will be with pistols at 20 paces
@TheodoreBrown Thanks. I had run across that link but it still seems odd to me that the actual spec doesn't expose a linked HTML document in its own right. Especially considering it is a very large file.
@bwoebi Well, I certainly did not have time to discuss my last minute objections
I don't think it's okay to take an RFC from five years ago, say it has been discussed back then and based on that just go straight to a vote.
5 years, no… but that's not even 5 months ago and always was targeted for php 7.0
Looks like there's a doc problem with ob_start(). Every single instance of usage found on the internets is bogus.
@bwoebi The RFC is from 2013 and was declined then, no?
@NikiC awww… I thought 2014… sorry.
Then I agree.
@bwoebi I don't know, it's just what the date says at the top
@NikiC yeah, you're right…
Of course not 5 years, but anything that is more than a few months old warrants new discussion
@NikiC I agree… I just thought it were only 4 months… and not 16 months.
@NikiC didn't Dmitry completely rewrite your exceptions patch?
but I'd rather not argue too much about that now… too much going on there already.
@FlorianMargaine it's pretty much the same with some tweaks to avoid updating tests
I'm okay with the changes
oh, ok
I'm not a fan of BaseException, but it isn't too bad either
@NikiC While we're on the topic of BC, we can say that BaseException would break BC too (or basically everything else than EngineException extending Exception). EngineExceptions then can't be caught with a generic catch-all Exception handler (e.g. for pretty-printing them). We'd need to change our libs to catch them too.
@NikiC Php\Exception ?
@bwoebi not really, if the fataling EngineExceptions renders exactly like a fatal error today, nothing changes (maybe fatal error handling code with shutdown handlers)
can we please stop trying to stuff core things into a namespace?
@bwoebi why?
@bwoebi why
@bwoebi why?
Waiting for answer :)
It's really nice to not have to import every shit … and as long as we don't have use php\*; ...
Hey again
@bwoebi IDE can do this for you, optimize, sort, etc...
workers and daemons are often "catch (Exception $e)" to avoid any kind of crashes, then fetching the next message. if EngineException extends Exception this would be a desaster
@Alexander the IDE argument is not valid when talking about core PHP. IMO.
@Alexander IDEs should never be a valid argument for designing something in a language
ok, agree
these numbers are made up, but i doubt more than 30% of php developers use IDEs
@beberlei why? it's about avoiding crashes… so why would that be a disaster?
also… things don't randomly fatal…
@beberlei Actually, this feature is literally targeted at that use case.
@bwoebi because it would run into the same fatal error over and over again
@beberlei from anecdotal experience, 80% of php devs do
but what is really important - is to start building next version with normal functions, methods, etc...
@FlorianMargaine ok so we have one anecdote against another :)
and, well, I've been consulting in many dev shops... so I've seen a lot of devs working
The percentage probably depends on whether you include "advanced" text editors like Sublime / Notepad++ (which can have IDE-like features)
but yeah, just anecdotal.
@NikiC depends on the kind of fatal error, but you are right of course :)
/me thinks far too many people use "advanced" text editors in lieu of proper IDEs
@AllenJB sublime and notepad++ are not IDEs, vim and emacs neither
/me is disappointed to find ChatOverflow lacks /me
@beberlei If it's got a debugger it's an IDE (to me at least), and Notepad++ has a plugin for Xdebug
Hi :3
@beberlei If you don't consider vim and emacs IDEs this becomes a pretty philosophical discussion :)
@NikiC probably :)
damn, I took 2 days break from work because holiday and it looks like a ton of things happened on mailing lists
@beberlei I disagree, but I meant IDEs as in netbeans/eclipse when I mentioned the anecdotal experience.
Do you know any good literature which discusses Designing For Scalability with PHP?
@NikiC I wonder what was the reason to make variadic expansion (unpack) only possible as a last argument?
@nikita2206 technical reasons
issues with stack allocation without causing perf degradation
for positional args we assume that enough stack is preallocated. With unpacking that becomes problematic (but that was back in the days, when people still used php 5 - maybe we could allow it now)
Yep yep I know, but couldn't we compute in ZEND_SEND_UNPACK exactly how much space do we need to allocate in order to fit in next N arguments
I wanna know if doing this is good idea
There's a gazillion libs out there doing this
why would re-doing it be a good idea?
could you name a few?
I am a newbie
PDO in first place, Doctrine\DBAL, Zend\Db, for example
@AAB Hardcoded credentials are never a good idea
Not just that: credentials are not part o the source in general
and shouldn't land in CVS
Also creating a db connection inside the class looks odd to me
well, somebody has to do it anyway, because that's a case where you want lazy initialization
@PeeHaa Hardcoded credentials u mean the host,dbanme in my code?
Also making every member public is what nightmares are made of
@NikiC to solve this all we need is some kind of pointer to the last offset for argument (reallocation can be done in ZEND_SEND_UNPACK) so that ZEND_SEND_VA* would use it to compute where their zval is stored in the stack... Basically we need to add one uint32_t to zend_execute_data structure, do you think it will degrade performance significantly?
@Ocramius I thought it was a constructor
@Ocramius PDO?
@AAB Yes
@Ocramius I am using PDO in my current code..
@salathe Seems legit
@PeeHaa and username password should be private.
I love how that uksort thing is still available @salathe
@AAB ?
@PeeHaa :)
u said everything private is a nightmare
No that is not what I said
oops public
Everything should be private or at least protected imo
$dbHandler->con = 'poo';
WHat happens when you do that ^ ? :)
@AAB yes, the question is "why a wrapper?"
@PeeHaa The con object is lost
Morning! Busy week for me; first engaged, and now my birthday :-P
Congratulations @DanLugg ! On your engagement :)
I tihnk yuo msitped sthmong @AAB
Also congrats on surviving another year.
@DanLugg Gratz man!
@NikiC Would be nice. Appending args to an args array is my main use case for cufa() today…
@Ocramius well using transaction for each insert seemed repetitive
@AAB You don't need a transaction for every query...
@PeeHaa ok
Also you don't always have to prepare
prepare statements for insert/update/delete is not good?
Not if there is no dynamic data
Hello, any reason why the file_exists( ) function is not finding a file which has a space in its name ?
Which apperantlycan be the case:
@PeeHaa @Ocramius My app has many forms so I have to write a lot of insert and select queries
Now that I took a better look at your code @AAB why are you starting transactions to begin with?
this for example "BJNA - Copy (3).sql"
It's only a single query you run in there
It either succeeds or fails
ok so If I have many rows to be inserted but I make it into a single query
as in INSERT INTO TABLE(cols) (?,?),(?,?),(?,?)
so the above statement will be considered as one too
To be honest. No idea
Q: Inserting multiple rows in a single SQL query?

ritsI have multiple set of data to insert at once, say 4 rows. My table has three columns: Person, Id and Office. INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES ("John", 123, "Lloyds Office"); INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES ("Jane", 124, "Lloyds Office"); INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES ("Billy", 125, "London Office"); INSERT I...

Multiple rows insert in a query so its a single statement too then?
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
To be honest. No idea
@PeeHaa Just one more thing
Don't think so now that I think about it
my app needs plenty of insert and select so any library that has say a function
insert(table,cols,vals) <-any thing in this format
for multi row insert
Imho you are trying to abstract the wrong thing
@PeeHaa so many requests to my site requestable.pieterhordijk.com/recent :-D
Popular css file is popular :P
the prepare would be prepare("INSERT INTO TABLE(cols) (?,?),(?,?),(?,?)") wont this be a single thing
if so then using transaction is not required like u said..
@PeeHaa so do I write functions for insert select delete for my app on my own or use some library?
Neither. Just write a freaking query when you need it :P
The only reason I would ever abstract it away is when I would need to support different dbms'
Also what kind of thing are you working on that you need to do multiple inserts that much anyway?
@AAB doctrine dbal has functions for insert($table, $columns), update($table, $columns, $where) and delete, see github.com/doctrine/dbal/blob/master/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/…
@beberlei It would be odd if a dbal didn't have those ;-)
@NikiC I measured it and it seems like there's no difference... I'll try to implement mid-argument list unpack and propose it/RFC (not sure it's needed in this case)... There are functions like array_intersect_ukey that cannot be used with unpack currently (sadly)
@PeeHaa Its to add details from an excel sheet to the database
@beberlei I will look into it.
@PeeHaa So my summary
it feels like Lester is repeating himself a lot
@AAB Sounds legit
I see "database" and "64 bits" a lot in his mails
i still havent understand his problem
You might want to look into LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is an alternative though, but I'm not sure whether that is sane @AAB
databases return ids as string, 32 vs 64 bit doesnt matter, and usually you don't need the id to be integer for calculation or something
@FlorianMargaine that's because he repeats it on all topics, specially the unrelated ones.
@beberlei But but but BIGINT!!!1111eleven :)
@PeeHaa can u tell more about it?
People who repeat themselves are usually drunk or senile or drunk.
Um, so, maybe old news, but 3v4l.com ? Apparently my birthday has rendered me senile.
@DanLugg what about it?
Is it a common thing for system administrators to disallow connection to a website via IP, only via domain?
@DanLugg 3v4l.org
Derp ^^ Thanks :-P
@jskidd3 Or at the very least prevent directory listing
Dunno why .com was in my history
@PeeHaa Some People suggested that if i use stored procedure in the database its faster easier too maintain and the code looks cleaner..
@PeeHaa What risk does it pose to allow connection to a site via its IP address?
@DanLugg today?
@ircmaxell Yessir!
23 mins ago, by Dan Lugg
Morning! Busy week for me; first engaged, and now my birthday :-P
@danlugg Happy bday
@jskidd3 No more risk than serving your pornsite instead of your legimate business site because the vhost is loaded first
@DanLugg Happy birthday dude!
Thanks @ircmaxell @jskidd3 @rdlowrey
Craziness goin on for me lately :-D
@PeeHaa Lol, I don't get why people do it
Just posted my RFC draft for Generator Return Expressions. Feedback requested. /cc @NikiC
3v4l.org/qHMat <-- hmmm, issue with php7?
hello, does any one know how to convert excel time formate to php time format
i extracted the time from excel to database it is like 0.323232
@DanLugg Did you do it near your birthday to make the date easier to remember?
@Fabor lol, it's pretty easy; it was a Friday the 13th :-P
She see it coming?
Well, we were planning the wedding, so... yes? lol
@FaizRasool How about reading the documentation for the library you're using? .....and if you still can't figure out from that, ask a question which includes the name of the library and a small snippet of code that you think should work.
I hate wikitext
this what i found about excel time
i have like more than 100,000 records so i' m using github.com/box/spout
@DanLugg Quick turnaround I spent about 4 years engaged
@Fabor Yea, we're not going to do that :-P we're ... fast people? We met ~2 months ago
see another one how 0.25 is £0.13
@DanLugg The minute man. :P
@Fabor I spent 6 months engaged.... I was with her for 4 years before that though
I eat fast. I run fast. I talk fast.
Sort of reverse for me @FlorianMargaine 11 months then engaged. then a few years later married.
@DanLugg I just hope for your to-be wife that you don't do everything fast.
@FlorianMargaine No, just a lot :-P
does any one knows about how the 0.25 in excel equal to £0.25
@ircmaxell Minor typo:
> Re-using namespaces to effect affect runtime is weird
Thanks for taking up the RFC
Just out of interest, you can redirect to a GET resource after performing a DELETE request, right?
Hi Guys, just a technique question ! I have an ajax script that look for some operations status every 1 secondes, but I want it to halt on error has the php script will stop working either... My problem is that my php use die('reason') but I can't figure out how to retrieve the reason with the javascript... i'm using jQuery.post and i've already tried .fail has sugested in doc but it's not working... anybody have and better technique / idea ?
@ircmaxell awesome thanks
@JonathanLafleur you should not use die on the back-end. Instead you should use the HTTP codes to denote that the request was not with status 200 OK
@ziGi wich status could I send back that will deliver the reason too ?
@JonathanLafleur in AJAX there are two callbacks that you can give to the post function as attributes one is for success, the other for failure so basically
what? die(mysql_error()) is not the universally correct way to quit a request?
@JonathanLafleur This is what exceptions are for. Instead of dying, throw a custom Exception and catch it at the top level. And then give a proper error response that your Ajax handler can understand.
@JonathanLafleur what is the reason you want to send, it might be different reasons for example you can have problems with the DB, the other is that the business logic does not permit such operation to be done
@ziGi I understand that part, that's why I'm searching how to reach the failure ;)

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