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@HassanAlthaf I have been googling - however everything I have found so far is trying to force SSL not force turn it off.
The other thing to consider is that codebases the size of Facebook are a completely different animal to someone like Quora or what the average developer (PHP, JS, whatever) is to face
@JustSteveKing It's basically the same.
Why do you wanna use the HTTP when there is a secure protocol available?
^ that's the real question.
@SaraGolemon Oh, I caught the last 1/3 of your last talk at Benelux, and I really have to say, awesome job. Really quite inspiring and well said
@HassanAlthaf Because this is an old test domain - so we do not want SSL available. However I need it on the server as it is a shared server
posted on January 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by yughes */

@ircmaxell Did you notice the double-take from the audience when I tossed out "10^7th lines of code"
@SaraGolemon Yup.
Is that counting empty lines and doc blocks? :)
@ircmaxell I hope I got across what I was aiming for, that we're all better off and things are looking good for PHP
@SaraGolemon you need to convert that to zeros for me
That might help you.
is that like 10000000 lines of code?
@Achrome Yeah, and we do comment our code VIGOROUSLY
@SaraGolemon which is a point that I think needs to be made more clearly more often. that in general, the problems that companies like FB face are not really faced by many others in teh world. Yes, learnings, tools and concepts can be shared. But the notion that "But FB does it" is dangerous
@NikiC That magnitude, yes. Upper end of it iirc
Sara do you work at Facebook?
@HassanAlthaf Yes
I'd imagine that you do. Strict CS checks, lints, docs and tests would be a part of every feature
@SaraGolemon I think you got that point across quite clear. And I like the balance you walked back and forth between pointing out the awesomness of Hack, but also pumping up PHP and not letting either "steal thunder" from the other, but presenting them as these two symbiotic platforms
@HassanAlthaf I'm the front-man from HHVM
Ok, slap Mark for me. Thanks
@HassanAlthaf Thisw is all for Nginx and I use Apache :(
@HassanAlthaf I've verbally slapped him a few times, does that count?
When a website works with www.so.com but not when using so.com
Did you slap him with your gnome warrior?
What recored is then wrong? The A-record?
@SaraGolemon video or it didn't happen :-P
@SaraGolemon nah, you gotta do it physically. I really do not like him promoting extremist activities on Facebook
@JustSteveKing Redirect 301 http://example.com in your 443 virtualhost.
He describes extremist activities on Facebook as "Freedom of Expression"
@HassanAlthaf He's very tiny, I'd be worried about breaking him.
@HassanAlthaf It's a much more complicated and nuanced discussion than that.
Napoleon complex, is a pejorative term describing a psychological condition which is said to exist in people, both men and women, of short stature. It is also known as 'Napoleonic Complex'. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. Other names for the term include Napoleon syndrome and Short Man syndrome. The Napoleon complex is named...
Totally unrelated.
@JeremiahWinsley I do not have a 443 virtual host?
Currently over Denver
Or should I use a CNAME record to make 'www.mydomain.com' work?
@JustSteveKing Then you'll need to make one to accept https connections.
@DejanMarjanovic Hey! I resemble that remark!
@Duikboot Do you have an A record for both www.domain.com and domain.com?
@Danack your beard offsets your stature
@JeremiahWinsley I have 2 SSL cert on my server. 1 goes to one domain, the other to another domain. This third domain was something we were going to use - however are not going to be. How do I redirect https to http?
@Achrome Only when I wear it up...
I have no idea it's a website I am not managing but Im going to suggest them to change it so the website will load without www. But I am not sure it's the CNAME or A-Record.
The real question is, when do you not?
@JustSteveKing You make a vhost for https like normal, but use a redirect instead of adding a document root.
Quick question: How do you deal with temporary e-mail address providers? I've seen quite a few sites that do block the domains of such services during registration
@ThomasDavidPlat why?
@ThomasDavidPlat I dont
For providers with static domains (e.g. temp-mail.org) it's no problem. But there are others who change their domains (e.g. 10minutemail). I'm writing a parser that fetches the current domain of such services in order to be able to block them. Anything special I should consider?
@Gordon thanks :) Stumbled upon that one too. But I guess for my purpose it's a bit over the top. I just want to block the best known providers. If a few sneaky members find a way around it, I'm fine with that.
@ThomasDavidPlat Useless
mailinator for example isn't scrapable
@ircmaxell I want to write a rant called "FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL Considered Harmful"
@AndreaFaulds sounds interesting
@AndreaFaulds I still fail to see how it is harmful instead of less useful tbh
@PeeHaa No, it's actively harmful
Shit like this stops the web from embracing IDN emails, f.e.
@AndreaFaulds go for it
@AndreaFaulds O_o
Shit like this (though not exactly this) means some websites are unable to email me
You sound like one of those ipv6 people. :P
Seriously, quite a few sites choke on [email protected]. I have no idea why. I assume it's the length/unusual TLD
@PeeHaa yep. Just did some further research. There are a few providers that are protecting themselves from being scraped. Would be too much effort for almost no benefit. However for mailinator I could just block the domain (seems like they only use mailinator.com)
@AndreaFaulds How is that releated to FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ??
@ThomasDavidPlat why do you even bother?
Do you have delusions of grandeur regarding the relative importance of the service you provide?
@PeeHaa FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL is part of the same mass hysteria known as "email address 'validation'"
@NikiC nope. My company has
@ThomasDavidPlat ok then, carry on ;)
@AndreaFaulds what mass hysteria?
@PeeHaa The idea that using a shitty regex to check if an email is valid is a good idea
It is way, way, way too prevalent
It's a good idea from a UX PoV, but not for checking whether you can actually send emails to it
does filter_validate_email even properly support unicode mails?
@NikiC :D I know when to quit. It makes no sense trying to implement it by myself. I'll just recommend that they buy API access to a provider that is specialized in that kind of shit
@DaveRandom From a UX PoV you can do sanity checks client-side
@NikiC It doesn't support them period
@AndreaFaulds True, it's almost useless in PHP
@AndreaFaulds Again what mass hysteria?
It could be useful for e.g. data imports though
@PeeHaa ?
@NikiC MASS! HYSTERIA!!!11onee!111one!
The point is FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL works just fine for 99% of the cases where you cannot send a confirmation mail
@PeeHaa No it doesn't.
It does
If you can't send a confirmation mail, you're fucked
test@test is a valid email address
@AndreaFaulds gema.
@NikiC Oh, you poor souls...
but FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL does not see it as valid
here's an example of a mail that filter_var thinks is invalid: 3v4l.org/AlqjK
@NikiC I love how Die Partei hat immer Recht is blocked by GEMA. The party song of the SED! How?! Who's going to sue? Egon Krenz?
@ircmaxell There are several more
@FlorianMargaine nah, the ext just doesn't seem to be included in his build.
@ircmaxell 3v4l.org/kC8l6 (because fuck gmail users)
he was using FILTER_VALIDATE_INT...
@PeeHaa which is why I made it an array
@FlorianMargaine oops
@FlorianMargaine whoops
@PeeHaa well-outdated
The actual regex to be SMTP-compliant is much, much, much longer
Several pages long IIRC
Meaning the issue you think there is is even less there
the best way to validate emails is by trying to send an email
that is the only way you will know if it is valid or not
@ircmaxell incompetent rfc authors.
what genius figured it was a good idea to add comments in the middle of an email address?
@NikiC I'm not disagreeing
This annoys me.. :/
uint32_t zval_addref_p(zval* pz) {
return ++GC_REFCOUNT(Z_COUNTED_P(pz));
@AndreaFaulds that validates the To/Cc/Bcc fields, not the email address
Most emailaddress RFC is utter bullshit @NikiC
Full retard
@FlorianMargaine Fair point
@SaraGolemon Z_TRY_ADDREF_P
@NikiC <3
Thank you!
@AndreaFaulds huh that is RFC822
Are we even talking about the same thing? :P
:21175111 /
        (?<addr_spec> (?&local_part) @ (?&domain) )
        (?<local_part> (?&dot_atom) | (?&quoted_string) | (?&obs_local_part) )
        (?<domain> (?&dot_atom) | (?&domain_literal) | (?&obs_domain) )
        (?<domain_literal> (?&CFWS)? \[ (?: (?&FWS)? (?&dtext) )* (?&FWS)? \] (?&CFWS)? )
        (?<dtext> [\x21-\x5a] | [\x5e-\x7e] | (?&obs_dtext) )
        (?<quoted_pair> \\ (?: (?&VCHAR) | (?&WSP) ) | (?&obs_qp) )
        (?<dot_atom> (?&CFWS)? (?&dot_atom_text) (?&CFWS)? )
@NikiC honestly, if I was writing it today, I'd write it as [^@]+@:valid-domain... where :valid-domain is any addressable domain or IP address
or maybe even .+@:valid-domain
Let the receiving server care bout it
and this is why PHP developers have a hard time
@Bonner s/PHP//
this BS doesn't plague C#
@Bonner C# devs don't deal with emails?
they do, but the validation already complies with both RFC's, and you can specify which you want to use
so you don't have to write your own
@Bonner Yes it does.
@Bonner For context, we're discussing why doing validation in this way is a bad idea.
Because validating it is wrong anyway
@Bonner both???
And I'll tell you, if you do strict email validation and you accept comments while doing it, you're doing it wrong.
Aren't there like more than two?
@Bonner you're right, this BS doesn't plague C# devs, because they are plagued by a level of BS ahead of it... They just haven't gotten through to the underlying issues yet
@PeeHaa There's like five, plus some extensions
Because fuck you all. E_NEEDZ_MOAR_RFCS :P
@ircmaxell That sounds reasonable ^^
What were they thinking
Probably authoring RFCs is considered a job in bureaucracy.
I.e. where you want to generate the maximum amount of useless complexity.
nah, it's just design by committee
lol you lot are so funny
"Well, I need it to work this way". "Fine, but we'll allow it only in this circumstance so the rest of us don't need to suffer"
@DaveRandom there are plenty of cases where it's useful, data imports being one of them. however it's no fun acknowledging that when you just want to rant against doing it at all.
like I said the only way to determine if an e-mail address is fully valid or not is by sending one
and even that can throw up false negatives
ie if the server is down
@Bonner agree 100%. So why are we talking about validation?
ok, I cannot remember a term
Yeah, I think we all agreed on that :D
if you can reduce the load on the server, by performing basic checks, then why not
for instance, an email address must contain a at symbol
so check one exists
doesn't matter about all the RFC bs
@Bonner if by basic check you mean /.@./, sure
what's the word describing graphical design parameter when designer uses a close representation of physical object for making a digital UI?
I recall that the term was greek in orgins
@tereško wireframe, mockup, comp, ?
@tereško skeuomorphic
ninja'd on the slow internet connection
@PaulCrovella It is literally the single worst feature of PHP. THE WORST!!!!!!1111oneoneoneleven
I copied the entire sentence in google and got the result =/
(I actually have nothing against it, btw, but I do agree that people have an unhealthy obsession with what is often the wrong tool for the job)
looks like google has been focusing on "natural language" queries instead of "keyword" queries
only 13 minutes of internet left
Vintage ad of the day: You can't start cola early enough! http://t.co/oxVAsSj8X4
@DaveRandom they also have an unhealthy obsession with declaring a tool absolutely wrong in all situations because it's not optimal in one
@PaulCrovella I think the issue is more the number of people who spend ages trying to come up with clever regex to prevent all the people who are signing up for stuff with dummy addresses. But also note that I actually wasn't complaining about this :-P
@PaulCrovella any discussion of tool needs to describe a situation. None fit the generic. Some fit the 99%. But if the situation isn't specified, it's assumed to be the 99% one. Hence why some of us say it's wrong. It doesn't mean that there aren't sitautions where it works or is good or even best. It just means the wide case isn't that. Now if you specify the situation then fine...
I really wish JSON permitted redundant trailing commas,
lol, that one was a typo but totally leaving it there
@ircmaxell frustrating is that it's being presented as absolute unqualified gospel where it would be trivial to say: "if you're in a position where it makes sense to send a confirmation email anyway, you're better off relying on that and skipping anything beyond the loosest, most basic (e.g. contains @) validation." Also the conflation of "verification" and "validation", which are separate concepts that serve different (only sometimes overlapping) goals, but that may be pedantry.
anybody here know how to increase session time in php? I've my session timeout set to 30 days in cakephp but it's expiring very soon after I have changed my server from shared to vps
@DaveRandom I am not sure why you want it, but I use trailing commas in PHP so my future diffs are smaller.
@LeviMorrison also it's just generally easier to work with when you are hand-crafting it, means you can do things like move elements around in the structure and copy/paste to duplicate elements without having to worry about moving the final comma around
@ShubhamNishad: Look at the session ini settings - note you need to set both cookie_lifetime and gc_max_lifetime as far as I know
@ShubhamNishad: Also read the notes - if you have multiple applications on your server you need to give them separate session save_paths as the lowest settings always apply to shared save paths
ohh, i had only increased session.cookie_lifetime
there is just one save path in php.ini
session.cookie_path = /
I have my website built with CakePHP and wordpress
on the same server
@ShubhamNishad: No - that's the cookie_path - there's a separate value called session.save_path which tells php where to save sessions on the server (this, along with the other settings can be changed at runtime, so it's possible that other apps aren't using the global values set in php.ini)
(cookie_path relates to what URLs the cookie applies to, in combination with cookie_domain, cookie_secure and cookie_httponly)
okay, i have changed the gc_max_lifetime and session.cookie_lifetime time to 2592000
since session.save_path is kinda confusing I have left it commented out
hopefully scripts will work normal again
@AndreaFaulds because of you, php IDEs now have cryptic errors
$body = "Bonjour </br></br> Le client " . $params['civilite'] . " " . $params['nom'] . " " . $params['prenom'] . " de l'entreprise " . params['entrepise'] . " souhaiterais être rappelé au " . $params['telephone'] . ".";
IDE says "not available in your php version"
@FlorianMargaine ?????
do you get what the problem is?
hint: it's related to this
Missing $
Blame @bwoebi, he implemented it :p
@FlorianMargaine Better would be "no such constant"
Since you can deref constants before 5.6, if they're strings
@AndreaFaulds how do you guess that with the magic of autoloads et al in an IDE...
@FlorianMargaine constants can't be autoloaded, for starters
posted on January 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by TeeMonie */

@AndreaFaulds I mean constants loaded through some autoloaded file
@HassanAlthaf I happen to be female, yes.
@FlorianMargaine Modern PHP IDEs have already indexed your entire project for autocomplete
then his IDE sucks
What IDE?
@AndreaFaulds asking. He seems to be gone.
was gonna write a rant about FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL
Does travis CI have any support for compiling against PHP master?
Or a relatively up to date version of "7" ?
Nope, you will have to set it up yourself
@AndreaFaulds netbeans
@nikita2206 Ain't nobody got time for that.
is there a known issue with SoapClient for php5.4.16? i have php_soap.dll enabled in the php.ini but it's giving me a class not found error in php
@Shane Is it the correct ini?
Did you restart your server?
yeah, phpinfo() also says its enabled
yeah restarted still no go
windows os
simply says PHP Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found in "*"
@Danack nope :(
hey @rdlowrey
I see Aerys requires PHP 5.6 nowadays :)
Yeah it does. It will require 7 as soon as that's released.
I haven't done extensive benchmarking yet, but it's much faster running on 7 than before.
did you try running it on hhvm? or does that miss exts?
~60% faster.
@rdlowrey Your benchmarks are in line with the wordpress one
PHP 7 gets another 10% performance improvement from July... https://wiki.php.net/phpng#performance_evaluation @php http://t.co/YcOBwTv0cN
Going from 9,413,106,833 instructions to 2,899,707,051 ....is good.
@FlorianMargaine ouch
I liked NetBeans :<
@rdlowrey maybe do a callgrind and see if there's anything optimizable standing out? Though I guess you're pretty heavy on IO
@NikiC I haven't tried it, no. It could run without extensions there, but it wouldn't be capable of running in production on HHVM until the php-uv extension worked there. And @bwoebi and I are constantly fixing/updating that already.
@NikiC I haven't been able to test with php-uv yet because we still have some edge-case bugs in php-uv with php7 that need to be worked out. However, without any extensions it can return 80,000 hello world responses per second on Levi's box with 1,000 simultaneous client connections.
I expect that once all the php-uv extension is fully-functional for the 7 ABI that number could jump another 20-30% and could handle ~30k clients at once.
@rdlowrey in php-uv or in your reactor?
@bwoebi Well the problem very well could be in my userland reactor code, but that doesn't sound as good lol ;)
The exciting thing is that with the perf improvements in 7 you can accommodate 10,000 simultaneous users without any extensions at all on good hardware.
Thing I didn't realize until yesterday: array constants are available in 5.6.
I feel like there are so many new things arriving in each release it's hard to keep up with all of it.
@rdlowrey Yes, best hidden feature of PHP 5.6
@NikiC yeah… I really don't get why nobody realizes it…
Who cares about array constants when I have ...? Like seriously, did 5.6 need any other features?
People dump on the php release process and it's speed but I've become really impressed with the number of improvements that go into each release and the relative level of BC compatibility we still maintain.
(Seriously though, thanks bwoebi for better constants)
Yup, thanks @bwoebi. You need to do a better job of spamming people when you add cool stuff :)
Well, minor releases shouldn't break BC except for security or regressions or other major bugs.
Or if you use static closures.
static closures: -_________-
Okay, code. Available on ping as needed.
brb; going to see if PHP the Right Way recommends against late static binding.
@bwoebi Because it was sneaked in at the last minute?
As far as I can tell it isn't mentioned at all.
anybody know http://image.intervention.io/api/crop ?
I have a png with surrounding transparent space and I want to crop it to fit exactly around the boundaries of the a signature. I just need some sort of pointer how I would find the coordinates on the image
OK FML, I just saw trim
love it how the moment you ask a question you find the answer
@LeviMorrison You use variadics that much ...?
@Moak A form of rubber ducking ^^
@NikiC lol, thanks for introducing me to that term
@NikiC I tend to write a lot of library type stuff where it is fairly useful, yeah.
@ircmaxell just saw your reddit comment, lisp is both dynamic and static :P
mooning, @PeeHee
Posting for posterity and future emergency use:
@NikiC well… two months before release…
Soooooooo I have given up on creating a portable mysql project with real utf8 encoding
@NikiC I think it's more because the feature came with the scalar expressions and didn't have a separate RFC...
ERROR 1045 Not possible
@PeeHaa what exactly do you mean with this?
Working on a project which I thought would have been nice to use proper utf8 and mysql. But without actually go changing mysql's config this is just not possible
The main problem being keys being too large for the default config

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