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@Fabien I think it's a full time job....you'd certainly make yourself more employable if you know how to write chef/puppet stuff. But personally I don't enjoy it at all, so do it as little as possible.
@Danack You just described 90% of programming-related knowledge :)
Is this book like the Code Complete of systems.
> you'd certainly make yourself more employable if you know how to write <insert technology here> stuff. But personally I don't enjoy it at all, so do it as little as possible.
lol. 10% enjoyment. Damned widespread knowledge!
Oh you wanna know how to do this? Well you need to learn this this and this!
@rdlowrey so yeh, I accidentally make this possible:
@rdlowrey Actually I quite enjoy writing code to solve problems....
var_dump(stream_context_get_options(["test" => ["foo" => "bar"]], "test", "foo"));
string(3) "bar"
@Danack I'll save the link. But I can't in good conscience buy another book when I haven't finished any of the ones i got at ... christmas.
@Fabien No. It's presented as if it's a serious book, but it's actually written in a style of someone who has learnt all the lessons of how to fuck things up and is presenting those rules.
I'm listed as a PHP Developer on my contract. :P
@DaveRandom I'm confused about what's going on there.
For example:
13. A simple system, designed from scratch, sometimes works.
14. Some complex systems actually work.
15. A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works.
16. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.
17. The Functional Indeterminacy Theorem (F.I.T.): In complex systems, malfunction and even total non-function may not be detectable for long periods, if ever.
Quite relevant.
how are you?
Hello, I am Galstaff, Sorceror of LIGHT!
i recently started to do some testing with mockery
@rdlowrey stream_context_get_options() (like basically anything else that accepts a stream context) now also accepts arrays. It seems a bit weird but I concluded that not doing it would be a bit wtf if you are treating contexts and arrays as equal. I also added two optional args to stream_context_get_options() to complement stream_context_set_option() (don't even get me started on naming) for consistency and sanity
and then i thought about how boring is to create the mock entities one by one, and came by with an idea
@DaveRandom OIC
to get a current production snapshot entities to do some testing
Ok well I am knowledgeable enough (I think) to go as far as creating a few vagrant boxes (for environments) with puphpet and leaving it there for people to grab as needed. I can put those environments on the staging box too. I can't imagine us needing > 4
i started a simple library but i wonder if there is anything like this
@Danack I read "Galstaff" as "gall stone".
Flagstaff is a lovely place. The mountains of Northern Arizona are beautiful.
Darien Lake is there, no?
Fallstaff? Shakespeare?
Oh, nevermind.
Flagstaff definitely sounds like a double entendre
Or something
@markcial really you ought only to be mocking one or two things per test and having stub versions....but using github.com/rdlowrey/Auryn would make your life easier. You can just set up stub versions of everything and create delegates for the mock versions once.
thanks @Danack let me check this
its a nice point to create a dependency injection with mockery
but i am looking more into a database production doctrine to yaml, yaml to mockery way
so with this i create a hydrator that represents doctrine objects into yaml, and then when i want to test i create the mockery from this yaml files, that can be slightly modified for testing needs
@markcial urgh
oh hi @Ocramius
People, please, no YAML. No more, please.
if yaml is not recommended? what should i use? serialize?
TBH I don't think yaml is too horrible. At least my limited experience was not bad.
serialize is hard to modify by hand
JSON all the thingz!
@markcial it's a bit unrelated here, it's just a necessary quote
@markcial did you look at Alice?
@Ocramius i dont care if its json or xml or else
its something like that what i am looking for
but with an hydrator for doctrine
@markcial Auryn allows you to delegate the creation of objects to a callable....so you can , y'know, just write some code (which may or may not involve yaml) that does whatever the test needs.
@markcial why not use an array?
that's mainly for entities
and yes, arrays ftw ;-)
ok ok, i can do var_export too, but this is not the point
i am looking for a doctrine hydrator for exporting the doctrine data to another non db solid state
@markcial I think alice could extract data to those configs
i have to check better for the docs, i thought that that library was not able
i will check better, thanks @Ocramius
not sure either. Otherwise, writing a small hydrator is trivial
for opinionated APIs
check Zend\Stdlib - has some very simple/opinionated hydrators
@Ocramius do you have in the tickets of doctrine project any improvement like this?
any hydrator for alice?
otherwise go with JMSSerializer if you have looping data-structure
@markcial no, it's out of scope for doctrine core
i think that this would be kinda cool for production related issues
that you want to test speceifically
well, it would be a new lib
or an addition for alice/faker, not something that lands in the core features of the ORM
I'm fighting back against new features
yeah i didnt meant to be in the core
but a new feature
i just checked alice and it doesnt has any support for doctrine entity snapshots
How's the back these days @Danack?
@Fabien Back's good actually. The neck's shite. ;)
but as you said maybe writing some hydrator could be helpful to supply that missing feature on alice
@markcial yes, looks like something that could be added to alice
thanks for asking - although that answer is jokey, it's actually a good sign that the twist has moved futher up.....and hopefully has nowhere else to go.
@markcial one thing that I'd see as useful is gherkin exports as well
@Danack We can conclude it's moving upwards!
uhm nice one too
Is it supposed to move up?
@Fabien You should hear the noise I can make by pressing up and left on my skull.
@Fabien So it will soon be time to break free?
@Danack How about up up down down left right left right?
@Fabien It means that all the muscles in the back are sitting nicely with each other now, rather than fighting all the time. So now just need the muscles in the neck to get used to the new configuration of tendons.
@DaveRandom Que?
@Danack Is there a timeframe for this? Or just happens in its own time.
You're so old Dave -_- remember that.
I will however now play this on the work sonos.
@Fabien It pretty much does what it wants, and is just working it's way out slowly.
I hate reddit (and I responded to that post... a +1 woulnd't hurt ;-)
Why can't hosting providers simply list wtf they have and not just throw in free this, unlimited that? :)
@ircmaxell I always hear that someone hates reddit. But.. yet always that someone continues to read it again and again and again (:
lol, someone should do a natural language sentiment analysis of all the room 11 chat messages containing the word, "reddit"
@AlmaDo We're gluttons for punishment.
It's part of our fallible nature as human beings.
I know, I know :p
PHP sucks (in general and also) when web-browser is not your only source of requests
Or even worse, E_SOCKET?
and.. nothing wrong with sockets
Joe got a few more donations. We may reach £11k yet :P
@DaveRandom ah yes, i didn't notice that ... i typically only check the length, but since that could be ambiguous (the passed string could be empty) a null check is better :)
@AlmaDo No? Well, looking forward for your socket implementations with php. ;)
That said, the length was also undefined anyway heh
@Leri ?? there is sockets extension - it works just fine
@tereško PHP is the embodiment of the 80-20 rule. It's great for the 80, while completely ignoring the 20.
@AlmaDo Socket extension works but network programming is not just about sending packets back and forth. You need to think about simultaneous connections when you implement server.
@Leri so what's wrong with that? I did that.. it's ok. Well, my code (in terms of OOP) sucks, but nothing wrong with socket server, I think. Also, @DaveRandom helped me there a lot
@AlmaDo You don't get much non-blocking stuff with php and programming socket with php is huge pita, when you can do the same with C# or Java.
@Leri why? It's quite well works with non-blocking things..
can't get what's the trouble
@AlmaDo React php is the only thing I have seen so far...
guys, how can I do a file upload via a REST API in PHP?
may be you mean some "comfortable" things - but sure you can implement all the things with some code
@Leri You can do non-blocking everything with PHP.
@rdlowrey exactly
And you don't need react to do it.
file access?
php-uv extension gives you non-blocking filesystem access.
@rdlowrey maybe you know: when I send request as multipart/form-data, how to handle file upload ?
Continuous delivery... Go!
And you can also emulate it in userland with pthreads (though it's not an optimal solution) using local loopback sockets for IPC.
@tereško Define "handle."
I see only
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="Q93kkkJ.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
it is NOT helpful
@tereško The browser doesn't show the whole thing in the console.
@tereško So you need to parse the message body into the individual fields?
You just need a MIME parser ... @DaveRandom might have one.
Wait, what? With plain php that's in $_FILES no?
@Jack Yeah, $_FILES already parses all that for you
Right. To the man (or woman) who wants to be a millionaire. Create a continuous delivery system for web agencies to deploy sites.
Right .. so I'm confused as to what the problem is.
@Fabien Uh, github?
@rdlowrey In userland (I know about pthreads and for the dev who has only ftp access to the public root that's not an option)? :-)
@rdlowrey not one that's worth using
@Leri Userland async. Faster than curl. No extensions necessary: github.com/rdlowrey/Artax
@rdlowrey More depth!
I want beanstalk queues. Structure. Environments! Moar!
I want a button on my keyboard that says "Deploy"
Pff, I want Siri to deploy my site.
@Fabien That wooshing sound you just heard was your fancy shmancy deployment needs rushing right over my head.
"OK, Google: deploy my site"
"Google: Ok, destroying site."
@Fabien Yeh I know, having to do Ctrl + A + Del + S is a huge pita
@Fabien It's actually pretty damn easy to make an automatic deploy system solely using Git hooks
lol :P
Git hooks aye?
Lemme see if I still got the link
@Fabien easy cake. I can do this with 5-th mouse button click
@Danack this. exactly this.
@Danack "Google: Ok, just let me read through everything in your site so I can better serve you and your users advertisements first."
@rdlowrey heh. But seriously. A book on DevOps for the Agency without a Sys Admin could sell well.
@Fabien I'm not sure "sell well" means what you think it means ;)
@rdlowrey Screw it, I'll have the MSO paperclip do it instead
All hail, Clippy!
be pirated well*
@SecondRikudo reading
@Fabien a shell command would be good enough for me
yeah. We already moved to branching our code (yes only recently).
I built a bash script to dbcopy that needs testing
I could mix them.
Yeah, well, I want a team of hot chicks to deploy my site; and I want to see them kneed and compress that JavaScript and CSS ... turns me on </ot>
Ohh, and the eggs .. yum yum
@Jack Such large round balls
@rdlowrey Well, that goes down to Alert's NativeReactor. Which seems to be userland event loop. If my without execution dependency finding skills are right, does there exist documentation so I can play around with raw async tcp/udp stuff?
@Leri Off the back of Alert or just in general?
Not that it matters, there isn't really such a document afaik
@DaveRandom I mean Alert mostly. Socket extension is.. well.. okay.
No, I haven't bothered to document the alert functionality at all :)
There's not a lot to it though, the interface should be enough documentation I would have though...
All you have to do, though, is ...
Good morning.
@Leri Yeh ext/sockets is not currently supported
$socket = stream_socket_client(...);
stream_set_blocking($socket, false);
$reactor->onReadable($socket, function(){});
In my experience you don't really need ext/sockets unless you have extremely specific requirements.
@rdlowrey what is needed is stream_import_socket()
I need to reset a user password in some convenient way. I was going to use uniqid(). Is this horribly insecure?
(when using select() based loops, anyway)
Does php-uv support ext/sockets resources?
@DaveRandom I am agree with all. But it's difficult to interchange between ext/sockets and native streams because of things like stream filters and chains.
@DaveRandom I think so.

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