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Lol nice spike
phptek was last week wow just missed it
Did i see you talking about angular the other day?
I've used it, recently
Just wondering have you played with Ember?
not really
Going back to angular, what was your take @ircmaxell?
wondering if you had a preference between the two
@Fabien I liked it
How about backbone? I ask because we've opted for backbone over angular at work but I have yet to hear an opinion that prefers it given those choices.
@Fabien never worked with it, but debugged it once, and nearly deleted the entire website in the process (out of frustration)
lol. Sounds familiar to my experience.
I have only tried Ember so far it was pretty cool, I haven't tried Angular so was just seeing if anyone had played with both
I go to a meetup here and one of the guys who comes works with one of the main contributors to ember so I tried it
I think I need to stay away from JS frameworks till my JS isn't terrible.
If PHP is any indication
This work for anyone else or crash some chrome pages like it does for me? harrieverveer.nl/slides/phpunit_handson.pdf
Loaded in FF
> Google workforce is too WHITE and MALE, admits white male HR boss
What a load of poop.
Who's this "workforce" guy?
No idea. Source. I just typed 'Google' in to FF to stop it loading the pdf it was trying to
That news story popped.
@Fabien unfortunately, companies have to hire good specialists , not good black/white/brown/gray/yellow/pink/green males/females
Right person for the job.
my current company has as 1:4 ratio of female:male employees
All our upper management are men.
and the girl who does the technical design (which is basically project planning, since PMs are clueless) and girl who does the frontend development are several levels above any guys that I have seen in similar positions
I looked at this today.
Notice anything about the names on the left vs right?
Left is the Doctors btw.
@tereško it is well known that women are much more organized than men
hell .. in past 2 days I interviews 3 candidates (guys) for additional "frontend dev" positions
for 2 of them I was tempted to replay: no, you cannot work here, we do not hire dumb people
heh. You give any feedback?
@Ocramius .. emm .. no
@tereško 1 wasn't dumb? tell me more!
@Fabien I try to be neutral in interviews. If I let my "inner voice" out in an interview, they would leave crying
Why not? I personally find them much more organized than any of my male acquaintances
We're struggling to hire a Front End dev atm. One guy was good but when offered the position at a rate higher than they wanted to be pay (because that's what he asked for) he proceeded to ask for more :P
@tereško Constructive criticism. Sometimes being a little mean gets the point across though.
BTW any good video/tutorials on getting in to TDD anyone can recommend? I just spent 20 minutes getting in to one where most of the talk isn't on the slides. :(
@Fabien not really. There is the "clean code talk" and the rest of it is trying yourself
Ah. I have watched that. I guess it's the trying myself that's to do.
I should re-watch it anyway.
@Fabien simple rule: don't write any code that isn't designed to make your failing test pass
there were few lecture about phpunit in the PHPUK youtube channel
but IIRC, they were not really all that useful
@Ocramius I feel like I know more about writing testable code than writing tests. :P Dumb as it may sound.
that's all you need to get started, writing "good tests" is another topic that you get later
The part I really struggle with is knowing how to write something I am not going to scrap and start again 24 hours later.
@Ocramius that actually doesnt work for me
@Fabien that is a side-effect
@tereško it works for me to some extent. I also don't follow the rule strictly, but I did for a month or so just to learn all the horrible edge cases :D
I tend to design the class first, then write tests, then rewrite the class so that it actually works with the tests .. and then refactor
I cannot "design" in tests
@tereško ah, yes, I don't design via tests either
we are taling about API design
Isn't that more BDD? Or am I not getting BDD?
create the API > test the API > refactor the API > improve tests
I don't do TDD
@Fabien BDD incentrates on the final result. You don't introspect anything in BDD, you don't even know with what your app is built
some confuse it with functional tests :P
... well ... I guess I use "proper TDD" when I revisit older code that already has proper tests, because then it is about altering the already-defined behavior
Too many tests...
Well the idea of write, test, write, test makes a little more sense to me.
well not more sense but eases my feelings about what I don't understand.
it kinda depends on how you "design"
My problem is my lack of design
my problem usually is "lack of clue"
@ircmaxell will you be around on weekend? I would like to extract some of your CI experience.
/me has been thinking of starting to implements some CI-lite stuff in the company's development process
@Fabien you could try BDD then
I'll try anything once.
if you have no clue, then you don't understand the problem. Writing down the problem in such way that you understand it will make it much simpler to build a solution for it.
Lack of experience mostly.
My department has a ratio of 0:5 of female:male employees.
When your department is small it is easy to look sexist.
I think we've had exactly 2 female candidates to apply for jobs in the entire decade of existences.
I'm not updated, but do the "whoever is making up this sexism shit" jump when man risk lives on front line?
My psychology course had a 28:3 F:M ratio when I was in my 3rd year.
No one prohibits 'em to do anything that males do, it's just not their choice.
Truth be told, I've seen more sexist stuff coming from females to females.
Women aren't the problem. Men aren't the problem. People are dicks regardless of gender.
No one is problem expect idiots (genderless).
@teresko I should be. Ping me and we can talk
Yay! New project! Loads of space for over-engineering \o\
1 hour later…
Should strtotime work on this string? "12/17/2004, 9:34 AM PST"
@JoeWatkins did you mean me?

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