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@SecondRikudo All I can say is you're lucky it was a full moon.
@NikiC I'm thinking of responding to that thread with this: gist.githubusercontent.com/ircmaxell/ad6353b4f87e156a3139/raw/… can you read it and let me know your thoughts?
ah you mean the manga? No I havn't
I'm a little behind
@Fabien lol
@SecondRikudo You playing it dirty again? :P
@Naruto The rain is flooding my shit... I'm mad.
@ircmaxell +1
On a related note: can we remove room-11.github.io/#do_6 ?
go for it
@webarto put your pc inside? :D
Is there any php plugin which can crop image in multiple sizes with "Art Direction" ?
@Naruto Cars in garage :P
@PeeHaa what, not the ugt! noooo~
@webarto mm, problem :D
aight, hungry, time to go to the store and get me some food to cook :D
@PeeHaa yes, good night to #6 :)
@LeviMorrison actually we can't merge into master as long as we haven't decided if we do a 5.7 branch first or not.
Doesn't really matter; that branch gets made from master.
@ImranBughio What is "Art direction"?
A lot of those rules can be removed tbh. Not like anyone really reads them :P
@LeviMorrison huh? I want to not have e.g. 64 bit ints in a possible 5.7
but if we have already merged 64 bit into master, what now?
22 mins ago, by ircmaxell
@NikiC I'm thinking of responding to that thread with this: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ircmaxell/ad6353b4f87e156a3139/raw/364105c772‌​4ff64c929921116af016ec1ea5216a/gistfile1.txt can you read it and let me know your thoughts?
can you give that a read, and provide feedback?
@LeviMorrison Merging that patch to master would be, quite likely, phenomenally stupid
@NikiC PHPNG has to be more so.
@LeviMorrison Two patches of that size must be coordinated
@NikiC Agreed, but not merge into PHPNG.
Just merging it into master and then dealing with the fallout is a bad idea
@LeviMorrison Of the given voting options, that is preferable. Though really I think this should not have been voted now, before further coordination
No offense to you but PHPNG is basically a disaster in my opinion. It's thrown out basically all php internals rules/guidelines on development.
@ircmaxell Not sure what that tells us?
Well, I just removed my vote there. I'm not sure anymore what to vote and my opinion now is too influenced by two parties of which I'm not sure which one is right or wrong.
@NikiC did you read the body? It doesn't clarify a bunch of the outstanding questions from that thread?
Like, I get that if you use size_t you can work on larger data, that is obvious. But limiting to smaller data to save memory does not seem like an issue to me. I don't see how it is any less safe.
Hello Dejan,

I'm not aware of any problems at this time with people.php.net. Please let me know if it has problems as it could also impact a few other php related services and we are hosting it (and replaced it 2(?) months back.

Regards, Mark
@LeviMorrison ^ can you confirm this, no problems on people then?
that's the thing. The data isn't limited. It's just the size field of the container that is.
@ircmaxell so?
@webarto What problems on people? It's accessible, yep…
@webarto I don't recall any problems in the past two months, no.
OK, then they've changed the server :)
It seems our mailinglists need help though.
I've received only a fraction of the mail I'm supposed to be getting.
If you create the data using a uint32_t size argument, then that also limits the size of the data
@NikiC so then assume that select() is broken. All of those security people who are saying that you shoud use size_t, and the standards that exist that say you should use it, are all wrong
@LeviMorrison I'm not getting php-cvs :/
@ircmaxell don't pull that on me.
@NikiC I think to have read that mail is only not delivered to @php.net adresses? maybe you used on internals not your php.net one, but just on cvs list?
@NikiC no, because the data is a pointer. We've already built proofs-of-concept where you can concatonate 2 strings together to get a negative string length, or even if you use unsigned, wrap
I was going to put return types into RFC but with the ML problems I'm not going to.
What do you mean by select() being broken?
@ircmaxell That's an implementation error
@LeviMorrison Yeah, something is weird there.
If you do addition / multiplation / whatever on a limited-size integer, you need to perform overflow checks, simple as that
@NikiC you're right. It's an error because you can't always detect those overflows. That's what that linked vulnerability indicates
You'd have to perform them for size_t as well
@NikiC that's the exact point. you can't portably do those overflow checks
@NikiC no. Because malloc would then just fail.
@NikiC no, but with size_t, you can write code so that it would literally never overflow.
@ircmaxell how?
@NikiC by using subtraction instead of addition
not sure I get that
if (size_a > SIZE_MAX - size_b) // overflow would occur
@ircmaxell if (size_a > UINT32_MAX - size_b)
what's the difference between size_t and any other unsigned integer type there?
@NikiC because size_t is the final type
@bwoebi Not really - you need to do overflow check before hand. That's why we have safe_emalloc.
@ircmaxell hm?
(I'm assuming size_a and size_b are uint32_t there, of course)
@NikiC yes, but you still need to ultimately do the cast
@ircmaxell but only ever an up-cast. which is always safe
@NikiC you know that 100% of the time? The spec doesn't say it will always be an upcast...
@ircmaxell you mean cases where size_t is smaller than unsigned int?
I'm just saying that the spec defines size_t specifically for this use case. And it makes guarantees that it will always work for the use case. No other guarantees are made with any other data types.
If that is your concern, then yes, that is a valid concern - and totally irrelevant in practice. I'd doubt our code is capable of supporting such a system.
@NikiC why? Can't we just bail out if malloc() fails? Actually malloc() cannot return bigger memory chunks than size_t is anyway? It'd always fail then and we'd never have to do manual overflow checks.
good mornings, this evening
@ircmaxell The spec only guarantees that size_t can hold the size of any object - that's the one and only thing it guarantees. If we only ever allocate objects with 32bit sizes, then we can have that same guarantee with uint32_t
@bwoebi Size is determined before malloc call, that's why you need to do overflow check and bailout before it (see safe_address)
@bwoebi picture an unsigned type. malloc(bar + 2);. Well, if bar = SIZE_MAX, then malloc will receive 1 as a parameter, and then allocate 1 byte. It wouldn't fail
@NikiC If we only ever allocate objects with 32bit sizes <-- nowhere in the system is that limitation present. Nor is there any way for the compiler to actually enforce that
@ircmaxell We need to enforce that for size_t just the same.
I.e. do overflow checks
As already mentioned
We may not always do that right now - but that's a separate concern that exists independently of the used type
ok, I'm done
I'm not going through any deeper on this
@ircmaxell Btw, I genuinely don't understand the issue
Not just arguing for the sake of discussion here
I've provided references, and shown why other people smarter than either of us think that this is important. And yet it's still wrong. So, no point in going further
@ircmaxell I haven't found anything in those references pertaining to this issue - the references were about int/unsinged int to the most part.
@ircmaxell what? wait? you mentioned me?
@NikiC except that they all specifically indicate to use either ptrdiff_t or size_t for that exact use
@ircmaxell Yes, of course - that's the default type I'd use. But none explicitly explain why using another unsigned integer type would be problematic, in the given setting.
@NikiC can you show one that says it's ok to use another unsigned integer type (aside from uintptr_t)?
@ircmaxell I wouldn't know what to search for
@DemCodeLines I assume you got an elephpant?
It's random ^^
Yep, that's the one.
Why are they all so wanky? :P
@Fabien because... PHP
@ircmaxell I'd appreciate it if some example can be found where the use of uint32_t is unsafe, but size_t is safe (and sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(uint32_t))
I have doubts that it exists, but maybe it does and I'm just missing something
@NikiC as mentioned, it's pretty easy to allocate more data than uint32_t can address
@ircmaxell Okay, so let me put that in code
char *str_concat(char *str1, size_t len1, char *str2, size_t len2) {
    char *str = malloc(len1 + len2);
    // memcpy, I'm lazy
    return str;
^-- size_t variant
And that size_t variant is broken, of course
Because it tries to allocated more than size_t can address
it's not saying you can't break anything with size_t if you implement it incorrectly
it's saying that you can't implement uint32_t which can accept arbitrary data.
That is what I'm trying to say: You need to make sure in the very same way that the size is correct, for size_t as well
@ircmaxell Oh - no argument there.
Yes, it means you can't use strings more than 4G. That's a given
but we're talking about an engine here. We're not talking about a one-off piece of code
@NikiC Well, not so precisely. It means that you can't indicate that a string is more than 4gb
@ircmaxell So yes, I'm talking about doing a conscious design decision to limit strings to 4G size in order to save memory.
an extension could still allocate way more than 4gb
@ircmaxell Yes - then only 4gb of that allocation would be usable
@NikiC which I still indicate is wrong, because it can get you into a situation where the compiler thinks everything is ok. The runtime thinks everything is ok. And you're still in an inconsistent state. Which is NOT good
@ircmaxell That's the part I don't follow. I get that we limit the strings we can work with - but, under the assumption of correct overflow checking everywhere, I don't think it would allow any inconsistent state.
@NikiC if the pointer has 5 gb allocated, but you only can represent 4gb worth of length, you're inconsistent
@ircmaxell So you must prevent allocating 5 gb strings
You must prevent that not only because it doesn't make sense if only 4 gb are addressable, but also - and more importantly - because sizet_t could just as well be 32 bit and then the 5gb string would turn into an overflow
@ircmaxell Not sure why you link that one in particular - but I'm arguing from the perspective of "overflows are correctly checked". If they aren't (they currently aren't) then that is the issue that needs to be fixed
@NikiC strlen returns size_t. So there is a possibility there for an overflow. But even worse is that if you don't duplicate the string (which happens everywhere), you can wind up in the situation trivially
@ircmaxell Ah, you mean the strlen()...
so - a 4GB stack allocated string?
so unless you're talking about limiting the object size from the memory manager directly (adding an if to emalloc), you can't do it safely. And if you add that if to emalloc, you're adding an arbitrary limitation, for what's at most a trivial amount of memory. Hell, Dmitry's own benchmarks show speed improvements in some cases depending on the code in question.
@NikiC no, it could be heap allocated as well. It's more that both strlen and the pointer being used directly are a double-problem
In phpng for example all string allocations go through one centralized function - easy to do an overflow check
@NikiC they do?
In old PHP - that's more problematic obviously
@ircmaxell zend_strings I mean
like I said: they do?
well yeah
opcache probably has separate handling for shm of interned strings
but apart from that
can you show an example of that?
of what?
of that allocation function and how all strings used everywhere must go through that?
well, and the one below that as well
the one below that btw is unsafe
because it computes size with size_t and then stores in int len
But as said, that is the issue that has to be fixed :)
there's a lot of issues with those
@ircmaxell Not arguing - just saying that it goes through centralized code, so it's easy to do a centralized overflow check
in the safe alloc one it should go
but I also fail to see why that's the only way to allocate a string
@ircmaxell how else would you allocate it?
emalloc directly...?
@ircmaxell You don't emalloc a zend_string directly
you use STR_ALLOC
otherwise you'd have to initialize the structure yourself
again, nothing about the structure prevents me from doing so. Nor will the compiler actually prevent me or even warn for doing so
@ircmaxell yes, if you go out of the way trying to break the system, you will be able to do that
with uint32_t, you're best bet is that all code is correct. The compiler can't help you. It's on you to determine that. WIth size_t, at least the compiler can help you
But manually allocating a zend_string is not something you can "just do" or do accidentially
@ircmaxell The compiler won't tell you about size_t overflows either - it's still your job.
@NikiC true, but static analysis tools that are already built will
@ircmaxell And those can't detect overflows in other types?
@NikiC overflows, yes. but that's not the issue we're talking about
Well, that might actually be a point in favor of size_t - It might be better supported by static analysis
I guess this is the intermission.
@Nikic Do you know of anyone who has used your PHP-Parser to make something that looks a lot like Zend/Code but that isn't full of bugs?
@Danack is that for code generation?
Yes, it does code inspection, allows you to modify it (e.g. access flags, add methods) and then generate the new version of the code.
Explaining DMARC to a mailing list full of non-technical people can be fun, right? Right?
@Danack There are a few code generation projects listed here: github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/wiki/…
Not sure how they measure up to Zend/Code though
@NikiC Er - I'll have a look because github.com/zendframework/zf2/issues/created_by/…
They aren't using a real parser, so edges cases can be found in their 'approximate' parser.
@Danack The issue is usually that people want to preserve formatting when modifying code automatically
PHP-Parser doesn't do that, so it's not usable in many cases
@NikiC ZendCode only supports PSR-2 and no formatting options, so it wouldn't be worse.
@_teresko @igorwhiletrue you should be a comedian
@LeviMorrison You'll be happy to know that after four hours of trying, failing and learning new things about GNU make I finally succeeded in embedding the php interpreter into a binary with libuv :)
$ ./main test.php
hello, world
Dear Sir or Madam,


Best Regards,
The PHP script on host19 that threw an uncaught exception
^ email that just arrived in my inbox
very apt description.
Just looking now, I very much hope that whoever did that also logged the exception message/trace somewhere...
I doubt it, it said that the exception wasn't caught ... </troll>
We don't see @igorw much here anymore :(
@Shog9 whenever can you start lurking in here so we can let you know when we need answers moved for the PDO question?
when I finish this slice of delicious rhubarb pie
Fair enough. You may have to bring some with you though, I could get on that wagon
I love rhubarb pie
In fact I may go to Aldi and buy some rhubarb in a bit, they've got some good cheap rhubarb in at the moment
Aldi... -_-
you're not in the US, are you @Dave
You didn't need to specify cheap. It's assumed.
There's nothing wrong with Aldi
@Shog9 No UK
When shopping for a bargain. Yes.
jeez, I can not believe how many packages has gone all static functions =/
been a while since I've walked into an Aldi here, but IIRC they were pretty much limited to pallets of processed food.
and milk, for some reason
I guess if you're buying a truckload of Sugar Crisp, you need the milk
@Fabien And general groceries tbh (not bread). They don't sell organic milk and tend to buy some things in industrial quantities from Costco, but for things that I use a lot of but don't want to keep a shitload of in the house (f.e. eggs, butter, veg) they are really good - same quality as sainsbury's lower price. Also booze (esp. wine).
Actually we have a Lidl near by, Aldi's twin. The veg is stupidly large.
Wouldn't buy meat from those places though.
No I don't buy meat from there
But then... I don't know why you'd buy meat from anywhere other than Costco
heh. We use a local butcher.
(or a proper butcher, but they are few and far between :-()
Prices are cheaper than stores and quality is higher.
Yeah. Local butchers are dying out. Source: My father in-law is a family butcher shop owner.
@Fabien Yeh, I live in Salford. We don't have one of those. We have a man on the precinct who sells "game", which I'm fairly sure is pigeons he shot on the precinct the previous day.
So presumably some guy Salford council hired to keep the pigeon population under control.
They should repurpose him to keeping the chav population under control.
Is anybody has own chat server?
@rdlowrey :) Good for you.
CSS is gay.

Showing 7 changed files with 281 additions and 185 deletions.
How much difference did that make? I vertically centred something. Yay.
And with that, I'm going to home, or possibly go kill myself
Catch y'all later.
@DaveRandom See you tomorrow (aka don't kill yourself)
@JoeWatkins @bwoebi If you guys need help with phpdbg docs you should join #php.pecl right now
noooo... We want them to do docs for us. Really not wanting to docbookify existing phpdbg_help.c…
ajf said he had a few weeks free.
I'm there too…
@Levi btw. this PR won't be merged as long it is unclear what the correct behaviour is. Maybe it's yours. Nobody knows.
I am certain it is correct. I could be wrong, but I am pretty confident.
I know at least our current behavior is broken.
@Shog9 -- regarding that PDO question you handled for me -- thanks! We had also envisioned the question itself being marked as CW, so that random new user doesn't get blown up with UV
@Chris done
Thank you very much, sir :)
@Danack In context of responsive images "Art Direction" means: coping/slicing images in a right | left | top |down or center(default) that the point of interest is always shown. i.e: a man standing on the right side of the image occupying 100px where total width of image is 1000px, now when i run the php function to crop the image to 100px width it should crop it toward the right side making sure person is still in image .... where normally image gets cropped from center.
@ircmaxell I'm not sure what is so disagreeable ...
I said we should defer to the experts we have in some cases and you said you disagreed so strongly that you couldn't put it into words :s
Oh, the assertion that they are the gatekeepers of what quantifies as a good idea and what doesn't
And the thought that because they have committed a lot of code means they are an expert (in general)
meritocracies don't work
I think you are thinking I was saying grant zend these powers, I wasn't, I was saying the reverse, right now they do have these powers, although nobody wants to admit it, I'm suggesting that we remove the power to effect the development of php and distribute it among those who are qualified to make decisions, in place of the 40 people who I have no idea who they are or what they do ...
@ImranBughio It's called gravity... and use Imagemagick.
that might include some zend programmers, but should obviously not give them a majority in any voting ...
I'd feel much happier if 20 people had the power to vote, and all those people knew what they were voting on ...
Right now Zend has a small number of votes
@JoeWatkins I think you are thinking I was saying grant zend these powers <- not at all.
And a lot of unqualified personnel has votes ^^
oh my ....
I've said it before, the fact that votes are needed show that there's a problem
I think it's very close to meaningless anyway ...
I was explaining to someone what Zend is to PHP, and it was hard, and I was probably wrong, because no one knows.
@webarto That's because there is a lot of different "Zend" in PHP
@NikiC As in company.
Hi There
I just don't get why some people vote when they're unqualified to vote on that subject. They always have a possibility to not vote. <insert here xkcd with thought knowledge vs. real knowledge>
@user1728565 hi
@bwoebi it's a tricky subject. Who says if someone is qualified. I know a lot of qualified people who only voted because someone else said to. That doesn't mean their vote is right, but they are qualified. Voting is a tricky, and sub-optimal thing in the first place.
I need a guideline about which framework should use for music website
it's only suboptimal because anyman and his dog can vote
I am not much avaire of php freamworks learning
Site should contain advanced search engine for songs by tag, Genre, artist, mood, tempo, year, keywords, key, vocals, male and female, year released, BPM, length and other advanced criteria.
Play Music, Pause, Fast Forward, Rewind, Create Multiple Playlists, Save Playlists, Email Playlists create projects (for example someone should be able to create projects like "Music for Opening scene" and add songs to their projects, add a playlist to the project and other like features.
When logging in viewers can create, save, edit, email, share, and delete multiple projects and playlists
@JoeWatkins Hey, my doge is smart.
@webarto isn't the Zend company consisting of some people who rewrote (some?) part of php and named it the zend engine?

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