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got it ..
Finally resetting my mac at work so I can install a proper setup on it :)
Goodbye MAMP
Hello freedom
in this program : pastebin.com/ugr86XuA if i use the start directly inside the insert function , then the program executes but when passed as a parameter .. the program just terminates .. not responding and then close the program
the c++ppl are very rude
they called me a bitch
That's what C++ does to people.
For the sake of full disclosure:
in Lounge<~C++>, 8 mins ago, by DeadMG
@MortenKristensen He linked to a dump of his program and bitched that it didn't work.
Cheers Detective Dan
That's not "calling you a bitch". </pedantic>
Might be slippery, watch out.
but they are rude anyway
They are an eccentric bunch.
@Fabien I'm always on duty ;-)
they could have said that they won't help... i didn't understand what they meant by start->stop .. i don't have a stop pointer
@shortCircuit They're telling you to use a debugger - which is a valid point.
^^ Well, keep in mind you're in the PHP room now, so unlike experiencing rudeness out of noobing up the on-topic room, you might experience rudeness (or probably silence) for noobing up an off-topic room.
@Gordon then what do you think is better work with curl, do you work before with ssrsphp.codeplex.com ?
Hi, everyone
Is there anyone who know the answer for stackoverflow.com/questions/22258770/error-in-cron-job
If you're looking for a http client I suggest Artax
@Fabien What does that exactly do/mean? I've been trying to ask that.
That's not a PHP/cron error. THat's MySQL denying your script access. You're using the wrong credentials, which is NOT php or cron's fault — Marc B 57 mins ago
@Simon_eQ How do you mean? http client?
@Fabien Let's start from that
Well you know what HTTP is?
Think of it literally then. A client for HTTP.
As silly/obvious as it sounds.
@Charles But what if script work manually?
@Dexpras How are we supposed to know. You've omitted all of the information we need, such as, oh, I dunno the actual code that is failing. Edit it into the question.
A library to send http requests. Like curl but not wank.
@Fabien A library to send HTTP Requests? Isn't that the browser's job?
the best way to create a unique number of specific characters .. anyone?
@Simon_eQ I can't promise any more of an explanation without being incorrect myself but as far as I understand things... Browser is more like a interpreter for the message.
Maybe the mastermind & evil @rdlowrey has something to say on this.
Like http is postal service. The request is the letter but you need someone to open it and send it
but it's not a physical thing, it's a protocol.
Well, how that differ from get_headers(..,..) ?
@user3361854 Put the chars in an array, then call shuffle?
@Charles : what if 2 users shuffle function create the same result?
@user3361854 Tell us more about what you're actually trying to accomplish?
@Simon_eQ beyond my knowledge. I'm mostly just fawn over stuff @rdlowrey creates.
What are we talking about?
@Fabien Well, I hate him because he is not noob friendly
I think we're talking about everybody shufflin'
You could always read RFC2616

@Simon_eQ I've not experienced that. He's always been encouraging IMO.
@Charles : i need to create a unique string for every user who comes online..The string with current date, time and other jumbled up letters can create a unique string .. but what if two strings match.. That's what I am worried about
53 secs ago, by Simon_eQ
@Fabien Well, I hate him because he is not noob friendly
@rdlowrey Just trying to lightly define Artax and how http/browser stuff work.
^ Back to tiny avatar jail it is.
@rdlowrey Lol, you must be kidding. That was a joke
Do you have a specific question about HTTP? Or are you just wondering about the protocol in general?
We really need a sarcasm tag :P (which is /s btw)
@Fabien yeah, that would really work.
@Charles So what do you think?
lol /s
@Danack I see what you did there.
@rdlowrey I just don't know, when it can be useful.
@Simon_eQ When HTTP can be useful or when my HTTP client library can be useful?
Or when an understanding of HTTP (generalities) can be useful.
@rdlowrey your HTTP client (Artax)
What does it do that get_headers() can't ?
Or is it even the same thing.
get_headers() will do something like this:
HEAD /some-uri HTTP/1.0
and it will immediately close the connection once it receives the response.
@user3361854 What are you doing with this string? What are you trying to accomplish?
Establishing the TCP socket connection required to make that request and receive the response is the slowest part of the HTTP process.
And get_headers() immediately throws away the TCP socket connection.
The thing you're doing sounds like it's duplicating existing effort (Session IDs, etc), so knowing what you're doing will help us help you find the right thing to do.
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

A good HTTP client can speak the HTTP/1.1 protocol which allows you to hold connections open to the same server and not close them after each individual request.
So Artax helps HTTP/1.0 to behave as non-stateless protocol ? ?
@JoeWatkins The Packagist stuff is working fine now. Installs correctly with pthreads 1.0.0 installed, gives the following error message if it's not "krakjoe/promises 1.0.0 requires ext-pthreads >=1.0.0 -> the requested PHP extension pthreads is missing from your system."
HTTP/1.0 closes connections by default. It doesn't have anything to do with stateless. All of PHP's built-in HTTP mechanisms will close connections after a response.
@Charles : Lets say I am creating a unique username.. there you go.
@Danack you expected that right ?
But beyond just performing much better than what you get from the built-in stream tools Artax allows you to retrieve lots of HTTP resources at the same time
Instead of one after the other in sequential order.
So, I assume the benefits are along the lines of multi-threading and hence speed-boost ?
@JoeWatkins First time I've used the 'require ext' functionality tbh. But also people are just terrible at reading Composer error messages - was telling you the error message so that when the inevitable wave of people say that it's broken and won't install, you can ask them about that error message.
Basically it comes down to this: if you need to download 1,000 HTTP resources the size of a standard webpage resource you can use the built-in PHP stream tools and do it in ~ 5-10 minutes or you could use Artax to accomplish the same thing in about ten seconds.
@Simon_eQ And with that summary, it's back to work with me. Good luck in your HTTP excursions :)
Cheers @rdlowrey
@rdlowrey I got it already. txs
Amazing stuff btw
@Dexpras : have you checked your database connection?
My script works manually
@Dexpras : what do you mean?
but cron job gives the same error as in the question
means If I run the script directly it works fine
@dexpras did you specify in the cron script that you are using the username "lenster" otherwise automatically it would connect using "root"
Sooo ... has anyone worked with ext/eio in conjunction with ext/libevent? Because Example #5 on the relevant manual page definitely isn't working with the latest version of the two extensions. Time to debug ...
@user3361854 OKay. So, create the string. Stick it in a database that has a uniqueness constraint. If the constraint fails, generate a new string. Make the string entirely random, don't rely on any user-supplied data, including IP, user agent, etc. Just pull it out of thin air. Given a large enough string, collisions are unlikely.
Actually I might be dumb and incapable of reading INSTALL.md files.
@Charles : yeah.. but actually creating a username and that not related to user at all seems to be a bit weird .. that becomes some sort of pin. but not so username-ish..
@user3361854 Random name generation isn't a new things. Online games have done it for ages. Hell, one of the aliases I use elsewhere all the time first came from a random name generator. It all depends on how it's used.
If you want hilarity, you could do something like source names from the Diceware list.
Though there are a few odd and moderately naughty ones on that list.
Oh yes, "die poop" is totally a great name.
Not bad for a random password generator, probably not the best random name generator.
Actually, I was right. ext/libevent and ext/eio are definitely not playing nice :/
> Currently this extension supports GNU/Linux and BSD platforms only. But you can try it on any UNIX OS.
You documenting this for historic purposes?
I don't know ... just kind of thinking out loud :)
We're your rubber duck... of sorts.
I was hoping to avoid having to implement support for the sendfile() system call available on good operating systems (read: not windows). ext/eio has a sendfile function but the extension has such limited OS support at this time I might have to do it myself.
Having access to sendfile() in userland would allow me to serve static files in aerys almost on a level with nginx
Sounds fast or whatever words stand for more at once
@rdlowrey A shame that the X-Sendfile header is nonstandard.
yeah :/
@rdlowrey Sorry for underestimating you all this time :)
It makes sense why cgray used Artax for the site crawler
> Yo mama so fat, when she goes camping the bears have to hide THEIR food
:D I love a good Yo' mama joke.
In this example, how are the "secret colours" calculated, or what are they? (the photo)
@HelpingHand random numbers
@NikiC Then how are more random numbers added after "Public transport" which computes a common secret?
@HelpingHand more random numbers?
Any idea why this returns false?
$prospects = array();
$prospects['total'] = $memberQuery->rowCount();
$prospects['results'] = $memberQuery->fetchAll();
> Yo momma so old she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook
ah, got it, wasn't setting db to UTF8
@HelpingHand DH only needs one secret number for each of the participants. The secret numbers in the second row and in the fifth row are the same
Warning: var_dump() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in...
@Fabien ^
Yo mama asked that question in SO :)
@NikiC Oh okay... Let me do some pen and paper calculation to see if I'm understanding this correctly...
@NikiC Yup... You're right... and then the last column is shared publicly without a problem?
@Simon_eQ oh dear .. downvote :P
I just received this: "What i want is to insert a url and load that page within my site. (like using i frames) fyi: i frames dosn't allow to load such pages due to security aspects. I used curl but it also wasn't successful coz curl can't capture the images with relative paths. I think using proxy is the only way out."
iframes do still work now a days, right ?
btw, today I met a friend. I think it's quite hacky but could be helpful ...
@NikiC Is this method not susceptible to mitm attacks, and is the password+random function hashed?
@HelpingHand It's fully susceptible to MITM
@NikiC Why?
@HelpingHand Are you still trying to do SSL without SSL?
For all the hours you've spent on this shit you could have bought 10 SSL certs
Assume you have C_A<->M<->C_B where M is the MITM. Now C_A sends A to C_M; C_M send p (instead of A) to C_B; C_B sends B to C_M; C_M send p (instead of B) to C_A; Now both sides will compute (g^p)^a or (g^p^)^b. As g^p = 1 (g is a generator of a cyclic group modulo p) that means they'll both compute the secret 1. Which is not very secret.
@rdlowrey Probably longer; given 1,000 requests one of them is bound to be delayed for whatever reason.
@NikiC Then how the heck does SRP do it??
Ah, crap, I messed up the math there ^^ When I say send p I mean p-1. As g^(p-1)=1
@NikiC And what good is any key exchange if this can happen as well??
@HelpingHand It's good as long as there's no MITM ^^
Which is why protocols like TLS, which can use DH for key negotiation, have a separate mechanism to ensure that there is no MITM
@NikiC Hmm... let me take a look at TLS...
@HelpingHand TLS == SSL
@NikiC Oh... crap. What is "DH"?
@HelpingHand Diffie-Hellman
@NikiC Ugh... And the third party Transport Layer Security does what?
Q: Is it appropriate for an employer to ask skilled professionals to do manual labor?

user16792Although I think it applies to many positions, I am a software developer (mid-level). The company is rather small (30-40). Recently, my employer brought up the idea that to help another department, me and the other software developer may be called upon to do various manual tasks such as moving b...

third party?
@NikiC Isn't TLS/SSL a third party?
Restate: "Have to be a third party"?
Signed by a third party
You create the private key yourself
@SuhosinPony Then what methods does it use that make it nearly-impossible to MITM or hack in general?
@NikiC Good-night... Thanks for all the help!
@HelpingHand First of all it uses a protocol which is specified to support secure communications. Second it uses Diffie-Helman key exchange afaik.
@SuhosinPony Where could I see that protocol... Say if I were wanting to create my own SSL... Hobby, remember?
@SuhosinPony OMG HC WTF...
@HelpingHand ?
@SuhosinPony On another note, are there any free SSL services, and are they any different than something I'd pay for?
@HelpingHand I know of StartSSL, I cant vouch for how good they are
@SuhosinPony Too long of an article... I'll leave it to the experts.
Have never tried them
They tried to validate my address when I signed up
@SuhosinPony Do they sell it for hackers or advertising? (your address)
I have no idea, I don't want to have my real address in my SSL cert
I dont go to all the hassle of buying domain with Bitcoin, securing it with whois protection and no real details known by the registrar to put it in a certificate
@SuhosinPony Wait a minute... which address? Internet domain?
Want you to verify
your physical address
Maybe they just said that to me because I genned a cert in North Korea though idk
@SuhosinPony By physical address, do you mean home address or internet address?
home address
@SuhosinPony 123 appleseed drive?
They asked me to prove I was Mr Anony Mouse, living in 100 Fake Street, Pyongyang :(
@SuhosinPony Gotcha... wouldn't want them to have my address either...
Gottago... thanks for the help!
@SuhosinPony sigh pretty difficult to stay anonym ...
@HamZa Yep, ask Satoshi :(
@SuhosinPony So it's now kind of official that he invented bitcoin ?
He denies it, but let's face it, everything we know about him is so very stereotypical that he may well be the real Satoshi.

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