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@Ja͢ck I was thinking of sometthing with unicorns..
When using windows, what is currently a good anti-virus to use? :)
@PaulCrovella s/propose to/break up with/
@Duikboot Linux?
I just use MSE, and don't go to porn sites
So no virus scanner
@Naruto Unicorns are hard to come by.
Pff, who needs virus scanners
@Ja͢ck that's why they are creative and original ;)
besides nonexisting?
fabricate one with the dog? :D
@Duikboot MSE/WD seems to be effective
How is Meta Stack Exchange going to do anything about viruses?
@Duikboot Kaspersky/Norton
Especially Internet Security
that's if you want pro-active security
That is basically the worst thing you can do to your poor computer
@DaveRandom yes, one of the best. Quite resource hungry though
Second only to McAfee.
mcafee lolwut...
Since when is it the best?
oh hehehehe
What's wrong about norton? Performance?
Seriously, if you have any of those things installed you may as well just turn the computer off and go do something else
@DaveRandom Arguments please
AVG Free does me just fine.
@Fabien AVG :D You could always just open the doors yourself and let them in.. :P
My virus scanner comprises common sense and is only affected by alcohol.
Well let's see, it eats up system resources doing fuck-knows-what even when the user isn't doing anything and especially when they are, they ask the user 300 times whether they actually meant to do something before letting it happen (which Windows already does by itself, btw), most importantly it **doesn't actually work**. I cannot count the number of times I have had to clean up computers that were "protected" by these fat beasts
...and in those cases, usually a couple of mbam and power-cycles does the job immediately.
(These are not may favourite pieces of software, you can probably tell)
@Naruto Works fine, as @Jack says the best guard is intelligence.
@Fabien I feel no AVG love man :( sorry..
Actually @Duikboot that's the one 3rd-party tool I would actually recommend: malwarebytes.org
But I only ever use the free version, and I only use it for cleaning up after stupid people
- The "issue" about norton/kaspersky asking several times the user about an action has been fixed.
- Resources isn't a problem on a developers machine with >=8gb of ram
- From experience, Norton and Kaspersky do a great job on making life a hell for malware spreaders/script kiddies
The pay-for version may also be worth while, but I've never actually used it.
The big problem with AV is it's hard to tell if it's working by definition, because if it's actually doing its job nothing will change on your computer...
@DaveRandom Agree
hi all, I have a question about java tcp server , can i ask here ?
@Farhad welcome to the php chatroom
@HamZa Thanks Hamza
You can ask, but you may be mercilessly torn apart by wild unicorns
It's a gamble. I guess that could happen anywhere at any time.
I know it's not good but that's important for me
And my question : Is it possible running java tcp server on lan ip address? I mean not on
I can't decide if that's better or worse than being torn apart by domesticated unicorns
@Farhad Yes
would u plz explain how?
@Farhad you can listen on (all interfaces)
I don't know exactly how, I don't use Java - but that said, docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/net/…
I have a sample code of tcp server
like this providerSocket = new ServerSocket(1234);
but I dont know where i should put ip adress
Just set the local bind address
let me try them
Use the 4-arg ctor
Also... rtfm in general?
"rtfm in general?" what ? sry i didnt get
All the answers are on that manual page, which I found as the first result of the first Google search I made. None of the people here actually write Java (quiet, Joe) but we've managed to tell you how to do it because we read the f manual. I'll leave it to your imagination what the "f" is for...
@DaveRandom great thanks with your helps problem solved : )
Oh I just made a fancy (simple) GUI interface with JavaFX and fast sockets!
The "f" stands for "fun"
who know how import wordpress woocommerce categories via sql ?
@Duikboot security essentials
morning puss
@SecondRikudo I am probably too slow, aren't I?
@LeviMorrison Can't you just request a invite on the google domains site?
@PeeHaa Sure, but that takes time and has no guarantee ^^
Patience young one :)
@Levi no, I still have some. Email me at your nickname @ Madara.ninja
I'll send aan invite to that mail
Does anyone know how to get chrome to stop 'guessing' that I want to go do a search when I enter a valid domain name, just one that doesn't have a globally valid TLD e.g. mysite.dev ?
@Danack Add a slash at the end of your urls?
Up until a few days ago chrome would go to the site correctly - now it's doing a google search for mysite.dev and then showing an option - "did you want to go to mysite.dev?"......Yes chrome, I did. And I did the last 100 times you asked.
It's actually a complete URL - mysite.dev/index.php/payment/history
@PeeHaa Hmm.....adding a slash does seem to make a difference.
It's fugly but it works (tm)
It's still annoying though....it's almost guessed that I meant to go there....just needs a little more encouragement.
Have you tried sweet talking? :P
have you tried putting http:// in front of the URL?
try opera ;)
I can fiddle to make it works - what is happening is:
i) I go to a page.
ii) See an issue that needs fixing.
iii) Fix the issue.
iv) Click on the address bar and press enter to reload the page without resubmitting a form.
Because chrome hides the http:// it isn't there.....
adding http:// does work for .dev though. Hidden or not it'll stop trying to fix it.
hmm - copying and pasting seems the fastest way to fiddle it - when it's after it's pasted the http:// reappears.
@SecondRikudo Sent.
@SecondRikudo What new domains are available with this awesomeness?
oh god
posted on October 02, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Marc Zaku */

@Danack Y U NO PRG?!?!?!?
Guys, do you ever put validation in factories??
Or do you put the validation alongside the object itself, and the factory is only the thing that builds it
Two kinds of programmers there are; those who Yoda and those who don't. — Ja͢ck 1 min ago
I feel like only the bourgeoisie can afford these expensive password hashing functions like bcrypt.
More like you validate it prior to creating the object, but not necessarily in the factory
> The b in bcrypt stands for bling, obviously
@Ja͢ck I read "bing" at first and didn't understand...
@FlorianMargaine You need glasses, my friend :)
I already have them :P
Right, bigger font then?
@FlorianMargaine same here actually
...I had a serial downvoter yesterday.
@Ja͢ck not a bad idea, actually
@Danack epic hack: save this file to your local machine, modify first two vars to suit your needs, add a search provider to Chrome of file:///full/path/to/local/file.html?%s, set as default search provider, ?, profit
<head><title>Search provider temp page</title></head>
    (function() {
        'use strict';

        var knownTLDs = ['dev', 'local'],
            realSearchProviderURL = 'https://google.com/search?q=%s',

            match = window.location.search.match(/\?((?:[a-z][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]?\.)+([a-z][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]?))/i),
            redirectURL = match && knownTLDs.indexOf(match[2].toLowerCase()) > -1
                ? 'http://' + match[1] + '/'
                : realSearchProviderURL.replace('%s', window.location.search.slice(1));
What's the google domains beta about anyhoo?
Dirty hack, but works (on Chrome 37/Win anyway)
/cc @PeeHaa ^
@Fabien Google are trying to take down 1and1 and co, I guess. I'm not going to complain.
A: Killing the application manually when catching a exception?

JimboI see what you are doing. You're trying to use a Configuration Object. That's awesome, and is exactly what you should be doing. However, how you are going about it isn't really the best way. Before you even get to the code that uses the configuration object, you should be constructing your conf...

@DaveRandom lol wow wut :)
First JS I've written for a while. Feels good dirty.
@DaveRandom Hosts file wouldn't take care of that? I have a couple of internal aliases that I set up in hosts, both Chrome and Firefox respect single-word aliases as a domain name rather than searching for it.
Hmm... is there any way to see a graph of answer score over time?
@Chris without appending a trailing slash?
I'm curious about this answer:
A: PHP/MYSQL using an array in WHERE clause

Flavius Stef BEWARE! This answer contains a severe SQL Injection vulnerability. Do NOT use the code samples presented here. This answer is only preserved to prevent breaking links and for reference value. $ids = join(',',$galleries); $sql = "SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id IN ($ids)";

I am fairly certain it has still gained upvotes since having the security clause added.
Shameless plug for upvotes in the above answer I posted? :-)
Or opinions anyway, I like what I did so suggestions are good
@DaveRandom Ya, for sure. We have a internet web app for the radio station called "Shift Editor", on computers that are permitted to use it we put it in the hosts file, so if you type "shifteditor" into the bar, you're golden
@LeviMorrison Not afaik, you could ask uncle @Gordon
@Chris huh. I'm surprised by that
That was supposed to be "intranet", the phrase "internet web app" sounds like something my mom would say right before I facepalm.
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V finally supported in the command prompt of Windows 10. What a time to be alive.
Is there some best practice for SEO in urls? like
join_us_now or join-us-now
@Duikboot First tip about SEO: stop caring.
@LeviMorrison According to the SE data explorer it has received a series of upvotes in September of this year with the last upvote coming on 2014-09-25
@DaveRandom Well. That already was said during presentation. First thought: If this detail is important for the presentation, then Win 10 impossibly is better than Win 8.
Invalid DNS name format: <--- meaning? http:// www. domain.com/jyt/7-HF83b1ba/55_Tiger.htm
So it doesn't matter what I use?
@DaveRandom where is my "select to copy & scroll-click to paste" ?!?
@cspray Yeah I thought so. Some people are just stupid, I guess.
Now I want to build an app using SE API to show the trend for up/down votes in a pretty JS graph
Despite warnings and the #2 answer being suitable the #1 answer still gets the votes.
@Duikboot What Levi said, but also always dashes over underscores in URLs, because techically underscores should be percent-encoded.
Ok great! Thanks!
@tereško Still in putty, I think. Maybe cmd now does that too, not sure.
@Fabien You have spaces?
Hello guys , my mail limit expires quickly , the website is built on php , wordpress to be exact , hosting is from godaddy , I'm not sending much mails daily , what can be the reason ?
Added so it doesn't link
@Fabien Then what is the actual domain name?
@cspray Link to your query?
gtalk if you want
Hello guys , my mail limit expires quickly , the website is built on php , wordpress to be exact , hosting is from godaddy , I'm not sending much mails daily , what can be the reason ?
> @TODO Change this method name because it's terrible
lol @rdlowrey
@DaveRandom what method exactly?
@DaveRandom well , it's also available if you use Console2 wrapper for CMD
@LeviMorrison Heh, so in fact it is has gotten nothing but upvotes since the warning message
That's kinda saddening :(
@ircmaxell After you put up a security warning here the answer has only received upvotes.
I don't understand.
Q: How do I drug a population in the most efficient way?

FulliI want a whole city to be on drugs secretly, so they don´t know they are drugged by their government. The city is about 2 billion people and roughly structured like a Makropole from the Warhammer 40k universe. This means: Many levels 4 classes (Lower, higher, worker, and government class) L...

dat title.
@bwoebi enqueueResponseMethodMatch()
I'm really sad we have projects like this in every dang language: github.com/virtphp/virtphp
Want to know how you create multiple, isolated versions of the same software? Shocker, you install them to different places!
"Yeah but then using them is hard because they won't be in path!", you say.
@LeviMorrison I just VM all the things.
well I use something like that for testing ... but I can't imagine it's very useful for many people to be installing multiple versions of the same thing ...
I DEMAND PRESENTS !! #Twitterversary
It's a solved problem. It has been for years. Just have a script that puts the relevant paths into the relevant env variables.
Oh, and guess what: there are even command-line tools that work in every type of environment to help you with that! modules.sourceforge.net
To me it shows the ignorance of developers. They never look outside their domain 'silo'.
Hell would have been acceptable.
I received an ERD from someone idk why but I tried to create it in mysql can anyone confirm it's good or not [also explain why]
ERD: http://i.imgur.com/PE7C4wX.png
Creation: http://pastebin.com/9gmuYuJ5
@Fabien private $validatePattern = '/^(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])(?:\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])*$/‌​i';
he said it was what he received on a test and the database is called hospital, that's why it's called hospital.
Cheers @DaveRandom
@MikeM. Seems legit: sqlfiddle.com/#!2/b7b27
@Chris hmm can't see the build scheme xD
@NullPoiиteя Good morning
@Chris So I assume it's fine.
Yes, for that particular version of mysql. You didn't really mention what problem you were having, just said, "Is this valid?". Yes, it is valid.
@Chris I just wanted to make sure the source is the same as the ERD, I am not that good with translating ERD's into a script xD
yay, SO is back
@ircmaxell Haha welcome back :P
@ircmaxell was it down for you ?
@LeviMorrison just shows how dumb some people are
@ircmaxell Huh? that's not nice...
What do you guys think about microsoft skipping windows 9 and call it windows 10?
it's inconsequential
@MikeM. it would be same as php 7 :P
they'll miss that 9 when we run out of integers
How do you run out of integers?
int16 ^^
they didn't
it's just base 9
Windows BigInt will be great
@rdlowrey morning
hey @rdlowrey wb =]
@ircmaxell Oh good, thought it was just me for a bit there.
yo @rdlowrey
@MikeM. I thought of PHP 6 when I heard about it. I understand, in both cases, the desire to make a clean break, but I don't think it is as effective as people close to either project think it is. If people see PHP 7 or Windows 10, they'll just assume (and not care) that they missed a version somewhere. To software consumers, version numbers are not as significant as we devs like to think they are.
morning @ircmaxell
@Chris indeed but there are going theories that it's because of older applications running on 9* that it would give trouble with windows 9
Especially in the case of end-user stuff like Windows... half of those consumers have trouble differentiating between Google and the internet, or between their browser as a concept and the internet as a concept. For them, Windows is "my computer", XP, Vista, 7, 10... that's just some trivia that only some of them even know.
@JoeWatkins word
wb @rdlowrey Nice wedding?
@MikeM. not just theories, facts. searchcode.com/…
@Fabien It was really nice. There were tears.
no fights ? @rdlowrey
@FlorianMargaine it's a fact that programs like that exist, but it's just a theory that that was the main reason behind Microsoft's decision.
@KevinMGranger one of the microsoft devs posted the reasoning anonymously somewhere ...
@JoeWatkins No, thank goodness! I think at a certain point the 'rents just didn't want to embarrass themselves.
@FlorianMargaine How can that be shown as facts?...
@JoeWatkins How would we know it's a real microsoft dev and not some random trolling skid.
@ircmaxell There seem to be some pretty substantial problems with the internet backbone in general atm, I'm still having difficulty reach some, but not all, sites hosted in the US. I tracert and it gets to one of the trans-atlantic endpoint routers in telehouse in London and it gives me ICMP unreachables back :-S
@rdlowrey Hey you. Looking over Auryn, nicely done!
Way too much alcohol. I'm struggling to get back on the correct time schedule after a week staying up very late three hours behind my usual time.
@MikeM. same thing, and anyway it doesn't matter ...
@DaveRandom The biggest issue is that I still don't have fiber :(
@DaveRandom dats not good
@Chris Oh thanks. @Danack and @LeviMorrison are also largely responsible for it.
Well I don't really mind the versioning that much it's just strange that they are like: windows 9 is coming
and then be like: neh windows 10 is coming!
you can avoid the heartache by ignoring everything microsoft do ... works well for me ...
Probably someone trawled up one of the fibres from the ocean floor again or something, doesn't usually take too long to fix these things
I hear they are attacked by sharks
They should've just gone back to naming rather than numbering; Windows Blista
I'm excited. I have a DIC in my project that is full of fail, necessary evils as we migrate from an old code base to a new one. I'm going to make Auryn our target DIC, so as we improve the goal is to get out of the crap factory and into that. When I delete the crap factory, we can pat ourselves on the back :)
@JoeWatkins Electro-magnetic influence?
@rdlowrey fyi
trending theory yeah, unconfirmed though ... it does make sense ...
there's definite teeth marks anyway ... they got cameras in more than one place ...
Yea, sharks have quite keen sensory perception of that sort of thing.
@DaveRandom oh cool. Also, I apologize retroactively if I hacked up any of your dns code in ways that make you cringe -- I just had to get artax running before I left and didn't have time for niceties.
I'd imagine it to be like a really really long dog whistle.
I've not seen anything I don't like, not really looked properly yet though
@Fabien just ran into that particular issue
I'm adding "Chief bug tester" to my resumé:)
maybe they're just delicious
Mmm, photonilicious.
more playing with it than attacking it ...
@DaveRandom I mostly just eliminated the need for a factory to create a Resolver by allowing lazy injection and made it so that the Client returned a promise instead of accepting a callback.
hi all
@Fabien FFF: Fabien the Feature Ferret
Ferreting out "features" in code since 2014
@rdlowrey what programming language are you talking about? PHP?
@taco yes.
@rdlowrey cool
Which is abnormal, because here in the PHP room, we have the tendency to discuss FORTRAN.
Why use promises in PHP? Didn't even realize it had a promise pattern
Strategies for handling concurrency aren't specific to any one language.
For most of PHP's existence it hasn't bothered with concurrency, but there are people who have started thinking about these problems over the last couple of years.
This answer(http://stackoverflow.com/a/907821/538216) has only been upvoted(http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/230025) since a security warning was placed on it. #StackOverflow
^ Seriously. I don't even.
@LeviMorrison you want even more upvotes on it?
@rdlowrey ok hmm
@FlorianMargaine Absolutely not ^^
@rdlowrey what does this mean ?
> > Parallel Synchronous via wait()
@JoeWatkins It means you can start several things at the same time but synchronously wait for all of them to finish.

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