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@Jack If that would help.
@CvetomirLazarov ^^^ we get these options :)
@Mr.Alien Still, you still had one upvote :)
@Mr.Alien Cool :)
posted on September 18, 2013 by PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.4. This release fixes several bugs against PHP 5.5.3. All PHP users are encouraged to upgrade to this new version.For source downloads of PHP 5.5.4 please visit our downloads page, Windows binaries can be found on windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

I don't see any drastic improvements or features, but it will be nice to see the workflow of the new PHP.
Can someone help?
@MaciejCzyżewski I could try :)
Just kidding. (omg)
Broken HTML changelog is broken :-(
@MaciejCzyżewski I'm new here :D
@MaciejCzyżewski See room description?
@DaveRandom omg. I know...
@DaveRandom Indent all ze zings!
Maybe let's talk about something.
Enough with the silly stuff, let's talk about php.
@Jack There's a contradiction if ever I heard one
@DaveRandom You Sir, are .... still awake :)
What's new in PHP world?
@DaveRandom I'm looking at the relevant openssl php-src for SAN name matching and at a glance I think it should be fairly straightforward to address. Going to play with that today.
I don't really see the lack of support as a bug or security vulnerability but it would be a good thing to support.
@rdlowrey I've not even had a chance to find an example of a failure, I guess that would be the place to start. I definitely had an issue with github, from what Ryan said it's presumably getting stuff from the root of the domain so just scraping https://github.com/ would presumably cause the issue, I'm snowed under today though :-(
Yeah I don't have any problems retrieving https://github.com/ or https://www.github.com/ with peer verification turned on ...
This problem makes me want to smother an Amazon engineer.
@DaveRandom .... How? That should be valid.
hey friends
i have a question
@LeviMorrison Apparently you can't put text nodes in a <listitem>. I wrapped it in a <simpara> and it stopped complaining.
@DaveRandom That's odd. Well thank you.
@Dave-88 ok.
activex component for google chrome
@LeviMorrison Yeh I know, I was surprised, it took me a few minutes to figure that out
i google this but i don't find a result
@Dave-88 no such thing
activex is bad mmkay?
what mmkay??
South Park
mmkay? mmkay?! you're not seeing the big picture!
mmkay == ok?
@Jack But it has an X in it! All things with Xs in are awesome. Explosions. Sex. *nix.
so give a activex component for chrome ?
on windows
@DaveRandom Then why is there no iPhone X? Well, maybe in another 5 years.
when did the 'Enable desktop notification' feature come up?
2 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@Dave-88 no such thing
does anyone have experience with PDO connecting to 2 databases, one of them being on a remote domain?
Now it's still the iPhone V (for Vendetta)
@iroegbu Since forever, I think...
@Jack It seems I have a problem with direct linking :(
The fixed menu make it difficult.
just changed to chrome and noticed it
@LeviMorrison Weird huh?
@iroegbu Oh unless you're not using Chrome and some other browser now has a working API for it
@DarkAshelin Just like doing it one... but again... and assign the connection to a different variable.
@iroegbu Only Chrome has a working impl at the moment
@Orangepill hmm, I did just that but it still seems to be using my first DB
@DaveRandom FF has been short-changing me!
and eating up my memory while doing it
Actually Safari might have one as well, but nobody cares about Safari.
Safari have?
I didn't know.
@LeviMorrison Why is there a conversion table in your css? :)
@Orangepill in my config file I saved 2 instance functions to connect to my different databases, then I use:
$dbc = CodePDO::getInstance();
if( // need other db ){
    $dbc = CodePDO::getCSInstance();
$stmt = $dbc->prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->fetch();
@Jack If you are referring to the very top, it should be removed. I did not create it nor have I maintained it.
@DaveRandom Safari have activex compoment?
is it maybe not possible to overwrite the $dbc variable?
@DarkAshelin Looks very singletonish to me...
bad? ^^'
@LeviMorrison Okay ... that selector looks nasty!
> #layout *[id]:target:before
@Jack you mean the implementation of posix threads (not php threads)?^^
@LeviMorrison Use Sass
@Dave-88 Quit it with the ActiveX, seriously. Go find out what it is so you'll stop asking if you can use it in things other than IE, and then forget it ever existed and move on. Please.
@Jack It is nasty.
@DarkAshelin In general yes... in this case it is statefully preventing you from making more then one connection.
@Orangepill so do I need to change my CodePDO class? or simply use a different variable name?
@MaciejCzyżewski No. It's just one more tool. CSS is not actually hard.
@bwoebi I was just joking there :)
or maybe avoid calling the instance twice
@LeviMorrison I know but I think sass or less is more flexible.
@DarkAshelin Yep... the singleton is ensuring that you only have a single instance of a connection in play.
@LeviMorrison and clearly.
@LeviMorrison And Haml, you should definitely use that too =D
@Jack Haml? Nooo. Bad idea.
@DarkAshelin Show us how getInstance() and getCSInstance() is implemented (removing the credentials of course)
Yay I have to use my own answer for something!
public static function getInstance(){
    global $config;

            self::$instance = new PDO('mysql:host=' .$config->databaseInfo['host']
                .';port=' .$config->databaseInfo['port']
                .';dbname=' .$config->databaseInfo['database_name'],
            self::$instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
@Jack Anything that deals with the fixed-menu and anchors is a hack. ANd there are more reliable hacks that won't work in our situation because our HTML is sub-optimal. I need to work in docbook rendering to make it nicer.
in the getCSInstance() I'm also using $config->databaseCSInfo
@DarkAshelin and are you still assigning the connection to self::$instance?
I suppose haha
I'll just need to make a second $instance then?
@DarkAshelin A static $csInstance would work.... but in general Singletons are bad.
so I've heard
herp, now I just get a blank page. no error
@Orangepill y are singletons bad?
@Recode They are a global in sheeps clothing.
I like my code how I like my coffee, without singletons.
A: Who needs singletons?

GordonSingletons have very little - if not to say no - use in PHP. In languages where objects live in shared memory, Singletons can be used to keep memory usage low. Instead of creating two objects, you reference an existing instance from the globally shared application memory. In PHP there is no such...

My favorite explanation. ^^
If ircmaxell was here he would say if you only need one of something just call new once :)
And then store that in Global::$instance :)
@Leri the problem is just: It doesn't list any reasons when they would be useful :-P (in the schema)
@Orangepill I'm getting a blank page now, no error
A: PHP global in functions

GordonGlobals are evil This is true for the global keyword as well as everything else that reaches from a local scope to the global scope (statics, singletons, registries, constants). You do not want to use them. A function call should not have to rely on anything outside, e.g. function fn() { gl...

    class CodePDO extends PDO{
        private static $instance = null;
        private static $instanceCS = null;

        public static function getInstance(){
            global $config;

                    self::$instance = new PDO('mysql:host=' .$config->databaseInfo['host']
                        .';port=' .$config->databaseInfo['port']
                        .';dbname=' .$config->databaseInfo['database_name'],
@DarkAshelin That's a good thing right
@Orangepill well no, I'm supposed to see my page
@DarkAshelin Try putting a message in your die statement.... likely the connection attempt is failing
@bwoebi Well, it's not a problem since there is not any valid reason and you know that. :p
Wow. Gordons wishlist is pretty big.
ahh, Access Denied.
hmm, where do I grant access? :X assuming I can access server settings
@DarkAshelin What is the exact error message and from whom?
@DarkAshelin That code just made me throw up in my mouth.
[1044] Access denied for user 'xxx'@'localhost' to database 'xxx'"
@DarkAshelin grant access in mysql
@Leri mh, yes; classic singletons are bad… but statics & co. aren't bad (though $GLOBAL, global are)
@DarkAshelin I would probably not wrap the code in a try/catch if you aren't going to do anything with the exception... all you are doing there is suppressing the error.
@PeeHaa sorry to sound noob, but mysql where?
@DarkAshelin throw it away. And learn about vsprintf first.
From the CLI: mysql -u some username -p
static functions are a way of categorizing functions
c...cli? ._.
(it's the alternative to namespaces)
@bwoebi You could just throw the function in a namespace as well...
@DarkAshelin also: PDO supports aliasing - just pass a single name of the alias instead of the whole PHP configuration.
@DarkAshelin command line?
@hakre Wow, I haven't use that function at all except in this isolated case :)
@Orangepill but no autoloading for them... I am with @bwoebi here.
@PeeHaa I have some sort of server control panel for the server, fxwpanel
@Leri good point.... if only there was a way to autoload functions
@Orangepill see the accepted rfc of @igorw … it just seems to miss some bug fixes still…
@Jack it works :D
@DarkAshelin Never heard of it, but I'm sure there is some mysql panel smwhere
@bwoebi It doesn't cover autoloading if I recall just fixing the use syntax for namespaced functions
@DarkAshelin also why do you extend from PDO here?
@hakre That it does :)
@PeeHaa hmm.. I've been looking for it before... can't find any mysql panel
@Orangepill oh… yes… I meant ircmaxells withdrawn rfc
@hakre I don't know? D:
I'm sure someone will pick it up…
@DarkAshelin Who is the host?
@DarkAshelin hmm, maybe write code you know about instead? That keeps it easier in case you need to change it.
@bwoebi That's what I was eluding to.
Thing is: I know good php for webdevelopment, but I know squat about servers and hosts

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