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@Wesツ The Android guys will let you in if you ask nicely :-)
@rdlowrey you can put onOpen and negotiate into one single function maybe, but it looks good
@DaveRandom i'm very rude... anyway i really want to test myself
lol, well I can tell you that they do know what they are doing if you need it in future
Even if you do have to deal with @OctavianDamien hanging out there
@Wesツ but if someone really needs an app he can update…
And that shifty @rlemon character shows up every so often as well
in JavaScript, Jul 18 at 2:39, by bushdiver
btw, you guys are the rudest bastards in the world
^^ lol, 31 stars
but there was no so drastic api change from ios 5 to ios 6. and simulator (which runs relatively smootly) covers 99% of cases. But this is why my iPad is still at 5.0.1 …
@bwoebi what about safari instead?
@Wesツ I never noticed differences in ios 5 simulator safari and ios 5 safari on the iPhone.
do safari gets updated frequently or it changes just when the mayor os version changes?
in Android, 36 secs ago, by Ahmad
@DaveRandom tell him to use genymotion :) It runs smooth everywhere
Addition: It's not just smooth; it's better than a real device in terms of performance.
> Only users nominated by the room owner may talk here. See the faq for more information.
10 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@Wesツ The Android guys will let you in if you ask nicely :-)
@Ahmad thanks... i'll try it out
(request access, in other words)
@Wesツ no problem
@DaveRandom and @Baba Running the other socket protocols behind the HTTP server adds a lot of benefits as well. For example, you have access to all the optional security tools like rate-limiting, IP blacklisting, access-logging, TLS encryption, etc. for free simply by virtue of letting Aerys handle the initiation of the process. You get all these things that you'd have to manually implement yourself if you wanted a secure protocol access point.
off to sleep, gn guys, and @DaveRandom thanks again :)
@rdlowrey You don't have to sell it to me :-)
@Mr.Alien np
hi , i should turn EMULATE_PREPARES in pdo off ?
what happen if is turn on ? sql injection ?
@CooPer No, but it does fix some weird edge cases.
prepared statements is: statement is sent to the server, and separately the parameters are sent to the server
emulated prepared statements: I make you think I do the above while I actually just parse the shit myself and send the parsed query to the server
@CooPer yes, you should, if you are using MySQL or any other driver that supports native prepared statements
A: PHP mysql PDO refuses to set NULL value

Madara UchihaThe following works for me: <?php $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "root", "pass"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO `null_test` (`can_be_null`) VALUES (:nu...

For example
@DaveRandom Actually it's the other way around :)
how i found my database support native prepared statements ? i want my script run in a lot of server with same config
@MadaraUchiha Huh, I forgot you used to be called Truth
Emulated prepares are for engines that do not support native prepared statements
@DaveRandom I was, and before that I was called Rikudo Sennin :)
That's what I said isn't it?
@rdlowrey one moment
Hence mysql (BC man! think of the children)
@DaveRandom no
But Madara Uchiha is currently my favorite anime badass, so I'm him :D
@CooPer yes, you should, if you are using MySQL or any other driver that does not supports native prepared statements
@PeeHaa First time, first year?
Err... what?
@rdlowrey the config is better than Upgrades .. .much more clean
@DaveRandom The reason prepares are emulated for mysql by default is for older mysql versions
how found it doesnt support in php ? is there a function to return bool value for example ?
@Baba Yeah -- I think so too. I'll keep improving it. The ModUpgrade is just a first draft.
@PeeHaa The question was "should I turn it off"
for example if support native prepared statement return true
@CooPer Unfortunately no, you really need to know ahead of time (which you should anyway)
Although I imagine prepare() will blow up if you turn them off and the driver doesn't support it
correction @PeeHaa android 3 is about 2% of all androids, it's android 2 about the 30% of all androids
@rdlowrey What do you mean by Call this to write data to the socket with an optional callback to notify when the write finishes
@DaveRandom Yes he should. But your statement that if you engine supports native prepared statements you should disable it is not always true :)
It's disabled by default :)
Yay pedantry
@Wesツ oh joy :(
@DaveRandom You know me bitach :D
@Baba Well, like all the socket IO the writes are non-blocking. So you call the writeTo() method but it may not finish right away. So you can specify a callback to be notified once the write actually does complete. But most people won't have any reason to do that. It's just there in case you want to do something at that point.
is it a good idea to put variable to config file ? for example , if database is support native prepared statment $var = true and put it in to config file, so my script check value for turn ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES off or on ?
@CooPer I almost always setup the db connection in a environment specific file
@CooPer You seem to be approaching PDO as if you could just change the DSN and switch to another RDBMS with no more messing around - unfortunately this is not even slightly true
brb foods
Every back end has its own ways of doing things and your PHP code will change slightly from DB to DB
@rdlowrey Nice .... Well done
Prime example: SELECT TOP ... vs SELECT ... LIMIT
@rdlowrey How in the world did you manage that?
@Baba I added that because I've needed that functionality before from asynchronous IO libraries and it hasn't been available.
Non blocking IO in PHP?
thank you for your answer
@MadaraUchiha You really haven't been paying attention for the last 6 months have you? :-P
@DaveRandom Not really, no.
@MadaraUchiha The entire application runs inside a non-blocking event loop. The sockets are all initialized as "non-blocking."
That's how I do it ^
@MadaraUchiha Prepare to be amazed then
But it's not the only implementation by any stretch.
@igorw Has a very nice one as well.
@MadaraUchiha You don't have to do PDO::PARAM_NULL, though right? I've always just used whatever the type was if it wasn't null (and that makes sense, as otherwise you'll just get a lot of code duplication like this ..., bla === null ? PDO::PARAM_NULL : PDO::<the real type>
I wrote mine for the specific purposes of running the server I keep talking about.
@rdlowrey I can wait to test it out myself
@Jasper Yeh I've never really understood why PARAM_NULL even exists
It certainly does work without it
brb foods for me too
@Baba Yeah, just as an example ... say you want to send a message to a client of your custom protocol. When it finishes you want to log information about it for your own purposes. And say at some point the client connection closes. Without the callback you have no way of knowing if the client actually received the full message before the connection was severed.
@rdlowrey You must add that in the doc ... Its a good selling point
@rdlowrey so would write servers in this...
@Baba Good point. You don't have to worry about things like that with blocking IO because the fwrite will either succeed or fail and you'll know right then before the program progresses. With non-blocking IO the write finishes when it finishes and without the callback you have no idea when or if that actually happened.
@rdlowrey I think you should look for a better name ...
You mean instead of SocketProtocol? Or one of the crazy library names?
@rdlowrey setWriteClallback
@rdlowrey I mean writeTo
@rdlowrey write to what ??? that is what confused me
@DaveRandom It's an interesting question to say the least. Perhaps it was just PDO not wanting to support less than a strange db might?
hey you guys, Hope you're doing fine. can anyone help to send an automated email using PHP?
@Baba That method probably won't stay in the interface. I'm going to devise a way to take the actual mechanics of reading and writing away from the userland code because it's easy to mess up with non-blocking sockets. That API is not finalized at all ... just a work in progress.
@rdlowrey but the callback is a good feature
@Baba The callback will still be available ... it's just that method may be moved somewhere else.
@rdlowrey Oh ok ....
@rdlowrey can you test file_server.php again ....
@Baba It's working fine for me. Are you getting an error message?
Note that it binds to socket 80 and you usually need root/admin privileges to do that.
@rdlowrey add validation to check if docRoot exist and its readable
Hmm ... I thought I already had that ...
@rdlowrey this way .... it would be easy to know why one is getting 404
@Baba I do have that, actually. The directory exists and is readable, but that doesn't mean you have an index.html or index.htm file in that directory.
And since the index filenames are an optional configuration directive I'm not sure it's really feasible to check that an index file exists.
@rdlowrey Am getting 404 and am not sure why if with the realpath
@Baba Are you trying to serve an index file other than index.html or index.htm ?
Because if so you need to add the additional file name to the configuration of the DocRootLauncher.
@rdlowrey no settings changed just the port and docRoot ... have verified if the path exists
@Baba If you look here you can see exactly where the file path for a request is resolved. You can add some manual debugging inside that file to help find the source of your problem. If after doing so you still think we should add more validation up front to help people avoid the problem we can.
@rdlowrey One moment
How the hell was stackoverflow.com/a/17775605/871050 upvoted but mine not?!
Because: dumb people.
@MadaraUchiha uhhhm please drop that useless else clause :P
if ( preg_match("/http/i", $data)) { return true; }
else { return false; }
@PeeHaa I know, but I wanted it to be perfectly clear.
I know it's redundant.
@rdlowrey validateFilePath seem to be the problem .. one moment
@rdlowrey elseif (0 !== strpos($realPath, $this->docRoot)) that is the bug
@rdlowrey line 194
@Baba I think the actual bug is that when you initially assign the docRoot the class doesn't resolve it to the realpath.
Line 194 verifies that the requested path lies inside the document root. Otherwise I could access things above your document root by requesting http://yoursite.com/../../file.txt
@Baba Try changing line 46 to: $this->docRoot = rtrim(realpath($docRoot), '/');
And let me know if that solves your problem.
@rdlowrey Nope .. i created the first issue :)
@Baba Okay, I'll look into it further, but it may take a little time because that's something that needs to be well-tested to prevent access to paths outside the specified document root. I should be able to resolve it tonight, but I just don't feel like concentrating and writing tests right this moment :)
@rdlowrey it is not really an issue ... Just felt like lunching that page ... Its a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR issue
@Baba Ah, I see. I'm glad you're helping out with testing because I don't ever run it under windows and miss out on small issues like this :)
@rdlowrey How do you server php via this server .... I did localhost:1337/hello.php and i got

	echo "Hi";

@rdlowrey This is cool...
@Baba If you want to do that you'd have to reverse proxy to an existing server because aerys doesn't support the php SAPI interface. The equivalent is registering this as your application handler on the given host:
@rdlowrey you are welcome ... i like exciting projects that push the edge of what you know .... never knew PHP can do this so am glad to help
function() { return [200, '', [], 'hi']; }
@rdlowrey can i reverse proxy based on file extension
@rdlowrey eg
@Orangepill Thanks :) Hopefully it won't be too much longer before I can make it public. Just don't want to release something that's buggy.
'.php'  => new ReverseProxyLauncher([

    'backends' => [
        '',                   // REQUIRED: An array of backend server addresses
    'proxyPassHeaders' => [                 // OPTIONAL: Add/override headers sent to backends
        'Host'            => '$host',       // Any literal value or substitution variable
        'X-Forwarded-For' => '$remoteAddr', // Available vars: [$host, $serverName, $serverAddr, $serverPort, $remoteAddr]
        'X-Real-Ip'       => '$serverAddr'
@rdlowrey .pl .asp .ru .cgi .beer
@Baba Right now you would need to register your own custom server mod that checks if the request URI ends in .php, inject an instance of the ReverseProxyHandler into that mod and then invoke the handler if it met your requirements.
It may be worth simplifying the process as that's probably a pretty normal use-case.
@rdlowrey sweet ....
@rdlowrey that means i can run PHP via fast CGI
@Baba Yeah, that's the whole point of the reverse proxy functionality ... to allow you to layer the aerys features on top of a preexisting PHP application without modifying the code you already have.
@rdlowrey I think its wort-wile .. because some request might have to go to PHP directly .....
@Baba I'll work on creating a mod that will let you route requests to a backend server running a php SAPI by request URI extension and maybe some other filters.
@rdlowrey Nice
@rdlowrey I think that is enough request for today ... :)
hehe, cool.
I'll resolve the directory separator issue later today for sure.
@rdlowrey Good .. Would look for other windows related issue
@rdlowrey One last one cookies
@Baba Yeah, I know about this one. It's necessary but I just haven't gotten to it yet.
$myApp = function(array $asgiEnv) {
    $body = '<html><body><h1>Hello, World.</h1></body></html>';
    return [$status = 200, $reason = 'OK', $headers = [], $body];
@rdlowrey Oh ok
It'll be an option that you can turn on/off in the config that's on by default. If enabled you'll have an additional array in your $asgiEnv similar to the php $_COOKIES superglobal.
There are some pretty harsh stuff there
double ouch
Hello all

$content = str_replace('[u]', '<div style="text-decoration:underline; display: inline;">', $content);
$content = str_replace('[/u]', '</div>', $content);

when someone doesnt close the [u] the whole site bugs how can I prevent that?
@rdlowrey that might not be enough ... when dealing with secured cookie .... a method might be need or class
@Baba But I won't add functionality like set_cookie at any point because that's a bastardization of HTTP IMO. If you want to send cookies you'll need to either manually set the relevant headers or people can write middleware to do it for you, but that's not something I plan to incorporate into the server.
My main goal is to provide raw access to the HTTP data. People can add that sort of functionality in the form of middleware similar to how it's accomplished in Python WSGI applications.
@Tredged Just use markdown :)
I feel like that kind of thing is in the realm of "framework" and not "server"
Markdown? @PeeHaa
@Tredged yeah the thing SO (a.o.) uses
@rdlowrey ok
Q: What exactly are the benefits of using a PHP 5 DirectoryIterator over PHP 4 "opendir/readdir/closedir"?

e-sushiWhat exactly are the benefits of using a PHP 5 DirectoryIterator $dir = new DirectoryIterator(dirname(__FILE__)); foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) { // handle what has been found } over a PHP 4 "opendir/readdir/closedir" if($handle = opendir(dirname(__FILE__))) { while (false !== ($file ...

@PeeHaa bleh nvm
56 mins ago, by rdlowrey
@igorw Has a very nice one as well.
@rdlowrey oh, well thanks!
@PeeHaa Thanks alot u the best :D
@Tredged also for php there already is: github.com/michelf/php-markdown
Allow me to summarize what I am doing and where I am getting an error.

I have coded a system that outputs some data, in order for this data to be echo'd it has to meet a time condition and day condition. So if day is Sunday - TRUE, then is time() between two ranges defined in an array. For example is time between 2PM to 4PM.

The output is determined by a foreach() statement. You can see this system working fully on this site: http://khill.mhostiuckproductions.com/siteNowplaying/

Now, I need to put this system into a wordpress site. I am getting this error: Invalid argument supplied f
Here is my function that is getting the error described above.

function sundayShow() {
global $sundayShows, $showBlocks; // GLOBALIZE THESE VARIABLES

foreach ($showBlocks as $name => $range) {
if (time() > strtotime($range[0]) && strtotime($range[1]) > time()) { // checks if time() is between defined ranges from $showBlocks array

@Michael means that showBlocks isn't an array or an object that implements ArrayIterator
var_dump ($showBlocks) to see what it is if anything.
@Orangepill My array is defined above the function in the same file.
$showBlocks = array ( // Define available blocks of show time | starts at 8AM ends at 2AM with 2 hour increments
'a' => array ('00:00:01', '02:00:00'), // THE DAY PRIOR LAST SHOW
'b' => array ('02:00:00', '08:00:00'), // OFF AIR TIME
'c' => array ('08:00:00', '10:00:00'),
'd' => array ('10:00:00', '12:00:00'),
'e' => array ('12:00:00', '14:00:00'),
'f' => array ('14:00:00', '16:00:00'),
'g' => array ('16:00:00', '18:00:00'),
'h' => array ('18:00:00', '20:00:00'),
'i' => array ('20:00:00', '22:00:00'),
@Michael the assignment wouldn't happen to be a function itself would it?
@Orangepill by assignment do you mean array? If so, no, it is standalone just as above.
@Orangepill in this line: echo($sundayShows[$name]);

$sundayShows is also an array, which has the same a, b, c, d, keys as the aqbove array, but the values then have my necessary output that associates with the above "time blocks"
still do the var_dump just to confirm your assumptions... you say it's an array... php says its not .... and at the end of the day it's php's opinion that matters. maybe you or some wordpress magic is reassigning it.
See this link (top of the page is the var dump) : dev.bearcastmedia.com
@Orangepill It is seeing the values in the array.
with a name like $showBlocks I wouldn't be surprised if it's not conflicting with a wordpress defined global. that is populated after your function is defined but before you function is called
inside the function?
@Orangepill I did the var_dump outside of the function, let me put it inside and see what happens.
why da fuck are you using global variables ?
@Orangepill - var_dump inside the function causes NULL. Not sure why that is, should try making my array names more unique i guess?
@michael as tersko said ... it shouldn't be global, this is a prime example as to why globals are evil.
@Orangepill Because that array is outside of my function i had to make it global so the function could use it as an input.
Whats the alternative?
You are better off assigning your array in another file and including it in the function (there are better ways but we will start here)
@Michael , how about making a function that accepts a real input ?
function foo ( $bar ) {}
@tereško He's using WP. That's how shit is done in it :D
oh .. i missed that part
i thought he was a developer
// my_blocks.php
return array ( // Define available blocks of show time | starts at 8AM ends at 2AM with 2 hour increments
'a' => array ('00:00:01', '02:00:00'), // THE DAY PRIOR LAST SHOW
'b' => array ('02:00:00', '08:00:00'), // OFF AIR TIME
'c' => array ('08:00:00', '10:00:00'),
'd' => array ('10:00:00', '12:00:00'),
'e' => array ('12:00:00', '14:00:00'),
'f' => array ('14:00:00', '16:00:00'),
'g' => array ('16:00:00', '18:00:00'),
'h' => array ('18:00:00', '20:00:00'),
'i' => array ('20:00:00', '22:00:00'),
Then in your function

$showBlocks = include __DIR__."/my_blocks.php";
Cann anyone help with this. Or can suggest a better way to this. stackoverflow.com/questions/17776198/…
import the list in a database
@tereško :-)
@Orangepill text search from database are much slower — silverflash 17 secs ago
@silverflash , have you considered quiting the drug abuse ?
@tereško database is slow for text search
@tereško what drug abuse ?
.. I don't even .. I don't see the point even trying here
@Orangepill Not getting output for some reason, even on the test site outside of wordpress. I have the array above in a separate file just as you described. I changed my function to:

function sundayShow() {

$showBlocks = include "now-playing-arrays.php";

foreach ($showBlocks as $name => $range) {
if (time() > strtotime($range[0]) && strtotime($range[1]) > time()) { // checks if time() is between defined ranges from $showBlocks array

(filepath is correct, it all resides in the same directory)
I can var_dump $showBlocks after the include and I do get a result.
use include __DIR__."/now-playing-array.php"; .... trust me on this one
@Orangepill Use backticks around code
need help with xampp htaccess
@michael relative paths are resolved relative to the directory that apache hands off the request to php .... not necessarily where the include is taking place.
@Orangepill still no output - var_dump shows NULL now (after adding DIR.
To clarify:

include __DIR__."/now-playing-arrays.php";
$showBlocks = include __DIR__."/now-playing-arrays.php"; make sure now-playing-arrays.php is defined to return the array ... not assign the variable.
@Orangepill Array is set to return - I somehow stepped back and removed the $showBlocks = part I added it back to ahve exactly this: $showBlocks = include __DIR__."/now-playing-arrays.php";

Now outputs : bool(false) http://khill.mhostiuckproductions.com/siteNowplaying/
Should say var_dump outputs bool(false) - removing var_dump and allowing the script to run outputs nothing
In computer programming blind faith (also known as blind programming or blind coding) is a situation whereby a programmer develops a solution or fixes a computer bug and deploys it without ever testing the creation. The programmer in this situation has blind faith in his or her own abilities. Another form of blind faith is when a programmer calls a subroutine without checking the result. E.g.: A programmer calls a subroutine to save user-data on the hard disk without checking whether the operation was successful or not. In this case the programmer has blind faith in the subroutine alwa...
@hakre Is that you?
@PeeHaa me lying in the sun :D
it's a cat by someone else, I ripped it off ^^
in JavaScript, 7 secs ago, by Ash Ketchum
Seriously, though. If anyone can help me with xampp mod_rewrite, please help me. I have been stuck on this issue for quite some time and can't get it to work.
@michael that means include cant find the file....turn on error reporting
@AnyoneOnThePHPDocTeam do you know if the XML format is documented anywhere? I know most of it is docbook but there seem to be PHP-specific namespaces in there as well?
@PeeHaa @Gordon ^^
@DaveRandom I dunno. It's docbook and when I don't get something (always) I check some existing page :)
You may want to ping @salathe about this
I don't like to badger him but I may have to
I have to say the more I deal with it the more it seems unnecessarily complicated
I know it's a generic solution but it seems too generic somehow
@DaveRandom uhmmmm it's xml. Did you expect unicorns?
Are you trying to parse it?
No but I expect some form of sanity. For example where is the classname defined? It seems like it should be in classsynopsis/ooclass/classname but it isn't, because it's not always there and there is at least one instance I have found where that element is cased differently to the output
@DaveRandom yeah blame @salathe :D
@hakre It's the non docbook stuff I'm more interested in, although ironically docbook itself does seem to be quite poorly documented
There are a few random elements from other namespaces
Which predictably doesn't provide a doc page at the URI
you mean this ?
"ReferenceError: title is not defined {href:unescapedUrl,target:target,dir:bidiHtmlDir(title)}php.net/ns/phpdoc"
hmm ... did an IQ test today (as part of "lets base our D&D stats on our real-world attributes" idea) , and am still not sure how to feel about it
@hakre 6 edits? Surely you manage a few more? :-P
@DaveRandom my current state of drunk plus the normal verplanning is doing the rest. :D
But actually no, I'm not sure where you'd see that error?
I take a screenshot, mom
I'm looking through .manual.xml after running configure.php
Interesting, that looks like a bug that @LeviMorrison might be interested in
No fear; @LeviMorrison is here.
Ping Powah!
This exact issue is currently on prototype.php.net
And php.net
Interesting; I'm surprised that this wasn't caught at build time.
lol @Orangepill All your DoS are belong to me.
Open a bug report and send an email to the mailing list about it, referencing the bug report.
@LeviMorrison on a slightly related note, have you ever don anything with the rending process for the docbook sources?
@LeviMorrison Hola.
@DaveRandom Not yet, but am interested in it. The PHD rendering engine for HTML needs some work. It doesn't produce valid HTML and this causes some design problems, actually.
@rdlowrey Good day, good sir :)
@LeviMorrison I'm just trying to work out the semantics of the XML sauce, it's not very documented (ironically)
sauce source?
The Docbook format, you mean?
@LeviMorrison Mostly, but there are other random namespaces mixed in, notably php.net/ns/phpdoc - which is how we just triggered that error
And docbook itself isn't that well documented, there seem to be whole books on the subject but I can't find a quickref
Really? Maybe your search-fu is just weak.
Possibly, I'm mildly intoxicated and weekended out
Apropos docbook bugs, has the XML entities miracle been solved?
It certainly seems to be full of a lot of superfluous data:
<!-- {{{ Synopsis -->

<!-- {{{ Class synopsis -->
Actually, I'm getting 404 on a lot of the docbook manuals. Looks like they're having site problems.
Navigate parents and children, etc.
@DaveRandom it's so pretty
@LeviMorrison thanks
@DaveRandom Something to note is that <para> can contain lists and things -- something not valid in HTML. So the obvious <para> -> <p> conversion is actually going to bite you in the butt.
gn8 @all, me is falling with the head on the keyboard.
@LeviMorrison I'm not actually bothered about rendering it, only interpreting it. I'm building a simple RDBMS structure from it for the lookup API for the linkifier. So all I really want is class names/members, func/constant/pre-defined vars and possibly arglists
@hakre nite
I really need to join the doc team properly, some of this is a joke consistency-wise
Notice there's no class name in synopsis
Also I'm learning about a whole bunch of extensions I never knew existed
Any good ones?
Not really :-P
Or just a whole load of wtf?
Actually having said that, this looks interesting in the light of an idea that was tabled earlier /cc @rdlowrey
when I show to my girlfriend what I have done at work:
Hi guys , or @Danack i come to a point where i ask myself questions in what is the best way to code my code when using , in my case TWIG, and choose in first place twitter bootstrap front end.
How can i let my code run via twig , let twig run it with bootstrap , but whenever i say i change the theme/template and that template uses more jquery UI or just.
How i would adapt my code to serve both?
The more i try to create, i need a base front end, i cant say that my code will work for all.There is alway's a html element in it with a class.
What should i do, do i think the wrong way?
^ lulz
Ow wait. It is deleted :(
The web developer's web site is never finished.
The web developer's web site is never online

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