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@DaveRandom hey I checked the standard: if (expression) statement; is actually legal. Haven't checked the trailing comma yet
trailing comma?
@ircmaxell yeah I think the . is silent =oP
Bathroom tiles are crazy expensive, m'kay.
@DaveRandom git over here
@PeeHaa Nah, it's over here
What did I do now?
@DaveRandom Is it possible to append an entire domnodelist at once?
Don't think so, you need a loop. But it's not exactly an expensive operation, and that's exactly what it would do underneath anyway...
@ircmaxell in object literals in javascript
function appendNodeList(\DOMNodeList $nodeList, \DOMNode $target) {
  foreach ($nodeList as $node) {
@PeeHaa Not exactly much code required to do it...
Oh thats nice.. Mind if I steal that from you? :)
@DaveRandom :P
Also can you spot my error? codepad.viper-7.com/F15Hq7
I think I'm going for a pair of glasses now
(out of CVs, either would close against a dupe or NARQ)
if ($array[0] typeof Array)
how to write something like this :D
@webarto is_array()?
@webarto if (is_array($array[0])) ?
I know, but that looks like is_null to me :(
@dragon112 Err... sure? It's not exactly something I could make loads of money from...
@PeeHaa codepad.viper-7.com/WNTrR5 - apparently modifying a DOMNodeList during a foreach terminates the loop. Can't believe I've never come across this before but there you go. Also I think you are required to removeChild() before you can add it somewhere else, that alone didn't fix it though.
@DaveRandom strange. it works when looping though a domnodelist create by an xpath query
Strange shit my man
@PeeHaa Must be the difference between live vs non-live, I've seen it referenced in the MDN docs before but never really bothered to go find out what the finer implications are (although some elements are obvious). I guess modifying a live node list sets the pointer to the end. @NikiC might know more.
kk. tnx for your time as always :)
Hey ppl
i m developing car site, i need a last five years all car details i.e. make, model, year, length, width, height, siting person capacity etc..(maximum number of fields i need) with car images and its interiear images.
You guys all devs?
No, I'm a cat burglar
I steal cats from people.
First time in the chat
@We0 I spend time in front of a computer, but they say I'm a dev
Or would that be stealing from cats?
maybe I'm a printer dev
@Ocramius I thought you were /dev/null
Nvm ur mostly trolls :P
@DaveRandom can you repeat? I think I nulled it
@We0 Welcome :)
@We0 Not really, but the question kinda invited it. We're nice really. Most of the time.
lol, everybody does it
No auto complete
Press tab, not enter
@daverandom Yeah walked into that one
@DaveRandom thanks
np :-)
Anyway gonna get back to work, check you all later
uhm... @We0 checked in to tell us he's going back to work?
@iroegbu No ichecked the chat
@We0 You'd get more attention and better answers for this on SU or SF
@iroegbu now i have to go back to work
migrate your question
@iroegbu huh? Said that guy was correct
/me tries to summon @casperone
@andho not legal...
@ircmaxell Are you 100% sure of that? (not saying it is just have been thinking about this for some time and never bothered to look it up) :D
@We0 You'd get more attention and better answers for this on SU or SF - @DaveRandom
@PeeHaa 99%
V8 permits them in arrays but not objects
@DaveRandom The question is.... what does ECMAscript say about it
I know IE7 used to throw up even with array literals, not tested in anything later
@PeeHaa Dunno, I shall have a looksee when I can be arsed. So probably never. ECMA def is a seriously dry document.
And that coming from someone who actually reads RFCs
Q: Trailing commas in JavaScript

Adam RackisAre trailing commas standard in JavaScript, or do most browsers like Chrome and FF just tolerate them? I thought they were standard, but IE8 puked after encountering one—of course IE not supporting something hardly means it's not standard. Here's an example of what I mean: (after the last el...

Ryan Kinnal probably knows, he's weird like that
Ahh right, so the rules changed for ES5
V8 doesn't implement that permitted trailing comma in objects, but it does seem to implement the array stuff correctly
why trailing comma a big deal
can't he just remove them?
@iroegbu SU SF?
@iroegbu The thread started with a discussion about JSLint and the fact that it sometimes complains about things that aren't really problems, just Crockford's stylistic preferences.
@DaveRandom @iroegbu I got it working no problem, but thanks for the tip
ok, more like 'best' practice than rule
@iroegbu Indeed, but as always "best practice" is subjective. There are some things it complains about that are just plain wrong though, such as function whatever() { console.log(this.prop); } - it reckons that you are using this in an invalid context, but that's not even slightly true when you take into account the existence of .call(), .apply() and .bind()
Does anyone know a good resource on the best practices regarding throwing exceptions in php libraries?
@ircmaxell I think it is clear that I don't follow PHP internals nor PHP mailing list overall yet, so may I find any resources were people are writing their reasons for their votes? Unless that already happened.
<--- Still doesn't understand why people want Z0+ so badly.
@Alexander php-news.herokuapp.com/php.internals is the mailing list on which discussions about such things are held
@DaveRandom Not quite what I meant, but I suppose I asked for it
I still don't get what will happen if none of those options get a majority.
@PeeHaa For?
Oooooh he's done it now
Wow, brave @PeeHaa.
hi hi
@NikiC hi hi hi
@NikiC hi hi hi hi
@NikiC hello!
Hey @NikiC
Q: PHP Objects vs Arrays

LouisI have a huge amount of PHP objects for a neural network for which I have to iterate over and perform some maths on. I was wondering if I would be better off using an associative array over instances of classes? I am dealing with around 3640 objects and iterating around 500 times (at best) on to...

Looking at that
I have a similar problem
but I have to query a database twice if I have to use Objects
@Eevee Finished reading your post. I agree. Though some of that might be a bit impractical in PHP ^^
is it advisable to go the OOP way or just use a single Query and use an array
@iroegbu How can array/objects change how often you have to query the db?
at the moment I query then use the id gotten (from mysql) to create an object (within loop)
the first query can get everything I need, but it just won't be as organized as creating an object
@iroegbu That makes no sense, it's just converting one data structure to another. Why would using objects as the target data structure change the number of queries, unless the object holds more information?
uhm... no... within in the class I'm instantiating I have to get the properties of the object
the first query just gets the id
yes, the object has more data
Why don't you get all the data at once in the constructor?
is filter_sanitize_special_chars supposed to filter numbers out?
that's within the class... I'm wondering if I even need the class as I can get everything I need in from the first query
Hello, folks. I badly need a help with two ZF2 prooblems: stackoverflow.com/questions/15212780/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/15224356/zf2-edpmodulelayouts Thanks in advance.
What should I use to filter a phone number? can have brackets "()"
@ГеоргиБанков I can't help you with that particular question by I would try to improve the questions a little
at least try to post less code, only the relavant parts
the less code you post
the more people are going to go through it
and improve your chances of getting an answer
It's about a project I have to do for Sunday
Yes, but the code is need, I suppose.
@ГеоргиБанков from a quick look, I don't think all of it is needed, but I may be wrong... Also, I would edit to add what you think is the problem
that always helps
good luck
but right now I don't have any idea where the problem comes from
@ГеоргиБанков (In a smart way) Remove code until the problem disappears, chances are big you'll find out what the problem is and don't need our help. If you don't, you can get back here and give us as little code as possible that causes the problem.
Yes. That't the first I tried but ZF2 is so complicated...
@casperOne I want my repz from this back damnit!
But more serious... :)
I have seen you cleaning up a lot of crap on the site. And we are currently in the process of trying to CLOSE ALL THE TYPO QUESTIONS.
I dont suppose anyones available for looking into one of my sites for me? namely SQL query response time?
It would be great if a mod could helps us because we often hit the vote limit @casperOne
We already have a nice list you could easily go through if you don't mind. :)
pretty please :D
"often" is an understatement, it's always.
True that
@PeeHaa If you need help voting, you can ask me.
@xBroak do you have code to show?
Popup windows and cookies for audiobooks ... sounds legit. — rdlowrey 1 min ago
@rdlowrey he's looking for a php solution and didn't show any code...
Anytime someone says any derivation of "this is what I need. kthx." my eyes just glaze over.
@rdlowrey do people think SO is a coding factory?
> oh hai. I can haz teh codez? kthxbai
@rdlowrey Oh, I usually go into a frezy and alt+f4 the screen...
@Happyninja Yes. Yes, they absolutely do.
Have I ever told you how much I hate OSX
@rdlowrey ... they know how to write the question but not how to read the FAQ
I believe you mentioned it
Could the correct answer be marked by mod.?
@ircmaxell why? i begin to believe better the devil you know than the one you don't aka stay with windowz instead of apple
@Happyninja because it's a piece of garbage operating system that doesn't know how to work properly...
Dec 17 '12 at 0:04, by ircmaxell
F#$K MAC and F#$K OSX
stackoverflow.com/questions/3797239/… seems obvious, that the most voted answer is most efficient.
@ircmaxell you are obliged to use it?:
Maybe @Gordon could do that? No?
@Happyninja nah, I'll stick to a good operating system, thank you very much (Linux)
> 194 messages found
lol impressive
@ircmaxell lol, you right, linux is a good one... i should just install a virtualization software to run my damn photoshop and stop using windowz
@ircmaxell are you good with algorithms?
@Eugene I wrote the room description, and I agree with it. Just ask the question, and if someone (or I) can help, they will :-P
not crypting
@PeeHaa The list should be updated, most of the top ones are closed
nah, my next computer will be windows, mainly because I'm not running video editing software under virtualbox
imo latency is a big problem with virtual stuff
@dragon112 It updates once every 30 minutes, much more often than that and you will get kicked from the Stack API because it doesn't use an API key.
@dragon112 It updates every 30 mins. Also you may wanto to lurk in here to capture the crap when it is entered
@Happyninja lack of direct access to the GPU would be the bigger one
@Eugene just ask the question...
@PeeHaa @DaveRandom Awesome, checking that chat + refreshing every now and then!
@ircmaxell I've heard you. I'm thinking on how to put it in few words.
ah ok
@ircmaxell are you aware of virtualization software running greatly on linux that has access to the gpu, and is stable?
Mar 2 '12 at 1:34, by ircmaxell
Sometimes I hate how little documentation PHP's source has
@Happyninja no, which is why I wouldn't do so
Woot, got a generalist badge over the weekend
The only time I saw PHP's source code it was written in a language that I couldn't understand with a combination of consonants I never saw before
visited 1027 days, 1024 consecutive
lxr.php.net is frequently useful for garbage rep on bad questions :)
@ircmaxell premeditated?
@rdlowrey or good rep on decent questions
^ or that
@ircmaxell okay
@Happyninja up-vote or down-vote the candidates
Q: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsThe community bulletin says that there is a moderator election occurring. How does the election work and how can I get involved? Return to FAQ index

@Eugene could do what?
Hmm... doesn't PHP_CodeSniffer have something like a ruleset.xml.dist or such? :| That's really annoying with sonar :\
@Gordon mark most voted answer as correct one
Since it is if you read the question + it is most efficient as I see it.
At least.
@Eugene I dont understand. Do you mean I should give a question the green tick?
Ahoy folks.
@rdlowrey Bitches love being showed sauce code. It just look sprofeesinal
@Eugene But I can only give the green tick to answers to my own questions
@Gordon can't mod. give it to not owned answers as well?
@PeeHaa Yo bitch! Brouse da sauce, it's what de Intarnets are made wiht.
@Eugene im not a mod and i dont know if they can
how many new moderator can be elected?
@Happyninja usually like 4-5?
Good evening
@DaveRandom How do I cast a delete vote (or don't i have enough rep yet)?
Needz moar rep (10K)
20k for insta-delv powahz
I'm planning to setup a cron job in my server to delete some temporary files that have been uploaded using a multi-step register form. However, I want to make sure that I don't delete files being uploaded at the moment cron job runs. Any ideas?
Ah that explains.
hope gordon will make it
@PeeHaa I like "sprofeesinal", I plan to use that more in daily conversation
@Happyninja well with 1400 votes he has a pretty good shot i'd say
@DaveRandom I spent five minutes trying to workout how to pronounce that.
@Happyninja thanks
We all want Uncle @Gordon to make it ;)
i'm not a downvote fan but does anyone who vote for gordon also downvoted the others so gordon can have a better chance?
I'm sure Gordon doesn't need those practices ... he will get in by sheer will power
I didn't do that. I downvoted people I consider shouldn't be mods. That's all.
An answer gave in 1 minute and 25 seconds: stackoverflow.com/a/15228276/204701
@MihaiIorga Nope, you're probably wrong ;-)
I bring you FGITW
It's 1min + 5min
Is the answer correct? Okay, who cares.
ninja edits ftw
true that
i can't ;(
edits don't count in the history if you do it really quick i.e. 2~3 mins
i didn't downvoted anyone for that purpose. i guess there is a way to see that, am i correct?

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