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osrc.dfm.io/krakjoe here's another ... I can't find any ruby, I looked, really hard ...
Skype keeps saying "<username> came online." ... does anyone else think that's a somewhat dubious term?
it wasn't ...
now it is ...
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay monring room!
@JoeWatkins haha quite right.
morning @PeeHaa
@Jack hehe, pretty good I thought ...
yay, found good question!
@JoeWatkins Epic would be to write whatever the other wrote in a single line after two minutes of thinking ;-)
@AlmaDo a good question on stackoverflow?bounty it!
@Jack this
I don't know why, but I like playing with SQL :p
I agree that it's more interesting than the average question :)
I'll crack it :p
My gut feel says: temporary table :)
or some funky kind of union to join against.
@Jack no-no-no. That will be unfair :p
How so? SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 to create a small table you can join with ... seems legit to me.
weird :( because OP don't want to re-write query each time :p
i.e. your list could contain 1000 dates. Then what? It will work, yes, but.. crappy
I've asked him where D actually comes from.
huh.. you can create SQL in application, I know. But that's boring :p
That's not exactly what I meant with that question :)
If that list of dates comes from a query result itself, it's easier to work with.
If it comes from a user selection of things, then it would be more challenging.
yes, it is
hi, @Fabien
So you are using a JS framework as well... so, what's the difference? — ssola 11 hours ago
when working on a project using unfamiliar technology... is there a way to set meaningful timelines?
I wonder if anyone has ever used HTTP 402 response before ... if anything, pr0n websites would be the first to take advantage of that =D
@Jack I wonder same thing about 418
418 doesn't seem to be present in rfc2616-sec10 :)
402 is though ... this page requires payment, whip out yer credit card!
I have noob downvotes -_-
I don't mind the -2 rep, but that approach of "he downvoted me I downvote him" instead of "he downvoted me let's try and see why" drives me insane.
@Jack eh.. MySQL is dummy :( It permits IN with static list, but not other types of subqueries (it treats list as a row container ).. crap
@PeeHaa maybe I am biased, but his avatar looks exactly what you would expect if you opened "annoying and ignorant coworker" box and pulled something out of it
@tereško Going to get Starbound?
@Fabien probably
You get the soundtrack free which is nice.
I am not sure if it's a good idea for me just now
@tereško :P
@tereško You're right, you need to save up and buy a real gaming machine.
I have quite limited funds now, since I did lend $3k recently
-_- Ugh thats a lot to lend
@MadaraUchiha form is NOT tabular data
@MadaraUchiha yes, well-known for me
@tereško In some cases, it is (not arguing with you in this case though). But I'm not going to rewrite his code from scratch there, there wouldn't be an end to this.
@Fabien yes, but it's for family .. which was kinda the right thing to do, but I might not get it back
Family is pretty much the only acceptable place to loan money
parent's house got a brand new roof (and it actually was less then half of the total cost)
the final bill was closer to $8k
seems decent price for a whole new roof :)
At least now when you have to stay at theirs you can argue "While you live under (half) my roof!".
@tereško I got a job in Berlin (most likely), but I'm probably not going to take it because of my IRL situation at the moment. Would you consider it?
I can imagine people not wanting to borrow money from family though :)
I would rather sell my soul to devil.
@crypticツ Why not both?
@MadaraUchiha didn't know you could link code markup
@crypticツ ‮now you do
‮I love U+202e. It's awesome :D
php.net/manual/en/… thoughts on inline code (pinky background thingy) highlight?
@MadaraUchiha /me reads with mirror
@webarto Why not the same style like for the function declaration?
Good morning all
Hi Guys ,

I want to create .mobileconfig and if user install this profile user will redirect to profile.php
page where I will take device UDID .

Can anyone tell me in detail or give helpful link
this file will be like on server domain.com/d.mobileconfig
@Sandeep Do we look like mind readers to you?
Oh also a big congratulations to everyone for getting to another Friday.
I sincerely hope you get a 30 minute ban out of it.
@jack yes
Well, we're not.
Oh wait, I know that one ... I sense that ... you're not happy with the fact that we're not mind readers =D
heh I was listening to this the other day.
love that song =D
@ThomasWeinert You mean white background, etc?
well ... what strikes me is: how the hell did I end up watching that video, since I started with "Unexpect"
@tereško can you help me with MVC thingy?
Do you want to? (rephrased)
eem .. I will have to go with "no"
@Jack he-he.. I cracked that :p
@AlmaDo You cracked YT?
I have a solution now. Thinking how to post :D
lol okay
what's the gist of it?
I suggest to start a bonfire from all those cv's
@webarto yes small inline block with less padding then the other source boxes but with the same border, background and font
@ThomasWeinert Thank you, I'll try it and consult others, I agree it would be good to keep it consistent.
@JoeWatkins you can also just put an @ in front of it =P
Q: Review form is not being submitted

Mr_GreenIn my project, I added a new field location in "product reviews" of admin panel going through the following steps as explained in many blogs. Created a new field in database table review_detail as location. Added the following code in app/code/code/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Review/Edit/Form.php ...

^ Any help?
@Mr_Green You won't find many magento developers here, sorry.
To implement REST service, what framework would one use? Silex?
@webarto PHP :)
I've written one in Silex, though ... it's doable :)
lol, noob here (hopefully someone can help here since I couldnt find a chat for linux) - what exactly does "bind bi*" do in terminal and how do I unbind it? I was about to do a "find" but missed a couple of keys :P
@MadaraUchiha I will be ok with one developer :)
@Jack That didn't work out very well for me so far :P
> Aim of this challenge is to test your overall PHP engineering skills. You should create modern, object-orientated application programming interface (API) with clear separation of concerns between model and controller. When working on the challenge, don’t forget about scalability and code-quality (code documentation, tests).
PHP didn't work out for you? Awww
there are some dev's which I knew of like orangepill
Accepting advices!
22 hours ago, by webarto
I guess few companies denied my application because I told them that their Frameworks are not "MVC" and their ORM's suck.
"Why not use existing framework? Why are you reinventing the hot water?"
@Suhosin If only =oP
Would frameworks that do "MVC" still be flexible, though? Haven't spent much time looking for those frameworks either.
Do any frameworks do classical MVC?
@Jack if you want to see, it's this
@webarto because requirements did not specify use of a framework, and since the goal of task was to test my skills, I would not be comfortable defending decisions and/or mistakes made by 3rd party framework developers
@Fabien Classical MVC cannot be implemented in PHP.
At least not by mortals.
I thought it could but not in a sensible way?
@Fabien Classical MVC requires things like persistent model and observer pattern
Things that PHP cannot easily do.
basically, the idea is "if I submit a code sample with 3rd party framework, I should be ready, willing and able to defend all of the code"
Yes, that's true, I'm only opting for that because I don't know "what's controller/model" (even after reading your answers on SO.
Bad wording.
@crypticツ how was the regex ?
6 mins ago, by webarto
"Why not use existing framework? Why are you reinventing the hot water?"
because "wheels" are not made from "hot water" ... and this project need a "wheel"
@bwoebi I meant that '\\' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is a parse error in a static array, because no constant expressions ...
@tereško Yes, I suck with words. I'm going to lead by your example, hopefully do it properly.
@AlmaDo You evil evil man hahaha
@Jack hehe :p
But sure, here's +1 for evil =D
@Jack well, that's a tricky way, yes. Most likely OP is in the middle of XY
@HamZa just now checked it out. Doesn't allow wildcards, sorry forgot to mention don't need it to match the keywords like self, none, and no need to capture the matches as just using it for validation against a single value through a loop. I currently have a pretty good one which does it all but maybe you can improve it.
@Jack but I really like good SQL questions :p
I prefer array and regex problems, but sql is fun when you finally figure it out :)
@webarto being able to explain your decisions in terms that the employer/client can understand and relate to is important part of being a developer
arrays are good too. The only problem is that it's hard to find good questions there
it's always about "how to compare multidimentional array" or "custom sort" or whatever dummy questions are
wow. much 30 minute suspend. such troll.
can we do it again ?
> Look buddy, doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money?
@crypticツ drop me a link and some comments and I'll check it out later on ...
@MadaraUchiha How are your projects coming. You've been quieter the past few weeks.
@Fabien Yup, didn't even have time for Go :D
@Jack I sense that you are an IRC user
... or were
huh.. with that Objective-C I've forget about Go :\
I'm joining a Startup with two of my friends, a real dragon project.
All the prepping really take time and effort to make.
You'll soon disappear then.
@MadaraUchiha do you have "step2" already figured out ?
@tereško "step2"?
@Fabien Hell no!
1. join startup; 2. ??? 3. get rich and famous
@tereško Ah, yeah. We have step 2 :)
Actually our point is rich and not famous.
@tereško yeah. you typed it correctly (i.e. have not forgotten most important part - the ??? part)
Sounds nefarious
If there's something I learned, making a huge spotlight of yourself also makes you a huge target for everyone.
learnt :)
Learned is fine, it's just American.
@Fabien I prefer as many general rules and as little exceptions as possible. Past tense = ed appendix. Learned it is then.
But it's American :(
@JoeWatkins ah, you aren't using master?
Hey guys please check and help me - stackoverflow.com/questions/20420255/…
yeah but the rest of the world might not be, probably isn't ...
@JoeWatkins You want to get phpdbg into php5.6 … so why support lower :-D
BC, pah. :-)
3 more votes to 50k :D
@bwoebi well the rest of the code supports 5.4+ ...
@JoeWatkins yeah, I know… didn't mean that seriously
sarcasm lost to the interweb ...
I keep pushing the sarcasm /s tag
that's the strangest function name I've ever seen ...
they are all like that !!!
@JoeWatkins any idea what that continuity sapi is?
I can't find it anywhere, waybackmachine shows some strange mp3 server or something, I dunno ...
pretty annoying that it is included when nobody even knows what it is or does ...
do you disagree with my tagging efforts ?
@tereško No, I disagree with OP's tagging efforts.
Although I'd alter the title at the same go :P
@salathe ah I jumped back further than that and got web.archive.org/web/20021207082215/http://www.5stops.com/m3
sorry, web.archive.org/web/20030209172524/http://ashpool.com then somehow I got to that mp3 server thing ..
@NikiC mo'ning
moin niki
somebody recently reproached me, because somebody felt that I have been retagging stream too much
the use of word "reproach" is confusing
@tereško If the question is about an MVC wannabe (like CI or Cake), I'd leave it. But if the question has nothing to do with MVC (i.e. just because I use CI I tag it as MVC), then it should be removed.
If the question is about controllers, models, views, etc. It should still be tagged .
ah the download works
of that sapi
@JoeWatkins Another reason why it would be nice to allow external sapi registration
we have quite a number of weird sapis in core...
@MadaraUchiha so .. would you retag this : stackoverflow.com/questions/20411225/twilio-device-addcommand
still builds too ..
@NikiC yeah it probably would be good, still this could have been built against embed
With Continuity's Network I/O model, you can program with true blocking sockets - not emulated - and still have a time-out feature! This allows you to have all the performance advantages of blocking sockets without any polling, while still maintaining the security and stability of read and write time-out support.
how times have changed ...
@tereško you sense well :)
Hm, the requirement I have is for the app to be scalable yet 120MB plain text file is used as database?
Not sure if trolling.
120MB text files are very scalable!
Yes, but downwards, not upwards :D
@Jack yes, they mostly scale to 720p
I'd rather have full hd text files.
I am making a php script to write php scripts
yo dawg
@JoeWatkins ... on irc: "got ci modified to work with pthreads" ... ehmmm
@ThomasWeinert Congrats on half the bounty ;-)
Some of you might like this. Building a new router for Gov.uk
Well, maybe he meant that he has cli* working with pthreads ;-)
I'm off work until 2nd Jan :D
@Jack it's nice to have pthreads supporting continuous integration system
@tereško That's what I said too :)
@Jack lol, today is a day for ELT() :D
@AlmaDo Pointy hat trick.
sigh .. so just because this question was tweeted by @stackexchange - stackoverflow.com/questions/20353613/…
@Jack well, two questions with same root .. But second is different cause it's about sequences in MySQL
look at the rediculous votes ..
@DamienOvereem wtf! it's opened again ?
its protected, but open yes
imho it should be deleted
And this one is marked as dupe again ...
tf.. we fixed that yesterday
nice .
but atleast i know how to get rediculous rep now
just follow @StackExchange
and give a mediocre answer on some question they tweet
> Why doesn't my professor want me to use made-up tags?
Apparently that's a really good question.
> why didn't he know that made-up tags exist and work with CSS?
I know, let's call him and ask.
Anyway, there's no way stopping the herd, I suppose.
And at least two herders agree that these (subjective) questions are the new black.
@Jack thanks, funny about that, the source is a clone of one of my xslt templates :-)
@ThomasWeinert Interesting :)
I'm trying to think of how that could be used in xslt ...
Or, you mean, it's the same kind of algorithm that you're using in a transformation?
@Jack which irc and ci == code ignitor?
@JoeWatkins Oh, it's on ##php :) and I think he really meant cli ... otherwise it just wouldn't make sense.
##php @ freenode btw.
I'm in .. point out the offender to me ...
Good lawd I am on a mac...
new job is it ...
@Fabien there's two notebooks on my table right now. One of them (I'm typing this right now from it) is linux and one is Win with virtual machine for Maverick (Macintosh). So I have all three OS currently :p
@JoeWatkins It's hwk :)
Yeah, i popped in for the evening
juat downloaded php storm where the heck is it?
Evening. :)
@Fabien somewhere real pretty, no doubt ...
@Fabien on your desktop?
nm its stll downloading
really ?? surely that's an ms word and they call it the itable surface or something ??
Waiting for the iFloor.
iMat is just too small.
Finally found out how to connect to two irc servers at the same time ... I feel so 1337.
Best things in life are IRC simple.
Free, as in free irc :)
I always wonder why they need something different from irssi for IRC ..
BitchX =D
gtalk y u no open a conversation
the phrase "swinging your e-penis about" which I incorporate into as much conversation as possible, I got from a motd on irc ... they usually have something funny to say ...
[09:18] [MOTD] Message of the day:
[09:18] [MOTD] - _ _ _
[09:18] [MOTD] - (_)_ _ __ __| |_ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _ ___| |_
[09:18] [MOTD] - | | '_/ _|_/ _| ' \/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \/ _` |_| ' \/ -_) _|
[09:18] [MOTD] - |_|_| \__(_)__|_||_\___/\___/ .__/\__,_(_)_||_\___|\__|
[09:18] [MOTD] - |_| E F N e t
[09:18] [MOTD] -
[09:18] [MOTD] - - Serving ports: 6665-6669, and 7000 -
[09:18] [MOTD] - - Serving SSL on port 9999 -
Ahh, good ol' IRC. Brings back so many memories
starts out all serious ... ends with wipe front to back ...
@JoeWatkins such long message breaks concept of "message of the day"
seriously, i cant open a hangout on mac i click on it and nothing happens o.O
The enigma failed for the same reason :)
@Fabien what?
Cos' hanging out is a Google thing, you need to be Facetime'ing.
@Fabien hrmm...I use Macs and have no problems with it
What browser?
chrome, i installed the desktop app. I click on the extensoin icon and i can see hangouts window. I click on a hangout and nothing.
Ah, yea, I don't use the desktop app. I just normally use my open gmail window
sounds productive :D
@Jack yes, the loop is a little different - but the base of the source was a multi column template in XSLT

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