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8:04 AM
@Shahriar cute :) It's not hard to get it, but your motivation is wrong.
Sorry then
Hello Nirob
@Shahriar this man(webarto) has got zend certificate ....
I just passed it to get better job opportunities, I don't need a paper to tell me how much I don't know.
And I got, but I'm not sure it's due to certificate...
#Respect webarto
8:10 AM
@Shahriar Nope, I'm just average.. there are people in here that are making PHP (core developers) (some even make PHP in PHP @ircmaxell :P)
How could I know how many zend certified out there?
I lie, I'm not average LOLOLOL
@NirobHasan About 4000 and counting...
@webarto PHPPHP ..lol
8:11 AM
this link would help you Nirob
@webarto Nikc or Anthony ferrara ?
@webarto is nickc girl ?
girl never on internet
@NullPointer Heh, you are like millionth that asked that :P No, Nikita is unisex name, pretty much... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Sergejewitsch_Chruschtschow he was not a girl :P
I got starred
you see guys? :)
8:16 AM
@Shahriar Your life is now complete.
@webarto RIP...:P
@webarto omg he is famous man
and 92 years old .. still working
@NullPointer Haha no, this one is dead, I'm just saying Nikita doesn't mean female :P @NikiC is only 18 and he already kicks ass :)
8:20 AM
@webarto :-P ... lolwt..
Expert Developers should live forever. If they could, we would may get more google :(
@igorw mornign ...
@Shahriar developers and google ..?
there is only one google than how you will get more google .. i hope google is not like a candy ...
you could say programmer as well
igorw moring, but here afternoon
8:23 AM
@webarto you mean they all are c developer ...
@NullPointer the internet is like candy, and google is the internet
@NullPointer ircmaxell and NikiC are
@igorw or yo.. hows PHPPHP going on and what is that exactly ?
@igorw Which reminds me that I should make coffee :P
@webarto i want also be a c developer ... damn on me not learned c properly ... :(
8:25 AM
@NullPointer I'm the official composer.json maintainer of the project.
it's an implementation of PHP in PHP. it uses @nikic's PHP parser written in PHP (github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser) to get an AST; then has a compiler to compile the AST into PHP opcodes. then there is a VM that runs those opcodes.
you can track progress here: github.com/ircmaxell/PHPPHP/blob/master/test-results.html.md - that's the output of the PHP language tests.
recently it hit 50%
the output is from running tests in the master branch of php-src against PHPPHP on a PHP 5.3 host
@igorw i want to learn that stuff .. i am not a php master or .. at the level you guys are ..
@NullPointer that's pretty much all I know, I have almost no experience with php internals ;-)
@igorw man i even dont know hot to test like you are doing(damn on me ) .. now start learning that stuff ..
9:05 AM
is it possible to change gtalk caption with cmd?
9:26 AM
any one have any good article on web server security best practice?
@shiplu.mokadd.im hire a real sys-admin
@tereško well its a community site and I am not getting any money from it.
Its a forum. with lots of user and lots of posts.
Each time a security breach is published hacker attemts to hack it. I know they will do it. But I wonder if I could be alerted.
referring to script-kiddies are "hackers" is an insult to all the real hackers
9:37 AM
@tereško right you are. But how do I get alert that an intrusion is attempt
@tereško mornign
it would be governed by software that someone is trying to crack
for example , if there are several attempts in guessing ssh password, the openssh service can send you a mail
if what you worry about is the forum code itself , then there is no way
canned websites do not have such functionality
@tereško I am worrying about if they can root the server with this.
then you need to jail the webserver
(or us a linux alternative for it)
also , you would have to make sure, that webserver is running with a nologin user , and that in php you can forbidden to call exec()-like functions
oh .. and you would have to jail the DB server too
all the system() and sister functions are disabled. I'll jail apache and mysql too.
And for alerting I think I need to modify the forum software.
9:47 AM
good mornings ;)
^ Help vampire leeched the answer, then removes question text with a blatant thanks. Downvote at free will, kill-pls. Question flagged.
Q: [SOLVED]PHP forum signature working on localhost but not on webhost

InfiniTy.Solved thanks :d. Oops! Your edit couldn't be submitted because: body must be at least 30 characters; you entered 16

10:02 AM
@NullPointer triple wtf???? that user must have the pico bello wide open.
Yes I know I linked it. Some users are really trying hard to piss others off.
both questions are now flagged btw.
@tereško may i ask than why that much efforts ?
anyone noticed jsfiddle is changed jsfiddle.net (look)
10:31 AM
happy troll face?
@PeeHaa Thank you, I have been considering it and now I will implement it
@tereško What is wrong with it? do you mean the menu?
11:11 AM
First OP didn't want to post code, just asking question (again, because first way of asking did not reveal the answer).
@DaveMG: Well you've created that mess in code, now maintain it ;) Well joke aside we've outlined how it works and now you see your real problem: The design of your database access layer. It stands in your own way to get the job done. Why not rewrite it? Following SOLID principles btw. will help you to prevent similar problems in the future: Don't be STUPID: GRASP SOLID!hakre 1 min ago
Hello there, can anyone help me out with an problem. I can't find an answer or solution yet. Anyone familar with Reasable Custom Metaboxes for WordPress? Thank you
@Casper What is your question? I mean even someone who might be familiar with that thingy might not be able to help you. So better ask what you want to know and if anyone knows, will answer.
@hakre Yes of course, sorry I am new to stack overflow , one moment please.
@Casper There also is no need to hurry. This chat is beling logged so nothing runs away.
@hakre That's fine! I am very delighted that you might help me and all the effort it takes!
11:19 AM
It's my pleasure if I can make you smile.
Thank you. I'm really glad if you can help me with it, I for days trying to figure out, but come to no solution. I will do my best to make it as clear as possible to explain!
@hakre So, let's start with the question, I am developing my first plugin for WordPress, it is a slider plugin. Now I have followed an tutorial on WP tuts ( wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/… )to make metaboxes for the backend, where I am able to upload images and set an image caption for it. Up to now, it is clear for you?
hi @cryptic.
@Casper Oh please tell me more about what you've gone through. I'm less interested in the cold technical facts of programming, but more with the social side it has!
@hakre hello, how is everyone? I still haven't slept yet, up watching music videos >.<, have to drop friend off at airport in about an hour.
@Casper Oh that sounds a bit short-sighted by that tutorial. You have any idea why it doesn't cover well what you want to do?
Probably you've left some comment there and contacted the author of that tutorial? It's often worse to give feedback to authors so they can learn what they missed in their tutorial and can improve it!
@cryptic Sounds like you need some strong coffee for the ride (or loud party music)
11:31 AM
@hakre I'm actually in the midst of compiling a playlist for the drive =oP
@cryptic Don't know your taste. Some house no idea if you like.
My excuse, I followed the tutorial and want to take advantage of the repeatable fields, now I have the same author the entire code found on github: https://github.com/tammyhart/Reusable-Custom-WordPress-Meta-Boxes/blob/master/metaboxes/meta_box.php

This source code they use multiple cases in a repeatable field. Now I have gone through the code and it strikes me that the variable is created repeatable_fields nowhere. Now I have the simple case of the repeater and copy the source code from the tutorial paste, I get an error that the var repeatable_fields not exist. I get nowhere found in the
@hakre Thus also the repeatable_type variable as a parameter in the switch statement is used, that nowhere is created. My question now is, do you know where they are created?
Yes code written by others often is hard to read for one's own at first. This often requires careful reading and some understanding work. There is nothing to make that more easy.
Hmm oke, I will give it a new try. Thank you.
@Casper This likely is in that line: extract( $repeatable_field ); see what extract does: php.net/extract
This explains also why you don't find the variable $repeatable_type verbatim a second time.
11:38 AM
@hakre Thank you. I will looking for that! I will stay in the chat, so if I find an solution I will tell it!
@Casper I'm very confident that you will be successful, you seem to be very smart and you don't give up quickly.
@hakre Thank you, no I can not give up easily, but I'm here all week working and then you still do occasionally need some help in order to continue.
11:53 AM
for the love of God, can someone please help me
I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing in PHP
but I've managed to do quite a bite
I have successfully "passed" a variable from a user DOM selection into a PHP file, yay!
AND.... I've managed to set up a parameterized query using this passed variable!
and now the PHP spits out this sql query that is limited by the passed variable, the "parameter"
question is.....
how can I use these variables in the PHP?
    echo implode( ', ', $result);
that works! I can see the results from my query.. but they are useless as a comma delimited array... I need to use each individual field from the query...
here is my PHP SCRIPT!
// require the parameters to access the database
require_once 'config.php';

// connect to the db by setting up a new PDO
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);

// set some attributes of the database PDO
$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

// set the id variable that was passed from JavaScript using the GET method
$id = $_GET['id'];

// create a variable for the statement which uses the database object
// and give the databse a plan to execute the query
Company Name:<input type="text" name="coname" value="<?php echo $result[a_aif.company_name_per_sedar];?>"><br>
<?php echo $result[a_aif.company_name_per_sedar];?>
@hakre you're good at this stuff... any ideas?
@hakre, So if I understand the explanation correctly, you don't have to declared the variable you only have to extract it?
This is my code:

When I upload it to the server I will get the following message:

`Notice: Undefined variable: repeatable_fields in /customers/0/d/a/xxx/httpd.www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ds-flexslider/includes/cpt-manager.php on line 117 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /customers/0/d/a/xxx/httpd.www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2638 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given i
@BenJones use while()
@Casper We all need some help from time to time. That's fine.

while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
echo $row['column_name'];
@cryptic you are a saviour, thanks
12:07 PM
have i missed anything entertaining
@BenJones Your question is not clear to me, the code looks ok in my eyes, but I don't get your problem. And yes, late response. Cryptic has super-powers.
@tereško Maybe my smile comment, no idea ;)
Yes I know, do you know why the error says that repeatable_fields is undefined? @hakre
It's sunday and I do some Wordpress stuff ;)
my problem is how to populate the web form fields with the data I have...
@hakre my condolences
12:10 PM
@cryptic I can't just use this?
@Casper No, but it should be passed in there. If not, it's undefined.
while ($result = sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {}
@tereško ah it's okay, it's just cutting some graphics, putting some text into HTML and that stuff.
@hakre Hmm, strange...
@BenJones ok, now I'm confused at what you are wanting. I thought you wanted to be able to access each value in the resultset.
12:12 PM
@Casper No not strange. PHP gives you a hint here with the warning what exactly is going wrong.
@BenJones are you fetching a single row or multiple rows? Because if single you can just grab the row as an array, if multiple rows you would want to loop through them to access each row and their values independently.
@cryptic Just a single row. I would like to show a web form in HTML, where some of the fields in the form have values that are equal to the values in this result set
@hakre Yes that's fine. But you give me an hint it can be the extract function, but now it says that de var repeatable_fields not defined.... haha ;)
@cryptic I do not need to itterate over a loop
@hakre But I don't give up to easy ;)
12:16 PM
@Casper You know what I do if I have forgeign code I don't really understand and have those errors but want to do that quickly?
I run them with a step-debugger like xdebug. You can stop a program before the error comes and then you can look into all variables and go through the program step-by-step.
This does not work... It only shows Company Name
This is really cool and it helps a lot to understand how foreign code works.
// require the parameters to access the database
require_once 'config.php';

// connect to the db by setting up a new PDO
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);

// set some attributes of the database PDO
$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

// set the id variable that was passed from JavaScript using the GET method
$id = $_GET['id'];

// create a variable for the statement which uses the database object
// and give the databse a plan to execute the query
@BenJones as long as you are sure the query will only return one row you can just do as you had earlier

$row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo $row['column_name'];
12:18 PM
@BenJones use print_r($row); to see how the array is and access the values accordingly.
@hakre, so your advice is to get xdebug and check where the code die?
@cryptic echo is not working...
// require the parameters to access the database
require_once 'config.php';

// connect to the db by setting up a new PDO
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);

// set some attributes of the database PDO
$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

// set the id variable that was passed from JavaScript using the GET method
$id = $_GET['id'];

// create a variable for the statement which uses the database object
// and give the databse a plan to execute the query
@BenJones First you are running fetch() twice, remove the one which is $result = ...... 2nd, run print_r($row); AFTER the remaining fetch() to see the proper column names to use as the index values for $row =o)
@cryptic it's the weirdest thing... the print_r($result) works and prints the array...
@BenJones paste the output of print_r()
12:27 PM
@cryptic Array ( [aif_id] => 6429 [fee_source_id] => aif.16429 [company_name_per_sedar] => CGI Group Inc. [document_filing_date] => 2012-12-20 )
I don't see any html room
@cryptic for some reason, using $row doesn't work... but if I stick to $result it works
But I have a problem with html5
And I posted it already
@BenJones notice anything about those key names and the key names you are trying to echo?
But no one could answer it
Q: HTML5 required feature handling

ShahriarPlease look at the picture; I used in input field required feature and it works fine like image. required="required" But my problem is it's position. Please fill out this field this message should be under Username box not left side of that input box. Is it possible to solve? For more assi...

Please check it
12:29 PM
@cryptic here is the updated PHP, and I've tried both $row and $result and only $result works (and yes, I updated the name everywhere in the doc)
// require the parameters to access the database
require_once 'config.php';

// connect to the db by setting up a new PDO
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);

// set some attributes of the database PDO
$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

// set the id variable that was passed from JavaScript using the GET method
$id = $_GET['id'];

// create a variable for the statement which uses the database object
// and give the databse a plan to execute the query
if you could solve this, please answer there
@BenJones use:

echo $row['aif_id'];
echo $row['fee_source_id'];
echo $row['company_name_per_sedar'];
echo $row['document_filing_date'];
@cryptic pardon me, I stand corrected, $row works too...
@BenJones you were using key names that did not exist in the array.
@cryptic YAY!!! w00t!
@cryptic I was using the ['tablename.fieldname']
@cryptic thank you so much
12:31 PM
@BenJones welcome =o)
so... lesson learned. (1) print_r the array first in order to get the names then (2) use those name... (don't guess the names)
@BenJones exactly! But you really should not have to print_r() as long as you know what columns you are grabbing from database as the key name will be the column name.
12:57 PM
Good morning
1:10 PM
how's it going?
because I didn't read up on the internals discussion yet
after that probably bad ;)
@hakre So I get the source code and check if that works, but no. They have the same error. But what is repeatable_fields to defined? Does anyone now an solution?
1:30 PM
hey all
@Siamak.A.M background in your portfolio is very nice
@Siamak.A.M also your avatar is nice ..
@NullPointer Thank you so much
Windows needs to fix their updating system. 15 restarts in the morning is rediculous...
@ircmaxell lol.... 15 ..
yeah, doing the whole batch of 125 failed. So I had to do it in patches of 10...
1:37 PM
@ircmaxell i would rather restore ... or re install if it happened to me ..
this was from a fresh install. That was the problem
@ircmaxell are you using windows 8 ?
if you than its really sucks with programming software ...
No, haven't installed it. Debating it (I have the DVDs)
@NullPointer who is this in your avatar ?
@Siamak.A.M this is me at the age of 8 ....lol...
obvious a Photoshop'ed cartoon ...:P
1:42 PM
Today's dose of crazy:
@NullPointer That's really funny. :D
@Siamak.A.M yo.... thankyou
@Siamak.A.M lol..its awesome .. snail eyes and mouth is really amazing ..
@NikiC: how are you finding that internals thread
will need to write some responses
such a waste of my time
1:55 PM
That question is not yet deleted ! !
Guys, an question to you. I followed the tutorial: http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/reusable-custom-meta-boxes-part-3-extra-fields/

Hakre had give me some advice. I debug the script of the author and came with the result some variables where not decelerated. Now I trying with the simple repeatable custom fields from the tutorial, to figure out how to implement more cases in it. Is it simply copy/past a switch statement inside the foreach loop. Or is that not the correct way to, duplicate more field cases?
any quick way to count lines in a project?
I'd like to know how many lines the Symfony Standard distribution has
@NikiC cloc?
2:03 PM
what's that?
@NikiC phploc
@igorw phloc?
I usually use cloc.sourceforge.net
2:04 PM
It's nice because it also does complexity analysis
i only want to count the number of lines and not deal three ours with installing a package on pear ^^
phpqatools.org is also from Sebastian Bergmann
@NikiC find -iname '*.php' -exec cat {} \; | wc -l
I'll run cloc on it, then we can compare results. If anyone wants to run an other tool.
@NikiC wget http://pear.phpunit.de/get/phploc.phar
@NikiC I'm running it now for you
it'll take a few minutes, because I need to clone the repo
crap I replaced wget with curl and now everything crashed
2:08 PM
$ php ../QualityChecker/bin/phploc.phar src
phploc 1.7.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Directories:                                        509
Files:                                             2131

Lines of Code (LOC):                             242809
  Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code:           0.06
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):                     71791
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):               171018

Namespaces:                                         463
Interfaces:                                         207
~/code/symfony-standard (2.1)$ cloc .
    5315 text files.
    5108 unique files.
    1172 files ignored.

cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.56  T=31.0 s (139.4 files/s, 16169.3 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                           3842          62137         143861         250235
how do I get it to keep whitespace?
@igorw fixed font button
thanks, that's better
I always end up here now :)
that's really weird. @igorw are you running that on symfony master?
2:12 PM
no, against symfony-standard 2.1, including vendors
@ircmaxell do you have a standard distribution?
I have a raw checkout of the git master branch
symfony is much smaller than i though
of symfony-standard? or symfony/symfony?
only 250kloc
2:13 PM
symfony/symfony, without composer deps
running composer install now, and will update the numbers for everything including dependencies
$ phploc.phar .
phploc 1.7.4 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Directories:                                        752
Files:                                             3362

Lines of Code (LOC):                             382078
  Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code:           0.07
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):                    125881
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):               256197

Namespaces:                                         647
Interfaces:                                         329
I did it on the src dir
phars are cool
phars are cool when they work
2:15 PM
@igorw I already included that
because pear doesn't work ever
Including test cases and the composer dependencies:
 php ../QualityChecker/bin/phploc.phar --count-tests .
phploc 1.7.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Directories:                                        566
Files:                                             2557

Lines of Code (LOC):                             283831
  Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code:           0.06
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):                     85069
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):               198762

Namespaces:                                         500
Interfaces:                                         250
that's closer to the cloc result :)
don't know why, but I always though symfony would be more ... massive ^^
1700 classes isn't massive
that's what I'm saying
2:18 PM
No, I'm saying that sarcastically...
posted on January 06, 2013 by Mark van der Velden

I started as developer in Pascal, Java and C. After noticing this interesting phenomena called the world wide web I was eager to participate. Convinced that PHP was a perfect language to quickly build web-applications, I started building websites even before the H in PHP received the official meaning "Hypertext". After developing websites for a while, I was convinced I knew it all. I quick

I mean it's not that big, but then again it's pretty big...
well, that includes all of doctrine
EHLO chat.stackoverflow.com
2:20 PM
@ircmaxell I just wasn't expecting something in the 250k range, more something in the 2M range ^^
which is only 27MB
fair enough
running it against ZF2 now ;-)
symfony/symfony is 17MB :)
$ php ../QualityChecker/bin/phploc.phar --count-tests .
phploc 1.7.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Directories:                                        651
Files:                                             3075

Lines of Code (LOC):                             537739
  Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code:           0.04
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):                    138695
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):               399044

Namespaces:                                         598
Interfaces:                                         278
@ircmaxell That's already a bit more like it :D
2:23 PM
This is like a "stick" measuring contest already
> Cyclomatic Complexity / Number of Methods: 13.38
Just on the library folder looks better:
$ php ../QualityChecker/bin/phploc.phar --count-tests library
phploc 1.7.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Directories:                                        337
Files:                                             1746

Lines of Code (LOC):                             249341
  Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code:           0.11
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):                    102954
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):               146387

Namespaces:                                         338
Interfaces:                                         270
Is tag reasonable if contents of the question forces to bash head against the table?
2:30 PM
@PeeHaa Hi!
@PeeHaa morning '
hi :)
When I try to put an switch statement inside the foreach loop with $meta as $row, I don't see an input field. When I doesn't use an switch statement inside the same foreach I will see my input field :

// Repeatable
case 'repeatable':

$i = 0; // Variable for repeater

if ($meta) {
foreach($meta as $row) {
echo 'Hello';
echo '<input type="text" name="' . $field['id'] . '['.$i.']' . '" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . $row . '" size="30" />';

} // End foreach loop
} // End if statement
1. dont use switch
2. use templates for your html (or haml like builder)
@Kamil Tomsik Ok, I thought it was good. I followed the tutorial: http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/reusable-custom-meta-boxes-part-3-extra-fields/

Look at the source code that contains much more examples and saw on line 393 that the use inside the case repeatable one other switch statement with the other fields that you want to make repeatable.... > https://github.com/tammyhart/Reusable-Custom-WordPress-Meta-Boxes/blob/master/metaboxes/meta_box.php
2:41 PM
horror code
anyguys tried Phalcon? is it cool
@cyril Yes it is, but they have also not declared al the variables they use... So I will give it an try to focus on my own code haha.
@Casper are you kidding me? function with 300 lines of code?
github should consider close-votes :)
@KamilTomšík why?
@ircmaxell First reply written. Which makes me realize just how pointless this whole fucking discussion is
2:51 PM
@ircmaxell it is huge, theres no excuse for excuse for that.
@NullPointer not being able to use the source for reference is a major downside imo. also, not being able to fix bugs unless you know C.
@NikiC reply to what and where is it? :)
@KamilTomšík No. no absolute not. But you're right haha. But how can I fix my problem then, if you say I am not use the switch statement inside the foreach loop?
@igorw yup... that why i am working(learning ) c ....
2:54 PM
This question required 10 votes to delete. Why is that?
@shiplu.mokadd.im and because it has too many upvote
and wearied thing is that it can be undelete in 3 vote
@NullPointer, indeed, it sounds cool
@Casper for simple decision-logic (1-2 conditions), IF should be okay, but if there are any more cases, make it polymorphic
Next question: how many up-vote requires more than 3 delete votes to delete a question?
@NullPointer imo it's focusing on the wrong problem. opcode cache and HTTP caching can get you extremely far in terms of performance. at that point PHP's raw performance does not matter very much. and if perf is really critical, you can throw your data into redis (if it works for your use case). or write the parts that are the bottleneck in C directly.
2:57 PM
Ok, I will make an if statement for the 2.
A: Should delete votes be limited like close votes?

Jarrod DixonWe had discussed this before, but deferred until there was a problem - it seems we now have a problem :) The new rules: 10k rep users get 5 deletion votes per day on questions they don't own - deletion rules on questions one does own are still in effect popular questions require more deletion ...

Hey all, hope you're having a good weekend
One other problem, does anyone know why there is no meta saved when I try to make more image uploads?

$image = get_template_directory_uri().'/images/image.png';

echo '<span class="default_image" style="display:none">' . $image . '</span>';

if ($meta) {
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($meta, 'thumbnail');
$image = $image[0];

} // End if statement

echo '<input name="' . $field['id'] . '['.$i.']' . '" type="hidden" class="upload_image" value="' . $row . '" />';

echo '<img src="' . $image . '" class="preview_image" alt="" />';
@Alexander hmm. that clarifies it

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