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ahhhh screw this... lamp it is.
How many years experience do you guys have?
Ah you know, 5 years or so, Google and Facebook employee
10 years as a professional developer. 5 years php (albeit no php uptil now over the past 5)
took 5 years off to pursue a sales career (don't know why)
Thats really interesting, ive been working as a web developer for around 10 months now and i find it really interesting! Does that feeling stay? :)
as long as you never stop trying to learn.
Id hate to do sales @rlemom :p
Depends on how interesting the projects you get given to work on are :)
good point @Gordon
I think everyone here would hate to do sales.
@Sam actually i'm a better sales person than developer.
My job at the moment is sales
@rlemon my point was don't get shaken by other people's views, learn for yourself. no offense intended. well said @GordonM
I've left a living will that says I'm to be mechanized the instant I start using words like "packageize" or "blue sky thinking" in a non-ironic way or use "action" as a verb.
@HarryB you work at google & facebook?
@CarrieKendall ohh i took no offence, I just meant i've been using this technology for some time... now i'm interested in venturing out. what do you guys recommend.
Mechanized? Really, spell checker? Euthanized!
@Sam nah lol, co-own nitrous-networks.co.uk
Only 17 =L
fml ;(
Nice to see 5 of you came over to the site
I wish getting the computer to do what I want it to was as easy as getting customers to do what I want them too.
@rlemon are there certain features that you're looking for or you simply just want to try something new for the hell of it?
Make that 6
Aha @HarryB , good looking site you have there :) im only 19
@Sam I'm only 19 too
@Sam Thanks, yeah its pretty new
@CarrieKendall for the hell of it.
turning 20 in a month..
@rlemon i prefer getting the computer to work as you want. If it doesnt work its more than likely your fault. With people they are so unpredictable!
@GordonM i REALLY suck at sales. i avoid at all costs.
@rlemon Best reason there is
So any one fancy Minecraft hosting lol?
@HarryB i run a tekkit server off my home machine :) Otherwise i might
Gotta go. later
@Sam pfft. people are totally predicable. and trainable. and you can have them do a number of things they wouldn't if they trust you.
One-click installs for tekkit servers with us!
Run over 700 Minecraft servers
@rlemon ah, i see. i would suggest nginx
30% tekkit
Any hoosels
@HarryB id love to help out with running them though if you ever need help :)
computers on the otherhand are doing exactly what someone told them to do, maybe you maybe another dev. either way they are subject to human error.
Also, run this site filefrontier.com
Sure thang
just stressing the point that people are not as smart as we'd like to think.
@HarryBeasant Did you build the site?
Which one?
i mean, the amount of product I had people convinced they needed in less than 20 minutes..
Guys, if I use Doctrine for work with database and I would like to use nested set approach for categories, then what might be the real world scenario when I would need more then one root. I thought about it for hours and still can't find the use for that.
@rlemon I see what you mean, what is it you used to sell?
Nitrous was done by a profess
@HarryB no slider at the top?! But every site has one at the minute! haha
I was a retail manager for a few stores.. then I was a general manager for a few stores. then I was a regional sales trainer for a bit then I got bored and quit sales/retail.
@HarryB it slides down! mind fuck!
@sam haha=)
What do you think of the filefrontier design?
but in all I worked for bootlegger, guess, campus crew, aldo group, then outsourced to jean machine and some small stores in my area called nv which have closed since.
Too basic? or okay?
@rlemon Your better off getting experience like you have in multiple fields i find. If you ever get bored of programming you can always go back
LOL fake download counter!
lol yea i had a good lul about the fake download counter.
refresh the page and it moves backwards.
"Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in" <-- god why do I fall for that every time
@rlemon Most people wont have any idea its fake lol
@Sam well if that is the case I have butloads of them.
@Manvaril ITS NOT FAKE!!!
@HarryBeasant your main button looks weird on (Mac OSX, Chrome) i.imgur.com/NSXyu.png
@NikiC ^ what was the internals opinion of fixing this?
padding ?
erm let me check
@RepWhoringPeeHaa what?
1 min ago, by RepWhoringPeeHaa
"Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in" <-- god why do I fall for that every time
there was a short period I worked in construction, I'm a certified roofer, I've worked in a welding shop. I am red seal approved chef.
<form id="upload_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="uploaded.php">
					<div><label for="image_file"></label></div>
					<div id="file">
	<button class="btn xlarge green" alt="select and upload any file">Select Files to Upload</button><br>
@Harrybeasant what does this line do in a script tag

window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"><\/script>')
i did some of these while working other jobs.
@Sam if jQuery does not exist it includes it
No idea
Download counter updates on refresh
@RepWhoringPeeHaa What did you try to do?
count up is an estimate
@ybouchard LOL was going through the screenshot when you posted i.imgur.com/056SO.png
@rlemon Thats slightly confusing to me :p
window.jQuery /*falsey will cause the next statement to fire*/ || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"><\/script>') /* I write the script tag to the page including jQuery */
@NikiC ofc I tried to check if array returned by function is empty() instead of first creating an array
there are much more efficient ways of including it.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa ah ^^
you shouldn't try and deceive people like that @harrybeasant
Enlighten me
@RepWhoringPeeHaa wiki.php.net/rfc/empty_isset_exprs#vote Preliminary voting results
@HarryBeasant the site is a little plain but looking in comparison to dropbox i think its fine :)
@CarrieKendall Hahaha imgur ftw
@NikiC tnx. what do you have to do to be granted the power to vote on stuff?
Hmm, not sure why it looks like that in safari
Any ideas?
it isnt in safari..
@rlemon Why would you do that though? Isnt the recommended way to link to google hosted jquery to lower the users bandwidth?
4 mins ago, by ybouchard
@HarryBeasant your main button looks weird on (Mac OSX, Chrome) http://i.imgur.com/NSXyu.png
@RepWhoringPeeHaa You need a svn account (or rather git account now). Which means that you have to contribute to one of the PHP subprojects (like php-doc or php-src or php-web etc)
@HarryBeasant its something to do with your file btn black ??
if(!window.jQuery) {
   var script = document.createElement('script');
   script.src = './jquery.js';
   script.addEventListener('load', function() {
} else {
@NikiC what's php web? the site?
this way you ensure it is loaded before you actually run anything.
Alright, thank you @rlemon
@Sam well the recommended way is to always try to use a cdn.
@rlemon ah right ok
Speaking of CDN's, i'm using CloudFlare on the site
tbh I don't know why you need to check for jQuery unless you're writing a plugin with nojQuery support or a userscript which requires jQuery
Did the site load quick for everyone?
@HarryBeasant I found your problem !!
you run the site no? you load jQuery
#file has a height: 65px make it bigger
@RepWhoringPeeHaa yup
80px is working for me
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Btw, docs is the easiest :)
@rlemon How do you normally prevent default action firing in javascript? I tend to use this but it doesnt work in safari:

if (event.preventDefault) {
} else {
event.returnValue = false;
btw no big deal first time i contribute anything to this chatroom...
try now
event.cancelPropigation(); // not sure about this??
return false;
@NikiC hmmm easiest hey :-) k tnx
I thought event.preventDefault() didnt work in ie? Or is that what the second line is for?
@HarryBeasant Didn't change.
return false;
cross browser sure fired way to cancel propagation of the event.
i believe down to ie6
ah ok cheers ;)
I hate ie6 so much! It is the bane of my existence!
i support ie8+ normally
newest project ie7+
ie7 is bearable :p
Have you ever had to create a html email?
but tbh professionally i develop embedded systems (c/c++).... i decided i'm rewriting the inventory system (currently a series of spreadsheets) to a webapp.
@HarryBeasant screen i.imgur.com/hKHMu.png
html email is not that bad
just a bunch of inline css and tables.
old school stuff.
@Sam yes I have. i used a lib.
ive made the height 120px
try now
@Chris If you have ever tried to create cross client html mail you would know it sucks monkey balls
@Chris @rlemon Ive built a few emails for some quite big companies, like Google Adsense in France & Freeview in the UK :) One of my best achievements i think
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Seriously? You can't understand my sarcasm? What's wrong with you!
hahahaha sorry it's late :P
I could ALL CAPS RAGE over Outlook's amazing idea of using the word rendering engine in Outlook 2007 + 10, cheers microsoft!
projects i'm working on:
1) convert 1.2 million line c embedded application designed to run on QNX4 to run on the linux in c++
2) design and develop internal crm/inventory management system
3) make personal blog on github using gists as a backend and gh_pages as my frontend. all html/css/js
@HarryBeasant I've cleared my cache twice and it still hasn't changed
Id be really interested in the first project your doing :)
@rlemon I can do that last one.
@Chris hehe i'm already half done.
For the rest tho', I'd rather take an arrow to the face.
just need to get the oauth stuff worked out with github... never worked with oauth... just finally wrapped my head around openid.
Ive never done one like 2, id like to think i could give it a good go. Id probably approach it as a web app using php and mysql methinks
@Sam i'm using codeigniter (sigh) and developing this for work but will release it open source.
and the first one is work sadly. will be like a year project.
its cloudflare
caches the CSS
Gotta put it in developer mode
@rlemon codeignitor isnt much fun?
kk lol by the way 80px should work
try now
@HarryBeasant works except you 120px making look a little weird
@HarryBeasant not a dig at the your site or anything but the wiggling effect on the different tiers of server is kinda annoying
Someone else said that too lol
@HarryBeasant put 80px
kk cool
bingo looks good
however, the file select is a bit to bi
in everything else
@HarryBeasant how's this site built ? PHP framework ?
Which one ?
@ybouchard i think your site isnt working on your stack overflow account
@Sam Yeah my bad I should change that
do you work professionally as a developer? @ybouchard
hehe my site is because i got fedup with my host. cancelled my account... changed my homepage..... contacted tech support and told them load times were slow they should check it out.
nope, I have an internship for a local software company
I've actually never went to school for programming
@ybouchard me neither, i went straight into a job with 0 experience
@Sam haha yeah same
well not job... internship
@ybouchard youll get a job soon :)
i worked for am unnamed satellite company under the table for many years... then got a co-op at a startup and headed a QA department 3 months later :D
@Sam thanks man, good luck to you too
SQA sucks if anyone was wondering....
I find education is a lot of rubbish compared to on the job training/experience
So question, i'm trying to built this very elaborate site, is it a good idea to write my own framework?
depends on whether or not you can?
Youll know exactly how it works if you can manage it
Im writing my own css preprocessor to make it easier for me to write css
Rather than use Less/Sass id rather make it myself
@Sam Completely agree, I actually have a friend who's taking web design at uni and I'm actually further along then he is. Also 12,000$ richer then him
@Sam and soon there are hundreds of equally shitty preprocessors out there.
@rlemon Okay so but I gotta start somewheres right?
sure. tackle it.
You think @Chris? I find the best way it to build it yourself so you understand how they work. When you have made one yourself you can use another premade/possibly better one and understand exactly how it works
meh.. i like less... i went from years of making it myself to now taking on less.... my god is css ever more convenient.
if for nothing else than I can now write CSS with a little logic behind it.
CSS with variables is just badass
I like LESS, too.
@rlemon I agree with you too! Ill try LESS sometime and see what its like
@Sam CSS is probably the simplest thing ever to learn, so I'm pretty sure a CSS preprocessor is really easy as well.
i don't like sass, never checked it out... just know when my gf uses it I would rather avoid it :P
It is @Chris, Im making it automatically minimise the css and only show the correct browser prefixes at the moment
LESS automatically minimizes the css.
LESS docs are not to be desired... ugh but seriously. check out like the twitter bootstrap less files while reading the docs and you'll understand.
and well, for browser prefixes there are mixins.
@Chris not true.
Im getting off to bed guys as its getting late for me. Its been a pleasure :)
LESS is really cool... I use Komodo for which there is a plugin which you can use on save to compile your CSS file... its ideal really, compiled by the javascript implementation of LESS and always having up to date CSS files
@Sam night
LESS does not minimize the css... less organizes and gives you preprocessing control over it.
Less does minimize.
you can compress you code using less compilers...
@Chris not the language itslef, the interpreters do that
parser.parse('.class { width: 1 + 1 }', function (e, tree) {
tree.toCSS({ compress: true }); // Minify CSS output
LESS can one-line your css though, it's not the same as minimizing really
but less does not mean you ultimately have less css
Is not?
@sg3s is so. YUI can one line it.
@rlemon using LESS could give you more css (in bytes), but that's not the point of it
CSS's size is the least of anybody's worries.
Unless you use tons of css animations
- usually -
@rlemon this is true, I find that usually I am writing an equal amount of LESS vs the output CSS, but the LESS is much more readable and cleaner as compared to the CSS which is then a hell to maintain
i'm not saying it is. i'm just trying to inform the non less users that no, it will not make your css smaller. it compiles to the same size. it allows you to write css with more control and with ease.
though you'd be surprised how much css some sites load, and how long it takes
bootstrap is like 72kb compressed. :/
@rlemon exactly, it's probably (usually) a smaller amount of code visually, but once compiled all of the rules come out the same
6000+ lines css uncompressed is nothing to me :-/
lol i use it! it's awesome... but i mean. wow.
that is a lot of css.
@sg3s Studies show that 250ms gives a site a competitive edge, so some developers take even the smallest load time or bandwidth gains as a huge victory :]
it's true.
I am talking about corporate front facing websites with webshop and all the shebang you can think of really
yahoo did a study
Is github down? I'm trying to commit but it won't let me :(
^ some of that article is a little extreme and probably hyperbole, but it's generally right on point
yahoo also has a nice 170kb CSS file on their home page :p
@rlemon the site is up but I cannot commit
Does anyone here have PSN?
which is compressed
yea well they are not the spitting image of a good company now.
or Steam?
but their docs do preach good practise.
ah there we go (finally)
I just checked and my 6000+ line file comes out at 120kb, which is uncompressed or optimized
I want to test out my PSN/Steam APIs does anybody have an account?
@ybouchard i have steam
@ybouchard but i will not give you my account
@OZ_ Does this work for you flawk.co/test/api/steamapi.php
I don't want your account I'm just checking to see if it works
@ybouchard ok, if it will not ask my password...
it won't
Warning: DOMDocument::load(http://steamcommunity.com/id/sg3s/?xml=1) [domdocument.load]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable in /home/content/93/7527593/html/test/api/steamapi.php on line 38

Warning: DOMDocument::load() [domdocument.load]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://steamcommunity.com/id/sg3s/?xml=1" in /home/content/93/7527593/html/test/api/steamapi.php on line 38
@ybouchard no, it doesn't work
login: jammgamer
other than that it works @ybouchard
weird is that new
thanks guys
it does show my avatar and online status though
@sg3s Wait it gives you an error?
the error which I pasted here yes
weird im not getting this error
Oh well I'll look at it another time
@ybouchard I put in my account name and got someone else's info
@orourkek Okay thanks for letting me know, I know why.
@ybouchard that's just you transferring all my games to your account, right?
Yeah exactly
...make sure to tell your friends !!!
Fight a bangled tiger to the death
Always go out like a bad-ass.
for the sake of a random "argument", do you guys echo HTML code, or close and re-open php?
Depends. If there's only a very tiny bit of HTML, then I echo. Otherwise it's a whole separate file.
that makes sense
this comment war is in vain anyways, I'll just forget about it :]
@orourkek I always echo it, because I have never much bare html
Your a typical PHP guy @RepWhoringPeeHaa
A stereotype almost.
1) screw how it looks 2) screw semantics 3) everything is fine when the damn thing just, works, regardless of 1 and 2.
I actually saw a PHP guy once who didn't know HTML nor CSS. I almost cried.
I do care about semantics, how it looks is not my problem (unless it's a personal project)
in that case I just steal a design :P
I bet you still use <i>, <b>, too.
I bet the reason you use those is "it's shorter than <em> & <strong>"
Nopez. I now what and when to use. And I use it
You win this battle.
But you will make a mistake some day! And I'll be there when you do
anyway tomorrow working day again :( later
@Chris I still use <b> a lot... and not because its shorter, but because it is semantically more correct in most cases
Yup. If you use IE6 and code HTML4.
<strong> adds 'weight' to text (like h1-6) where <b> does not
Ever heard of reset.css?
strong{font-weight:500;} ?
Isn't <strong> more correct than <b>?
It is.
So is <em> more correct than <i>
Is <em> italic by default?
semantically and relevantly speaking, yes
to the previous questions
it all boils down to whether you want/need it to validate, and how much you really care about behind-the-scenes looks
<i> — was italic, <b> — was bold
Seems nit-picky lol
Validation these days is irrelevant since most HTML5's properties are not known by validator's anyway.
And those who still write xHTML can kiss my ass.
b { font-weight: normal; font-style: italic }
*head explodes *
@Chris note that all these elements had their behaviour changed but their new meanings make sense and actually in a lot of ways represent what they were already being used for
I use <i> for icons these days.
e.g <i class="date"></i>
Yes, they moved away from b and i to be more semantically accurate. Whether or not developers choose to be semantic is another thing...
If they choose not to be, they should not touch front-end at all because if they do, they are idiots and should dig a hole and jump in.
@Chris so you say validation is irrelevant, but should be not be ignored?
I see a lot of developer's blogs with tons of <table>'s and stuff.
No, I'm saying validation is irrelevent with HTML5/CSS3, IF you know how to use it since most of the properties are not known by validators and hence return in errors making it impossible to validate.
that makes more sense
xHTML however should be valid, but I'd much more prefer xHTML not being used at all.
There's a fairly large gap between not caring about strict validation, and coding "semantically"
or rather, "smartly"
if the text you are trying to make bold is made bold purely for typographical reasons / representation on the screen but not adding any actual meaning to words the <b> is in fact preferred over <strong>
I see a lot of blogs being dogmatic about all kinds of crap. Rules are there to be assessed and deemed appropriate not handed on a carved stone. PROTIP: We know more than ten stuffs.
xHTML is one of those things that's on my resume, but I really hope I never have to use it again
@sg3s Sure. Use <b>. Then cry in 5 years when you need to replace all <b>'s with <strong> because <b> is deprecated.
blogs are getting worse with HTML5, have you viewed the source on all these "html5 websites" that have no clue what <article> or <section> actually are supposed to do?
@Chris crap that is a useless example
@Chris <b> isn't deprecated
Learn to read.
using archaic tables is one thing, using html5 for the sake of html5 is worse :]
Then cry in 5 years
Did you see that?
@Chris Are you having problems with your wife?
In short; people who's code is from the 90's or who have no idea of html5, can dig a whole and jump in.
@CaptainGiraffe Irrelevant question.
Oh and just because <table>'s validate as HTML5, doesn't mean you should use <table>'s!
The dream of the semantic web is still a dream. My guess is it will be 5 years from now. Give my love to your wife.
@Chris wth, HTML5 isn't even an official standard and you're already writing it off to something else in 5 years? That is just messed up, sure there will be new things but I doubt they will ditch <b> for <strong> since they both have different meanings and a right to exists in and on itself
So your not gonna give a crap about your code for 5 years @CaptainGiraffe ?
@sg3s Most major sites have moved over to HTML5. There's a ton of properties already available in most major browsers. "HTML5 is not safe to use" was valid 2 years ago, but not any more.
@Chris Of course, my code is my legacy, but your dogmatic approach is not interesting to me. The truths stated by Dijkstra and Knuth still holds
"Most major sites have moved to html5" <- not true
Hey guys, I have a problem with a script, I'm getting this message: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at
I must mention: I use html code before opening the <?php tag
furthermore, "Moving to html5" is painting with a broad stroke...
@Mihai Yep dont do that.
@Chris I think it is you who does not understand html5 as much as you'd like to think... In the end as long as 2 methods exists, for different reasons, then neither are always wrong or always right, they're used in different situations.
@orourkek Is. GitHub. Twitter. WordPress.
Heck, Google.
@Captain, and if I have to, is there any work around? (Thank you for your reply)
why? because they use an html5 doctype?
@Captain, as I have to do everything in one file...
@Mihai You need to reconsider your "have to"
@sg3s Currently the <i>, <b> over <strong>, <em> is completely my preference. Hence why I'm fighting against the first two.
@Mihai Theres is an extremely obfuscated way to capture the output buffer, the functions are called ob_* but don't do that.
@Chris but your preference is based on the belief that one is always correct while the other is not... thats skewed, can't you see?
@Chris you forget that HTML5 elements still require many, MANY shivs to be used with TONS of browsers. It "not being safe for us" is a perfectly valid excuse, unless you've never experienced a standard set of professional coding standards and regulations...
@Captain, I tried with ob_start(); and ob_flush(); but no success.

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