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@Prasanth What?
cv-pls: Backlog (mirror) | Meaning | Chrome/Firefox Addon | Cat Content | Snippets: Mysql | Reference: Errors | Operators
Didn't know pinning expired
hello all
i want to show 41.11 instead of this 41.111111111111 what to do
@Nileshpatel printf("%.2f", 41.111111111111111);
@DaveRandom Monring
Also morning :D
just wow
A: accessing a global php object in a function is resulting in error

Explosion PillsYou have to declare global $db outside of the function first. However, why would you want to do that? Why not just pass $db as an argument to the function?

It's beyond silly really that something like that got 3 upvotes.
@GoogleGuy I was refering to this.
@Prasanth I don't do anything at Google. I don't work for Google.
i want to show 41.11 instead of this 41.111111111111 in php what to do
@GoogleGuy nothing print
@PeeHaa @GoogleGuy are you guys in php core dev team?
@Prasanth Nopez
But you got to vote on mysql deprecation?
@Prasanth I am docs
So does some other people in here.
Also some people do some core stuff in here
oh awesome!
@Nileshpatel what do you mean by show then? When tell me when want to show something I assume you want to print it. If you want to store the variable formatted to two decimal places you can store it like this $var = 41.11111111; $var = sprintf("%.2f", $var); if you want to output that variable you can use the printf or number_format functions.
That's what they're for.
@Prasanth I'm a member of PHP, yes.
@GoogleGuy Yay. Hidden ping :D
Sorry, it's early.
hehe. np
@GoogleGuy since you work so closely with php, I have a question: do you have a personal favorite framework?
@Prasanth I do not.
@Prasanth Vanilla PHP is pretty good :)
Bets on how many hits for "Vanilla PHP" Google just got.
That flavor of PHP won't be released until next year.
Currently we only offer Chocolate and Raspberry Cream PHP.
I thought the current flavour was Elephpant Dung
Hello everyone
function foo(){}
@DaveRandom That flavor has been discontinued due to pressing legal issues.
i have question about try catch
Hey @gowri
function foo(){

//save to db

// not returning anything
@GoogleGuy I have been trying to get hold of an Elephpant for a couple of years now. There's some guy who's got large pink ones for sale but I want a small blue one :-(
@gowri Where's the try/catch? Also, where's the question? :-P
@DaveRandom You actually found a guy that has a large pink elephant?
@DaveRandom: In my function foo i am not using else part in db . not even return anything
So my question is how should i use try catch in it
@DaveRandom I feel real bad for the guy.
@gowri What's going to throw an exception?
I never used try catch before
hey guys, I was wondering how I can get decimal value "6.8333" to output as a percentage, like so: "68%" ?
@DaveRandom Are those the ZF ones? :(
@gowri you just hit 3k!
Yes lol
@PeeHaa No, they're green you can get them easily because, well, why would you want one of them? There was a pink batch of the vanilla PHP ones.
Can somebody help me with this?
@Justin A percentage (by definition) is an amount that is a proportion of a larger sum. So for example 41/100 is 41%. $percent = $amount / $sum * 100;
@gowri Can you show the real-life method on pastebin or something? You only need a try/catch if something is actually going to throw an exception, and even then only if you want to handle it in that block of code.
@GoogleGuy Thanks :)
Of course it helps when you spell percent right.
I thing i need to read some article about try catch before came here.
I going to tuition for myself and get back
@GoogleGuy I don't see where it was spelled incorrectly? :P
I'm pretty sure you don't mean tuition.
@Justin That's because I corrected it.
@GoogleGuy: thanks for the link
Oh okay. Didn't know you could do that :P
I bet @GoogleGuy has desktop notifications disabled. Haha :)
What the heck is desktop notifications?
Better yet... what the heck is a desktop?
haha are you using chat.SO from a shell?
@Justin 6.8333 is not really a percentage that translates easily to 68%. That would be either "683.33%" or "6.8333%". A percentage is usually a number between 0 and 1, or that same value multiplied by 100. What you have is a percentage that you want to multiply by a factor of 10, which doesn't really make sense.
First time in here
Hey a chat in shell sounds cool idea right?
You realize SO chat is just a websocket, right?
I could connect to it from netcat.
@DaveRandom What the heck is Chrome?
AFAIK no-one else has implemented yet. Mozilla and Opera certainly haven't.
anyone have a domain for sale?
@GoogleGuy A real browser.
You're speaking alien.
It's a Google's product.
What the heck is Google?
@hizbul25 Sure: pieterhordijk.com You have fun with it. Turn it into some extreme sexsite or something ;)
Ask @GoogleGuy
Coming from the guy who can't spell percent.
He still can't ;)
I can't spell anything. I'm a horrible speller.
I spelled my own name wrong.
@PeeHaa how you doing ? can you please me that php docx link again ? My laptop shutdown before I could save it
I'm just a guy who can't spell GoogolGuy
i want to host my protfolio website
14 hours ago, by PeeHaa
@user1783675 You may want to check this out http://phpword.codeplex.com/
at first i want a free domain
@PeeHaa thanks once more
@hizbul25 .tk
@GoogleGuy Ironically, you would be called that if it weren't for a spelling mistake on the part of Larry and Sergey.
@Paul is it free domain?
@hizbul25 check out github, heroku, jekyll etc. search on those lines.
@GoogleGuy Quit trolling :-P
@hizbul25 Yes, google it.
Is that like a Ben and Jerry?
/11/php is being trolled
@GoogleGuy Something like that. Only colder.
Oh, believe me if I was trolling it'd be at least a week before you even realized it.
I'm just killing time while this build finishes.
@Paul tnx
@GoogleGuy thnaks for your answer. it work for me
@hizbul25 The third link from google about the .tk scam is interesting though.
cu.cc is another alternative @hizbul25
@Nileshpatel No problem. Glad I could help :)
I might actually go install this PHP thing now and figure what the heck it is now that I'm actually helping people with it.
Guys what do you think about this ? Would you use it?
@Paul tk want 9.49$ for a year
> Costs $10.98 in leap years.
@hizbul25 It looks free to me here
@Prasanth I wouldn't use it, but then I am a sysadmin and I know how to set that up myself. It looks like a decent service to me, they aren't talking techno-nonsense on the page which is always a good start. If their service is reliable. Keep in mind you are basically reading an advertisment.
Shame the upvote that tipped me over was an rtfm answer to a crappy question
last 2yr i worked with PHP without platform
now i want to go in platform
which one should i choose?
Tuition is over ! I got something about try catch
I need your review of right usage
function foo($v){
if($v != "xxx"){
//save to db
throw new Exception("This value should not equal to xxx");
// not returning anything
catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
result : This value should not equal to xxx
I also seen something like this catch (\Exception $e) {
Why \E is escaped. Is this typo !
@gowri That's called Namespace
Accessing \Exception means "global namespace class Exception"
For your function foo() i'd do if ($v == "xxx") { throw new \Exception(); }
No else statement is needed afterward
I need to save db if($v != "xxx"){
function foo ($value)
    if ($value == "xxx") {
        throw new \Exception("This value must not be equal to xxx");
    /* Save db */
Got a point
If $value == 'xxx' the /* Save db */ procedure will not be executed
If there's no finally statement
Hey guys, I have a question regarding to regex. I am trying to extract function names in my html file it these patterns {test(2, 3)} or {test(3,2)} or {test(1)}. So difference between the first one and the second one is that second one doesn't have space between numbers separated by comma.
this is what I have come up with, but it doesn't seem to work. Can you have a look at it plz?
Why double \\ ?
somehow forward slash doesn't appear on this chat
And you're not escaping the "string" parenthesis
one sec let me try it without double \\
([\d]\\,\\s*){0,} so problem is this part
{0,} === * (see repetition)
$t = "asd(2,3)"; <--- test string
preg_match('/([\d]\,\s*){1,}/', $t, $m2);
You're trying to get just the function names, yet you're worried about the 'params' and the spaces in there?
Array ( [0] => 2, [1] => 2, )
@w00 yeah
hmm, I might able to remove spaces first before preg_matching
it would be easier that way
but you just need the function names right, not the param values?
i need param values too.
Try /test\((\d)+(?:,\s?([^\)]+))?\)/i
it worked for {test(2, 3)}
It works for any test(DIGIT,anything)
or test(DIGIT)
@Touki could you explain me how (\d)+(?:,\s?([^)]+))? works if you can? heh :/ im kinda regex noob
It will match any string that starts with test(
Capture the first digit (\d)+ with AT least one
Then it will NOT capture (?: the , and the OPTIONAL \s? space
so is (\d)+ equivalent to (\d){1,}
Then it will capture any character that is NOT a closing parenthesis ([^)]+)
To finally end with a closing parenthesis
(\d+) = {1,}
(\d?) = {0,1}
You want (\d+) or (\d{1,}), you want to repeat the digit match not the capture group
(\d*) = {0,}
I didn't get (?: part
so is that mean it's optional?
@TemporaryNickName Non-capturing group
return; // what does it mean true or false
function foo() { return; } var_dump(foo());
php.net/return > note 2
should I use return; while i only saving data in db. what is the purpose
Calling return; will just stop your method to continue
oh great
however I want to catch {test(2,3)} and {test(2)}
as well
heh :/
@TemporaryNickName I gave you the working one
I'm not gonna explain again your non-working one
k no worries.
thx for your help
@TemporaryNickName or you could use an easier one
and that is?
The following isn't aimed at a regex beginner, but it is a good read for anyone who wants to write maintainable regex:
A: Why are regular expressions so controversial?

Joel BergerMaking Regexes Maintainable A major advance toward demystify the patterns previously referred to as “regular expressions” is Perl’s /x regex flag — sometimes written (?x) when embedded — that allows whitespace (line breaking, indenting) and comments. This seriously improves readability and ther...

@Paul Great find
@TemporaryNickName The actual grammar you are parsing is more complex than you might think. The real complexity is probably more like the following: github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/blob/master/grammar/… github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/blob/master/grammar/…
(It dives even deeper when you follow those definitions through)
i was using preg_match all the time and I was wondering what is wrong with my regex
i've written my version of parsing those stuff
how to stored byte arraye in mysql?
what's wrong in my *** pc java --version
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Apart from it's Java?
true, have to just to see a webpage
are you using java 7 syntax but installed java 6
@cyril ,hi
it seems from google I need to lower jvm size
@TemporaryNickName 7 was installed, I apt removed it
@cyril that could be another reason. did you manually change its heap size?
problem fixed: :p
java --version
bash: /usr/bin/java: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
no jk
icedtea-7-jre-cacao icedtea-7-jre-jamvm openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jre-headless openjdk-7-jdk.... damn java hell
is there any basic tutorial or ebook in php mysql for how display data from a database to MS Word format ? Something proper guidelines for beginners
@DaveRandom lol....:P
Nothing like politely bollocking the M$ lovers
Holy crap, @deceze has taken his rep-whoring to a new level.
@Paul Since when is regex controversial?
hi @all :) - 6,000 questions tagged
'@hakre hiya...
@hakre 5,990 of which are probably -worthy, this being PHP and all
Morning :-)
@DaveRandom Yes, I try to bring it down to 5000 till the end of the month so it is less than half the count compared to the beginning year.
Hey @hakre :)
While we're on the subject of tag cleaning
@DaveRandom He turned his back on us so he can repwhore galore.
@hakre It's interesting, I was just flicking through and the first hit a tag kind of makes sense. It's annoying that @Will locks posts like that, I've seen it a few times, really that should just be burninated.
Heh @Dave my first hit was very very general, so I retagged it to simply (which was missing)and removed
^^ must be a dupe, failing that NARQ
why do ppl accept an answer and then complain that it doesn't work? Why can't they verify whether it works or not first and then accept it...
@DaveRandom how to show post here like you .. when i try its looks like
Q: cookie handling in php

geek_jii get the notice Notice: Undefined index: date_cook in C:\wamp\www\project work\calendar.php on line 5 when i try to run the following code written in php to handle a calendar :- <?php if(!isset($_COOKIE['date_cook'])) { setcookie('date_cook',0); $date_i...

no option for see more ... like in yours
@NullPointer It's the cv-helper that's doing that. It doesn't do it for your own posts to avoid cluttering the screen. I have been considering adding an option to one-box your own posts though, sometimes I kind of want it.
it mean when you are getting same in my post as i am getting yours ...
yup ...it will be rocking ,,,
@DaveRandom You can just flag them and ask a moderator to delete. Write something like "rotting since 6 month" or so and say it can be deleted.
stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/php5+-php - wow 2191 with php5 and NOT php
@Leigh That's the really useful list for this operation
so are you guys going to delete/replace all manually ?
It is, thats 2000 potentially useful questions omitted from a lot fo searches
Since lots of them are from the PHP5 early days, when it made a bit more sense to differentiate versions
@DaveRandom accepted an answer too... and complaining that it doesn't work...
Don't forget to re-tag as well, in case they don't get deleted. Closed questions will still be using up tag-space.
should i replace every tag with ?
lol @NullPointer typing fail
> This message has been edited 4 times
@DaveRandom grrrrr...... typing by one hand ....
@NullPointer whats wrong with the other hand? you eating a sandwich or something?
what does delv mean? development?
delete vote
for closed completely worthless questions that should be destroyed outright
I put the cv and the delv for the same question there because it's not closed yet, and the transcript bot will add them both to the list
@ShyamK yup...having food ...
aah so the left handed typing... presuming its the lesser used hand... I suck at everything with my left hand....
delv = delete vote ...
@NullPointer ya, I should've guessed that... was silly of me not to... since I already knew cv meant close vote...
Motherload! stackoverflow.com/questions/716168/php4-vs-php5 can eliminate 2 version specific tags at once.
@Leigh Actually it won't. The backlog only looks for , and it shows a for everything it picks up. This is going to change soon. Also discussions have been had and the general consensus (between people involved in the discussions, free free to throw in your two cents) is that if a question needs to be both closed and deleted, just post a request and the is implicit. The helper extn is being engineered like this.
@Leigh I'm not sure should go. It's good for separating out the PHP4 specific questions.
I'm ho too
etc can probably go though
stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/php-5.2 - evil, list of 5.2 tag without generic php tag for immediate cleanup: stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/php-5.2+-php
A: Could we implement a better search?

Jeff AtwoodI strongly suggest you take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/search It has the Google search box you want right there on the page. Or Bing.. or Duck Duck Go.. all right there. Just type and click. Look closely at the advanced search options. As for search for [php] how to implement searc...

Anyone wants to add anything to the conversation?
By definition new users will be searching the internet before asking a question, yes? And guess what technical q&a website enjoys very high search ranking in, let's say, Google? — Jeff Atwood 2 days ago
Oh if only they did...
@MikeB morning/matin.....
Look out everyone, the Mericans are waking up...
@MikeB Morning
A word which means "American", but doesnt require you to put your burger and fries down to use the shift button in order to create a capital letter for the "A".
@DaveRandom you are using shift
@NullPointer "He is American" seems to me like you should be saying "He is a Merican"
If I have insider knowledge, and I create a tag but that question then gets closed/deleted, when the tag eventually becomes popular, will I still get the tag creation badges? :p
OMG I hate technet so much. Every time I find a forum post of someone with the same problem, and someone posts a solution with a technet link or a KB ref, and I click the link and it 404s or redirects me to some completely unrelated page on the other side of the internet. MICROSOFT Y U NO MAEK SENSE?
site got offline before hit submit ....
Hi could someone maybe help me with implode?
skdlfjklasdf maintenance
@Mensur There's a black hole at the centre of the galaxy, that might help. It'll be cold though. Wear a coat.
@Mensur Please tell us your actual problem - see the room description.
@DaveRandom i know it's called Sweden and i'm freezing my *** right now there =)
Here is my code http://pastebin.ca/2291436 and i can select more then one country, but when i do a search within the SQL it selects only one country.

So if i select sweden and croatia only sweden is getting in the sql query, but if i echo it it will display then sweden and croatia
so someone suggested implode with this code
$search_country = implode(',',array_unique($_POST["chkUnr"]));

But if i select sweden and croatia at same time im getting output
croatia, swedencroatia, sweden
What's the output of print_r($_POST['chkUnr']);?
hmm, SO has hickups for me.
@Touki Array ( [0] => andorra [1] => angola [2] => antigua and barbuda [3] => sweden )
@hakre it's been in and out of maintenance mode for me
@MikeB same here
@Mensur Your whole code is wrapped in a loop, and you are searching a single country at a time. You need to remove the loop completely. But really the whole thing needs some serious refactoring:
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
We're aware of the #stackoverflow instability, the servers are running under extremely heavy load and will be more stable in a few minutes.
@DaveRandom thank you very much for your input. I'm kinda new in coding :) But ill take your input. Thanx!
A few of our servers are fully online, not quite enough to handle our traffic though. It will still be a few minutes until we're stable.
In the meantime I'll work on a question for Meta demanding answers for the downtime so I can reap that sweet meta rep
@Mensur I'm aware that's a lot to take in as a new coder, and I do understand the desire to "make it work, then do it properly", but since you are new you have an open mind, so it will benefit you immensely if you never learn the mysql_*() functions, and start afresh with either mysqli_* or PDO. Personally I recommend PDO.
ah twitter has it.
hahahhaha what a joke
@DaveRandom that's very true. I'll take a look at PDO right away =))
@NullPointer lol
People who blindly follow a satnav without ever looking at a real map deserve everything they get
but its more than enough ... lol
@DaveRandom I was hoping we were getting to a point where we could trust personal technologies like that :p
Then how come all the previous questions of the same type didn't get closed? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/67114/… meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/20377/…qwertzguy 16 mins ago
just come right and say that you're trying to whore that rep
guys, if you have array like Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 3 )
and you add index 0 + index 1
I get 3 instead 5.
has anyone faced this kind of issue before? lol
index 0 is always ignored when adding
$foo = array(2, 3); var_dump($foo[0] + $foo[1]); // 5
yeah, i've tested it and that gives you 5
1 min ago, by TemporaryNickName
I get 3 instead 5.
lol this is so weird
@TemporaryNickName Code on codepad please

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