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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Okay, about one hour into Windows 8 and I'm advising anyone I've ever met to sell their Microsoft stock...what is this???
If Microsoft loses its dominance enough to enable me to buy a laptop without it pre-installed I'll be happy.
@Lusitanian It takes a while to get used to :D What OS do you normally use?
I used to use Vista, so...
I'm used to KDE on Debian
@Lusitanian Oh. You wouldn't like Windows 8 then :P
I'm using it now and I'm just not sure what they did to it to make it so............
I can't even come up with the right word.
They also totally redid VS for VS 2012
lol .. i have been looping this song for almost whole day
Documentation for PHP_VERSION_ID is wrong
Value of constant for PHP 5.2.7-extra should be 5207, not 50207
no, it shouldn't
@tereško For PHP 5.4.3, it is returning 5403. It can't compare against old versions.
well .. in that case it is a bug in php5.4.3
because 5.4.4 returns (int)50404
well, now I'm having my doubts. lemme check again
also i need to update my php on windows
damn, my fault.
thought I was seeing the raw result of the function
happens I was looking at the calculated one, which was flawed.
see PHP_VERSION_ID is a bit recent, so I wrote an alternative with phpversion()
then again is 3am :S
at least I get a pass in mock unit test. :D
5 hours later…
Q: Facebook Tagging multiple friends in a photo : Unknown Error

KishorMy code is : $args = array( 'message' => 'Message', 'image' => '@' . realpath($path_to_image), 'tags' => array( array( 'tag_uid'=> $uids[0], 'x' => 20, 'y' => 20, ), array( 'tag_uid' => $uids[1], 'x' => $width[1], 'y' => $height[1], ),/*...*...

hey if you're coding a web app with a hypothetical user class (and not using an orm), would you have the user class read *and edit the user data, or give the read responsibility to the user class and the editing responsibility to the edit user form class?
@RoryBreaker no. regardless of ORM or not, you just have a user class that represents the user. That's all. Without an ORM then you take care of storing and retrieving the user class in your database access layer.
thanks for the response; my mindset was giving the user class the methods required to do the reading and writing... What class would you have responsible for saving the user class?
lol cool name
hows the moons eye implementation coming along
@RoryBreaker All according to plan.
How updated are you?
Well, so far it was all according to what I thought was gonna happen
Nagato's eyes were Madara's (I knew it the moment he said "I awakened those eyes before my death")
How do you feel about Obito's reason for flipping out? Everyone seems to be complaining about it
He wants to revive Rin, which is kind of a stupid reason
Couldn't you Edo Tensei / Rinne Tensei her?
lol you too huh
Yeah! I wonder why that wasn't an option...
Why destroy the whole world for it? :P
Also, there's something interesting about Rin.
He doesn't want to destroy it, just alter it the way he sees fit
Why would they send 20 Kiri ninjas just to grab her, dead or alive?
Maybe she was really a spy
What made Kakashi so desperate that he had to kill her?
Nah, I don't think so
I hope so; its a good reason
Obito was Uchiha, I guess she was a compatible Senju or something
I mean, Iwa wanted her too, remember, they grabbed her in Kakashi Gaiden
Why do you think Obito attacked Konoha later on
@MadaraUchiha Rin may go after Kakashi for killing her?
@RoryBreaker He wanted Kurama
@ShyamK Why should Obito care?
but he needed to collect them in order didn't he?
@RoryBreaker Nah, he had him under control. He didn't need to seal him yet, just him as a weapon for the other eight
he seemed to want to destroy the village
Revenge/Wanted to pose as Madara?
@MadaraUchiha He didn't want to lose Rin again...
@ShyamK He can help her against Kakashi
And he'll succeed, oh he will.
After all, I taught him everything he knows.
cycle of life and death... you kill me... my family kills you and so on and so forth...
lol you're gonna start naruto conversations wherever you go
@ShyamK What else is new?
@MadaraUchiha lol
@RoryBreaker It's a good way to find out who's watching without even talking about it :D
I really want to know who Oro and Sasuke are going to speak to
@RoryBreaker My guess? The elder son
I hope I'm wrong though.
I'm glad Oro was brought back; such a good villain deserves a much better exit... He needs an epic one like Jiraiya had
Kishi should really put down his shovel while he can still leave that hole he dug for himself.
@MadaraUchiha I don't know... the series is close to the end and I don't know what I'll do the free time...
@ShyamK I'm sure you'd figure it out :)
What I really want to see though, is a decent Naruto game.
@RoryBreaker that was epic... Sasuke bringing him back from Kabuto...
And by decent I mean that Konohamaru can't beat Madara.
Well balanced to reflect the actual characters, and not insulting our intelligence with some farted up techniques
"Sarutobi: I can use Shiki Fuujin! But it doesn't kill you instantly, and it doesn't kill me instantly"
Morning peeps
"Oro: I can use Edo tensei, in reverse! The coffin swallows you up, instead of spewing dead people! Oh and did I mention it doesn't kill you?"
@DaveRandom Sup
@MadaraUchiha Did you get it working last night?
For some reason, now that I enter/reload, it doesn't scan the chat to find notifications
@MadaraUchiha you too building a chat?
The older version would scan and show me EVERYTHING, even if it already were closed/deleted (in chat it was striked out)
@ShyamK Nah, we're talking about a plugin for this chat
OK I would suggest that you remove it, restart chrome and add it again
I suspect you confused it by adding two versions at once
I'll just remove it from chrome and try it.
chrome extension?
@ShyamK cv-pls extension
@ShyamK Aye.
@DaveRandom Could you paste the link to the fixed version again?
@MadaraUchiha morning
And morning all others
@PeeHaa Mornring.
so you guys primarily work with php?
@PeeHaa @MadaraUchiha's been casting aspersions on the quality of my workmanship. I am most distressed.
[cv-pls] something
@RoryBreaker Depends who you talk to
That was directed at everyone/anyone here
Just wondering
@DaveRandom lol. I'm just trying to help out here :D
@RoryBreaker This is a PHP chat room.
@DaveRandom I get no notification
I am an idiot.
@MadaraUchiha Did you turn them on in the option ;)
yeah, sounds obvious, but at this time of night you get people going in all sorts of rooms to chat
Annyoingly the settings don't persist when you remove an old version
and it doesn't have to be their primary language :P
Now lets try this
Works with middle click :)
You used onmouseup, right?
I'm tired of seeing Naruto fan service; I can't wait till the manga focuses back on Sasuke and Orochimaru
@MadaraUchiha No, .addEventListener('click')
I converted the .innerHTML stuff to proper node creation
And made a two screen method in the process :O
(don't worry, it won't be like that in production)
@DaveRandom 2 screen method?
@MadaraUchiha As in two screens in height of the source code
@DaveRandom That's great, it always saddens me to see HTML strings in JavaScript (which was practically made to deal with DOM nodes)
@DaveRandom oh
doesn't setAttribute allow chaining?
@MadaraUchiha Dunno, lemme check
I'm not a big lover of chaining because of readability though
@DaveRandom It's readable enough when multilining and indenting properly.
@MadaraUchiha I dunno, it all starts to look like the hateful VB With block very quickly. I'm going to break that up into a load of sub-methods, I'll see what it looks like after I do that.
hellow can someone help me with zf2 navigation?
@MadaraUchiha Who dares to doubt @DaveRandom?!?!?!
"I'm not saying I'm better than you, but that's only because it doesn't need to be said" :-P
hello , can anyone Help me in Magento?
Magento integration with instagram
Hey @PeeHaa I was watching a TV program on that weird looking floating dome thing in Rotterdam last night. Pretty interesting stuff, supposedly you'll be getting a lot more of them.
Not sure I'd want to live on what's basically a boat that can't ever move anywhere though. I'd be sick a lot...
@DaveRandom The SS Rotterdam?
Huh wtf? Never heard of it :P
And I'm working in rotterdam :P
@PeeHaa It's really quite odd, the whole base is 97% polystyrene. It was a program about climate change and extreme weather and there was quite a long bit about just how f*cked you guys will be if the sea level rises by not very much. There was also a massive bit about this huge underground tank somewhere in the city centre to deal with excessive rain fall.
@DaveRandom My motto always has been f*#k the environment :) I mean I can swim. problem?
Don't tell ze Germans :-P
someone said don't tell the germans?!
@NikiC My lips are sealed. I don't want the recycling police carting anyone away.
Q: Remove old profile

user1758874We need to remove http://www.youtube.com/user/TARGETevents as we have now updated to https://www.youtube.com/user/TARGETjobsEvents but we no longer have any log in details for our old channel. Is it possible to have it taken down please? Thank you Katy

@DaveRandom oops .. i should have ... next time ill make sure
so silent in here
I know, it's Friday, surely people aren't working
@DaveRandom I was making an ascii map of something I want to build
@Leigh As long as it's not sanctioned by you employer that's fine.
I'm a coder, not an official diagram-drawer, so I guess no, its not work
@tereško the answer is not that easy to deduce from the dupe though.
the question, as it was asked, is completely nonsensical
@tereško It was opened. Close it again, as a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/3577641/… please
@tereško that's why I rephrased it to make more sense. Initially the OP just asked how to get the link text, which the dupe explains how to solve. however, it's not that easy to get the link after the text Dir:
@Gordon It could do with a new title, and the appearance of "HTML" in the question somewhere would be nice.
Also morning @Gordon
@DaveRandom what do you suggest as a title instead? I found that one the most fitting because it expresses what the OP wants to fetch.
@Gordon But that makes it sound too localized
You may want to try a slightly more general title
@Gordon I don't know but the current one makes me want to answer "go look it up on IMDB"
I've edited it. Seeded some keywords in there too
@MadaraUchiha How about "How to get the link after a certain word from HTML tag?"
@Gordon Only he doesn't want the link, he wants the textNode inside.
@MadaraUchiha well, then make it "link text" ;)
as for too localized: true. but we also keep all those "how to match X with regex" questions around, so I think it's somewhat grey area.
> but it not works. plz help me to define the path in a corret way.
@hakre Regarding that namespacing tool, I don't suppose something like it already exists? It seems its function may not be as easy as one imagines. I was planning on scanning source code for possible issues such as the use of CUF[A].
@Gordon It's not really fair to take the piss out of his English skills. So let's take the piss out of his ability to read an answer instead:
So what is the correct way. how can I configure server to pass js files to PHP parser — Ravneet 'Abid' 5 mins ago
@DaveRandom That's not English skills. At least, plz and corret is not valid English...
Here's another suggestion for a future version, @DaveRandom @PeeHaa
When I re-enter chat, and it scans for possible notifiable actions, remember which ones I took action against, and don't notify me of those
Probably whenever you cv/delv a question (be it via or via normal site), remember it in localStorage
@MadaraUchiha Already on the issues list. Very difficult to implement. We can easily(ish) remember which links you've clicked on, but that's about as far as it goes.
@Christian maybe ;) I don't have a suggestion at hand right now.
@hakre Maybe?
@DaveRandom How so?
@Christian I would need to look but right now no time. NikiC has a PHP parser something.
How is it built? Do you have a processCvRequest() method?
@hakre oh, ok. Catch ya later then :)
@MadaraUchiha Because of the degree of dynamism and the number of actions you actually have to track on the main site page when you click on close/delete. For ex. on the delete link we'd somehow have to hook into it in such a way that we can get the result of the confirm() box that pops up.
I see
Can't the SO API help you with that?
Having said that I've just realised that actually we don't have to do that at all, you just have to look for the close/delete vote count in the link text changing, since it only updates when you cast a vote.
@MadaraUchiha No, the API doesn't expose any information like that. The closest you get is "has the question been closed or not", it doesn't tell you anything about the number of close/delete votes outstanding and it certainly doesn't tell you who cast them.
The only way we "know" that a question has been deleted is that the API no longer returns information for it, which is not ideal, to say the least. Serious risk of false positives.
@hakre thanks ;) I felt compelled to write a better answer in lieu of that too
Am I justified in wanting to roll back the latest edit for the PHP tag wiki?
It links to phpclasses. where you have to register to view source..
@Leigh I'm inclined to agree but on the other hand registration is free, it's not like he's soliciting customers for some paid site.
I don't like the way it's sat next to PEAR, like its some sort of official endorsement
also the links under community forums... don't point to community forums
But if I remove them, it only has SO chat in the list.
Holy crap I'd forgotten just how badly that phpclasses site is laid out. I'm inclined to agree that it shouldn't be presented as an equal to PEAR. You could always replace the useless forum links with PHPBuilder, their forums aren't too bad IIRC
going to remove phpclasses for now, reason being the code is mostly so out of date, its deprecated
@MadaraUchiha already in the issue tracker
do all internet servers form a fully-connected graph?
@cyril All public facing ones yes
Seems there are errors editing tag wikis at the moment
@PeeHaa ok thx
@PeeHaa Not necessarily true, privately accessible computers would still form part of the graph, machines that access the internet through gateway would also be branches from that gateway
Everything connected to another device via a "network" in any sense of the word, even bridging two networks, still forms a graph
also there are firewalls, that sort of partially disconnect the graph
@Leigh Well depends how you look at it. according to that everything which has access (one way or another) should be added
Even stuff behind proxies etc
@cyril I disagree, the firewall is part of the graph
@Leigh The firewall is, but not everything behind it imho. Again just the way you look at it
@PeeHaa That was kind of my interpretation.
@cyril internet-map.net - lots of "internet maps" out there
@Leigh Shiny!
@PeeHaa Something not quite right about this one: internet-map.net/#6-163.43067932128906-95.350830078125
@Leigh lol!
pretty sure this is based on google linkage
lemonparty as a little satellite on SO
@Leigh nice but it lacks the edges between sites
@Leigh W3Schools is bigger than W3.org. That makes me sad :-(
@DaveRandom It also appears first when you search for anything w3
That makes me even sadder.
@DaveRandom Like I said, based on linkage/traffic
more people search for something that links them to w3schools than takes them to the official spec
WP site is on the outskirts... all alone too... lol
overused but unwanted, sums it up perfectly
Helle everyone
Shoenice again XD
do someone can help me with a .htaccess... i want to redirect mysite.com/en/ to mysite.com
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} iatemplate.com/en/$
RewriteRule ^(.*)   iatemplate.com$1  [QSA,L,R=301]
this doesn't work... don't know why :/
well for a start, "/en/" is not part of the host, so your condition will always fail
what do i have to pus to redirect it?
i recommend not using pus in your infrastructure
you don't want sick workers
Why don't you just do something like RewriteRule ^/en(.*) http://blah$1
> It has nothing to do with OOP, it's a dependency manager. It helps with deployment and ensures that you don't end up with a bunch of unused code in your libs directory, you can also swap out different versions of those libs. -- from /r/PHP on subject of Composer
It does not ensure you don't end up with a bunch of unused code
in fact, in most cases it ensures you end up with mostly unused code because people will include a whole framework for one function
would be great if we could use gettext like this $word-en=gettext($word, 'en'); $word-fr=gettext($word, 'fr');
Q: SQL LIKE, how to order results by weighted occurance count?

Tom GullenThe Problem I have my search term: "Yellow large widgets" I split the terms into it's 3 words: 1 = "Yellow"; 2 = "Large"; 2 = "Widgets"; I then search with: SELECT * FROM widgets WHERE (description LIKE '%yellow%' OR description LIKE '%large%' OR description LIKE 'widgets') OR (t...

funny image in question
well it deserves a SO question
^ that comment with this code in OP:
$matchPattern7 = '/<strong(?:"(?:[^\\\"]|\\\.)*"|\'(?:[^\\\\\']|\\\.)*\'|[^\'">])*>(.*?)<\/strong>/';
Happens that echo, dir, and <path to exe> all work in different OSes. One thing remains; a shell file type recognizable by all systems. Is this remotely possible? My objective is to combine a very simplistic .sh and .bat script into one.
@PeeHaa :D
Congrats, you found the easter egg
I like it
a lot
Every time you post an HTML regex
$matchPattern7 = '/<strong(?:"(?:[^\\\"]|\\\.)*"|\'(?:[^\\\\\']|\\\.)*\'|[^\'">])*>(.*?)<\/strong>/';
Q: What Easter Eggs do the chat sites have?

MosheAccording to @balpha, he SE chat sites may have individual Easter eggs, depending on the site. If you find them, please post. Edit: Because it's so easy to make this stuff up, a screenshot as proof would be nice. (Although Photoshop ain't that hard either...)

@PeeHaa If the first thing I notice is that his string-with-escapes matching is implemented very inefficiently, is something wrong with me?
@NikiC You have a problem, but we already knew that rignht ;)
Forgot about that one. Pure genius.
I mean (?:[^\\\"]|\\\.)*, really? That's like soo wrong
insert coin
oh, gaming/bridge only :(
nice :D
variable in PHP cannot contain dashes
unless in {}
But even then you should really avoid it
@PeeHaa ok let's edit that, thx
> but it doesn't exist.
Is not clear at all
@PeeHaa Why do people even think that it could be possible?
2 mins ago, by cyril
any1 can help this noob http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12975499/how-to-translate-some-words-in-another-language-than-the-default-one-in-php ?
I mean, isn't it clear that $foo-bar means $foo - bar?
@NikiC Dunno what it is. It becomes totally sad when services' API is doing just that. ahum... SoundCloud I'm looking at you!@
@PeeHaa "doing just that"?
my two cents : don't use gettext ... it's a pain (you have to restart server each time you change dictionary)
@NikiC Using - in " keys"
@PeeHaa Well using it in keys is okay. I mean in variables ^^
@NikiC I know what you meant. But for a public facing API it is also stupid to use in keys
@PeeHaa why?
Considering several different languages will access it with different rules for naming.
Bad things bound to happen at some point
@tereško yes thx, but this was suggested to me by someone else 3 months ago, what is the other solution btw?
@SomeKittens Gratz
@PeeHaa Thanks. I learned a lot of what I know about PHP from here.
@SomeKittens My / our pleasure :)
@SomeKittens It's a nice thing to hear a different sound than @ircmaxell's ranting about this room being shit and what not
This room's like PHP itself. It seems ugly, but if you learn the good parts, it can be pretty fun.
Now to learn about this "dependency injection" I keep hearing about.
I need to find some good php function or lib to access my dictionnaries
@cyril dictionaries as in?
@PeeHaa when did he rant about this room? Oo
@PeeHaa dict.po and dict.mo once compiled
@Gordon I have seen it every day for the last couple of days. Not really ranting be speaking about the offensiveness in general in this room. Which is not as bad as @ircmaxell feels it is imho
And the fact in general that we ar all / most of us assholes.
@PeeHaa It was pretty offensive... when PHP turned into Pet Huskie Pictures
@SomeKittens Have you watched the youtube lecture?
dam, just saw this question of Pekka exactly the same stackoverflow.com/questions/1620670/…
@MadaraUchiha No, link?
After you watch this one, watch the rest of the lectures by this guy
I've seen two of the CCT.
Hollywood principle?
@Leigh Not only talking about that
@PeeHaa About the time I declared all muslims are idiots?
@Leigh That is just offensive! Think about the other religions!
all scientologists are idiots
there we go, i'm not singling anyone out now
My motto is... Science, or Religion. Pick one
Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 1822 – January 6, 1884) was a German-speaking Silesian scientist and Augustinian friar who gained posthumous fame as the founder of the new science of genetics. Mendel demonstrated that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, now referred to as the laws of Mendelian inheritance. Although the significance of Mendel's work was not recognized until the turn of the 20th century, the independent rediscovery of these laws formed the foundation of the modern science of genetics. Biography Mendel was born into an ethnic Ge...
@SomeKittens Meh, he would have accomplished more if he hadn't wasted his time.
@SomeKittens I take your Mendel, and raise you a Mendeleev
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (; 8 February 1834 – 2 February 1907 O.S. 27 January 1834 – 20 January 1907) was a Russian chemist and inventor. He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements. Using the table, he predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered. Early life Mendeleev was born in the village of Verkhnie Aremzyani, near Tobolsk in Siberia, to Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev and Maria Dmitrievna Mendeleev (née Kornilieva). His grandfather was Pavel Maximovich Sokolov, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church from the...
@SomeKittens "Despite being raised as an Orthodox Christian, he later rejected the religion"
My point's not "All science should be merged with religion."
More: "Absolute statements regarding religion are usually wrong"
And my point is, if people didn't spend their days wasting their time with religious bullshit, more science would get done. Also there'd be more time for beers, and blackjack.
The point of life is to survive long enough to have as much fun as possible, not waste it worrying about stupid shit.
This computer is officially broken. 19 is becoming 20 for no reason whatsoever.
@Leigh yes please remove phpclasses. the registration is a mess. you can never recover lost passwords. the cookie setting is a mess with the login. the usability is akward. And from a programmer side: PHPclasses is the place where code goes to die.
@hakre Already done
@DaveRandom Really? Physics is broken here, it's been something past 3 for the last 12 hours....
See, another hour gone by, only 3 minutes per the clock... :/
OMG foreach references fail on my part. I have just been debugging my own stupidity for about an hour. This chat input is great for rubber duck debugging.
Would it be a good idea to create a "rubber duck" room?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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