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good morning everyone!
morning guys :)
hey all
for some reason when i create a directory with 0777 for permissions, its making them 0775, so when i try to add a file using a script it just overwrites the old one
@JMRboosties I don't understand your issue. If the file exists, it will try to overwrite it.
right but its overwriting a file that it shouldnt
like i have a directory with one file in there called --test
im putting a file in with a completely different name and it just changes the contents of --test
@ChristianSciberras i think the problem stems from the permissions on the folder being 775 instead of 777
THat's weird
Even for permissions
I've never heard of such a thing
is this a regular file?
just an mp3
well, that's strange
let me share the script with you
@ChristianSciberras pastebin.com/52F9hkZG
As I see it, you're running this via cmd?
running it via a java client sending the request
if thats what you mean
are you sure the java client is passing the right file name?
good everything
@ChristianSciberras pretty sure... i will double check for good measure.
will nebody plz tell me javascript or jquery for predownloading css and images
@Ketaki mootools assets is the best you can get, IMHO
@Ketaki - you can use simple CSS to accomplish that
@Ketaki - that's a trivial task, just generate the code
every background image will be loaded by the browser
actualy, thr is 1 webpage in which i need to change css after every 60 sec and images after every 30sec.

But during the transition from one css to other it takes so much time to download the css and images,also transition is not very smooth.
hi all
@Ketaki why do you need to change the CSS? just change the class using javascript?
Q: Really confused about paypal payments

oshirowanenI have the following IPN (Instant Payment Notification) script, which works, i.e. it creates a successful file if successful and a failed file if failed. Does paypal return post values to the IPN file so I can figure out which payment was successful or which payment has failed? If yes, how do I...

@rickchristie....i have total 5 css and now as site has been delivered , it will take much time to club all the properties of 4 css and create classes , n i also wanna change images according to css....
@Ketaki well what happens when you change the <link> href attribute
@experiment when da attrib changes site looks all messed for a sec, i could not take its screen shot o.w i would hav shown u....n it takes so much of time to load all the images...
i see, .. try cache header and load all css
@oshirowanen I comment on your post
Hello @experimentX, didn't see you coming in :)
@MiPnamic Thanks, having a look now.
Say, @MiPnamic, where are you from, if I may ask?
@experimentX, hey wat do u think abt perishablepress.com/press/2009/01/18/css-image-caching .....will it b helpful?
@ChristianSciberras hello
@MiPnamic Ah, sei Italiano?? :) (sorry @experimentX)
Nope ..
@experimentX k but i donno nething abt cache header...
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
@MiPnamic Hi, I have updated my question. Please could you have a look?
@Ketaki something like this ... i suppose, But i haven't really used it,
@experiment well i must first gotta knw wat exactly it is :( ...
@Ketaki well, it sends cache headers ... cache that are stored in browser, for eg like images and .. videos.
@MiPnamic Nevermind, I figured out what paypal returns.
hi all
how to activate the user registration option in buddypress? in this site craveentertainment.net
@experiment k means wen i load the page it will get stored....is it so dat it will store all the images n css at once even though they r nt related to the current page but used for the inner pages of the same site?....i mean how it sends headers?
Q: Which payment has paypal confirmed?

oshirowanenI have some script from paypal which allows users to make payments from my website. In the first step when they send the payment, I get these values back: Array ( [responseEnvelope.timestamp] => 2011-04-08T01:34:03.578-07:00 [responseEnvelope.ack] => Success [responseEnvelope.correlati...

well to be honest, i don't know. I never don't so.
@experiment well do u hav ne idea abt how can i do da same thing using jquery fadein fadeout function?
using ma existing code
well, not sure,
I don't know that if you can check image has loaded or not .. with jquery
@Ketaki please consider asking question, Have to go right now
yeah k.....bbye...tc
sure ..catch you later
@ChristianSciberras yes, I am :P (Italian)
@MiPnamic Hehe :) di dove ezattamente?
@ChristianSciberras North West Italy, Piemonte -> Vercelli but I work in Milan right now and I'm planning a transfer :P
should be nice up there.
I should visit italy again some time
Q: Looking for paypal payments tutorial

oshirowanenI am looking for a tutorial which will show me how to accept paypal payments as I am not having much luck with the documentation. In the tutorial, I just need to understand how to capture a unique identifier when the payment has been initiated, and then use the unique identifier to update the da...

hi everybody
i'm developing a realty website
on this website you can sell, buy and rent rooms, flats, houses
every ad (ex. to sell a flat or to buy a house) has common properties such as title, describtion and price
but then depends on action (sell, buy, rent) and on type of property (room, flat, house) every ad has additional fields
for example renting can be on long- or short-term base
flat and house have number of rooms
i'm trying to develop an object model to be able to filter all ads like this
get all ads
i created an Ad model
i was thinking to make STI
FloadAd extends Ad, HouseAd extends Ad etc
then add bit field to Ad model for action
then create FloatAdOptions, HouseAdOptions models and make one-to-one relationships between corresponding extended models
but here is a problem
every ad has to have different options depends on action (sell or rent)
i use Symfony 1.4 Framework
@Gordon @edorian @ircmaxell - if you're not busy, please help:
Q: Does my Factory object introduces a global state?

rickchristieSo, here's the deal. I've managed to make a framework without using globals or static classes/functions. I am using a form of dependency injection using a Factory. Since the framework will be used for various things, I'm creating a more generic Factory that will build your class, with it's depen...

@rick how are they stored? static properties?
not static
simple property
there is no global nor static variables
then it doesnt have global state
what about multiple objects referencing the same object?
not an issue
installed phpunit by the way, using instructions on the github page
care to share the code for that DIC?
I want to, but it's still very dirty
I'll clean it up
where should I post it?
github of course :)
mm.. what about bitbucket, git confuses me
Well, it's not a global state
but it would be a circular state which could cause some weird issues with referencing...
@ircmaxell does it hinders testing?
But that's not nearly as big of a deal, and you can test for it...
Well, you may need to make some concessions in the tests for it, but you should be able to unit test it fully...
so it's not like a true global state where it's almost impossible to test fully
@rick whereever you feel comfortable with
can be pastebin if you want
cleaning up code
@ircmaxell do you know if I can make solr index tables in an oracle db in a way that it's synchronous
No clue. I never had much luck with SOLR, so I'm not too keen on it
I use sphinx for my use cases. But it's purely async, so that won't work for you...
well, i wouldnt mind async as long as the difference is < 1 minute
search engines? :D
my main issue is that i cannot get my head around how to keep the data in solr/sphinx/lucene/whatever current
the only thing I can think of is using triggers in the source db
lucene had some callbacks afaik
For my purposes, sphinx is async to 1 week (when we get new data in)
Lucene is Solr
on steroids
Right, but it uses the Solr lib for indexing
lucene, yes, i know
The only downside right now is my Sphinx index takes about 400 gb :-D
on a 200 gb dataset. The overhead is due to 3 character stemming (at 5 chars, it only took 40 gb)
i have no clue how much space i'd had to consume
all searches I did so far all suggested i need triggers in the db to add new documents to the index and that is unfortunately not possible
Well, if you have control over your schema, you could do it via something like a cron trigger
or I could pull documents but then I'd had to pull continously
Why is a trigger not possible out of curiosity
rights. dont have them. i can create views and select, but nothing else
ok, shower time
quick question about image cropping
I have $iw, $ih (image w/h) and $mw, $mh (max w/h)
I need to get the right size out of $iw/$ih to have the image fill $mw and $mh at the expense of some cropping (if needed).
I'm kind of too hungry to think about the algorithm, so I'm offloading the question to more fortunate (and less hungry) guys :)
@Gordon - here's the Factory object: bitbucket.org/rickchristie/carrot/src/d6f458b8fe87/framework/… - download the source: bitbucket.org/rickchristie/carrot/get/tip.zip - assuming that I did it right, you can copy and paste it to a folder in your htdocs and it should work, most classes are still empty, I got the simple routing done though.
bitbucket looks like a github clone
ill have a look
@Gordon - it looks like a github clone because it is a github clone :D
I like to think mercurial is git for the less fortunate
that depends on whom you ask. i know ppl who think mercurial is the user friendly git
@Gordon, hi how r u? i seen u very often on SO..u r really genious
whoops, that's a lot to wade through
@diEcho hi. im fine, not genious. how are you?
@Gordon - the idea is this
i m too fine

    class Bar extends Library
    	protected $library_dependencies = array
    		'Config' => 'config',
    		'Database' => 'db'

    	public function test()
    		return $this->db->test();
we can declare a class and it's dependencies, then the Factory will handle the rest. If the Factory fails to instantiate one class (file not found, class not found, etc), just throw user fatal error
@Gordon - just let me know honestly what you think
@rick right now i think it looks like i could like it if i had the time to go through all of it right now ;)
@Gordon - I wanted to make it open source, that is, if it's proven to be useful :)
@rick how do you handle dependencies of dependencies?
@Gordon it is instantiated recursively
in the example class

class Foo extends Library
	protected $library_dependencies = array
		'Database' => 'db',
		'Rules' => 'rules',
		'Bar' => 'bar'

	protected $db;

	public function call_bar_test()
		// This will call Bar->test()
		// which in turn will call
		// Database->test()

		return $this->bar->test();
The Foo class has dependencies to the Bar class

    class Bar extends Library
    	protected $library_dependencies = array
    		'Config' => 'config',
    		'Database' => 'db'

    	public function test()
    		return $this->db->test();
the bar class has dependencies to Config class
since the Factory holds a record of every instantiated object, the Factory just needs to go through it's record of instantiated Class Name
if it isn't instantiated yet, the Factory instantiates it recursively (at least that's the idea, if it is coded right)
so when I instantiate Bar any library_Dependencies will be passed to it?
@Gordon yes
if the factory fails to instantiate any of the class it will throw error
right now it's still exit() since I haven't coded the error/exception handler
one could say, it will be converted to new Bar(new Config, new Database) or reuse existing
yes, to avoid using static variables, I have to instantiate the object first
then access the $object->library_dependencies
then call the $object->initialize() method
each library can use the initialize() method to bootstrap their class
I think I can circumvent that though
by requiring that on top of the class definition, you have to declare a variable, like this:

    $library_dependencies = array
    	'Config' => 'config',
    	'Database' => 'db'

    class Bar extends Library
    	public function test()
    		return $this->db->test();
That way the factory can require, read the library_dependencies variable (if any), and pass all the objects needed to the object's constructor
right now each library can't use their constructor since the Factory have to instantiate the objects first to access the protected $library_dependencies property
no, that's ugly
and it wont work either because it will get overwritten each time you include a new class
@Gordon - that way we can use __construct() though
you could make them annotations, like @inject Config and parse those with the reflection api. but that is probably a good deal slower than what you are doing now
yea I'm looking for a KISS solution
well, i dont like the extends library approach. but of course, thats just me. a lot of people use base objects, but imo it hampers reuse
@Gordon - using extends library I can make sure that initialize() and load_objects() method exists
how would you do it?
and can you explain why does it hamper reuse?
i understand why you are doing it. im just saying, i dont like it that much :)
okay :)
not sure how i would do it, but I think id favor aggegation over inheritance
maybe inject the DI container
inject the DI container?
new Bar($factory)
and then tell factory to fetch the Config and DB and assign them as properties to Bar in the ctor
that would a service locator approach
so like $factory->find($config)
so it's actually not a Factory? should I change the name?
yeah, it's not optimal either because it gives Bar potential full access to every resource in the container
$bar = BarFactory::createInstance('bar') would be a factory
and the factory would know how to instantiate a Bar object
the cool thing is, we can pre-emptively declare a variable as protected so that parent object can't touch it

    class Bar extends Library
    	protected $library_dependencies = array
    		'Config' => 'config',
    		'Database' => 'db'

    	protected $config;
    	protected $db;

    	public function test()
    		return $this->db->test();
so it's not a Factory
more like a DI container
it is.. kind of
but not really DI container?
what should I name it then?
dont nail me on the terms :)
id say, its a DI container
or service locator
yeah, I agree, should be DI Container
i like to think about factories as being specific to a certain type they create
while a DIC is generic
what I'd like to have would be a POPO and a DIC that injects the dependencies from a configuration instead of having to hardcode the config into the object
i dont want to extend the POPO in order to work with a DIC
Plain old PHP Object
so like a centralized dependency configuration file?
like dependencies.php ?
you could wire the DIC in the bootstrap with php
or load it from an xml config file
it could be $config['dependencies']
what do you mean wire DIC in bootstrap?
why would that centralized dependencies configuration approach be better though?
AHA - that would make __construct() usable again
$dic = new DIC; $dic->registerService('Db')->addParam('localhost')->…
oh okay
kinda like Symfony does it
so load a bootstrap.php - which the user then can fill in their dependencies
though I find the Symfony DIC cumbersome to configure
@Gordon - you have the experience, what kind of approach do you think will be simpler in configuring DIC?
not only to make the ctor reusable again, but also to make it a POPO again and free it from the dependency on the framework
we don't need to have base classes!
i have no experience with that. actually, object creation is the thing im struggling myself most of the time
I mean, in configuring symfony's DIC - you find it cumbersome, why?
i never used it. i just read the docs and what i read i didnt like
i always want to use it, but then i look at the docs again and think, nah there must be an easier way
$dic->register_dependencies('Foo', array
	'Config' => 'config',
	'Database' => 'database'
Good Morning
@Gordon that REST book you are reading
@Gordon i can haz link
Good morning @ircmaxell !
@Gordon - what do you think of above? is it easier?
Anything new happened since I left for work?
@rickchristie: as we talked about before, I don't think it's too bad. It may intoduce some interesting side-effects, but it's not directly a global state
@ircmaxell - so it should be testable, yes?
many thanks
Well, even global state is kind of testable
posted on April 08, 2011

Popular posts from PHPDeveloper.org for the past week:DZone.com: The PHP frameworks poll results CatsWhoCode.com: 10 super useful PHP snippets DZone.com: Solarium PHP Solr client PHPCodeBase.com: PHP Magic Function : glob() PHPBuilder.com: The PHP Fat-Free Framework: Slim Down Your PHP Development Eric Hogue's Blog: Profiling a PHP Application Smashing Magazine: Image Manipulation With jQuery a

But your implementation should be more testable than that. You may find a few issues that make testing interesting, but it shouldn't be too bad at all...
@Gordon - I'll code it to be centralized. Thanks for the input!
Can I have cvs on stackoverflow.com/questions/5594252/… please? I've asked the OP repeatedly to supply better input, but he's just argueing.
The only thing you may have trouble with in production is garbage collection. Since you have circular dependencies, if I don't want an object to live anymore (to close the db connection lets say), I can't control that without destroying the entire factory. So perhaps add an "unload" method which lets me destroy the instance if I so choose
@rickchristie dont get me wrong though. if your framework is intended as a full stack, then its perfectly fine. it's a good approach.
@Gordon - no, I think it's better that the user have their __construct() back
@ircmaxell - I thought PHP destroys every object after the page finished loading?
@ircmaxell - so in enterprise PHP we have to do our own unloading/garbage collection?
@rickchristie It does, but sometimes I want it destroyed sooner. in fact, I'd argue that objects (especially those wrapping resources) should be destroyed as soon as they are no longer needed...
@edorian I also have RESTful webservices from O'Reilly but cant say anything about it yet
@Gordon I've already made someone order that one
@Gordon It'll do just fine .)
A: Php Destructors

ircmaxellOk, since my last answer apparently didn't hit the mark, let me try this again. There are plenty of resources and examples on the internet for this topic. Doing a bit of searching and browsing other framework's code and you'll see some pretty good examples... Don't forget that just because PHP...

@edorian given that there is a testimonial by that RoR guy on it and the RoR guys just thinking they do REST I'm not sure I wanna read that anymore ;)
@ircmaxell - can you elaborate on the circular referencing thing?
@rickchristie: read that answer I just posted. It kind of goes over what I'm talking about
@rick I'd also try to make the DIC component independent from the MVC framework, so you can reuse it in other frameworks or applications
@Gordon Agree. There shouldn't be much special about it, so if you could make it reusable that would be cool...
posted on April 08, 2011 by Lukas Smith

Even if you don't care about Symfony2 or Silex and instead prefer some other framework, there is stuff to benefit from going on inside the Symfony2 community. Not only are the Symfony2 components all build to also work standalone, but key contributors are also building libraries and tools that should proof useful for the entire PHP ecosystem. For an overview of the components part of Symfony2 I

for inspiration, have a look at Stubbles and the Symfony Compoents DIC
@Gordon I'm perfectly with the illusion of doing rest for the scope of the upcoming project. But I'd like to know what actually is behind the concept before we do it wrong :P
@edorian There's not too much to REST
all it really is in a nut-shell is a stateless HTTP protocol. So each request is 100% independent from the others
@Gordon @ircmaxell - agree, will try to make it less coupled.
@ircmaxell Yeah, the book is for the guy implementing the mobile api and he has never heard of rest before so i at least wanted a nice, little longer, tutorial
@ircmaxell - by 'having resource open' you mean resources like db connection/socket connection, file handler, etc right? Is an object reference a resource?
I can deal with http verbs i guess but it won't hurt having a book around :)
@edorian Ahhh, I got ya
@rickchristie Well, db connections, socket resources, files, sessions, basically anything that communicates outside of PHP land...
@ircmaxell - sessions? not PHP sessions?
Yes PHP sessions
how is PHP session a resource?
they are blocking, so if I want to explicity close it, I should be able to so that I can do stuff in the background while other requests continue
isn't it just a global variable?
@irxmaxell the real idea is to use http as an application protocol instead of a mere transport protocol
@ircmaxell by closing session, do you mean session_destroy()?
Yes, but it has a locking component to prevent 2 simultaneous requests from using the same session at the same time
@rickchristie No, I mean session_write_close()
@ircmaxell - I didn't know about that. Thanks!
Yeah, so if you want to do some background processing after finsihing the request (sending all data to the user), you'd need to issue session_write_close() to prevent blocking on any other requests that are submitted before the post-processing is completed
@Gordon Fair enough
@edorian a warning though: you gonna hate browser vendors and the www once you read the first few pages of the book for deciding that get and post is thats ever needed
@Gordon - you mean hate the W3C?
@rick no. not them
ah, the entire internet
of course
A: Installing Phing & PHPUnit on MAMP

edorianLet my try with what I've come to thing of the "generic phpunit install troubleshooting list". (Never written that down before so i can't link you to anything). First of make sure that pear version reports at least pear 1.9.2. If not: pear install --force pear/pear and check again. Any mess...

op's last comment
anyone any clue why we gets a new terminal?
That is SO beyond me
@rick by now i'm actually convinced that the people at the w3c are ivory towered egg heads but their vision of what the internet can do via http and xhtml is plain awesome
its just that most people are not that far sighted and thus, we get things like html5 instead of namespaces
and browsers that only support two verbs instead of all
@edorian: replied
Why don't we all rewrite the internet?
@Gordon - I think the problem is W3C being funded by boards of companies, W3C should be grassroot funded by web developers / software engineers - just realised how silly this comment is
@ircmaxell thanks
No seriously, I know people know better than using script/style and than inventing link
kinda proudly points to his badge
Congrats @edorian
also i wonder why it shows netbeans (9 points) and not zend-frameworks (with 17)
@edorian - congrats :)
more answers
I see
It sucks, I know
It's fair. It shows what I'm answering the most
not where i score high. So for interest i can see that
yeah, but for a while I didn't show one of my badges since I had far fewer answers in it
ircmaxell, New Jersey, USA
24.9k 2 20 56
well yeah, thats not nice than ofc :)
My upvote average for is far higher than any other of my decent rated tags
Next Tuesday I'm going to do my first technical interview (3h) with a possibly new junior dev. Thats going to be interesing
45 rep per answer on average
Very nice!
Next tuesday I think I'm going to commit job suicide... :-D
@edorian ask him what the difference between an inner and a left join is ;)
183/40 is really nice
is similar at 83:23
is far better at 60:5
@edorian he could relocate to sf too, couldnt he?
I'm not too sure when we'll starting having devs there
@ircmaxell :) Looking forward to hearing how it went
Yeah, it's going to be rather... interesting...
@edorian, @Gordon: did you guys read that? I'm deleting in a few seconds
too quick
ok, copied, pasted and shared via Twitter ;)
I know.
Yeah, so I'm in a bit of a pickle
especially since I definitely feel underpaid right now
let's do a startup and take over the world then
doing what exactly? (I'm all for it, but we need a golden idea) :-D
start -> not sure -> get bought by Google
1. Come up with awesome idea
2. Do a lot of hard work
3. ???
4. Profit!

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