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You're right, I did date('M', strtotime($rsl_suggest[9]) ) and it returned "Apr"
Yeah, date() expects a timestamp (integer).
Hi @markus
@MichaelAngstadt hi
Does anyone know if the mysql service is required for wamp to run correctly? I dont implement any references to it but it eats up additional memory, i was wondering if i can disable it...
@RyanCooper afaik, the answer is no, it's not required
but just disable it and see... you can enable it again any time
@RyanCooper No, I've disabled it myself and everything else works fine.
@Markus Thanks i just didnt know if any of the wamp settings were stored in a db or anything... thanks.
well, open your phpmyadmin and see what's there... wamp settings you won't find any
I've been reading the Apache manual lately trying to get a virtual host to run on my Mac.
I keep getting forbidden errors
And the home page will display, but only if I chmod -R 777 the whole directory.
@MichaelAngstadt which is not a solutions
@markus Yeah I know, that's definitely not what i want to do
how does your vhost configuration look like
I don't have it in front of me...i'm at work
@MichaelAngstadt, why would this not work for the date function?

	while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $qry_suggest ) ) {
			$row[9] = date('D M jS, Y', strtotime($row[9]) );
			array_push($rsl_suggest, $row);
@sadmicrowave What is the value of $row[9]?
@Malek Hi
the 9th field is the TIMESTAMP field we were talking about earlier
What error do you get?
use named fields
do not use numeric arrays
also, don't use array_push, use $rsl_suggest[] = $row (it's more smeantically appropriate IMHO
@sadmicrowave set fetch_assoc
@markus you don't have to, mysql_fetch_array uses both numeric and assoc fields.
so you can do $row['timestamp'] instead of $row[9]... which is impossible to read!
i have stronge problem, when i was working on localhost, the parameters of database connection was (localhost, root, etc), and when i move to a distant server, i have forgot to chnage these parameters to their correspondants of the server, although the parameters still unchanged, i still be able to connect to the database adn work fina
i use a config file for these parameters
use mysql_fetch_assoc
to save memory, etc
@ircmaxell : me ??
@Malek by chance, the root password of the remote db server is the same as your local one... a) bad! b) you shouldn't be using the root account remotely
create a new database user for each project which only has the needed rights for the database(s) of that project
and no global rights
but, for example, in localhost i didn`t have password and i let it empty although the database server has a password
you shouldn't be using root at all
create a limited account, root is only ever for administration
@Malek sounds weird...
try changing some things, set a password locally, create another user locally and try with that, etc.
you'll eventually find out what happened
No, please, may be i didn`t explain well my situation, iam actually in a distant server with real parameters, naturally when i try to access in my code i got errors so that i had to change parameters, however, it let me connect even if i remove parameters from my code
just never use the root account!
@markus yeah that's dangerous
in localhost, if i change a caracter in the user name, it cause me errors, but in the server, even i remove totally the password from my config file, it works fine !!!!!
and try around with your remote server, create new accounts too, etc. check what users are there and what privileges do they have...
if someone steals that information, they can do whatever they want to your system
something is really fubar with your setup
it must not be looking at the config file
all CMS i know use the config file (wordpress for example)
no, there's nothing wrong with using a config file
but if you are changing the auth details in the config file on the server and the server can still connect to the database, then it must not be using that config file to connect to the db
maybe you have multiple copies of the file on the server?
so, would you say that the server may have another source from which he retrieve the connection parameters ?
@Malek yes, you probably have multiple copies of the same config file and it's just not pointing to the right one
or you're editing the wrong one
you said "and it's just not pointing to the right one"
my code point on the right config file
are you sure?
yes very sure
there is nothing that i have to change while i was in local
because my class and my config file are both in the same directories
what are your database connection parameters?
what is the value of DB_HOST?
ok, it's not localhost
you're connecting to another server
well, it could be localhost depending on the hosts file
i didn`t understand ^_^
can you please explain me more
check your host file
are you on linux?
windows Vista
Open C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
with notepad
well, there's your problem :-P
what, i don`t understand, what the matter with this file, iam in a distant server
"mysql5-3.business" might be configured to go to "localhost"
that what i have according to localhost in the hosts file :
what's the line with that address?
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost
::1 localhost
no line for mysql5-3.business?
wait, so what's the problem here
you have two machines: A and B.
Right now, you are on B
B is connecting to mysql5-3.business
What is A connecting to?
Is there any easy way to use a wildcard as a case value in a switch statement?
I can't seem to find any good syntax on how to do this
@sadmicrowave no, there's nothing like that
or is there??
no, a switch case just checks for equality
what about checking for partial equality?
like what?
it would be kinda cool if there was a regex-based switch case
I have several list-items with an incremental integer as part of the id for each item. ie.

<li id='item-" . $i . "'>hello</li>
<li id='item-" . $i . "'>goodbye</li>
<li id='item-" . $i . "'>hello again</li>

I want to use a case statement for li click like so:

    switch( $(this).attr('id') ){
       case 'item-*' :
         do something
oopps my bad, I'm in the wrong room lol - this is javascript
nothing like that in Javascript either i dont think
is $(this).attr('id') a number?
if so, then none of your cases will match because you are checking for a string.
oh nvm
partially, $(this).attr('id') will return 'item-' + n
@sadmicrowave oh i see what you're trying to do
no, you just have to use an if
yea I'm good now, thank though
hello a;;
hi irc
u say
@MichaelAngstadt Yeahhh... it's jQuery
well can anyone help me to rewrite the url in .htaccess
What's your question?
Are you using blog software?
e.g. Wordpress has an option you can change to make it do that
i am working on socialengine4 framework
leaving numbers in makes life a lot easier
well blog is an example if it will be odne with blog then i can also be used with events and groups
RewriteRule ^blog/([0-9-]+)/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$
Should do it
Don't forget RewriteEngine on at the start
yeah i have just types this question n u answered it
ha ha
Sorry :P
no need to say sorry :)
Hey Bad Luck of mine
its not workin
i have written
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^blog/([0-9-]+)/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$
I missed the 's' off blog by accident
you need to rewrite it into something
s ?
your example showed blogs
and yeah I forgot the file too haha
oh yeah
RewriteRule ^blogs/([0-9-]+)/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ /blogs/$3
i have written this
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
	RewriteRule ^blogs/([0-9-]+)/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ /blogs/$3
But not working...again bad luck
is it possible to change already dynamic url into new dynamic url
I have never tried to be honest
It's unlikely
Try and find out what URL is the original URL is being rewritten to
so i think this is the matter that's why its not working...is it..??
what are you trying to do?
where, how and why
for SEO purposes
how..??? well i need help
that's the wrong place
you need to issue the url differently
mod_rewrite handles the incoming urls
BUT I would suggest not worrying about this
then what should i do..???? @ircmaxell
leave it as is
@ircmaxell I cant leav coz my SEO team want numerics/integers to be removed from url
well tell them to bugger off
it doesn't matter
it really doesn't matter
no matter what they think
You have keywords in your URL. That's what's important
not "not having numbers"
focus on your content and presentation.
@ircmaxell I love your display pic
Sorry, but stuff like that pisses me off. People get paid loads of money to focus on the wrong problem. Getting people to your site means basically nothing. What matters is converting them. Making them do something to earn you money (staying on your site, buying something, clicking ads, etc)
Well @ircmaxell its a task given to me..so I dont know why the people think like this..Yeah you are write...
I know
just a rant
hey, what's the best method for handling form data used for a contact e-mail form?
I'm already using htmlspecialchars and tracking the IP address of the user
what do you mean?
eyah exactly what are you trying to do @MattMcDonald
as someone who has had to deal with contact form spam before, how can I best handle it to prevent spam?
the one I use on my site loops through an array of blacklisted ips, and silently fails if an IP is matched
I'm doing another one for a mobile site right now.
use something like Mollom or Akamai
something like akismet for wordpress? I think I read there's a PHP port.
I you are using any framework use hooks to check weather in time intervals
this is really simple PHP, nothing fancy
function filterFormData()
	$data -> name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
	$data -> email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']);
	$data -> title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']);
	$data -> message = htmlspecialchars($_POST['message']);
	$data -> ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	return $data;

function sendMessage($data)
	$data -> message = wordwrap($data -> message, 70);
	$data -> headers = "From: ". $data -> name . " (" . $data -> ip . ") " .  " at " . $data -> email . "\r\n" .
You can use the Moovum library
I think you should time() also
here's the form if you guys want to test it out
not really ;-)
Yey , I have got 256 rep. How nostalgic.
25,324 here :-P
jQuery mobile does form submissions through AJAX by default, which is dumb.
hi roman...
LOL at @Gordon's quote about pink elephants: agiletoolkit.org/nonexistant
i see them too.
hi @GitsD
Submitting forms through AJAX is not dumb.
no, but abuse of it when it's not needed is
@MattMcDonald all the forms in my framework are submitted through AJAX...
of course there is non-ajax fallback. But never had problem.
I like to only use AJAX when it's necessary (IE: fetching live data at a set interval).
I like not to think about it.. Once it's implemented and works it could be either way.
but without ajax there are problem of validation
which is the biggest problem i see, how do you solve that?
what do you mean?
1) you need to validate server side. 2) you want nice error messages without refreshing page
ALWAYS validate server side first
With ajax, you can validate server side and then spit out a output which wil highlight field with error.
I have no problems with returning an error after a redirect from a submission being handled
it's not sexy, but it works.
without ajax, you probably would need to write validation in javascript and php
i actually had a blog post about it agiletoolkit.org/blog/forms
with few sections about ajax.
@ircmaxell are you javascript guru too?
What's the question?
no question, just saw you in JavaScript chat
i think.
I wouldn't call myself a guru, but I can do what I need and then some
yeah, I hang out in JS quite a bit
if you want question, then what's the best way to extend objects in javascript ;)
that again :))
.call(object, argument) or .apply(object, arguments);
call allows you to pass arguments individually, while apply needs them in an array
that was a trick question.
well, you can "extend" or at least mimic it with prototyping
but then again, if you don't know the sequence in which js files are loaded
it kinda sucks.
then there are prototypes...
I still haven't figured out prototypes (coming from an as3 OOP background)
@romaninsh: pedantic note, that's not Javascript, it's jQuery. That's how you extend using jQuery...
prototype is like adding new function to all instances of a class
prototypes are very interesting. A completely different paradigm, but really interesting
@ircmaxell, which is a wrapper for object.fx=function(){ .. }
<script src='a.js'> , then <script src='b.js'> Can b extend a ?
Right, but it only exists if you're using jq. if not, it won't help (so it's a pedantically wrong answer)
what's a and b?
class definition
or something class-like
how are they stored
if as a global variable, sure
dunno. can there be a dependency ?
Sure there can
for example, a.js would do document.x = function(){ .. } then add methods to it.
then b.js assume the document.x exists and add more methods.
what if browser loads b.js first ?
happens all the time
it won't
it has to load in dom order
I'm loading js includes dynamically, so I can't control the order :(
actually... maybe i do.
but i remember having problem with this.
having a function which dynamically adds <script> into head
why the head?
this is where custom events being supported in IE < 9 would be nice
you'd just add a listener to document.documentElement for some event like "SCRIPT_LOADED" with a script param of that filename.
well, what i did is i load them through ajax request
and parsing when they are available
but this way i can have dependencies
include('a.js', [ 'b.js'] )
or even enforce order.
maybe i was doing something wrong, but i had that problem.
in webkit.
use require.js
it'll fire a callback IIRC
seems like something i could have used :) thanks.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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