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8:06 PM
#define true rand()
@EtiennedeMartel Needs % 2.
@DeadMG Not really.
@jalf Haa that hack.
8:08 PM
@jalf facepalm
oh gawd
its terribru
@ScottW It's EndIf!
(Or End If)
@ScottW #define If if ( and #define Then ) {.
@jalf The goggles! They do nothing!
8:10 PM
> An anonymous function is created with a function body consisting only of a multi-line comment.
what the fuck?
@EtiennedeMartel it's almost always non-zero -- coliru.stacked-crooked.com/… results in "execution expired"
I got 454653104
but the point is still valid
@Abyx But not guaranteed. And if it's not....
I sometimes feel like JavaScript and C++ are twins that got separated at birth. Both are so ridiculously messed up at the core, but it manifests itself in different ways
I guess that having it be true most of the time would be even more confusing.
8:12 PM
#ifdef DEBUG
#define true rand()
@DeadMG everyone did.
Coliru caches the output. :P
@EtiennedeMartel No, #ifndef DEBUG would be better.
@DeadMG Right, right.
Enable -std=c++11 only in release mode.
8:13 PM
man I love Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz
it's so amazing <3
Also, reminds me of that: typeof(string).GetField("Empty").SetValue(null, " ");
@EtiennedeMartel #define true (__LINE__ % 2) so it's deterministic, but adding empty lines changes it.
Yeah I like that too
Melancholy Hill is such a feel-good song
@R.MartinhoFernandes and it'll still be a constant expression!
Should cast though.
8:17 PM
@rightfold Yeah, I write the most generic evil code.
he's right, y'know
you need to be tactical about when you introduce it
#define vector list
it's gonna be pretty fuckin' obvious if you include it and then enable_if<true, T> spec happens to be on a false line.
@DeadMG But what about C?
@EtiennedeMartel But fuck C.
8:22 PM
Although that would mean a code base that uses stdbool.h extensively.
Not really worth it.
Wow, I ask crap and people get all excited about it.
is there a boost equivalent of is_any_of that works with anything, not just chars, I want to shorten if (x ==a || x ==b || x ==c)
Tomorrow at college we'll get a subject called "business administration".
that is CEO stuff, MBA
What is CEO and what is MBA?
8:25 PM
MBA is what you get when you're too stupid to get BSc
Here when you don't make it you just get kicked out of college.
@JohanLarsson the latter sounds more uninteresting than Java.
yeah I agree
I think I'll skip class tomorrow.
8:27 PM
It's about Java and I dislike the teacher.
Is she hot?
Is there really no way for you to just take the test? You must know what they are about to teach you already
He isn't, no.
@JohanLarsson No and I don't want to I want my job back and nothing else.
You lost the C# gig?
8:30 PM
@JohanLarsson C# gig?
I though you said you had a job where you wrote C#, is that the one you want back?
why did you lose it
Or just something interesting whatever.
8:31 PM
@DeadMG I went to school.
o ok
<stdin>.dll <stdin>.exe... erm, what the fuck is this.
I would work on days I was free from school but my timetable changed and I was pretty much fucked.
maybe not a poor choice long term
Grind through the first year and hope it gets better
Is it a five year education?
@JohanLarsson I skipped too many exams.
8:33 PM
I won't make it this year.
@rightfold I hear you. This is my senior year at college, and I already have at least one more quarter, plus a summer class.
I don't know how the dutch system works but in Sweden you can take them again a couple of times every year
What's senior year? Last year?
@JohanLarsson Yeah, but not if you skip that too. :D
8:36 PM
Here if you fail/skip a test you can retry once.
then you have to do the entire course again?
@JohanLarsson You get points for each test and project you succeed.
You need at least 60 points to complete the first year.
You can miss 12 first year but then you'll still have to get those in the second year.
Time to install f.lux.
8:39 PM
I used retry to get through both first and second year of university
but third year I was like, "I've gone crazy now."
Do you have a diploma?
A drop-out diploma?
I breezed through my three years without failing once. Really, I don't know how you guys managed to fuck up so much.
Maybe it's just my university that's easy.
8:42 PM
@EtiennedeMartel You don't?
hmmm... if I'm compiling ./src/foo/class.cpp and ./src/bar/class.cpp (ignoring why they have the same name in the first place) I would want to store both object files (if we go with the notion I want to store them) ./obj/foo/class.o and ./obj/bar/class.o ... right?
[x] Diploma, thought school was fun, five years with lots of math
We got maths in college!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nope. Seriously.
You know.
8:43 PM
@thecoshman That's how my build is doing it.
Usually for college you need to have had certain subjects in high school.
Last year they changed CS from "only maths" to "nothing required".
I wonder if boobs is still around.
Yummy boobs.
(The Boo Build System)
8:44 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah... which means I need a way of knowing if a '/' is part of the file name or not...
@EtiennedeMartel It's grating, it's boring, it's painful
@thecoshman I would accept "it isn't" as the right answer.
@CatPlusPlus Cry me a river, weakling.
@R.MartinhoFernandes probably a fair enough limitation :P
What limitation?
8:45 PM
@CatPlusPlus It's depressing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes exactly :P
What is wrong with your schools? The only negative with university was being poor ime
foobar = env option:
    let x = foo
    return x + "bar"
Does not work :(
Macros can only expand to statements, it seems :/
I guess I'll need to fuck up with the compiler.
@JohanLarsson Beats me.
@CatPlusPlus More importantly, it's useless.
8:51 PM
Sweet shit, R# works so well with XAML.
@DeadMG How's your job hunt going?
Fuck the exams, fuck the classes, fuck the bullshit programme, fuck the pointless effort, FUCK UNIVERSITY
@CatPlusPlus fuck the classmates
@EtiennedeMartel Is there a way to save templates or what R# calls snippets for Xaml? I always have too google the syntax for d:DesignInstance...
@rightfold Uh, my friends and classmates was the only thing that lead me through university (that and beer).
@JohanLarsson No idea.
@EtiennedeMartel You can also see that statement in another, more literal way.
8:54 PM
@CatPlusPlus I star it even if I don't agree, star for the hate!
@EtiennedeMartel Work in progress. But then, I spend a lot of it being sick.
I have no friends in college.
@rightfold That explains it.
@Xeo Yeah, I saw that way with @ScottW's message. Figured talking about the other way would make for a more rounded discussion.
Eats 16 Kit Kats in a single day... spends a lot of time sick...
They're nice people but just not the kind of people I can go along with well.
8:55 PM
frankly, the KitKats don't seem to have much impact
KitKats are horrible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, if you take "1 KitKat" as being one of those small bars...
I don't know how it is in Europe, but 'round these parts, kit kats are sold in packs of 4 bars. So I hope it's not 16 packs...
@EtiennedeMartel Same.
8:57 PM
they're sold in 8x small 2-bar thingies.
Why do you eat them?
the short is that I am hungry, but my mother is a stickler for formal meals and won't let me eat if I'm up too late due to being sick
I eat about one Mars a day.
Besides that I eat crisps and that's it.
(When it comes to snacks.)
8:59 PM
Silly merkins.
Chips are potato sticks.
my mother would murder me
1) They're much healthier than KitKats.
2) They're much more tasty than KitKats.
Your mother kills you because you eat healthy food?
9:01 PM
no, because I'd be eating it at the wrong time.
@DeadMG milkyway, mums are always ok with those
@DeadMG: How old are you? I mean, you should respect your parents but there is a line that they should not cross and you should not let them cross.
@DeadMG She's already murdering you this way. :v
9:02 PM
unfortunately, that line only exists after I leave home
Do it :)
which I basically can't because money
I want to learn everything about templates, SFINAE and ADL.
@rightfold Yes, so I'm left with the choice between death and death- great
@ScottW silly merican! Fries are skinny deep fried potato sticks, chips are chunky deep fried potato sticks, crisps are thin slices of potato deep fried, tortilla chips (corn chips, nacho chips) are triangles of tortilla deep fried.
9:03 PM
@rightfold I hear you, dude. Most of the people I hang out with in college are only "friends" with me through the expectation of mutual homework benefits.
Flemish chips are best chips.
@ScottW and calling everything chips isn't?
No one at my school is very friendly, because everyone is too busy working on their own shit to have a social life.
@DeadMG: Get a job and rent a place with some roommates to split the costs?
9:04 PM
#2 would almost be as bad as living at home
and working on #1
Most of the actual friends I've made at my school have either dropped out or don't talk to me anymore.
@rightfold English chips are the only chips in town.
@ShotgunNinja: They were not friends if they do not talk to you anymore. :)
even doing that I'm running out of money
@wilx They do talk to me, but only asking for homework help.
And only the real fuckups ask me for help, because I'm friendly, but not very good with deadlines.
9:08 PM
@ScottW I've been living alone for almost a year now.
It's pathetic, but I blame it on the school's ridiculous pacing.
Before that I spent a few months at my mom's, and before that it was an almost uninterrupted 3 years living alone when I was a student.
I took 6 courses one trimester, and got shingles from all of the late nights spent working. Now I can't even stay up past midnight; my body just physically won't let me.
second year of university was best living arrangement
nice fast internet, one flatmate who I got along well with and was only half actually there anyway, relatively nice place, cheap
@ScottW and you know what's a total mind fuck for you silly mercans, we can comprehend both our native names and your american names! <gasp>
9:11 PM
wat is this, understanding someone else's culture? NEVER
Is there a way to make notepad++ not ask to reload?
@DeadMG good job this isn't... MERCA!
@Pawnguy7 Yes -- don't use it.
@Pawnguy7 Yes. Uninstall Notepad++ and install Sublime Text.
@FredOverflow <3
9:13 PM
@FredOverflow I love them both... can never decide between them.
@ShotgunNinja it's easy, sublime :P
@FredOverflow No way, I was about to post that and then I saw the response on the starboard. I'm always way behind with everything.
@ShotgunNinja Well, as long as none of them suspect cheating, I guess you're fine.
I went with N++ on my workstation because.... it's already installed ;3
@ScottW whut?
I think so, but I seem to have forgotten.
9:15 PM
@ScottW Do you kiss on dates? I'm afraid that would change something, and Dates are supposed to be immutable!
@ScottW we are exposed to american culture (tv shows) a lot more then you are to ours, thus we are comfortable with americanisms
¬_¬ there we go, feel better?
@thecoshman Better? Better.
@rightfold huh?
That commercial is so terribad but it sticks around in your head.
9:19 PM
oooh, snickers
I keep wanting to ask little questions... then remember my own suggestion about
9:22 PM
@thecoshman Remember the usual guidelines: search first, ask if you can't find anything.
@EtiennedeMartel "but it's only a quick question" :P
Shoot first, speak with dead later.
Btw, @thecosh, have you GMed your first game session?
I want knäckebröd.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh yeah! was a long but fun night.
We were no where near well read enough on the rules, and as I expected (and was ok with) I was looked to to know the rules.
How did it go?
9:26 PM
Buy knäckebröd.
There was an entire part of the game, space ship battles, that I had no idea about, so I was like... "erm, let's just skip past this with it all going ok for you, unless you want to sit and wait for me to work out WTF is going on"
With jam.
I also got really confused working out the starting number of wounds, just really badly misread the book.
@rightfold and cucumbers?
@rightfold Make a jam session.
9:27 PM
@thecoshman Ha, yeah, that was probably a good decision. Nothing kills a game quicker than standing around waiting for the GM to get their act together.
@ShotgunNinja well, either.
I don't like mixing jam with anything.
that did result in one guy loosing his leg though...but he likes the idea of having lost it.
@rightfold Fair enough. Jam and cucumbers would be a bad combo anyway.
@rightfold You don't have to mix the jam. That would be a jam jam session.
9:28 PM
@FredOverflow I occasionally ask my printer to kindly make me some knäckebröd with jam, but instead it decides to make paper jam.
But yeah, I need to be A LOT more prepared for the game, like having key NPCs ready to use. And a much better knowledge of the story I want to give them.
@rightfold How do you ask your printer to do that? Or do you mean a man whose job is to print?
@ShotgunNinja knäckebröd with cucumber and Aromat.
@thecoshman Yeaaaah. It takes a lot of time to prepare stuff.
One thing I find tricky though, was getting them to roleplay properly, felt very much like I Was telling a story to them. But sadly, times when they roleplay, I felt I didn't roleplay pack well enough
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, now I need to work up the next story... which I think I will be able to deliver better, as I will of made it all up myself.
9:30 PM
@thecoshman Did they do it among themselves?
@thecoshman You'll get the hang of it ;)
Yeah, why are you not watching MLP?
I just realized why my mouse wasn't working. I didn't plug it in.
@Mysticial Hey, it happens to the best of us.
@R.MartinhoFernandes to a point. One thing I did't expect though, is that they wanted to treat everything they said as 'in character', which when you have this notion only being able to say so much at a time during high action moments, was hard to manage
for example, one of them takes a perception test to see who is shooting from where in a crowded area, and I tell them what the character can work out, but they seem to take it more like I am telling the group, or they automatically tell other characters
Optical mouse on a shiny surface. So I spent about 30 seconds trying to find something "rough" enough for it to work.
Turns out I didn't plug it in...
9:35 PM
I guess I was just expecting them to be more explicit in what the characters are doing
@Mysticial lol
@thecoshman Tell them about it, but don't try to force it on them. It's not easy to dissociate yourself from knowledge you have but your character doesn't.
If you really want to go for it, you could pass around small papers, but that gets weird quickly.
We only used that secret paper business when we were playing Paranoia (where everyone is always trying to kill everyone)
yeah, I don't have the hand writing skills for that
I think one thing I will do next time, is make mini maps to help them see the environments they are in. Just quick scetchs on the fly
I was more in favour of keeping it all verbal, but I don't think that will work with them.
but yeah, importantly, it did seem to be a fun night for people :D
and I know (well, think I know) what I need to do better next time :P
@thecoshman One thing that is really annoying is when someone decides to take an action that is quite silly because they misunderstood the environment. One of my group once almost caused a TPK because he thought some chains were in the wrong place.
@thecoshman Yeah, you should keep notice of what slows down the game, or what parts aren't fun.
9:44 PM
well, I very quickly realised going for very pedantic details was not going to work, so I had be very lack by that. If there was a chain they had to cut through to seal a certain door, they can just "run over to that chain that needs cutting" "right so, but there be all sorts of shit in the way you know"
Is the game you're playing combat-heavy?
it doesn't have to be
We started out with D&D3.5 which is very heavy on that, but later we realised the non-combat parts could be a lot more fun than combat.
@R.MartinhoFernandes RP is almost always way better than combat, especially if you have people that aren't totally socially retarded.
they seem to enjoy the combat situations, but the rules for it are rather detailed, which does seem to make combat a bit slow. Also, some of the weapons are not as powerful as we would expect based on our knowledge of the lore (40k)
9:50 PM
@ShotgunNinja Non-conventional combat scenarios can still be quite fun.
Wow I suck at solving problems :P I just generated a 95-step solution to the River Crossing problem! imgur.com/9pr9an7
@Ell huh? what sort of system did you use the generate that?
there are like what, three things that can be in two positions right? with only 6 possible transitions?
@thecoshman It was a depth first search, I think. I don't even know xD
6 things which can be in two positions
Hmm, now I really want to play Paranoia. That game is the funnest.
Anyway, sleep time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nighty night
9:57 PM
but as each option can be done multiple times, depth first is silly
@R.MartinhoFernandes night
@thecoshman it was just my first go
I was planning to use Dijkstra
but I encountered some difficulties :l
@Ell the diagram looks like a river.
It does

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