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1. Go to sleep
2. Go to work
3. Do nothing but read silly questions and answers all day on SO
4. Eat
5. Sleep since your infusion for digestion combined with digestion itself makes you sleep.
6. SO again.
7. Time to leave. Bye work, hello home!
8. SO chat... + MLP
9. I love kilts.
10. sdegjkinhjd!ki
@LuchianGrigore Misused meme, but nice
@jalf yeah, I put the swedish in instead of the dutch. Thanks. That explains why they "changed everything".
@Morwenn %s/./MLP/g
I don't regex with brain.
No idea what I'm saying anymore, gotta sleep.
Good night.
I have to go to school at 18:40 tomorrow.
Sounds nice.
11:30 here
No it's fucking terrible.
8:00 here.
Much better.
And you complain...
6 hours left to sleep. Not enough.
Don't sleep.
Drink coffee and masturbate.
hm does anyone here by coincence know if odb does the query in background (threaded) to the databse and the memory real-time (like val.set(val.get()+1)) or do I have to make a separate thread for my odb operations to not block the main application?
8:00 - 16:00
@rightfold I don't like masturbating that much. Coffee is ok.
@rightfold masturbation usually cause people to sleep
So you need the coffee to keep you awake, what else did you think my point was?
@Jueecy.new Nah, it takes them to porn sites.
@rightfold why masturbate in the first place?
@rightfold Coffee does not keep my awake anymore.
@Jeffrey Because it's fun.
It's messy.
@Jeffrey Part of our biology.
Couldn't we just have orgasms without some crappy white stuff involved?
I doubt that would achieve their biological purpose
I don't care.
you won't be complaining about that crappy white stuff when without it you could not exist
@DeadMG I wouldn't be complaining then.
but I doubt that you would rather not exist than have to wipe up a little fluid
heh, I hadn't seen the cover of the hyperboleandahalf book yet
@DeadMG I could have been born a woman.
Then you would have to wipe red stuff
you couldn't have been born at all
also, what Jueecy said.
@Jueecy.new Red is ok. I like red.
... and not when you decide to do so.
inb4 pain
Sounds fun enough.
You are just masochist
No unwanted boner anymore /o/
unwanted boners stop once you mature
Seems I'll be young forever.
I wouldn't wish being young on anyone
@DeadMG wait what? Says who?
pretty sure that random boners are just a puberty thing
not that I ever really had a problem with them
They may be a result of not masturbating enough.
I used to get end of exam boners. I'm not even kidding
end of exam is such a great feeling I don't blame you
Ya'll need some serious help. =l
Awkward since we are dismissed row by row in front of everyone :L
@thephd hi!
Did anyone notice?
Did you write a "property" template?
@Jeffrey Only the cutest of girls.
@Ell Yes. But it sucks and C++ sucks.
Oh right
my body pretty much never brought me anything other than pain and misery anyway
@ThePhD utest?
* cutest
@DeadMG here here
sure lol
My body could have been really really worse and I shouldn't be complaining. But I still don't like it.
I wouldn't mind so much if it complained if the rest of the time it gave me other benefits
My body is covered in scars and spots. Which kinda sucks
That almost sounds like a night to share photos.
@DeadMG always demanding. food, water, sleep, peeing. such a waste of time
that stuff I don't care about so much
more like sickness, being fat, being judged due to being fat, etc.
@Jueecy.new I actually wouldn't like to have it any bigger than it is.
and then in exchange for permanent sickness I gain the ability to be alive and be miserable from other sources in any remaining time
not a good deal
@Morwenn do @Jeffrey instead :)
Sounds almost worse.
The only good thing to do now is going to sleep.
Or resuming coding a small raytracer.
But I have a virtual function and I don't like it, so I'll just go to sleep.
hi folks
Does boost have a BTree?
@DeadMG: I wrote a sequence container based on a binary tree and it worked alright, but had a lot of pointer chasing the obvious overhead. So I was going to write a "unrolled' version where each node contains up to 64 elements, but then yesterday people asked me if I was just reinventing the B-tree. Turns out they're quite different, but I'm not sure which I want to write a BTree or a simple "unrolled" binary tree.
BTree has much more memory overhead, but for large amounts of data, much less pointer chasing/paging.
I have no idea what you are talking about
am I the only one here who writes containers?
I write them if I need them
I wrote an octree
@DeadMG you wrote an allocator, I hoped you would understand better than the others :(
but if I require an ordered container, I will use std::map.
@MooingDuck Completely different things.
@DeadMG no, a sequence container. vector/deque/list. Not associative.
when what dafuq do binary trees have to do with this?
MooingDye, the Container Guy
there's no reason to use a btree for a sequence
@DeadMG you can implement sequence containers on binary trees too. binary trees are not only for associative, but I've never seen them used for anything else outside of harddrive formats.
right, but why would you?
they don't possess any desirable properties, except those granted by finding objects via ordering.
@DeadMG well a Binary Tree would have ~log2(N) inserts and seeks. A B-Tree would be ~log64(N) inserts and seeks
right, so it is associative.
@DeadMG what? no
Why do you say it's associative? There's no key!
a std::set is still an associative container.
the key is associated with itself.
and that does not meet the model of a sequence container.
but std::set you can't modify the payload, nor can you quickly seek to the 1000th index. because it does not model the sequence container.
@MooingDuck Nor can you do those things with a B tree.
@DeadMG sure you can
no wait, "partially"
I would hazard a guess that you can't do so with any ordering-based container.
officially a BTree is ordered, but that's not inherent in teh design, that's merely part of the definition.
I'm trying to write a N-ary non-ordered tree.
so a linked list.
@DeadMG ...no
I really don't understand how nobody understands the concept of sequential container implemented on a tree, rather than an associative container.
because there are no desirable properties of doing so.
@DeadMG logN seeks and logN inserts seems desirable.
especially when it's log base 64.
compared to finding the 1000th element in O(1), and not destroying my cache for something like vector or deque
Night all
@Ell I hope it's horrible and you get a major boner and can't sleep.
not to mention
I'm not too familiar with this structure, but I believe that you cannot seek in logarithmic time and support inserting arbitrary values at arbitrary points.
@DeadMG the cache thing was a problem with my first implementation, yes. That's why I'm doing a rewrite that's much more cache friendly. Just haven't decided if it should remain a binary tree or a N-ary tree.
@MooingDuck Right... but you can't remove the cache-unfriendly element, only reduce it.
@DeadMG sure you can. map does it because it's also based on a binary tree.
map does not support inserting arbitrary values at arbitrary points.
you can only insert a value at the point defined by the ordering on it's key.
@DeadMG right, that's true, but doesn't affect binary trees in general.
@DeadMG obviously
@MooingDuck It is true of all structures that order their elements.
and if your elements aren't ordered you can't support logarithmic time lookup.
@DeadMG right, but sequential containers don't order their elements.
@MooingDuck Right, so you can't support logarithmic time lookup.
@DeadMG sure you can, it's just a binary search
@MooingDuck Binary search on what? The elements aren't ordered. You can't binary search a non-ordered sequence.
a binary search only functions on an ordered sequence.
If you have 100 elements, the root is the 50th. If you want the 60th element, you go right. Then you're at the 75th element, go left. You're at the 62nd element, go left again. IRL the numbers aren't quite that perfect, it doesn't balance that strictly, but that's the general concept.
so you've taken an O(1) operation for deque, and then you've given it worse complexity and cache behaviour
@DeadMG and taken an O(N) operation for the deque, and made it O(logN).
@DeadMG O(1) only because the maximum bound is high enough....
@ThePhD Not really. The constant bound can be as low as you want.
I like how you keep flipping between "It can't be done" and "Vector does this one thing better".
so your proposed use case is a sequence container where you continually both iterate into it and mutate it
@DeadMG yes. Very similar to the theoretical use-case for list, except it should be far faster for seeking.
Also, I already have a working one, I'm simply rewriting it to be more cache friendly, and use less memory. I just haven't decided which optimization to do that with.
well, I'm not saying that it does not fill a niche that the other containers do not
but what I am saying is that it seems to me like it requires a bit of a perfect storm to be useful
@DeadMG I don't think it's that narrow. Basically any time you want to insert/remove in the middle of a large sequence container.
the cache realities of doing that are that even if you optimize your container for cache a bit, you'd still have to be doing very large containers to make the performance work out
not to mention the increased time taken to iterate through them
so iteration is not common enough to justify copying the contents out to a more efficient for iterating container, but not rare enough to just use an unrolled linked list, AND you need random access but you don't need O(1) random access
I should write an unrolled linked list while I'm at it
does boost have one?
not that I am aware of
in my experience containers are one of those sections of code where if you're on a very large system you invariably need something highly specialized anyway

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